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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 10 FEBBRAIO" (3195)(= 3.37% of all 94760 celebs)

Evelyn Hill (*Oct 10, 1910) United States US
Francesca Hilton (*Mar 10, 1947) United States US
Stuart Holmes (*Mar 10, 1884) actor United States US
Red Holzman (*Aug 10, 1920) basketball player United States US
Harold S. Hook (*Oct 10, 1931) general United States US
Henry H. Hoyt (*Aug 10, 1927) United States US
Susanna Huckstep (*Jun 10, 1969) Italy IT
Patrice Hugues (*Apr 10, 1930) painter France FR
Frank W. Hyde (*Mar 10, 1909) psychologist, astrologer United Kingdom GB
Anwar Ibrahim (*Aug 10, 1947) politician Malaysia MY
Robert Iger (*Feb 10, 1951) United States US
Jamie Ippolito (*Oct 10, 1979) United States US
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
(*Dec 10, 1804)
mathematician Germany DE
Franklin Maxey Jarman
(*Nov 10, 1931)
United States US
Alizeh Jarrahy (*Apr 10, 2002) United States US
Boyd L. Jefferies (*Nov 10, 1930) United States US
Joyce Jensen (*Nov 10, 1940) astrologer United States US
Bobby Jindal (*Jun 10, 1971) politician United States US
Jean-Claude Jitrois (*Jan 10, 1944) France FR
Gerald W. Johnson (*Jul 10, 1919) general United States US
Jasper Johnson (*Jun 10, 2002) United States US
Randy Johnson (*Sep 10, 1963) baseball player United States US
Robert Smith Johnston
(*Oct 10, 1918)
United Kingdom GB
Beau Lee Jones (*Aug 10, 2007) United Kingdom GB
Thomas Michael Jopling
(*Dec 10, 1930)
politician United Kingdom GB
Peter Daniel Judge (*Oct 10, 1959) United States US
Horst Jüssen (*Jan 10, 1941) actor Germany DE
Mordecai Kaplan (*Jun 10, 1881) Lithuania LT
Dan Kater (*Jun 10, 1929) general United States US
Karl Kaufmann (*Oct 10, 1900) Germany DE
Shelagh Kendal (*Feb 10, 1924) astrologer, author United Kingdom GB
Matt Kenseth (*Mar 10, 1972) United States US
James B. Keysar (*Dec 10, 1927) politician United States US
Goeffrey Mann King (*Oct 10, 1951) United States US
Tom Kirby (*Jun 10, 1926) painter United States US
Helen Kirk (*Jun 10, 1971) United States US
Peter Köstler (*Dec 10, 1805) priest Germany DE
Andy Kostecka (*Feb 10, 1921) athlete Unknown XX
Alfred Kreil (*Feb 10, 1942) Austria AT
John M. Kucharski (*Feb 10, 1936) United States US
Daniel Kunth (*Jul 10, 1946) physicist France FR
Michel Lacroix (*Nov 10, 1921) ice hockey player France FR
Jules Ladoumegue (*Dec 10, 1906) France FR
Jean-Luc Lagardere (*Feb 10, 1928) France FR
Charles Lamb (*Feb 10, 1775) poet United Kingdom GB
Christophe Lambert (*Oct 10, 1964) France FR
Ronan Lamy-Chappuis (*Sep 10, 1993) France FR
Bill Land (*May 10, 1944) astrologer United States US
Genevieve Laurens (*Feb 10, 1927) artist France FR
Eugene Le Goff (*Dec 10, 1942) victim of murder France FR
Jean Leclere (*Mar 10, 1920) France FR
James Leininger (*Apr 10, 1998) boy whose family considers him the reincarnation of US WWII pilot James Huston United States US
Fred Leopold (*Nov 10, 1919) politician, lawyer United States US
Urpo Leppänen (*Feb 10, 1944) politician Finland FI
Mark Lerner (*Mar 10, 1950) astrologer United States US
Andy Leslie (*Nov 10, 1944) New Zealand NZ
Bernhard Letterhaus (*Jul 10, 1894) Germany DE
Greg Lewis (*Aug 10, 1969) athlete Unknown XX
Michael Lewis (*Oct 10, 1948) musician United States US
Richard Carlton Lillehei
(*Dec 10, 1927)
United States US
Keith Lockhart (*Nov 10, 1964) baseball player United States US
Tiziana Lodato (*Nov 10, 1976) actress Italy IT
Karen Logan (*Jun 10, 1949) United States US
