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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1831" (21)(= 0.02% of all 94752 celebs)

Duke Ludwig Wilhelm in Bavaria
(*Jun 21, 1831)
Duke in Bavaria Germany DE
James Clerk Maxwell (*Jun 13, 1831) physicist United Kingdom GB
James Garfield (*Nov 19, 1831) 20th President of the United States United States US
Helena Blavatsky (*Aug 12, 1831) psychic, philosopher, journalist, founder of the Theosophical Society Ukraine UA
Wilhelm Raabe (*Sep 8, 1831) writer Germany DE
Hedwig Dohm (*Sep 20, 1831) writer Germany DE
John Morrissey (*Feb 5, 1831) politician Ireland IE
Constantin Emile Meunier
(*Apr 12, 1831)
painter Belgium BE
Siegfried Marcus (*Sep 18, 1831) inventor, automotive pioneer Germany DE
Alexandre Falguière (*Sep 7, 1831) sculptor France FR
Friedrich von Bodelschwingh
(*Mar 6, 1831)
theologian Germany DE
Richard Dedekin (*Oct 6, 1831) mathematician Germany DE
Anna Alcott (*Mar 16, 1831) writer United States US
Alfred Terquem (*Jan 30, 1831) physicist France FR
Hendrik Willem Mesdag
(*Feb 23, 1831)
Netherlands NL
Henri Meilhac (*Feb 21, 1831) scriptwriter France FR
Amelia Barr (*Mar 29, 1831) writer United Kingdom GB
Louisa Catherine Adams Kuhn
(*Aug 13, 1831)
United States US
Isabel Burton (*Mar 20, 1831) United Kingdom GB
Nikolai Leskov (*Feb 16, 1831) novelist, short-story writer, playwright, journalist Russia RU
Philip Webb (*Jan 12, 1831) architect United Kingdom GB