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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1801" (15)(= 0.02% of all 94754 celebs)

Émile Littré (*Feb 1, 1801) philosopher France FR
Gustav Fechner (*Apr 19, 1801) scientist Germany DE
Hippolyte Bayard (*Jan 20, 1801) photographer France FR
Adolphr Thedore Brongniart
(*Jan 14, 1801)
France FR
Albert Lortzing (*Oct 23, 1801) composer Germany DE
Pierre-Jean Desmet (*Jan 30, 1801) priest Belgium BE
Brigham Young (*Jun 1, 1801) 2nd President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints United States US
Auguste Dumont (*Aug 4, 1801) sculptor France FR
Vincenzo Bellini (*Nov 3, 1801) composer Italy IT
John Henry Newman (*Feb 21, 1801) United Kingdom GB
George Washington Adams
(*Apr 12, 1801)
United States US
Joseph Plateau (*Oct 14, 1801) physicist, scientist Belgium BE
Kristjan Jaak Peterson
(*Mar 14, 1801)
poet, founder of Estonian national literature Latvia LV
Johann Nepomuk Nestroy
(*Dec 7, 1801)
singer, writer, actor, opera singer Austria AT
Johannes Peter Müller
(*Jul 14, 1801)
Germany DE