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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 22 GENNAIO" (3143)(= 3.32% of all 94760 celebs)

Gabriel Morales (*Jun 22, 1995) actor, singer United States US
Jorge Jurado (*Sep 22, 1995) actor Spain ES
Anna Marie Iannitelli
(*Nov 22, 1995)
singer United States US
Remy Thorne (*Dec 22, 1995) actor United States US
Cole Pendery (*Feb 22, 1996) singer Unknown XX
Christian Beadles (*Nov 22, 1996) actor, singer United States US
Sany Stirská (*Aug 22, 1997) actress Germany DE
Emilia Stachurska (*Sep 22, 1997) actress Poland PL
Tereza Procházková (*1997) singer, dancer Czech Republic CZ
Sabina Falcmanová (*1998) actress Czech Republic CZ
Genevieve Hannelius (*Dec 22, 1998) actress, singer United States US
Gabriel Kaufmann (*Sep 22, 2001) actor Brazil BR
Kelly Stratan (*Jun 22, 2004) singer Germany DE
Lilly Stratan (*Jun 22, 2004) singer Germany DE
Rafael Addison (*Jul 22, 1964) basketball player United States US
Maria Alcina (*Apr 22, 1949) Brazil BR
Cory Alexander (*Jun 22, 1973) basketball player United States US
Richard Allan (*Jun 22, 1923) actor United States US
Chloe Allen (*Aug 22, 2008) United States US
Andrea Allocca (*Feb 22, 1927) Italy IT
Jean-Claude Ameisen (*Dec 22, 1951) United States US
Pierre Amoyal (*Jun 22, 1949) artist France FR
Helen Andelin (*May 22, 1920) writer United States US
Fabrice Anthamatten (*Jul 22, 1974) France FR
Edward Antill (*Apr 22, 1742) soldier United States US
Nolan D. Archibald (*Jun 22, 1943) United States US
Daniel Arizmendi (*Jul 22, 1958) Mexico MX
Darrell Armstrong (*Jun 22, 1968) basketball player United States US
S. Mcc Arthy (*Feb 22, 1968) athlete Unknown XX
Willaim Rodney Averitt
(*Jul 22, 1952)
athlete United States US
Dennis Awtrey (*Feb 22, 1948) athlete United States US
Alice Baber (*Aug 22, 1928) artist United States US
George H. Bailey (*Dec 22, 1896) astrologer United Kingdom GB
George Balanchine (*Jan 22, 1904) dancer Russia RU
Jeff Barnd (*Oct 22, 1957) United States US
Alex Baroni (*Dec 22, 1966) singer Italy IT
Jean Paul Barthe (*Jul 22, 1932) France FR
John Bartholomew (*Mar 22, 1860) United Kingdom GB
Lee Bartley (*Apr 22, 1949) musician United States US
Giovanni Battaglin (*Jul 22, 1951) Italy IT
Willi Baumeister (*Jan 22, 1889) painter Germany DE
Edi Baur (*Dec 22, 1919) Switzerland CH
Beatriz de Borbón (*Jun 22, 1909) Spain ES
Rudolf Heinrich Bechmann
(*Jul 22, 1902)
physicist, scientist Germany DE
Benoit Benjamin (*Nov 22, 1964) basketball player United States US
Bob Bergland (*Jul 22, 1928) politician United States US
Giuseppe Bergomi (*Dec 22, 1963) soccer player Italy IT
Monique Libotte Berlioux
(*Dec 22, 1923)
France FR
Gerry Berns (*Nov 22, 1944) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Kenneth A. Bianchi (*May 22, 1951) serial killer United States US
Ean Jacob Bice (*Jan 22, 2010) singer United States US
Giuseppe Bigogno (*Jul 22, 1909) soccer player Italy IT
Jules Bigot (*Oct 22, 1915) soccer player France FR
Theodore H. Black (*Oct 22, 1928) United States US
Phil Blackmar (*Sep 22, 1957) golfer United States US
Douglas Block (*Feb 22, 1949) psychologist, astrologer United States US
Elayne Blythe (*Jan 22, 1919) United States US
Bo (*Nov 22, 1937) United States US
Vaughn Bode (*Jul 22, 1941) United States US
Gus Bofa (*May 22, 1883) France FR
Jennifer Bohain (*Feb 22, 1989) France FR
Giovanni Bonelli (*Dec 22, 1908) cartoonist Italy IT
Dola Bonfils (*Dec 22, 1941) Denmark DK
Pierre Ossian Bonnet (*Dec 22, 1819) mathematician France FR
