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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1803" (18)(= 0.02% of all 94752 celebs)

Edgar Quinet (*Feb 17, 1803) writer France FR
John Sutter (*Feb 15, 1803) Switzerland CH
Jean Grandville (*Sep 15, 1803) painter France FR
Auguste Brizeux (*Sep 12, 1803) artist France FR
John II Adams (*Jul 4, 1803) Private Secretary to the President United States US
Lord Bulwer-Lytton (*May 25, 1803) politician United Kingdom GB
Hector Berlioz (*Dec 11, 1803) composer France FR
Prosper Mérimée (*Sep 28, 1803) writer France FR
Justus von Liebig (*May 12, 1803) chemist Germany DE
Titus Salt (*Sep 20, 1803) politician United Kingdom GB
Christian Doppler (*Nov 29, 1803) mathematician, physicist Austria AT
Ludwig Richter (*Sep 28, 1803) painter Germany DE
George Henry Borrow (*Jul 5, 1803) writer United Kingdom GB
Ralph Waldo Emerson (*May 25, 1803) United States US
Adolphe Charles Adam (*Jul 24, 1803) composer France FR
Julien Brizeaux (*Sep 12, 1803) France FR
Orestes Augustus Brownson
(*Sep 16, 1803)
journalist United States US
Paul Huet (*Oct 3, 1803) painter France FR