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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 14 FEBBRAIO" (3128)(= 3.3% of all 94760 celebs)

Michaela Heintzinger (*Apr 14, 1967) Austria AT
Florence Henderson (*Feb 14, 1934) actress United States US
Jean-Michel Henry (*Dec 14, 1963) athlete France FR
Kevin Jay Hermering (*Jul 14, 1959) United States US
Carl Herrera (*Dec 14, 1966) basketball player Trinidad and Tobago TT
Dinah Eleonora Hinz (*Feb 14, 1934) actress Germany DE
Jan Holland (*May 14, 1932) writer United States US
Col. Gregorio Honasan
(*Mar 14, 1948)
Philippines PH
Robert Hunter (*Jul 14, 1915) United Kingdom GB
Barbara Hutton (*Nov 14, 1912) United States US
Fanny Imlay (*May 14, 1794) France FR
Rudolf Ismayr (*Oct 14, 1908) Germany DE
Lucien Israel (*Jun 14, 1925) France FR
Lucien Isadore Israel
(*Apr 14, 1926)
physicist France FR
Jim Jackson (*Oct 14, 1970) basketball player United States US
Jason Jarrett (*Oct 14, 1975) United States US
Jean Marie Jarricot (*Jul 14, 1877) physicist France FR
Mary Johnson (*Jun 14, 1963) United States US
Bob Johnston (*May 14, 1932) artist United States US
George Johnston (*Jun 14, 1933) painter United Kingdom GB
Jack Jones (*Jan 14, 1938) singer United States US
Wallace Jones (*Jul 14, 1926) athlete United States US
Juandino (*Dec 14, 1953) United States US
David Justice (*Apr 14, 1966) baseball player United States US
Laura Jäntti (*Jan 14, 1950) Finland FI
Kantaro (*Oct 14, 1951) astrologer Argentina AR
Andrew Watt Kay (*Aug 14, 1916) physicist United Kingdom GB
Kaija Keel (*Jan 14, 1950) United States US
Joe Keenan (*Jul 14, 1958) writer United States US
Thomas Kelly (*Jul 14, 1931) priest United States US
Rory G. Kennedy (*Oct 14, 1987) United States US
Wilhelm Carl Keppler (*Dec 14, 1882) Germany DE
Hank Ketcham (*Mar 14, 1920) cartoonist United States US
Isaac Campbell Kidd Jr.
(*Aug 14, 1919)
United States US
George King (*Aug 14, 1933) United States US
Jerome H. King (*Jul 14, 1919) United States US
Harvey Kirck (*Oct 14, 1928) Canada CA
Rainer Klimke (*Jan 14, 1936) Germany DE
Ronnie Knox (*Feb 14, 1935) United States US
Raymond La Tailhede (*Oct 14, 1867) poet France FR
Mike Laga (*Jun 14, 1960) baseball player United States US
Danielle Lambert (*Jun 14, 1968) United States US
Gary Larson (*Aug 14, 1950) cartoonist United States US
Bertrand Lavier (*Jun 14, 1949) sculptor France FR
Sue Lawley (*Jul 14, 1946) United Kingdom GB
Philippe Le Friant (*Jul 14, 1948) France FR
Jean-Marie Leborgne (*May 14, 1955) France FR
Alexandra Ledermann (*May 14, 1969) France FR
John Stephan Lekson (*Apr 14, 1917) general United States US
Jordy Lemoine (*Jan 14, 1988) singer France FR
Voshon Lenard (*May 14, 1973) basketball player United States US
Lourdes Leon (*Oct 14, 1996) United States US
Paul André Lesort (*Nov 14, 1915) lawyer France FR
Chandra Levy (*Apr 14, 1977) United States US
Kathryn Lewis (*Apr 14, 1911) United States US
Ricardo Lindemann (*Jul 14, 1959) astrologer Brazil BR
Richard Llewellyn (*Aug 14, 1925) astrologer United Kingdom GB
Paulina Longworth (*Feb 14, 1925) United States US
Frank W. Luerssen (*Aug 14, 1927) United States US
Fabiana Luperini (*Jan 14, 1974) Italy IT
Serge Lutens (*Mar 14, 1942) fashion designer France FR
Norman MacCaig (*Nov 14, 1910) poet United Kingdom GB
John MacGregor (*Feb 14, 1937) politician United Kingdom GB
Robert W. Maloy (*Feb 14, 1924) general United States US
Mike Mamula (*Aug 14, 1973) American football player United States US