Edward E. Booher (*Jun 22, 1911) United States US
Delphine Boël (*Feb 22, 1968) artist Belgium BE
Marcus Branstad (*Jan 22, 1984) United States US
George Brejack (*Dec 22, 1940) United States US
Leland C. Brendsel (*Apr 22, 1942) United States US
Steve Broussard (*Feb 22, 1967) American football player United States US
Barry Brown (*Oct 22, 1944) United States US
Francisco Buarque Brown
(*Aug 22, 1996)
Brazil BR
Lyons Brown (*Aug 22, 1936) United States US
Paula Brown (*May 22, 1969) United States US
Tim Brown (*Jul 22, 1966) American football player United States US
Rosemary Buckland (*Jun 22, 1936) United Kingdom GB
Duane L. Burnham (*Jan 22, 1942) United States US
Ernst Friedrich Busch
(*Jan 22, 1900)
singer Germany DE
Marvin P. Bush (*Oct 22, 1956) United States US
Neil Bush (*Jan 22, 1955) United States US
Marcus Camby (*Mar 22, 1974) basketball player United States US
Franck Cammas (*Dec 22, 1972) France FR
Ernest Candaze (*Feb 22, 1827) physicist Belgium BE
Fariomar Luiz Canoletti
(*Jan 22, 1948)
Brazil BR
John Carteek (*Jan 22, 1861) United States US
John Casablancas (*Dec 22, 1942) United States US
Field Cate (*Jul 22, 1997) actor United States US
Silvia Cattaneo (*Jul 22, 1975) Italy IT
François Cavanna (*Feb 22, 1923) France FR
Gertrude Cayce (*Feb 22, 1880) United States US
Christophe Caze (*Oct 22, 1969) writer France FR
Bernard Celestini (*Feb 22, 1925) boxer France FR
Enzo Cerusico (*Oct 22, 1937) actor Italy IT
Jean-Francois Chabrun
(*Jun 22, 1920)
journalist France FR
Joe Chambers (*Aug 22, 1942) musician United States US
Jean Charbonnel (*Apr 22, 1927) politician France FR
Pierre Numa Charbonnet
(*Dec 22, 1919)
United States US
Pierre Chassaignac (*Dec 22, 1804) physicist, scientist France FR
Eustace Chesser (*Mar 22, 1902) writer United Kingdom GB
Scott Chiamparino (*Aug 22, 1966) baseball player United States US
Martin Rey-Chirac (*Mar 22, 1996) France FR
Maurice Chot-Plassot (*Apr 22, 1929) painter France FR
Michael J. Clark (*Jul 22, 1942) United States US
Damian Clemente (*Jan 22, 1975) United States US
Terry Clements (*Jul 22, 1947) musician United States US
Amanda Coetzer (*Oct 22, 1971) South Africa ZA
Bimbo Coles (*Apr 22, 1968) basketball player United States US
Mateo Colicchio (*Mar 22, 2011) United States US
Katherine Collison (*Feb 22, 1991) United States US
Harry M. Conger (*Jul 22, 1930) United States US
Denton Arthur Cooley (*Aug 22, 1920) United States US
Robin Corbett (*Dec 22, 1943) politician Australia AU
Judy Cornwell (*Feb 22, 1940) actress United Kingdom GB
Douglas Corrigan (*Jan 22, 1907) pilot United States US
Jeanne Creff (*Apr 22, 1925) France FR
Beverly Crosby (*Apr 22, 1930) astrologer United States US
René Cuillieres (*Jul 22, 1929) boxer France FR
Michael Curry (*Aug 22, 1968) basketball player United States US
Jean J. Marie Cuypers
(*May 22, 1948)
astrologer, writer Belgium BE
Quinton Dailey (*Jan 22, 1961) athlete United States US
Brian C. Daley (*Dec 22, 1947) writer United States US
Carson Daly (*Jun 22, 1973) actor United States US
Suzanne Danco (*Jan 22, 1911) Belgium BE
J. R. Davis (*Apr 22, 1932) Unknown XX
Yvonne de Gaulle (*May 22, 1900) France FR
Sharon Deberry (*May 22, 1957) United States US
Philippe Decouflé (*Oct 22, 1961) dancer France FR
Charles E. Dederich (*Mar 22, 1913) United States US
Jack Delinger (*Jun 22, 1926) physicist United States US
Emile Delmine (*May 22, 1927) boxer Belgium BE
Didier Derlich (*Apr 22, 1965) astrologer France FR
Leon Deubel (*Mar 22, 1879) poet France FR
Edwin Deveny (*Aug 22, 1930) United States US
