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Celebrities - Surname "J" (2514)
Johnson, Chic (*Mar 15, 1891) | US | ||
Johnson, Chiquita (*Apr 6, 1938) | CZ | ||
Johnson, Chris J. (*Aug 29, 1977) | actor | US | |
Johnson, Chubby (*Aug 13, 1903) | US | ||
Johnson, Clarence St (*Nov 3, 1957) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Clark (*Sep 1, 1954) | director, actor | US | |
Johnson, Clay (*Jul 18, 1956) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Clemon (*Sep 12, 1956) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Conrad O. (*Nov 15, 1915) | musician | US | |
Johnson, Corey (*May 17, 1961) | actor | US | |
Johnson, Cornelius (*Aug 21, 1913) | athlete | US | |
Johnson, Cullen (*Apr 30, 1926) | XX | ||
Johnson, Dakota (*Oct 4, 1989) | actress | US | |
Johnson, Damone (*Mar 2, 1962) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Davey (*Dec 8, 1978) | US | ||
Johnson, David (*Oct 27, 1942) | GB | ||
Johnson, David C. (*Mar 23, 1962) | director, actor | US | |
Johnson, David Lisle (*May 23, 1978) | director | US | |
Johnson, David Ralph (*Dec 6, 1921) | XX | ||
Johnson, David W. (*Aug 7, 1932) | AU | ||
Johnson, Dennis (*Sep 18, 1954) | basketball player | US | |
Johnson, Diane (*Apr 28, 1934) | writer, scriptwriter | US | |
Johnson, Don (*Dec 15, 1949) | actor, singer | US | |
Johnson, Don J. (*May 19, 1940) | US | ||
Johnson, Donald H. (*Apr 28, 1934) | writer | US | |
Johnson, Donald Neil (*Feb 4, 1929) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Elizabeth (*May 7, 1963) | US | ||
Johnson, Eric (*Aug 7, 1979) | actor | CA | |
Johnson, Eric Curtis (*Dec 20, 1971) | US | ||
Johnson, Eric D. (*Jun 7, 1976) | composer | US | |
Johnson, Ervin (*Dec 21, 1967) | basketball player | US | |
Johnson, Eyvind (*Jul 29, 1900) | SE | ||
Johnson, Franklin Le (*Nov 23, 1958) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Geordie (*Feb 25, 1953) | actor | CA | |
Johnson, Georgann (*Aug 15, 1926) | actress | US | |
Johnson, George (*Dec 18, 1948) | basketball player | US | |
Johnson, George A. (*Nov 14, 1974) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Johnson, George Clayton
(*Jul 10, 1929) |
writer, actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Johnson, Gerald W. (*Jul 10, 1919) | general | US | |
Johnson, Gracie (*Dec 28, 1999) | US | ||
Johnson, Greer (*Jan 20, 1920) | US | ||
Johnson, Hailey Noelle
(*Dec 12, 1997) |
US | ||
Johnson, Harold Lester
(*Apr 17, 1921) |
US | ||
Johnson, Holly (*Feb 9, 1960) | singer, artist | GB | |
Johnson, Howie (*Jan 31, 1968) | actor | XX | |
Johnson, Jack (*May 18, 1975) | singer | US | |
Johnson, Jack (*Apr 7, 1987) | actor | US | |
Johnson, James L. (*Apr 12, 1927) | US | ||
Johnson, Jasper (*Jun 10, 2002) | US | ||
Johnson, Jay Kenneth (*Feb 24, 1977) | actor | US | |
Johnson, Je'Caryous (*May 26, 1977) | US | ||
Johnson, Jed (*Dec 30, 1948) | director, designer | US | |
Johnson, Jesse (*Dec 7, 1982) | singer, actor, scriptwriter | XX | |
Johnson, Jett (*Mar 7, 2005) | AU | ||
Johnson, Jill (*May 24, 1973) | actress | XX | |
Johnson, Jimmie (*Oct 6, 1966) | racing driver | XX | |
Johnson, Jimmy (*Jul 16, 1943) | American football player | US | |
Johnson, Joe (*Dec 21, 1962) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, John H. (*Jan 19, 1918) | US | ||