Apple Martin (*May 14, 2004) United Kingdom GB
J. R. Martinez (*Jun 14, 1983) actor United States US
Anthony Mason (*Dec 14, 1966) basketball player United States US
Paul Mathey (*Nov 14, 1844) artist France FR
Thomas McAvoy (*Dec 14, 1943) politician United Kingdom GB
Thomas F. McClarty (*Jun 14, 1946) United States US
Gerald McCra (*Mar 14, 1959) United States US
Phyllis McGuire (*Feb 14, 1931) United States US
J. M. McIntosh (*Feb 14, 1925) writer, journalist United Kingdom GB
Joseph McLaughlin (*May 14, 1954) United States US
Shane McLoughlin (*Jul 14, 1987) United States US
Tony Meilhon (*Aug 14, 1979) France FR
Ulla Meinecke (*Aug 14, 1953) Germany DE
Golda Meir (*May 14, 1898) Ukraine UA
Edmond Membree (*Nov 14, 1882) composer France FR
Kitty Menendez (*Oct 14, 1941) United States US
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
(*Mar 14, 1908)
philosopher France FR
Maurice Messegue (*Dec 14, 1921) France FR
Doreen Millard (*Feb 14, 1921) astrologer United States US
Joseph-Désiré Mobutu (*Oct 14, 1930) President of Zaire, politician Democratic Republic of the Congo CD
Ugo Mola (*May 14, 1973) France FR
Eric Morecambe (*May 14, 1926) United Kingdom GB
Michael Robert Morgan
(*Nov 14, 1957)
United States US
Forrest Moses (*May 14, 1934) painter United States US
Johannes Peter Müller
(*Jul 14, 1801)
Germany DE
Eric Murdock (*Jun 14, 1968) basketball player United States US
Raymond Gerald Murphy
(*Jan 14, 1930)
United States US
Gina Mussolini (*Dec 14, 1916) Italy IT
Irene Müller (*Dec 14, 1941) sculptor Germany DE
Nagui (*Nov 14, 1961) Egypt EG
Bertin Nahum (*Nov 14, 1969) Senegal SN
Primo Nebiolo (*Jul 14, 1923) Italy IT
Uschi Nerke (*1944) Czech Republic CZ
Heinz Neuhaus (*Apr 14, 1926) boxer Germany DE
Andrew E. Newman (*Aug 14, 1944) United States US
George Niederauer (*Jun 14, 1936) priest United States US
Frank Nobilo (*May 14, 1960) golfer New Zealand NZ
D Noonan (*Jul 14, 1965) athlete Unknown XX
John North (*Aug 14, 1903) United States US
Ed O'Bannon (*Aug 14, 1972) basketball player United States US
Maureen O'Connor (*Jul 14, 1946) United States US
C. William O'Neill (*Feb 14, 1916) politician, lawyer United States US
Mark Obershaw (*Jan 14, 1966) United States US
Al Oliver (*Oct 14, 1946) baseball player United States US
Robert Overmyer (*Jul 14, 1936) astronaut United States US
Stanley C. Pace (*Sep 14, 1921) United States US
Jeffrey Pagaduan (*Jul 14, 1972) United States US
Mario Pagotto (*Dec 14, 1911) soccer player Italy IT
Alexei Panshin (*Aug 14, 1940) writer United States US
Christopher Parkening
(*Dec 14, 1947)
United States US
Ugo Pecchioli (*Jan 14, 1925) politician Italy IT
Didi Pergo (*Apr 14, 1935) actress Italy IT
Sam Perkins (*Jun 14, 1961) basketball player United States US
Andrea Peron (*Aug 14, 1971) Italy IT
Renato Perona (*Nov 14, 1927) Italy IT
Jacques Perrot (*Apr 14, 1946) victim of murder France FR
Robert L. Peterson (*Jul 14, 1932) United States US
Rene Lucien Picandet (*Dec 14, 1931) priest France FR
Carrara Pieralberto (*Feb 14, 1966) skier Italy IT
James Pike (*Feb 14, 1913) United States US
Cosimo Pinto (*Mar 14, 1943) boxer Italy IT
Jackie Planeix (*Jan 14, 1958) United States US
Joseph Plateau (*Oct 14, 1801) physicist, scientist Belgium BE
Cesare Polacco (*May 14, 1900) actor Italy IT
Jacques Polge (*Jun 14, 1943) France FR
Harold A. Poling (*Oct 14, 1925) United States US
Michele Politano (*Apr 14, 1971) Italy IT
Erich Ponto (*Dec 14, 1884) actor Germany DE
