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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 22 MAY" (253)(= 0.27% of all 94742 celebs)

Emile Delmine (*May 22, 1927) boxer Belgium BE
Pedro Paulo Diniz (*May 22, 1970) actor Brazil BR
Arni Egilsson (*May 22, 1939) composer Iceland IS
Vaughn Eshelman (*May 22, 1969) baseball player United States US
Don Estelle (*May 22, 1937) actor United Kingdom GB
Irène Frain (*May 22, 1950) writer France FR
Niccolo Galli (*May 22, 1983) soccer player Italy IT
Frank Geney (*May 22, 1979) actor Germany DE
Tashi Grady (*May 22, 1954) astrologer, author Canada CA
C. Johnson (*May 22, 1969) Unknown XX
Marsha Joyner (*May 22, 1938) United States US
Hew Lorimer (*May 22, 1907) United Kingdom GB
Michele Lynch (*May 22, 1959) United States US
Sergio Marchi (*May 22, 1920) soccer player Italy IT
Jose Mesa (*May 22, 1966) baseball player Dominican Republic DO
Charles Moore Jr. (*May 22, 1928) United States US
John Morrison (*May 22, 1906) writer United Kingdom GB
Mashiro Nakazono (*May 22, 1918) Japan JP
Gamaliel Onosode (*May 22, 1933) Nigeria NG
Ernest Oppenheimer (*May 22, 1880) Germany DE
Vance Packard (*May 22, 1914) writer, journalist United States US
Andrew Renton (*May 22, 1917) architect United Kingdom GB
Mark Riva (*May 22, 1961) journalist United States US
Georges Rol (*May 22, 1926) France FR
Dominique Rolin (*May 22, 1913) Belgium BE
Donald Royal (*May 22, 1966) basketball player United States US
Robert J. Schultz (*May 22, 1930) United States US
Larry Siegfried (*May 22, 1939) athlete United States US
Philippe Venet (*May 22, 1929) fashion designer France FR
Dale Winton (*May 22, 1955) United Kingdom GB
Aaron Tyler (*May 22, 1967) singer United States US
Matthias Hofbauer (*May 22, 1981) Unknown XX
Vladimír Kútny (*1985) ice hockey player Slovakia SK
Marc Pouliot (*May 22, 1985) ice hockey player Canada CA
Jan Sobol (*May 22, 1984) Unknown XX
Martin Trčka (*May 22, 1977) Unknown XX
Arturo Vidal (*May 22, 1987) soccer player Chile CL
Tatiana Volosozhar (*May 22, 1986) figure skater Ukraine UA
Roman Will (*1992) ice hockey player Czech Republic CZ
Katalin Lévai (*May 22, 1954) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Hungary HU
František Novosad (*1948) Member of Parliament Czech Republic CZ
Seán Ó Neachtain (*May 22, 1947) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Ireland IE
Pavel Vanoušek (*1947) Member of Parliament Czech Republic CZ
Sandra Lanczová (*1986) writer Czech Republic CZ
Vilém Závada (*May 22, 1905) writer, translator, poet Czech Republic CZ
Roger Bellon (*May 22, 1953) France FR
Ed Blakely (*May 22, 1955) United States US
James Lorinz (*May 22, 1964) United States US
Jessica Roulston (*May 22, 1970) Unknown XX
Joseph Louis Lambot (*May 22, 1814) architect France FR
Jan Kučera (*1951) writer Czech Republic CZ
Melissa Moore (*May 22, 1996) porn actress United States US
Kevin Penkin (*May 22, 1992) British-born Australian composer United Kingdom GB
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