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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1854" (38)(= 0.04% of all 94754 celebs)

MacGregor Mathers (*Jan 8, 1854) occultist, Mason, founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden dawn United Kingdom GB
Oscar Wilde (*Oct 16, 1854) writer Ireland IE
Pope Benedict XV (*Nov 21, 1854) 258th Pope Italy IT
Arthur Rimbaud (*Oct 20, 1854) writer, poet France FR
John Philip Sousa (*Nov 6, 1854) conductor United States US
William Henry Drummond
(*Apr 13, 1854)
poet Ireland IE
Paul Sabatier (*Nov 5, 1854) France FR
Charles Leadbeater (*Feb 16, 1854) United Kingdom GB
Ludwig Pastor (*Jan 31, 1854) diplomat Germany DE
Alfred Friedrich Krupp
(*Feb 17, 1854)
politician Germany DE
Jean-Marie Guyau (*Oct 28, 1854) philosopher France FR
Paul Natorp (*Jan 24, 1854) teacher, philosopher Germany DE
Maud Howe Elliott (*Nov 9, 1854) writer United States US
Charles Fillmore (*Aug 22, 1854) United States US
Louis Lyautey (*Nov 17, 1854) France FR
F. W. Lacey (*Mar 26, 1854) astrologer United Kingdom GB
Georg Kerschensteiner
(*Jul 29, 1854)
Germany DE
Eusapia Paladino (*Jan 20, 1854) physicist Italy IT
Lady Randolph Churchill
(*Jan 9, 1854)
United States US
Hugo Thimig (*Jun 16, 1854) actor Germany DE
Ottmar Mergenthaler (*May 11, 1854) Germany DE
Ignát Herrmann (*Aug 12, 1854) writer Czech Republic CZ
James Frazer (*Jan 1, 1854) United Kingdom GB
Albert G. Edelfelt (*Jul 21, 1854) painter Finland FI
Peter Hille (*Sep 11, 1854) writer Germany DE
Pierre Barbier (*Oct 30, 1854) France FR
Bernard Zweers (*May 18, 1854) composer Netherlands NL
Guillaume Charlier (*Aug 2, 1854) sculptor Belgium BE
Fomalhaut (*May 3, 1854) astrologer, writer France FR
Mary Garrett (*Mar 5, 1854) United States US
Leoš Janáček (*Jul 3, 1854) composer, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
J. Henri Poincare (*Apr 29, 1854) mathematician, physicist France FR
Horatio Brown (*Feb 16, 1854) writer France FR
Birt Acres (*Jul 23, 1854) director United States US
Anna Čermáková-Dvořáková
(*Jun 17, 1854)
composer, singer Czech Republic CZ
Herrmann (*Aug 12, 1854) writer Czech Republic CZ
Bernhard Buchbinder (*Jul 6, 1854) scriptwriter Hungary HU
Charles Haigh-Wood (*May 9, 1854) painter, artist United Kingdom GB