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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTH YEAR: 1862" (74)(= 0.08% of all 94760 celebs)

Adolphe Francois Appia
(*Sep 1, 1862)
architect, designer Switzerland CH
Auguste Lumière (*Oct 19, 1862) director, actor, one of the first filmmakers France FR
Gustav Klimt (*Jul 14, 1862) painter, artist Austria AT
Claude Debussy (*Aug 22, 1862) composer France FR
Nicholas Butler (*Apr 2, 1862) philosopher United States US
Maurice Barrés (*Aug 19, 1862) writer, journalist France FR
Maurice Maeterlinck (*Aug 29, 1862) writer, poet Belgium BE
Georges Feydeau (*Dec 8, 1862) playwright France FR
O. Henry (*Sep 11, 1862) writer United States US
Gerhart Hauptmann (*Nov 15, 1862) writer Poland PL
John Fox Jr. (*Dec 16, 1862) writer, journalist United States US
Andrew Fisher (*Aug 29, 1862) politician United Kingdom GB
Albert Schrenk-Notzing
(*May 18, 1862)
psychologist Germany DE
Alphons Diepenbrock (*Sep 2, 1862) composer Netherlands NL
Aristide Briand (*Mar 28, 1862) politician France FR
Leon Boellmann (*Sep 25, 1862) musician France FR
John Wagenaar (*Nov 1, 1862) composer Netherlands NL
David Hilbert (*Jan 23, 1862) mathematician Russia RU
Frederick Delius (*Jan 29, 1862) composer United Kingdom GB
Henri Pirenne (*Dec 23, 1862) Belgium BE
Édouard Estaunié (*Feb 4, 1862) writer France FR
Marcel Prevost (*May 1, 1862) writer France FR
Rene Ghil (*Sep 27, 1862) poet France FR
Charles-Lucien Leandre
(*Jul 23, 1862)
painter France FR
Charles Evans Hughes (*Apr 11, 1862) politician United States US
Emilio Salgari (*Aug 21, 1862) writer Italy IT
William Henry Bragg (*Jul 2, 1862) scientist United Kingdom GB
Vojtěch Rakous (*Dec 8, 1862) writer Czech Republic CZ
Carrie Clark Ward (*Jan 9, 1862) actress United States US
Émile Fourquet (*Sep 8, 1862) France FR
Edward Elkas (*Feb 8, 1862) actor United States US
Teodor Roland (*Jul 7, 1862) actor Poland PL
Ethelbert Nevin (*Nov 25, 1862) composer United States US
Arthur Schnitzler (*May 15, 1862) writer, scriptwriter Austria AT
F. T. Allen (*Nov 2, 1862) astrologer, writer United States US
Charles M. Schwab (*Feb 18, 1862) businessman United States US
Theodor Ziehen (*Nov 12, 1862) Germany DE
Zim Zimmerman (*May 25, 1862) writer, painter Switzerland CH
Paul Adam (*Dec 7, 1862) writer France FR
Louis Le Cardonnel (*Feb 25, 1862) priest France FR
John Merrick (*Aug 5, 1862) United Kingdom GB
Antonín Marek (*May 2, 1862) actor Czech Republic CZ
Emil Kolben (*Nov 1, 1862) businessman Czech Republic CZ
Percy Fitzpatrick (*Jul 24, 1862) writer South Africa ZA
Roelf Takens (*Oct 2, 1862) astrologer, writer Netherlands NL
Carrie Jacobs Bond (*Aug 11, 1862) writer United States US
Connie Mack (*Dec 22, 1862) baseball player United States US
Josef Javorčák (*Jan 6, 1862) actor Czech Republic CZ
Louis Barthou (*Aug 25, 1862) actor France FR
Otis Turner (*Nov 29, 1862) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Hubert Gordon Schauer
(*Oct 27, 1862)
writer Czech Republic CZ
Hyacinthe Jean Vincent
(*Dec 22, 1862)
physicist France FR
Karl Emil Ståhlberg (*Nov 30, 1862) director, scriptwriter Finland FI
Ernest Bozzano (*Jan 9, 1862) writer Italy IT
Fernand Salkin (*Jun 27, 1862) painter France FR
Johanna Bonger (*Oct 4, 1862) the wife of the art dealer Theo van Gogh Netherlands NL
Franz Albert Aleksandrovits Seyn
(*Jul 27, 1862)
general Unknown XX
Florence Maybrick (*Sep 3, 1862) United States US
Edward Westermarch (*Nov 20, 1862) writer Finland FI
Maurice Mooris Maeterlinck
(*Jul 29, 1862)
writer, poet Belgium BE
Lewis Weston (*Dec 27, 1862) astrologer United States US
Betsy van Vloten (*Jul 12, 1862) painter Netherlands NL
Gabriela Preissová (*Mar 23, 1862) writer Czech Republic CZ
Bohumil Benoni (*Feb 25, 1862) actor Czech Republic CZ
Charles Herbais de Thun
(*Oct 12, 1862)
astrologer France FR
Victorin Jasset (*Mar 30, 1862) France FR
Emile Male (*Jun 2, 1862) France FR
Marie Henri Andoyer (*Oct 1, 1862) mathematician France FR
Joseph Bruce Ismay (*Dec 12, 1862) businessman, chairman and managing director of the White Star Line United Kingdom GB
Teuvo Pakkala (*Apr 9, 1862) writer, actor, director, scriptwriter Finland FI
Joseph Dechelette (*Jan 8, 1862) France FR
Popelka Biliánová (*Jan 27, 1862) writer, journalist Czech Republic CZ
Alexandr Valentinovič Amfitěatrov
(*Dec 26, 1862)
writer, journalist Russia RU
Friedrich Meinecke (*Oct 30, 1862) Germany DE