Celeste Longacre (*Apr 10, 1951) astrologer United States US
Marcelyn Louie (*Sep 10, 1953) tennis player United States US
Roman Luisi (*Feb 10, 1969) victim of murder United States US
Phyllis Lyon (*Nov 10, 1924) United States US
Cather MacCallum (*Mar 10, 1929) actress United States US
Gisele MacKenzie (*Jan 10, 1927) Canada CA
Romain Maes (*Aug 10, 1912) Belgium BE
Steve Magaddino (*Oct 10, 1891) Italy IT
Robert W. Mahoney (*Sep 10, 1936) United States US
Phil Mahre (*May 10, 1957) skier United States US
Steve Mahre (*May 10, 1957) skier United States US
Tom Maimoni (*Apr 10, 1945) United States US
Patricia Mainardi (*Nov 10, 1942) artist United States US
Jean Mantelet (*Aug 10, 1900) businessman France FR
Dale Maple (*Sep 10, 1920) soldier United States US
An Marchal (*Dec 10, 1977) Belgium BE
Richard Margolis (*Jun 10, 1943) photographer United States US
John P. Marquand (*Nov 10, 1893) writer United States US
Pamela Mason (*Mar 10, 1916) United Kingdom GB
Michel May (*Jun 10, 1925) France FR
T. D McCormick (*Mar 10, 1962) athlete Unknown XX
Merle McCra (*Jun 10, 1957) United States US
Earl McCullouch (*Jan 10, 1946) American football player United States US
Keith Barr McCutcheon
(*Aug 10, 1915)
general United States US
Hattie Margaret McDermott
(*Oct 10, 2011)
United States US
Gardner McKay (*Jun 10, 1932) actor United States US
Derrick McKey (*Oct 10, 1966) basketball player United States US
Gary 'Solo' McKinnon (*Feb 10, 1966) politician United Kingdom GB
Joseph McMoneagle (*Jan 10, 1946) United States US
Pearl Daniel Means (*Feb 10, 1960) United States US
Fred Mella (*Mar 10, 1924) singer France FR
Mohammed Merah (*Oct 10, 1988) serial killer France FR
Joe Don Meredith (*Apr 10, 1938) American football player United States US
Emanuele Merisi (*Oct 10, 1972) swimmer Italy IT
Jim Mertz (*Aug 10, 1916) United States US
Matthew Messing (*Aug 10, 1979) ice hockey player United States US
Thierry Metz (*Jun 10, 1956) writer France FR
Françoise Meyers-Bettencourt
(*Jul 10, 1953)
France FR
Harriet Miers (*Aug 10, 1945) United States US
Gaston Milhaud (*Aug 10, 1858) France FR
Allen Miller (*Aug 10, 1948) golfer United States US
John Millious (*Apr 10, 1948) United States US
Sarina Mineo (*Dec 10, 1941) United States US
Mahathir Mohamad (*Jul 10, 1925) Malaysia MY
Bernard Moitessier (*Apr 10, 1925) writer Vietnam VN
Georges Montaron (*Apr 10, 1921) France FR
M. Thomas Moore (*Oct 10, 1934) United States US
Robert Morane (*Mar 10, 1886) pilot France FR
Margaret Morris (*Mar 10, 1891) United Kingdom GB
Clement W. K. Mundle (*Aug 10, 1916) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Ray B. Mundt (*Aug 10, 1928) United States US
Makio Murayama (*Aug 10, 1912) chemist United States US
David H. Murdock (*Apr 10, 1923) businessman United States US
Eddie Murphy Jr. (*Jul 10, 1989) child of celebrity United States US
Hanna Nagel (*Jun 10, 1907) artist Germany DE
Rani Nanjappa (*Aug 10, 1934) painter India IN
Jacques Navarre (*May 10, 1930) boxer France FR
Manila Nazzaro (*Oct 10, 1977) Italy IT
John H. Nelson (*Dec 10, 1903) United States US
Gavin Newsom (*Oct 10, 1967) politician United States US
Sallie Nichols (*Oct 10, 1908) United States US
Nimeno II (*Mar 10, 1954) Germany DE
Greg Norman (*Feb 10, 1955) golfer Australia AU
Guy Nosbaum (*May 10, 1930) France FR
Rebekah Nugent (*Jul 10, 1974) United States US
Giovanni Paisiello (*May 10, 1740) composer, opera singer Italy IT
Ernst-Guenther Paris (*Sep 10, 1914) astrologer, writer Germany DE
Charles-Andre Parny (*Sep 10, 1982) France FR
