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Celebrities - Surname "A" (3826)

Alexander, Flex (*Apr 15, 1970) actor United States US
Alexander, Fred (*Jun 16, 1927) actor Germany DE
Alexander, Georg (*Apr 3, 1888) actor Germany DE
Alexander, Jace (*Apr 7, 1964) director United States US
Alexander, Jaimie (*Mar 12, 1984) actress United States US
Alexander, James (*Sep 2, 1913) Unknown XX
Alexander, Jane (*Oct 28, 1939) actress United States US
Alexander, Jane (*Dec 28, 1973) actress United Kingdom GB
Alexander, Jason (*Sep 23, 1959) actor United States US
Alexander, Jean (*Oct 11, 1926) actress United Kingdom GB
Alexander, Jeff (*Jul 2, 1910) United States US
Alexander, Joan (*Apr 16, 1918) actress United States US
Alexander, John (*Nov 29, 1897) actor United States US
Alexander, Katharine (*Sep 22, 1898) actress United States US
Alexander, Khandi (*Sep 4, 1957) actress, dancer United States US
Alexander, Lamar (*Jul 3, 1940) politician United States US
Alexander, Lexi (*Aug 23, 1974) director Germany DE
Alexander, Lloyd (*Jan 30, 1924) writer United States US
Alexander, Monique (*May 26, 1982) model, porn actress United States US
Alexander, Newell (*Oct 20, 1935) actor United States US
Alexander, Olivia (*May 17, 1988) actress United States US
Alexander, Peter (*Jun 30, 1926) actor Austria AT
Alexander, Richard (*Nov 19, 1902) actor United States US
Alexander, Robert Love
(*Apr 29, 1913)
United Kingdom GB
Alexander, Ross (*Jul 27, 1907) actor United States US
Alexander, Roxane (*Mar 19, 1976) Unknown XX
Alexander, Sarah (*Jan 3, 1971) actress United Kingdom GB
Alexander, Sasha (*May 17, 1973) actress United States US
Alexander, Scott (*Jun 16, 1963) actor United States US
Alexander, Susana (*Jul 3, 1943) actress Mexico MX
Alexander, Terence (*Mar 11, 1923) actor United Kingdom GB
Alexander, Travis (*Jul 28, 1977) United States US
Alexanderová, Michaela
Alexandersson, Niclas (*Dec 29, 1971) soccer player Sweden SE
Alexandra, Lene (*Oct 29, 1981) singer, model Norway NO
Alexandra, Tiana (*Aug 11, 1961) actress, director, scriptwriter Vietnam VN
Alexandra Apostoleanu, Elena
(*Oct 16, 1986)
singer Romania RO
Alexandrakis, Alekos (*Nov 27, 1928) actor Greece GR
Alexandre, Manuel (*Nov 11, 1917) actor Spain ES
Alexandre, Margarita (*Jul 3, 1923) actress, director Spain ES
Alexandre, Maxime (*Feb 4, 1971) Belgium BE
Alexandre, Miguel (*Mar 21, 1968) director Portugal PT
Alexandre, Roland (*Nov 6, 1927) actor France FR
Alexandria, Alicia (*Aug 11, 1986) actress United States US
Alexandrovskij, Vasilij Dmitrijevič
(*Jan 15, 1897)
poet Russia RU
Alexandrovich Milyutin, Nikolay
(*Dec 21, 1889)
architect Russia RU
Alexandrowicz, Ra'anan
(*Aug 29, 1969)
director Israel IL
Alexandru, George (*Nov 21, 1957) actor Romania RO
Alexandru, Matei (*Dec 25, 1927) Romania RO
Alexandru, Sadie (*Dec 2, 1977) actress United States US
Alexeieff, Alexander (*Aug 1, 1901) director, actor Russia RU
Alexei, Czarevitch (*Aug 12, 1904) child of celebrity Russia RU
Alexi-Malle, Adam (*Sep 24, 1964) actor Italy IT
Alexejevich Bunin, Ivan
(*Oct 22, 1870)
poet, writer Russia RU
Alexia Fast, Alexia (*Sep 12, 1992) actress Canada CA
Alexie, Sherman (*Oct 7, 1966) writer, director United States US
Alexio, Dennis (*Mar 12, 1959) actor United States US
Alexis, Kim (*Jul 15, 1960) actress United States US
Alexis, Raven (*Jan 26, 1987) United States US
Alexsandre, Patrice (*Jan 4, 1948) France FR
Alexy, Gillian (*Mar 13, 1986) actress Australia AU
Alexy, Janko (*Jan 25, 1894) writer, painter, journalist Slovakia SK
Aleynikov, Gleb (*Mar 12, 1966) actor, director SSSR CP
Alfa, Michèle (*Aug 20, 1911) actress France FR
Aleynikov, Pyotr (*Jul 12, 1914) actor Belarus BY
