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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1825" (13)(= 0.01% of all 94754 celebs)

Friedrich Bayer (*Jun 6, 1825) chemist, entrepreneur, founder of company Bayer AG Germany DE
Florimond Hervé (*Jun 30, 1825) painter France FR
Benedetto Cairoli (*Jan 28, 1825) politician Italy IT
Jean-Martin Charcot (*Nov 29, 1825) French doctor, founder of Neurology and Psychiatry France FR
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
(*Oct 11, 1825)
poet Switzerland CH
Charles Garnier (*Nov 6, 1825) architect France FR
Balduin Möllhausen (*Jan 27, 1825) writer Germany DE
Auguste Arnaud (*Aug 22, 1825) artist France FR
Eugenie Marlitt (*Dec 5, 1825) writer Germany DE
Henri Bornier (*Dec 24, 1825) writer France FR
Thomas Huxley (*May 4, 1825) doctor United Kingdom GB
Hugh Grosvenor (*Oct 13, 1825) politician United Kingdom GB
Charles Lavigerie (*Oct 31, 1825) priest France FR