Dan Post (*May 14, 1955) actor United States US
Philippe Pozzo Di Borgo
(*Feb 14, 1951)
Tunisia TN
Jeanne-Marie Prefaut (*May 14, 1944) Algeria DZ
Henri Pérignon (*Oct 14, 1879) France FR
Guillaume Raoux (*Feb 14, 1970) tennis player France FR
Ross Rebagliati (*Jul 14, 1971) Canada CA
Eldridge Recasner (*Dec 14, 1967) basketball player United States US
Thomas F. Reilly (*Feb 14, 1942) politician United States US
Karl Renner (*Dec 14, 1870) 4th President of Austria Czech Republic CZ
Lance Rentzel (*Oct 14, 1943) American football player United States US
Jean Reynaud (*Feb 14, 1806) philosopher France FR
Eugene Ribere (*Jun 14, 1902) France FR
Ottavio Riccadonna (*Aug 14, 1938) Italy IT
Pooh Richardson (*May 14, 1966) basketball player United States US
Robert Rimmer (*Mar 14, 1917) writer United States US
Fred Roberts (*Aug 14, 1960) basketball player United States US
Ima Roberts (*Dec 14, 1919) astrologer, author United States US
Albert Robida (*May 14, 1848) writer France FR
Lynn Rodden (*Mar 14, 1951) United States US
Lou Roe (*Jul 14, 1972) basketball player United States US
Caroline Romand (*May 14, 1985) France FR
Nestor Roqueplan (*Sep 14, 1805) director France FR
Morgan Garrott Roseborough
(*Jun 14, 1918)
general United States US
Bernd Rosemeyer (*Oct 14, 1909) Germany DE
Donald Henry Ross (*Oct 14, 1923) general United States US
Henry James Ross (*Mar 14, 1893) businessman United Kingdom GB
Larry Jerome Rubin (*Feb 14, 1930) poet United States US
Tony Russo (*Oct 14, 1936) activist United States US
Leonie Rysanek (*Nov 14, 1926) Austria AT
Gunter Sachs (*Nov 14, 1932) astrologer, writer Germany DE
Joe Sacramento (*Jul 14, 1874) United States US
Carroll L. Saine (*Sep 14, 1934) United States US
Simon Saint-Jean (*Oct 14, 1808) painter France FR
Leo Samberger (*Aug 14, 1861) painter Germany DE
Stefano Satta Flores (*Jan 14, 1937) singer Italy IT
Francesco Schettino (*Nov 14, 1960) Italy IT
Curt Schilling (*Nov 14, 1966) baseball player United States US
Mario Schimberni (*Mar 14, 1923) Italy IT
Dwayne Schintzius (*Oct 14, 1968) basketball player United States US
Gabriel Schmergel (*May 14, 1940) Hungary HU
Karl Schulze (*May 14, 1907) boxer Germany DE
Judy Schwomeyer (*Nov 14, 1950) United States US
Italo Scortichini (*Oct 14, 1929) boxer Italy IT
Isabelle Secondi (*Nov 14, 1945) France FR
Daniel Seguin (*Jan 14, 1985) victim of murder United States US
Philippe Sella (*Feb 14, 1962) France FR
Michel Seurat (*Aug 14, 1947) Tunisia TN
Donna Shalala (*Feb 14, 1941) United States US
Marilyn Sheppard (*Apr 14, 1923) United States US
Harold Shipman (*Jan 14, 1946) serial killer United Kingdom GB
Frank Shrontz (*Dec 14, 1931) United States US
Max Shulman (*Mar 14, 1919) writer United States US
Bernie Siegel (*Oct 14, 1932) physicist United States US
Lionel Simmons (*Nov 14, 1968) basketball player United States US
Sirima (*Feb 14, 1964) singer United Kingdom GB
Peter Skellern (*Mar 14, 1947) United Kingdom GB
Ben Smith (*May 14, 1967) athlete Unknown XX
Conrad Smith (*Dec 14, 2004) Australia AU
Margaret Chase Smith (*Dec 14, 1897) United States US
Rico Smith (*Jan 14, 1969) athlete Unknown XX
Tony Smith (*Jun 14, 1968) basketball player United States US
Albert Spaggiari (*Dec 14, 1932) general France FR
Warren Jackson Spencer
(*Aug 14, 1990)
United States US
Starlady (*Jul 14, 1936) astrologer United States US
Marie Steiner-Sivers (*Mar 14, 1867) Poland PL
Ira Stepanian (*Nov 14, 1936) United States US
Rod Stephens (*Jun 14, 1966) athlete Unknown XX