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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 13 MARZO" (3060)(= 3.23% of all 94760 celebs)

College Girl (*Sep 13, 1953) United States US
Angelo Conterno (*Mar 13, 1925) Italy IT
Helen Coulthard (*Jul 13, 1894) United Kingdom GB
Lucien Coutaud (*Dec 13, 1904) painter France FR
Bob Crane (*Jul 13, 1928) actor United States US
Chris Crawford (*May 13, 1975) basketball player United States US
Dennis Crosby (*Jul 13, 1934) actor United States US
Jay Crouse (*Apr 13, 1949) United States US
Edwina Currie (*Oct 13, 1946) United Kingdom GB
Phillip Currie (*Mar 13, 1949) Canada CA
David Curry (*Jun 13, 1944) politician United Kingdom GB
William Dandridge (*Mar 13, 1735) United States US
Francis Dannemark (*Apr 13, 1955) writer Belgium BE
Christian Darrouy (*Jan 13, 1937) France FR
Felicien David (*Apr 13, 1810) composer France FR
Nevile Davidson (*Feb 13, 1899) United Kingdom GB
Veronica De Laurentiis
(*Jan 13, 1950)
Italy IT
Didier Decoin (*Mar 13, 1945) writer, director, scriptwriter France FR
Henri Delafond (*Feb 13, 1805) physicist France FR
Michael R. Deland (*Dec 13, 1941) United States US
Dolores Marie Della-Penna
(*Dec 13, 1954)
United States US
Stefano Della Chiaje (*Sep 13, 1936) Italy IT
Georges Delplanque (*Jul 13, 1903) painter France FR
Judianne Densen-Gerber
(*Nov 13, 1934)
United States US
Martine Detournay (*Oct 13, 1957) Belgium BE
Timothy Robert Devlin
(*Jun 13, 1959)
politician Ireland IE
Dorothy Di Frasso (*Feb 13, 1888) United States US
William Reid Dick (*Jan 13, 1878) sculptor United Kingdom GB
Alain Digbeau (*Nov 13, 1975) basketball player France FR
Edward Doane (*Oct 13, 1892) writer United States US
Elaine Donahue (*Jul 13, 1954) United States US
Casey Donovan (*May 13, 1988) singer, actress Australia AU
Frank Doran (*Apr 13, 1949) politician United Kingdom GB
Giuseppe Dossetti (*Feb 13, 1913) Canada CA
Pasteur Douce (*Apr 13, 1945) Belgium BE
Richard Dourthe (*Dec 13, 1974) France FR
Jules Drach (*Mar 13, 1871) mathematician France FR
Louis Ducatel (*Mar 13, 1902) businessman France FR
Paul Dunn (*Mar 13, 1963) United States US
Ghislaine Dupont (*Jan 13, 1956) France FR
Ruth Duskin (*Jun 13, 1934) United States US
Léon Louis Duwaerts (*Jan 13, 1905) journalist Belgium BE
Ralph Edwards (*Jun 13, 1913) United States US
Thomas Enqvist (*Mar 13, 1974) tennis player Sweden SE
Johannes Esser (*Oct 13, 1877) Netherlands NL
Christiane Falmat (*May 13, 1949) France FR
Mick Fanning (*Jun 13, 1981) Australia AU
Douglas Faulkner (*Oct 13, 1937) writer United States US
Denise Fayolle (*Feb 13, 1923) France FR
Robert Ferguson (*Feb 13, 1932) United States US
Carole Palermo Ferigo
(*Aug 13, 1990)
Italy IT
Jacques Ferny (*Feb 13, 1863) France FR
Shanna Ferrigno (*Jun 13, 1981) United States US
Wilhelm Filchner (*Sep 13, 1877) Germany DE
Geoffrey Finsberg (*Jun 13, 1926) politician United Kingdom GB
Siegfried Fischbacher
(*Jun 13, 1939)
Germany DE
Edward Flanagan (*Jul 13, 1886) priest Ireland IE
James Thomas Flexner (*Jan 13, 1908) United States US
Bill Flynn (*Dec 13, 1948) actor South Africa ZA
Hugo Fonck (*Dec 13, 1922) architect Poland PL
Walter A. Forbes (*Nov 13, 1942) United States US
Fernand Forest (*Oct 13, 1851) France FR
Francesco Forleo (*Nov 13, 1941) Italy IT
Kevin Foster (*Jan 13, 1969) baseball player United States US
Jacques Frerot (*Jul 13, 1956) France FR
Eileen Fulton (*Sep 13, 1933) actress United States US
Bruno Furst (*Mar 13, 1891) writer France FR
