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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1802" (15)(= 0.02% of all 94754 celebs)

Alexandre Dumas père (*Jul 24, 1802) writer France FR
Victor Hugo (*Feb 26, 1802) writer, poet, novelist, dramatist France FR
Phineas Quimby (*Feb 16, 1802) teacher, philosopher United States US
Wilhelm Hauff (*Nov 29, 1802) writer Germany DE
Nikolaus Lenau (*Aug 13, 1802) writer, poet Hungary HU
Jean-Baptiste Lacordaire
(*May 12, 1802)
priest France FR
Rosina Bulwer Lytton (*Nov 4, 1802) writer Ireland IE
Ferdinand Lindheimer (*May 21, 1802) Germany DE
Félix Dupanloup (*Jan 3, 1802) priest France FR
Antoine Jerome Balard
(*Sep 30, 1802)
chemist France FR
Sara Coleridge (*Dec 23, 1802) writer United Kingdom GB
Antoine Ballard (*Sep 30, 1802) France FR
Adolphe Niel (*Oct 4, 1802) general France FR
Charles de Beriot (*Feb 20, 1802) Belgium BE
Elias Lönnrot (*Apr 9, 1802) writer Finland FI