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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1859" (57)(= 0.06% of all 94760 celebs)

Hugo Junkers (*Feb 3, 1859) engineer, aerospace engineer, inventor, industrialist Germany DE
L. L. Zamenhof (*Dec 15, 1859) ophthalmologist, founder and creator of the language Esperanto Poland PL
Georges Seurat (*Dec 2, 1859) painter France FR
Pierre Curie (*May 15, 1859) physicist, chemist France FR
Alfred Dreyfus (*Oct 9, 1859) French officer, falsely accused and convicted of high treason France FR
Billy the Kid (*Nov 23, 1859) United States US
Constance Lloyd (*Jan 2, 1859) writer, wife of Oscar Wilde Ireland IE
Arthur Conan Doyle (*May 22, 1859) writer United Kingdom GB
Jerome Klapka Jerome (*May 2, 1859) writer United Kingdom GB
Kaiser Wilhelm II (*Jan 27, 1859) German Emperor, King of Prussia Germany DE
Alexandre Millerand (*Feb 10, 1859) president France FR
Gustave Kahn (*Dec 21, 1859) poet France FR
Anatole Le Braz (*Apr 2, 1859) writer France FR
Alfred Edward Housman
(*Mar 26, 1859)
poet United Kingdom GB
Henri Bergson (*Oct 18, 1859) philosopher France FR
Robert Demachy (*Jul 7, 1859) photographer France FR
Jeune Rosny (*Jul 21, 1859) writer Belgium BE
Paul-Cesar Helleu (*Dec 17, 1859) artist France FR
Christian Ehrenfels (*Jun 20, 1859) philosopher Austria AT
Pierre de Nolhac (*Dec 15, 1859) writer France FR
Jan Ligthart (*Jan 11, 1859) Teacher and Philosopher Netherlands NL
Camille Chevillard (*Oct 14, 1859) composer France FR
Charles August Lindbergh
(*Jan 20, 1859)
politician Sweden SE
Victor Herbert (*Feb 1, 1859) composer Ireland IE
Jean Jaurès (*Sep 3, 1859) philosopher France FR
John Dewey (*Oct 20, 1859) psychologist, teacher, philosopher United States US
Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam
(*Jul 6, 1859)
poet, novelist Sweden SE
Knut Hamsun (*Aug 4, 1859) novelist Norway NO
Constantin Nottara (*Jun 5, 1859) actor Romania RO
Virginia Ross (*Jul 4, 1859) Unknown XX
George Sutcliffe (*Mar 21, 1859) United Kingdom GB
Eugène-Louis Doyen (*Dec 16, 1859) France FR
Henri Leon Emile Lavedan
(*Apr 9, 1859)
France FR
Edmund Husserl (*Apr 8, 1859) philosopher Czech Republic CZ
E. H. Sothern (*Dec 6, 1859) actor United States US
Thomas Crahan (*Dec 26, 1859) director Unknown XX
Leela Bryan Davis (*Nov 7, 1859) United States US
Kenneth Grahame (*Mar 8, 1859) writer United Kingdom GB
Alfred Hettner (*Aug 6, 1859) philosopher Germany DE
Jacques Loeb (*Apr 7, 1859) Germany DE
Marshall P. Wilder (*Sep 19, 1859) actor United States US
Eduard Cuypers (*Apr 18, 1859) architect Netherlands NL
Ödön Uher ifj. (*Jun 15, 1859) director Hungary HU
Vilém Weiss (*Oct 14, 1859) actor Czech Republic CZ
A. M. Willner (*Jul 11, 1859) scriptwriter Austria AT
Sholom Aleichem (*Feb 18, 1859) Unknown XX
Jane Walker (*Oct 24, 1859) United Kingdom GB
Charles-Lucien Lépine
(*Mar 3, 1859)
director France FR
James Guthrie (*Jun 10, 1859) artist United Kingdom GB
Timofey Mikhaylov (*Jan 22, 1859) Russia RU
Edouard Michelin (*Jun 23, 1859) France FR
Karl Ludwig Schleich (*Jul 19, 1859) writer Poland PL
Sylvester Z. Poli (*Dec 31, 1859) Italy IT
Havelock Ellis (*Feb 2, 1859) physicist United Kingdom GB
Peter Altenberg (*Mar 9, 1859) writer Austria AT
Karel Václav Rais (*Jan 4, 1859) writer Czech Republic CZ
Camille Jullian (*Mar 15, 1859) France FR