Sylvano Galago (*Jan 13, 1947) actress United States US
Lennon Gallagher (*Sep 13, 1999) actor United Kingdom GB
Charles Gallenkamp (*Apr 13, 1930) writer United States US
Frank Gallo (*Jan 13, 1933) sculptor United States US
Kevin D. Gamble (*Nov 13, 1965) basketball player United States US
Robert Garcia (*Jan 13, 1929) boxer Algeria DZ
Valentina Gardellin (*Feb 13, 1970) Italy IT
Wendy Gardner (*Feb 13, 1963) actress United States US
Corinne Gelfan (*Feb 13, 1942) singer, actress United States US
Walter Gempp (*Sep 13, 1878) Germany DE
Pamela Lynn Gergely (*Oct 13, 1957) United States US
Clarence H. Gilbert (*Dec 13, 1874) United States US
Alain Girard (*Mar 13, 1914) France FR
Luca Giustolisi (*Mar 13, 1970) Italy IT
Toni Glover (*Jan 13, 1947) astrologer, author United States US
Heidi Goossens (*Apr 13, 1969) Belgium BE
Angus Grant (*Sep 13, 1931) United Kingdom GB
William T. Grant (*May 13, 1950) United States US
Mike Gravel (*May 13, 1930) politician United States US
Evric Gray (*Dec 13, 1969) basketball player United States US
Hugh Grosvenor (*Oct 13, 1825) politician United Kingdom GB
Wyc Grousbeck (*Jun 13, 1961) basketball player United States US
Pippa Guard (*Oct 13, 1952) actress United Kingdom GB
Denise Guenard (*Jan 13, 1934) France FR
Antonio Guidi (*Jun 13, 1945) physicist Italy IT
Meghna Gulzar (*Dec 13, 1973) director India IN
Steve Hamer (*Nov 13, 1973) basketball player United States US
James Frank Hamlet (*Dec 13, 1921) general United States US
John Hayes Hammond (*Apr 13, 1888) United States US
Dennis Harness (*Sep 13, 1955) astrologer United States US
Karl Herrligkoffer (*Jun 13, 1916) physicist, scientist Germany DE
Annie Hershey (*Apr 13, 1933) astrologer United States US
Milton Hershey (*Sep 13, 1857) United States US
Leon Hess (*Mar 13, 1914) businessman United States US
Bryan David Hickerson
(*Oct 13, 1963)
baseball player United States US
Bruce Hinckley (*Apr 13, 1959) victim of murder United States US
Frederick Hockley (*Oct 13, 1808) United Kingdom GB
Michael L. Hoffman (*Jun 13, 1915) journalist United States US
Ralph Holden (*Feb 13, 1934) astrologer, writer Pitcairn Islands PN
Mini Holmes (*Mar 13, 1967) Canada CA
Jean Honore (*Aug 13, 1920) France FR
Richard Houck (*Apr 13, 1947) astrologer, writer United States US
Alice O. Howell (*Nov 13, 1922) astrologer, psychologist United States US
Robert Humblot (*May 13, 1907) painter France FR
Benjamin Woodruff Hunt
(*Nov 13, 1986)
United States US
Bob Hunter (*Oct 13, 1941) journalist Canada CA
John Hunter (*Feb 13, 1728) United Kingdom GB
Vincent M. Inman (*Aug 13, 1944) astrologer United States US
Ernie Irvan (*Jan 13, 1959) United States US
Bobby Jackson (*Mar 13, 1973) basketball player United States US
Bernardo Jaime (*Oct 13, 1972) Netherlands NL
Günther Jauch (*Jul 13, 1956) journalist Germany DE
Michel Jazy (*Jun 13, 1936) France FR
Vance Johnson (*Mar 13, 1963) athlete Unknown XX
Johnson Jr. Gus (*Dec 13, 1938) athlete Unknown XX
Dewey Jones (*Apr 13, 1962) United States US
Xander Jones (*Sep 13, 2011) United States US
Mary Ruth Joyner (*Nov 13, 1990) United States US
Al Keck (*Sep 13, 1954) United States US
Tiffany Kelly (*Jul 13, 1987) United States US
Jack Kemp (*Jul 13, 1935) athlete United States US
Aga IV Khan (*Dec 13, 1936) France FR
Billy Kidd (*Apr 13, 1943) athlete United States US
Leamon King (*Feb 13, 1936) athlete United States US
Thomas Jeremy King (*Jun 13, 1933) politician United Kingdom GB
William J. King (*Mar 13, 1929) United States US
