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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1807" (15)(= 0.02% of all 94756 celebs)

Giuseppe Garibaldi (*Jul 4, 1807) general, politician, nationalist France FR
John Greenleaf Whittier
(*Dec 17, 1807)
writer United States US
Narcisse Diaz de la Pena
(*Aug 20, 1807)
painter France FR
Jules Pelouze (*Feb 26, 1807) chemist France FR
Charles Francis Adams Sr.
(*Aug 18, 1807)
politician United States US
Louis Agassiz (*May 28, 1807) Switzerland CH
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(*Feb 27, 1807)
writer, translator, poet United States US
Johann Wilhelm Schirmer
(*Sep 5, 1807)
artist Germany DE
Friedrich Vischer (*Jun 30, 1807) philosopher Germany DE
Jules Grévy (*Aug 15, 1807) president France FR
Robert Blum (*Nov 10, 1807) writer, politician Germany DE
Heinrich Matthias Zopfl
(*Apr 6, 1807)
writer Germany DE
Raphael II (*May 28, 1807) astrologer United Kingdom GB
Robert E. Lee (*Jan 19, 1807) general United States US
Ernest Legouvé (*Feb 15, 1807) France FR