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Famous People - Astro database (94.754 celebrity charts and 330.534 movies)

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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDATE: 1 OCTOBER 1950" (9)(= 0.01% of all 94754 celebs)

Dom Christophe Lebreton
(*Oct 1, 1950)
priest, Trappist, victim of murder France FR
Randy Quaid (*Oct 1, 1950) actor United States US
Marco Tullio Giordana
(*Oct 1, 1950)
actor, director, scriptwriter Italy IT
Craig Gardner (*Oct 1, 1950) actor, director United States US
Elia Cmiral (*1950) composer, actress CZSK CE
Natalia Nogulich (*Oct 1, 1950) actress United States US
Sidney Kean (*Oct 1, 1950) actor United Kingdom GB
Jeane Manson (*Oct 1, 1950) actress United States US
Luigino Negro (*Oct 1, 1950) Italy IT