Travis Knight (*Sep 13, 1974) basketball player United States US
Hubert Korsch (*Jun 13, 1883) astrologer Germany DE
Louisa Catherine Adams Kuhn
(*Aug 13, 1831)
United States US
David Lambie (*Jul 13, 1925) politician United Kingdom GB
Lillie Langtry (*Oct 13, 1853) actress Jersey JE
Cecile Lauber (*Jul 13, 1887) writer Switzerland CH
Jean-Pierre Laymarie (*May 13, 1939) France FR
Jacques LeClercq (*Mar 13, 1954) dancer Belgium BE
Paul LeFume (*Nov 13, 1881) composer France FR
Gwenhaelle Le Gouariguer
(*Aug 13, 1975)
France FR
David Lee (*Nov 13, 1962) musician United States US
Stephan A. Lehrieder (*Mar 13, 1932) astrologer Netherlands NL
Lawrence S. Lightner (*Oct 13, 1918) general United States US
Salvatore Ligresti (*Mar 13, 1932) actor Italy IT
Mary Todd Lincoln (*Dec 13, 1818) United States US
Samuel Kirkland Lothrop
(*Oct 13, 1804)
United States US
Davis Love (*Apr 13, 1964) United States US
Marinus Van Der Lubbe
(*Jan 13, 1909)
activist Netherlands NL
Luciano (*May 13, 1998) Brazil BR
Paul Lucke (*Nov 13, 1914) politician Germany DE
Salvador Luria (*Aug 13, 1912) Italy IT
Walo Lüönd (*Apr 13, 1927) actor Switzerland CH
Mary MacArthur (*Aug 13, 1880) United Kingdom GB
Geddes MacGregor (*Nov 13, 1909) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Andrew MacTaggart (*Jul 13, 1888) United Kingdom GB
Ross Macdonald (*Dec 13, 1915) writer United States US
James Mackenzie (*Jan 13, 1914) diplomat United Kingdom GB
Cameron Mackintosh (*Oct 13, 1946) United Kingdom GB
Stefaan Maene (*May 13, 1972) swimmer Belgium BE
Michael Mair (*Feb 13, 1962) skier Italy IT
Archbishop Makarios III
(*Aug 13, 1913)
Cyprus CY
Dick Mann (*Jun 13, 1934) United States US
Dacia Maraini (*Nov 13, 1936) writer Italy IT
Rory Marcato (*Apr 13, 1943) astrologer United States US
Sarunas Marciulionis (*Jun 13, 1964) basketball player Lithuania LT
Imca Marina (*May 13, 1941) Netherlands NL
Rebecca Mark (*Aug 13, 1954) United States US
Philip Bourke Marston
(*Aug 13, 1850)
poet United Kingdom GB
Tony Massenburg (*Jul 13, 1967) basketball player United States US
Susan Matheson (*Mar 13, 1958) writer United States US
Edwin Lee Mathews (*Oct 13, 1931) United States US
Mayfair Boy (*Sep 13, 1916) United Kingdom GB
John McAllion (*Feb 13, 1948) politician United Kingdom GB
E. Clifford McCarty (*Jun 13, 1929) United States US
Sean McDonough (*May 13, 1962) United States US
Aileen McGillivary (*Aug 13, 1970) United Kingdom GB
Dotty McGuire (*Feb 13, 1928) United States US
Donald McHenry (*Oct 13, 1936) United States US
Lorraine McIntosh (*May 13, 1964) United Kingdom GB
Tony McLean (*Apr 13, 1957) United States US
John McMahon (*May 13, 1965) United States US
Gordon McMaster (*Feb 13, 1960) politician United Kingdom GB
James Wilmer McSwiney
(*Nov 13, 1915)
United States US
Otto Meissner (*Mar 13, 1880) lawyer Germany DE
Emile Mesnil (*Nov 13, 1958) France FR
Robert L. Metcalf (*Nov 13, 1916) writer United States US
Matt Mieske (*Feb 13, 1968) baseball player United States US
Salvador Minuchin (*Oct 13, 1921) Argentina AR
Vesna Misirlic (*Apr 13, 1973) Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
François Missoffe (*Oct 13, 1919) politician France FR
Dee Modine (*Nov 13, 1923) astrologer United States US
Ron Moeller (*Oct 13, 1938) baseball player United States US
Eduardo Molinaro (*May 13, 1928) director France FR
Michel Mollat du Jourdin
(*Jul 13, 1911)
France FR
Robert L. Moore (*Aug 13, 1942) United States US
Gianni Morbidelli (*Jan 13, 1968) Italy IT
Ray Morris (*Aug 13, 1927) murderer United Kingdom GB