Alfano, Janet (*1982) actress Czech Republic CZ
Alfaro, Emilio (*Jan 20, 1933) actor Argentina AR
Alferova, Ksenia (*May 24, 1974) actress Bulgaria BG
Alfieri, Dino (*Jul 8, 1886) politician Italy IT
Alfieri, Victor (*Jul 30, 1971) actor Italy IT
Alföldi, Róbert (*Nov 22, 1967) actor, director Hungary HU
Alfonsi, Lidia (*Apr 28, 1928) actress Italy IT
Alfonsin, Raul (*Mar 12, 1927) politician Argentina AR
Alfonso, Equis (*May 7, 1972) composer, bassist, singer, artist Cuba CU
Alfonso, Kenny (*Nov 27, 1966) actor United States US
Alfonso, Kristian (*Sep 5, 1963) actress United States US
Alfonzó, (*Feb 28, 1912) actor Hungary HU
Alford, Phillip (*Sep 11, 1948) actor United States US
Alford, Steve (*Nov 23, 1964) basketball player United States US
Alfredson, Daniel (*May 23, 1959) actor, director, scriptwriter Sweden SE
Alfred Tanner, Väinö (*Mar 12, 1881) actor Finland FI
Alfredson, Hans (*Jun 28, 1931) writer, actor, director, scriptwriter Sweden SE
Alfredson, Tomas (*Apr 1, 1965) director, actor Sweden SE
Alfredsson, Daniel (*Dec 11, 1972) ice hockey player Sweden SE
Alfthan, Robert (*Jun 8, 1940) actor, scriptwriter Finland FI
Algar, James (*Jun 11, 1912) director United States US
Alger, Brittney (*Oct 25, 1988) actress United States US
Alger, Horatio (*Jan 13, 1832) writer United States US
Algieri, Michael (*Jan 20, 2001) actor United States US
Algora, Francisco (*Dec 7, 1948) actor Spain ES
Algrant, Daniel (*Sep 25, 1959) director, actor United States US
Alguersuari, Jaime (*Mar 23, 1990) F1 racing driver Spain ES
Ali, Laila (*Dec 30, 1977) boxer United States US
Ali, Aaisha (*May 29, 1956) United States US
Ali, Arsher (*Apr 9, 1984) actor United Kingdom GB
Ali, Hana Yasmeen (*Mar 27, 1976) United States US
Ali, Herjunot (*Oct 8, 1985) Indonesia ID
Ali, Iman (*Dec 19, 1980) Pakistan PK
Ali, Imtiaz (*Jun 15, 1971) India IN
Ali, Kelli (*Jun 30, 1974) singer United Kingdom GB
Ali, Mahershala (*Feb 16, 1974) actor United States US
Ali, Monica (*Oct 20, 1967) writer Bangladesh BD
Ali, Muhammad (*Jan 17, 1942) boxer United States US
Ali, Nadia (*Aug 3, 1980) singer Libya LY
Ali, Nedzhmi (*Jul 16, 1972) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Bulgaria BG
Ali, Tariq (*Oct 21, 1943) Pakistan PK
Ali, Tatyana (*Jan 24, 1979) actress, singer United States US
Alibert, Émilie (*Nov 3, 1974) actress Unknown XX
Alice, Mary (*Dec 3, 1941) actress United States US
Alicia, Ana (*Dec 12, 1956) actress Mexico MX
Alidoosti, Taraneh (*Jan 12, 1984) Iran IR
Alig, Michael (*Apr 29, 1966) club promoter, writer, musician, co-founder of The Club Kids United States US
Alighatti, Alicia (*Jun 21, 1984) porn actress United States US
Alighieri, Dante (*Jun 6, 1265) poet, linguist, author of The Divine Comedy Italy IT
Aligrudic, Slobodan (*Oct 15, 1934) actor Macedonia MK
Alihajdaraj, Astrit (*Dec 10, 1976) actor Serbia RS
Alinovi, Abdon (*May 6, 1923) politician Italy IT
Alioto, Angela (*Oct 20, 1949) United States US
Alioto, Joseph (*Feb 12, 1916) lawyer United States US
Aliprandi, Marcello (*Jan 2, 1934) director Italy IT
Aliranta, Mikko (*Sep 26, 1980) director, scriptwriter Unknown XX
Alireza, Marianne (*Mar 28, 1922) United States US
Alisharan, Kyle (*Dec 26, 1978) Canada CA
Alisik, Sadri (*Apr 5, 1925) Turkey TR
Alison, Natalie (*Jun 13, 1978) actress Austria AT
Alisova, Nina (*Dec 15, 1918) actress Ukraine UA
Alito, Samuel (*Apr 1, 1950) lawyer United States US
Alizadeh, Safura (*Sep 20, 1992) singer Azerbaijan AZ
Alizée, (*Aug 21, 1984) singer France FR
Aljinovic, Boris (*Jun 22, 1967) actor Germany DE
Aljošin, Samuil Iosifovič
(*Jul 21, 1913)
playwright Poland PL
Alkabetz, Gil (*Dec 2, 1957) director Israel IL
Alkan, Charles Valentin
