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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 12 FEBRUARY" (293)(= 0.31% of all 94754 celebs)

January Brunov (*Feb 12, 1964) actor Poland PL
Lennox Brown (*Feb 12, 1966) actor Jamaica JM
Ryan Conner (*Feb 12, 1971) porn actress United States US
Owen Nolan (*Feb 12, 1972) ice hockey player Ireland IE
Ron Killings (*Feb 12, 1973) actor, wrestler United States US
Tomáš Racek (*1974) actor Czech Republic CZ
Michael Bower (*Feb 12, 1975) actor United States US
Ola Halén (*Feb 12, 1977) singer Unknown XX
Edsilia Rombley (*Feb 12, 1978) actress Netherlands NL
Juan Carlos Ferrero (*Feb 12, 1980) tennis player Spain ES
Jesse Hutch (*Feb 12, 1981) actor Canada CA
Kaitlyn Walker (*Feb 12, 1981) actress United States US
Chuck Hittinger (*Feb 12, 1983) actor Brazil BR
Karel Kludský (*1985) actor, dancer Czech Republic CZ
Abril Schreiber (*Feb 12, 1987) actress, model Venezuela VE
Jérémy Chardy (*Feb 12, 1987) tennis player France FR
Greta Salpeter (*Feb 12, 1988) guitarist, singer United States US
Pavel Callta (*1989) musician, singer Czech Republic CZ
Nikola Provazníková (*1992) model Czech Republic CZ
Shane Baumel (*Feb 12, 1997) actor United States US
Joseph Alioto (*Feb 12, 1916) lawyer United States US
Karin Aparo (*Feb 12, 1971) United States US
Jacques Ayotte (*Feb 12, 1942) physicist, scientist Canada CA
John Perkins Barrymore
(*Feb 12, 1926)
United States US
Heinz Werner Baumann (*Feb 12, 1928) actor Germany DE
Max Beckmann (*Feb 12, 1884) painter Germany DE
André Bellec (*Feb 12, 1914) singer France FR
Jack N. Berkman (*Feb 12, 1905) United Kingdom GB
Arturo Bocchini (*Feb 12, 1880) Italy IT
Robert Boothby (*Feb 12, 1900) politician United Kingdom GB
Joop Cantor (*Feb 12, 1913) musician Netherlands NL
Thomas Capra (*Feb 12, 1941) United States US
Alexander Carlile (*Feb 12, 1948) politician United Kingdom GB
Al Cervi (*Feb 12, 1917) athlete United States US
Francis Coeuret (*Feb 12, 1931) boxer France FR
Guy Cudell (*Feb 12, 1917) politician Belgium BE
Lycette Darsonval (*Feb 12, 1912) France FR
Louis Deibler (*Feb 12, 1823) France FR
Dell Demps (*Feb 12, 1970) basketball player United States US
Jean Effel (*Feb 12, 1908) cartoonist France FR
Walter Frank (*Feb 12, 1905) Germany DE
Marcel Gili (*Feb 12, 1914) painter, sculptor France FR
Michel Gomme (*Feb 12, 1956) France FR
Anne-Caroline Graffe (*Feb 12, 1986) French Polynesia PF
Lothaire Grossmann (*Feb 12, 1943) France FR
Forsyth Hardy (*Feb 12, 1910) United Kingdom GB
Tenzin Ösel Hita (*Feb 12, 1985) Spain ES
Tonia Kwiatkowski (*Feb 12, 1971) United States US
John L. Lewis (*Feb 12, 1880) United States US
Daniele Masala (*Feb 12, 1955) Italy IT
Joan Mitchell (*Feb 12, 1925) painter United States US
Nadine Monfils (*Feb 12, 1953) writer Belgium BE
Ernesto Ornati (*Feb 12, 1932) painter, sculptor Italy IT
Peter Palandjian (*Feb 12, 1964) United States US
Steven Earl Parent (*Feb 12, 1951) victim of murder United States US
Anna Pavlova (*Feb 12, 1881) Russia RU
Edouard Pignon (*Feb 12, 1905) artist France FR
Scot Pollard (*Feb 12, 1975) basketball player United States US
Bangalore S. Rao (*Feb 12, 1856) astrologer India IN
Christopher Reardon (*Feb 12, 1972) United States US
Peter Charles Snape (*Feb 12, 1942) politician United Kingdom GB
Arlen Specter (*Feb 12, 1930) politician United States US
Harry K. Thaw (*Feb 12, 1871) United States US
Marc R. Von Wyss (*Feb 12, 1931) Switzerland CH
Bryan Matthew Wagner (*Feb 12, 1992) United States US
William Wegman (*Feb 12, 1943) photographer United States US
Gerard Zerbi (*Feb 12, 1950) France FR
Martin Berkovec (*1989) soccer player Czech Republic CZ
Jonas Hiller (*Feb 12, 1982) Switzerland CH
Radek Philipp (*Feb 12, 1977) ice hockey player Unknown XX
Matěj Pravda (*1992) Czech Republic CZ
Martin Psohlavec (*1981) soccer player Czech Republic CZ
Michal Sládeček (*1980) Slovakia SK
Róbert Zeher (*1985) soccer player Slovakia SK
Jiří Zeman (*1982) ice hockey player Czech Republic CZ
Ilias Glykofridis (*Feb 12, 1912) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Greece GR
Josef Vondruška (*1948) Member of Parliament Czech Republic CZ
Joe Dever (*Feb 12, 1956) writer United Kingdom GB
Marcella Marboe (*1946) writer Czech Republic CZ
Stephanie Edmonds (*Feb 12, 1984) Unknown XX
Max Hodge (*Feb 12, 1916) United States US
Jocelyn Jayden (*Feb 12, 1986) United States US
Dorothy Kelly (*Feb 12, 1894) Unknown XX
Trixie Kelly (*Feb 12, 1984) Unknown XX
Ottó Móni (*Feb 12, 1934) Hungary HU
Barry Trivers (*Feb 12, 1907) Egypt EG
Enric Miralles (*Feb 12, 1955) architect Spain ES
Giovanni Muzio (*Feb 12, 1893) architect Italy IT
Elizabeth Falkner (*Feb 12, 1966) presenter, businesswoman, cook United States US
Aarón Sanchez (*Feb 12, 1976) presenter, cook United States US
Sophie Zelmani (*Feb 12, 1972) folk singer, songwriter Sweden SE
Elle Varner (*Feb 12, 1987) American singer United States US
Öner Döşer (*Feb 12, 1966) Turkish astrologer, founder of an international astrology school Turkey TR
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