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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1832" (22)(= 0.02% of all 94696 celebs)

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
(*Dec 8, 1832)
writer Norway NO
Louisa May Alcott (*Nov 29, 1832) writer United States US
Lewis Carroll (*Jan 27, 1832) writer, mathematician United Kingdom GB
Édouard Manet (*Jan 23, 1832) painter France FR
Louis Paul Cailletet (*Sep 21, 1832) physicist France FR
H. S. Olcott (*Aug 2, 1832) United States US
Charles Friedel (*Mar 12, 1832) chemist France FR
Wilhelm Wundt (*Aug 16, 1832) doctor Germany DE
Gustave Eiffel (*Dec 15, 1832) architect France FR
Nikolaus Otto (*Jun 14, 1832) Germany DE
Jules Ferry (*Apr 5, 1832) politician, lawyer France FR
William Crookes (*Jun 17, 1832) physicist, chemist United Kingdom GB
Gustave Paul Doré (*Jan 6, 1832) artist France FR
Wilhelm Busch (*Apr 14, 1832) painter Germany DE
Horatio Alger (*Jan 13, 1832) writer United States US
Gustave Droz (*Jun 9, 1832) painter France FR
Joseph M. Wade (*Mar 7, 1832) businessman United Kingdom GB
William Le Baron Jenney
(*Sep 25, 1832)
architect United States US
Josef Lev (*May 1, 1832) composer, singer, opera singer, teacher Czech Republic CZ
José Echegaray (*Apr 19, 1832) writer, mathematician, politician Spain ES
Emile Gaboriau (*Nov 9, 1832) writer France FR
Hermene Bustos (*Apr 14, 1832) artist Mexico MX