(*Nov 30, 1813)
composer France FR
Alkire, Ida (*Sep 3, 1942) United States US
Allagnon, Stéphane (*May 11, 1967) director France FR
Allain, Marcel (*Sep 15, 1885) writer, journalist France FR
Allain, Stephanie (*Oct 30, 1959) actress United States US
Allaire, Jacques (*Oct 29, 1934) France FR
Allais, Emile (*Feb 25, 1912) skier France FR
Allais, Maurice (*May 31, 1911) physicist, economist, Nobel Prize in Economics France FR
Allam, Roger (*Oct 26, 1953) actor United Kingdom GB
Allamand, Olivier (*Jul 31, 1969) skier France FR
Allan, Andrea (*Nov 18, 1946) actress United Kingdom GB
Allan, Bradley James (*Feb 14, 1973) actor Australia AU
Allan, Christopher M. (*May 27, 1968) Canada CA
Allan, Eric (*Mar 8, 1940) actor Unknown XX
Allan, Harris (*Feb 11, 1985) actor, scriptwriter Canada CA
Allan, Janet Laurie (*Mar 20, 1892) United Kingdom GB
Allan, Jed (*Mar 1, 1937) actor United States US
Allan, Kirsty Lee (*Dec 15, 1984) actress Australia AU
Allan, Markus (*Jun 3, 1945) actor Unknown XX
Allan, Richard (*Jun 22, 1923) actor United States US
Allan, Robert E. (*Jan 25, 1935) United States US
Allan, Ted (*Jan 26, 1916) Canada CA
Alland, William (*Mar 4, 1916) actor United States US
Allaria, Gregory (*Aug 7, 1978) victim of murder France FR
Allaria, Mathieu (*Jul 24, 1980) victim of murder France FR
Allaria, Nadine (*Mar 18, 1957) France FR
Allasio, Federico (*May 30, 1914) soccer player Italy IT
Allasio, Marisa (*Jul 14, 1936) actress Italy IT
Allason, Rupert (*Nov 8, 1951) politician United Kingdom GB
Allbright, Landry (*Aug 1, 1989) actress United States US
Allbritton, Louise (*Jul 3, 1920) actress United States US
Alldredge, Leroy (*Feb 6, 1917) physicist, scientist United States US
Alldredge, Michael (*Apr 13, 1941) actor United States US
Alldridge, Arin (*Jun 19, 1965) United Kingdom GB
Alle, Gérard (*Dec 27, 1953) writer France FR
Alleca, Adam (*Feb 16, 1983) scriptwriter United States US
Alleene, Pierre (*Jul 19, 1909) France FR
Allègre, Claude (*Mar 31, 1937) politician France FR
Allegret, Catherine (*Apr 16, 1946) actress France FR
Allégret, Marc (*Dec 23, 1900) actor, director, scriptwriter Switzerland CH
Allégret, Yves (*Oct 13, 1905) actor, director, scriptwriter France FR
Allegri, Renzo (*Jul 25, 1934) Italy IT
Allemand, André (*Jul 25, 1916) pilot France FR
Allen, Joan (*Aug 20, 1956) actress United States US
Allen, Krista (*Apr 5, 1971) actress, model United States US
Allen, Lily (*May 2, 1985) composer, singer, actress United Kingdom GB
Allen, Aleisha (*Apr 28, 1991) actress United States US
Allen, Joseph (*Jun 27, 1937) NASA astronaut from the Apollo program United States US
Allen, Alfie (*Sep 12, 1986) actor United Kingdom GB
Allen, Andrew James (*Jul 16, 1987) actor United States US
Allen, Beth (*May 28, 1984) New Zealand NZ
Allen, Brian (*Apr 1, 1978) actor United States US
Allen, Brittany (*Feb 5, 1986) actress Canada CA
Allen, Chad (*Jun 5, 1974) actor United States US
Allen, Charles Thomas (*Jul 7, 1990) actor United States US
Allen, Chet (*Aug 17, 1928) United States US
Allen, Chloe (*Aug 22, 2008) United States US
Allen, Christa B. (*Nov 11, 1991) actress United States US
Allen, Corey (*Jun 29, 1934) director, actor United States US
Allen, Crystal (*Aug 13, 1978) actress United States US
Allen, Damon (*Apr 4, 1973) United States US
Allen, David (*Oct 22, 1944) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Allen, Debbie (*Jan 16, 1950) actress, director United States US
Allen, Deborah (*Sep 30, 1953) actress United States US
Allen, Dennis (*Nov 7, 1951) Australia AU
Allen, Dominic (*Nov 20, 1980) director Australia AU
Allen, E. H. (*Nov 15, 1885) Unknown XX
Allen, Ed (*Dec 13, 1930) United States US