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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 16 JUNE" (246)(= 0.26% of all 94754 celebs)

Nicholas Di Marzio (*Jun 16, 1944) priest United States US
Christiane Eisler-Mertz
(*Jun 16, 1927)
actress Czech Republic CZ
Louis Gabrillargues (*Jun 16, 1914) soccer player France FR
Alain Gillot-Petre (*Jun 16, 1950) France FR
Paul Gourvennec (*Jun 16, 1938) France FR
Katherine Graham (*Jun 16, 1917) United States US
Darrell Griffith (*Jun 16, 1958) basketball player United States US
Lee Johnson (*Jun 16, 1957) athlete Unknown XX
Isabelle Koch (*Jun 16, 1957) France FR
Robert Paul Kraft (*Jun 16, 1927) United States US
Hank Luisetti (*Jun 16, 1916) athlete United States US
Fabio Maj (*Jun 16, 1970) skier Italy IT
Lucas Mazières (*Jun 16, 1993) France FR
Lady Ottoline Morrell
(*Jun 16, 1873)
United Kingdom GB
Nerio Nesi (*Jun 16, 1915) Italy IT
Filippo Palizzi (*Jun 16, 1818) painter Italy IT
Jean Pierre Peugeot (*Jun 16, 1896) businessman France FR
James Randall (*Jun 16, 1929) composer United States US
James P. Riva (*Jun 16, 1957) United States US
Wayne Rollins (*Jun 16, 1955) athlete United States US
Alberta Elaine Schambert
(*Jun 16, 1936)
United States US
Shawnelle Scott (*Jun 16, 1972) basketball player United States US
Lester Steers (*Jun 16, 1917) athlete United States US
Saigon (*Jun 16, 1978) singer United States US
Jan Železný (*1966) athlete Czech Republic CZ
Pilar Ayuso (*Jun 16, 1942) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Spain ES
Simon Coveney (*Jun 16, 1972) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Ireland IE
Věra Jakubková (*Jun 16, 1964) Member of Parliament Unknown XX
Ivana Levá (*Jun 16, 1950) Member of Parliament Unknown XX
Vladimír Šoltys (*1951) Member of Parliament Czech Republic CZ
Josef Kopta (*Jun 16, 1894) writer, journalist, poet Czech Republic CZ
Věra Ludíková (*1943) writer, poet Czech Republic CZ
Milena Lukešová (*Jun 16, 1922) writer Czech Republic CZ
Jonathan Brody (*Jun 16, 1963) United States US
Rebecca Curci (*Jun 16, 1973) United States US
Gregory Goodman (*Jun 16, 1959) United States US
Gary Guidry (*Jun 16, 1973) United States US
Matthias Jung (*Jun 16, 1978) Unknown XX
Wieslawa Kwasniewska (*Jun 16, 1933) Poland PL
Erna Lazarus (*Jun 16, 1903) United States US
Juraj Červenák (*1974) writer Slovakia SK
Lilly Reich (*Jun 16, 1885) architect, designer Germany DE
Simon Bailey (*Jun 16, 1955) writer, priest United Kingdom GB
Arthur Pierson (*Jun 16, 1901) actor, director, scriptwriter Norway NO
Jürgen Klopp (*Jun 16, 1967) manager of Premier League club Liverpool, former football player Germany DE
Theo Thijssen (*Jun 16, 1879) Writer, Teacher, socialist Politician Netherlands NL
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