Johnson, Johnny (*Jun 11, 1968) | XX | ||
Johnson, Kannard (*Jun 24, 1965) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Karl (*Mar 1, 1948) | actor | GB | |
Johnson, Kate Lang (*Sep 7, 1984) | actress, model | US | |
Johnson, Keith (*Feb 19, 1953) | actor | US | |
Johnson, Kenneth (*Oct 26, 1942) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Johnson, Kenny (*Jul 13, 1963) | actor | US | |
Johnson, Kevin (*Mar 4, 1966) | athlete | US | |
Johnson, Kim (*Sep 18, 1944) | teacher | US | |
Johnson, Kimbra (*Mar 27, 1990) | composer, singer | NZ | |
Johnson, Kristen (*Mar 16, 1982) | US | ||
Johnson, Lady Bird (*Dec 22, 1912) | US | ||
Johnson, Lamont (*Sep 30, 1922) | director, actor | US | |
Johnson, Larry (*Nov 28, 1954) | XX | ||
Johnson, Lauri (*Dec 27, 1949) | actress | US | |
Johnson, Laurie (*Feb 7, 1927) | composer | GB | |
Johnson, Lee (*Jun 16, 1957) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Lia Marie (*Nov 23, 1996) | US | ||
Johnson, Linton Kwesi (*Aug 24, 1952) | singer, writer, poet | JM | |
Johnson, Louisa Braden
(*Dec 14, 1984) |
XX | ||
Johnson, Lydia (*Jan 6, 1896) | actress | RU | |
Johnson, Lynbert (*Sep 7, 1957) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Lynn-Holly (*Dec 13, 1958) | actress | US | |
Johnson, Magic (*Aug 14, 1959) | basketball player | US | |
Johnson, Mario (*Jan 30, 1970) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Mark Erick (*Jun 25, 1949) | US | ||
Johnson, Mark Steven (*Oct 30, 1964) | actor | US | |
Johnson, Marques Kevin
(*Feb 8, 1956) |
athlete | US | |
Johnson, Martin (*Jun 14, 1939) | producer | GB | |
Johnson, Martin (*Mar 9, 1970) | actor | GB | |
Johnson, Martin (*Sep 9, 1985) | singer, guitarist | US | |
Johnson, Mary (*Jun 14, 1963) | US | ||
Johnson, Maurice (*Jan 9, 1967) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Melodie (*Oct 23, 1943) | actress | US | |
Johnson, Micaela (*Jan 1, 1985) | actress | US | |
Johnson, Michael (*Sep 13, 1967) | athlete, sprinter | US | |
Johnson, Michael (*Jul 18, 1987) | singer, dancer | DE | |
Johnson, Michael G. (*Nov 25, 1965) | director, actor | DE | |
Johnson, Michael Wayne
(*Jul 30, 1982) |
guitarist, singer | US | |
Johnson, Michelle (*Sep 8, 1965) | actress, director | US | |
Johnson, Michelle (*Apr 7, 1982) | actress | US | |
Johnson, Mike (*Nov 26, 1962) | XX | ||
Johnson, Neil (*Apr 17, 1943) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Nunnally (*Dec 5, 1897) | actor | US | |
Johnson, Ollie (*Apr 11, 1949) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Patricia (*Oct 7, 1948) | US | ||
Johnson, Patty Jean (*Apr 15, 1950) | US | ||
Johnson, Pauline (*Mar 10, 1861) | poet | CA | |
Johnson, Penny (*Mar 14, 1961) | actress | US | |
Johnson, Philip (*Jul 8, 1906) | architect | US | |
Johnson, R. Brandon (*Jan 14, 1968) | US | ||
Johnson, Rafer (*Aug 18, 1935) | US | ||
Johnson, Randy (*Sep 10, 1963) | baseball player | US | |
Johnson, Ray William (*May 15, 1987) | singer | US | |
Johnson, Reginald (*Jun 25, 1957) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Rian (*Dec 17, 1973) | director, scriptwriter | US | |
Johnson, Richard (*Jul 30, 1927) | actor | GB | |
Johnson, Rick (*Jan 21, 1961) | actor, director | US | |
Johnson, Risto (*Jan 16, 1952) | actor | FI | |