Carlo Pavesi (*Jun 10, 1923) Italy IT
Alfred J. Pearce (*Nov 10, 1840) astrologer, writer United Kingdom GB
Daniel Pearl (*Oct 10, 1963) journalist United States US
Jean-Claude Pecker (*May 10, 1923) physicist France FR
Gianna Pederzini (*Feb 10, 1900) singer Italy IT
Wilfried Peeters (*Jul 10, 1964) Belgium BE
Cornelius Pellenaars (*May 10, 1913) Netherlands NL
Pierre Pellizza (*Jul 10, 1917) tennis player France FR
Consuelo Penna (*Aug 10, 1948) Brazil BR
Pete Penseyres (*Apr 10, 1943) United States US
Sharon Lee Percy (*Dec 10, 1944) United States US
Valerie Jeanne Percy (*Dec 10, 1944) United States US
Evgenia Peretz (*Nov 10, 1969) writer, journalist United States US
Frances Perkins (*Apr 10, 1880) politician United States US
Francesco Pernigo (*Jun 10, 1918) soccer player Italy IT
André Petitfils (*Feb 10, 1920) soccer player France FR
William Pettet (*Oct 10, 1942) artist United States US
Bruno Peyron (*Nov 10, 1955) France FR
Georgio Pietro Stefani
(*Nov 10, 1943)
Italy IT
José Antonio Pinotti (*Nov 10, 1969) psychologist, astrologer Brazil BR
Gordon Pirie (*Feb 10, 1931) United Kingdom GB
Jacqueline Pirie (*Oct 10, 1974) actress United Kingdom GB
Altidoro Polidori (*Aug 10, 1929) boxer Italy IT
Louis de Polignac (*Nov 10, 1909) France FR
Jean Pollet (*May 10, 1929) painter France FR
Portia Porter (*Jun 10, 1916) United States US
Rickie Powell (*Aug 10, 1962) actor United States US
Giuseppe Prisco (*Dec 10, 1921) soccer player Italy IT
Jean de Quatrefages de Breau
(*Feb 10, 1810)
France FR
Kelly Quinn (*Mar 10, 1942) United States US
Bonnie Raine (*Aug 10, 1947) United States US
Edith Randall (*Oct 10, 1897) astrologer United States US
Raphael IV (*May 10, 1814) astrologer, writer United Kingdom GB
Anne Marie Rasmussen (*Jun 10, 1938) artist Norway NO
Claude Raynaud (*Aug 10, 1918) cartoonist France FR
John Rechy (*Mar 10, 1931) writer United States US
J. Robin Christopher Reed
(*Jul 10, 1956)
astrologer United States US
Mafia Rex (*May 10, 1932) Italy IT
Alain Rey-Bellet (*Sep 10, 1974) skier Switzerland CH
Judith Richardson (*Mar 10, 1944) United States US
Gianluca Rinaldini (*Aug 10, 1959) tennis player Italy IT
Jennifer Ringley (*Aug 10, 1976) United States US
Gianni Riotta (*Jan 10, 1954) Italy IT
Lyle Ritz (*Jan 10, 1930) musician United States US
Leuan Wyn Roberts (*Jul 10, 1930) politician United Kingdom GB
Richard Robertson (*Sep 10, 1914) sculptor United Kingdom GB
Jean Robic (*Jun 10, 1921) France FR
Glenn Robinson (*Jan 10, 1973) basketball player United States US
Ilse Rogengel (*Apr 10, 1920) Germany DE
Kevin Rolland (*Aug 10, 1989) skier France FR
Henri Ronse (*May 10, 1946) Belgium BE
Sheila W. Ross (*Apr 10, 1936) sculptor United States US
Chicca Rostagno (*Aug 10, 1950) Italy IT
Elisabeth Roudinesco (*Sep 10, 1944) France FR
Leontine Ruiters (*Dec 10, 1967) Netherlands NL
Luca Sacchi (*Jan 10, 1968) swimmer Italy IT
Fernand Saincene (*Feb 10, 1942) France FR
Jean Salusse (*May 10, 1931) France FR
Steve Sanger (*Apr 10, 1946) United States US
Rick Santorum (*May 10, 1958) politician United States US
Vittorio Sardelli (*Jun 10, 1918) soccer player Italy IT
Michael Savino (*Apr 10, 1944) businessman United States US
Jacob Schiff (*Jan 10, 1847) Germany DE
Tom Scholz (*Mar 10, 1947) singer United States US
Jay Sebring (*Oct 10, 1933) United States US
Rony Seikaly (*May 10, 1965) basketball player Lebanon LB
Mathieu Sempere (*Dec 10, 1978) singer France FR
Errante Michele Serra
(*Jul 10, 1954)
writer, journalist Italy IT
Chuck Sewell (*Jul 10, 1930) United States US