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Famous People - Astro database (94.760 celebrity charts and 330.534 movies)

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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 5 FEBRUARY" (252)(= 0.27% of all 94760 celebs)

Roger Dambron (*Feb 5, 1921) composer France FR
Mathieu Delarive (*Feb 5, 1975) France FR
Gerard Dupriez (*Feb 5, 1934) France FR
Pascal de Duve (*Feb 5, 1964) writer Belgium BE
Chris Gabrieli (*Feb 5, 1960) United States US
Benjamin Ginsburg (*Feb 5, 1897) physicist, scientist France FR
Jeff Graham (*Feb 5, 1966) Unknown XX
Russell Grant (*Feb 5, 1951) actor United Kingdom GB
Herbert Homer (*Feb 5, 1953) United States US
Stanley M. Howe (*Feb 5, 1924) United States US
Arthur Keith (*Feb 5, 1866) writer United Kingdom GB
Cesare Maldini (*Feb 5, 1932) soccer player Italy IT
Mark Matousek (*Feb 5, 1957) writer United States US
Melanie Sue McGovern (*Feb 5, 1995) United States US
Allen McKay (*Feb 5, 1927) politician United Kingdom GB
Alfred Mombert (*Feb 5, 1872) writer Germany DE
Carolina Morace (*Feb 5, 1964) Italy IT
James Walter Moreau (*Feb 5, 1921) United States US
Christian Muniz (*Feb 5, 2001) United States US
Olga Newhall (*Feb 5, 1894) United States US
Neymar (*Feb 5, 1992) soccer player Brazil BR
Gaylon Nickerson (*Feb 5, 1969) basketball player United States US
James Phillips (*Feb 5, 1936) American football player United States US
Aimé Raffaeli (*Feb 5, 1905) boxer France FR
Gaston Roelants (*Feb 5, 1937) Belgium BE
Rolf Seelmann-Eggebert
(*Feb 5, 1937)
journalist Germany DE
Jeffrey Sees (*Feb 5, 1984) United States US
Jonathan Sees (*Feb 5, 1984) United States US
Tatiana Silva (*Feb 5, 1985) Belgium BE
Norton Simon (*Feb 5, 1907) businessman United States US
Adlai Stevenson (*Feb 5, 1900) politician United States US
Darrell Waltrip (*Feb 5, 1947) United States US
Eugen Weidmann (*Feb 5, 1908) Germany DE
John Whirty (*Feb 5, 1945) United States US
Bob Wilson (*Feb 5, 1946) United States US
Liliane Wouters (*Feb 5, 1930) writer Belgium BE
Charles Young (*Feb 5, 1951) American football player United States US
Jiří Jedlička (*1987) swimmer CZSK CE
Aleš Jiráň (*1983) basketball player CZSK CE
Linus Omark (*Feb 5, 1987) ice hockey player Sweden SE
Adéla Sýkorová (*1987) Czech Republic CZ
Ludovic Sylvestre (*Feb 5, 1984) soccer player France FR
Dušan Uhrin (*1943) soccer player, coach Slovakia SK
Vladimír Klevis (*1933) novelist Czech Republic CZ
Ladislav Quis (*Feb 5, 1846) writer, poet Czech Republic CZ
Nick Busick (*Feb 5, 1962) United States US
Hugh Ford (*Feb 5, 1868) United States US
Evgeni Konstantinov (*Feb 5, 1923) Bulgaria BG
Mauro Pagani (*Feb 5, 1946) Italy IT
Rudolf Čechura (*Feb 5, 1931) writer Czech Republic CZ
Nathaniel A. Owings (*Feb 5, 1903) architect United States US
Kevin Gates (*Feb 5, 1986) rapper, singer, entrepreneur United States US
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