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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1827" (20)(= 0.02% of all 94754 celebs)

Henriette Schrader-Breymann
(*Sep 14, 1827)
teacher Germany DE
Francisque Sarcey (*Oct 8, 1827) journalist France FR
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux
(*May 11, 1827)
painter, sculptor France FR
Pierre Cuypers (*May 16, 1827) architect Netherlands NL
Charles de Coster (*Aug 20, 1827) Germany DE
Isidore-Jules Bonheur
(*May 15, 1827)
artist France FR
Jean Albert Gaudry (*Sep 15, 1827) France FR
Paul Challemel-Lacour
(*Aug 19, 1827)
France FR
Franz Hermann Reinhold Frank
(*Mar 25, 1827)
Germany DE
Oswald Achenbach (*Feb 2, 1827) artist Germany DE
Maxime Lalanne (*Nov 27, 1827) designer France FR
Henri Rivière (*Jul 12, 1827) writer France FR
Jean Antoine Villemin
(*Jan 24, 1827)
physicist France FR
Ernest Candaze (*Feb 22, 1827) physicist Belgium BE
Louis Ratisbonne (*Jul 29, 1827) France FR
Ferdinand Fabre (*Jun 9, 1827) writer France FR
Ellen Gould White (*Nov 26, 1827) writer United States US
Lew Wallace (*Apr 10, 1827) general United States US
Sri Sumangala (*Jan 20, 1827) priest Sri Lanka LK
Joseph Lister (*Apr 5, 1827) physicist United Kingdom GB