Catherine Deyglun (*Sep 22, 1958) twin Canada CA
Mireille Deyglun (*Sep 22, 1958) twin, actress Canada CA
Stefano Diamante (*Jan 22, 1975) Italy IT
Larry Dierker (*Sep 22, 1946) baseball player United States US
Andre Dignimont (*Aug 22, 1891) painter France FR
Pedro Paulo Diniz (*May 22, 1970) actor Brazil BR
Jacques Dorsan (*Dec 22, 1912) astrologer France FR
Mary Johanna Dresselhuys
(*Jan 22, 1907)
actress Netherlands NL
Clyde Drexler (*Jun 22, 1962) basketball player United States US
Chris Dudley (*Feb 22, 1965) United States US
Edmund Dulac (*Oct 22, 1882) designer France FR
Renato Dulbecco (*Feb 22, 1914) Italy IT
John Murphy Dunn (*Jul 22, 1925) general United States US
Ryne Duren (*Feb 22, 1929) athlete United States US
Phillis Durkin (*Nov 22, 1947) actress United States US
Arni Egilsson (*May 22, 1939) composer Iceland IS
Giuseppe Englert (*Jul 22, 1927) composer Italy IT
Vaughn Eshelman (*May 22, 1969) baseball player United States US
Don Estelle (*May 22, 1937) actor United Kingdom GB
Fagus (*Jan 22, 1872) writer, journalist Belgium BE
Richard T. Farmer (*Nov 22, 1934) businessman United States US
Lucien Febvre (*Jul 22, 1878) France FR
Eric Fenby (*Apr 22, 1906) composer United Kingdom GB
John Chipman Fernie (*Oct 22, 1945) artist United States US
Deborah Fiedler (*Oct 22, 1947) United States US
Brett Fisher (*Feb 22, 2001) United States US
Patrick J. Fitzgerald
(*Dec 22, 1960)
lawyer United States US
Knox Followill (*Apr 22, 2011) United States US
Jean-Francois Fonson (*Jan 22, 1870) Belgium BE
Wilfried Forgues (*Dec 22, 1969) France FR
Loris Fortuna (*Jan 22, 1924) politician Italy IT
Charles Foster (*Jul 22, 1998) United States US
Irène Frain (*May 22, 1950) writer France FR
Edmond Fremy (*Feb 22, 1814) chemist France FR
Bill Frist (*Feb 22, 1952) politician United States US
Squeaky Fromme (*Oct 22, 1948) United States US
Peter Frost (*Mar 22, 1940) priest United States US
Giuseppe Galderisi (*Mar 22, 1963) soccer player Italy IT
Edoardo Galimberti (*Jul 22, 1915) soccer player Italy IT
Niccolo Galli (*May 22, 1983) soccer player Italy IT
Annamaria Gambineri (*Mar 22, 1936) Italy IT
Brunella Gasperini (*Dec 22, 1918) writer Italy IT
Philip H. Geier (*Feb 22, 1935) United States US
Frank Geney (*May 22, 1979) actor Germany DE
Cody Gifford (*Mar 22, 1990) United States US
Ildefonso Manuel Gil (*Jan 22, 1912) poet Spain ES
Eric Gill (*Feb 22, 1882) sculptor United Kingdom GB
Brian Glazer (*Feb 22, 1970) United States US
Rupert S. Gleadow (*Jan 22, 1909) astrologer, writer United Kingdom GB
Mark Francis Glidden (*Jul 22, 1972) United States US
Marvin Leonard Goldberger
(*Oct 22, 1922)
physicist, scientist United States US
Bram Goldsmith (*Feb 22, 1923) United States US
Edward St. John Gorey
(*Feb 22, 1925)
writer United States US
Tashi Grady (*May 22, 1954) astrologer, author Canada CA
Bunnatine Greenhouse (*Jul 22, 1945) United States US
Robert Ritter Von Greim
(*Jun 22, 1892)
general Germany DE
Leonard Griffin (*Sep 22, 1962) American football player United States US
Piero Grosso (*Dec 22, 1923) soccer player Italy IT
Camille Guerin (*Dec 22, 1872) physicist, scientist France FR
Godfried Guffens (*Jul 22, 1823) painter Belgium BE
Stefan Gwildis (*Oct 22, 1958) singer Germany DE
Philippe Habert (*Aug 22, 1958) France FR
Hadji-Lazaro (*Jun 22, 1956) France FR
Elizabeth Ann Harding
(*Oct 22, 1919)
United States US
Friedrich Harkort (*Feb 22, 1793) politician Germany DE
John Martin Harvey (*Jun 22, 1863) United Kingdom GB
Martin Harvey (*Feb 22, 1904) astrologer United Kingdom GB