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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1805" (17)(= 0.02% of all 94744 celebs)

Hans Christian Andersen
(*Apr 2, 1805)
Denmark DK
Marie d'Agoult (*Dec 31, 1805) writer Germany DE
William Hamilton (*Aug 4, 1805) mathematician, physicist Ireland IE
Fanny Mendelssohn (*Nov 14, 1805) composer Germany DE
Victor Baltard (*Jun 19, 1805) architect France FR
Ferdinand de Lesseps (*Nov 19, 1805) diplomat, businessman France FR
Joseph Gratry (*Mar 30, 1805) priest, philosopher France FR
Auguste Gratry (*Mar 30, 1805) priest France FR
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau
(*Feb 11, 1805)
singer United States US
Joseph Smith (*Dec 23, 1805) child of celebrity United States US
Alexis de Tocqueville
(*Jul 29, 1805)
France FR
Peter Köstler (*Dec 10, 1805) priest Germany DE
Henri Delafond (*Feb 13, 1805) physicist France FR
Thomas Renault (*Feb 11, 1805) physicist, scientist France FR
Adolphe Dugléré (*Jun 26, 1805) cook France FR
Nestor Roqueplan (*Sep 14, 1805) director France FR
Adalbert Stifter (*Oct 23, 1805) writer Czech Republic CZ