Johnson, Rita (*Aug 13, 1913) | actress | US | |
Johnson, Rob (*Mar 18, 1973) | American football player | US | |
Johnson, Robert (*May 8, 1911) | composer, guitarist, singer | US | |
Johnson, Ronald (*Nov 25, 1935) | poet | US | |
Johnson, Russell (*Nov 10, 1924) | actor | US | |
Johnson, Sammy (*May 14, 1949) | actor | GB | |
Johnson, Samuel (*Sep 18, 1709) | writer, poet | GB | |
Johnson, Scarlett Alice
(*Apr 7, 1985) |
actress | GB | |
Johnson, Shawn (*Jan 19, 1992) | gymnast | US | |
Johnson, Steffond (*Nov 4, 1962) | basketball player | US | |
Johnson, Stew (*Aug 19, 1944) | basketball player | US | |
Johnson, Susan (*Jul 7, 1939) | writer | US | |
Johnson, Ted (*Dec 4, 1972) | American football player | US | |
Johnson, Terry (*Dec 20, 1955) | GB | ||
Johnson, Tim (*Jan 29, 1965) | soccer player | US | |
Johnson, Tor (*Oct 19, 1903) | actor | SE | |
Johnson, Tracy (*Nov 29, 1966) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Uwe (*Jul 20, 1934) | PL | ||
Johnson, Van (*Aug 25, 1916) | actor | US | |
Johnson, Vance (*Mar 13, 1963) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Vaughan (*Mar 24, 1962) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Vincent (*Sep 1, 1956) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson, Virginia (*Feb 11, 1925) | US | ||
Johnson, Wallace Edg (*Aug 31, 1952) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson III, Earvin (*Jun 4, 1992) | US | ||
Johnson III, Edward Johnson, (*Jun 29, 1930) | businessman | XX | |
Johnson Jr., Alfonso (*Jan 3, 1964) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson Jr., Andrew (*Nov 8, 1931) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson Jr., Daniel (*Dec 24, 1944) | politician | CA | |
Johnson Jr., Edward (*Feb 24, 1955) | athlete | XX | |
Johnson Jr. Gus, (*Dec 13, 1938) | athlete | XX | |
Johnsson, Ana (*Oct 4, 1977) | singer | SE | |
Johnston, Alexander (*Oct 10, 1959) | director | US | |
Johnston, Audrey (*Jul 22, 1939) | actress | US | |
Johnston, Bill (*Nov 2, 1894) | tennis player | US | |
Johnston, Bob (*May 14, 1932) | artist | US | |
Johnston, Charles (*Apr 9, 1971) | CA | ||
Johnston, Clint (*Mar 31, 1915) | US | ||
Johnston, David Russell
(*Jul 28, 1932) |
politician | GB | |
Johnston, George (*Jun 14, 1933) | painter | GB | |
Johnston, Grace (*Oct 12, 1980) | actress | US | |
Johnston, J. J. (*Oct 24, 1933) | actor, writer | US | |
Johnston, Jamie (*Jul 7, 1989) | actor | CA | |
Johnston, Jay (*Oct 22, 1968) | actor | US | |
Johnston, Joe (*May 13, 1950) | director, actor | US | |
Johnston, Johnny (*Dec 1, 1915) | actor | US | |
Johnston, Julanne (*May 1, 1900) | actress | US | |
Johnston, Kristen (*Sep 20, 1967) | actress | US | |
Johnston, Lynn (*May 28, 1947) | artist | CA | |
Johnston, Michelle (*Oct 4, 1964) | actress | US | |
Johnston, Mingus (*Oct 27, 1974) | GB | ||
Johnston, Mireille (*Oct 4, 1935) | cook | FR | |
Johnston, Robert (*Oct 6, 1937) | general | GB | |
Johnston, Robert Smith
(*Oct 10, 1918) |
GB | ||
Johnston, Shaun (*Nov 5, 1958) | actor, director | CA | |
Johnston, Sue (*Dec 7, 1943) | actress | GB | |
Johnston, Tony (*Feb 6, 1960) | actor, director, scriptwriter | GB | |
Johnston, Tyler (*Jun 4, 1987) | CA | ||
Johnston, Vanessa V. (*Oct 26, 1991) | actress | US | |
Johnston Jr., Oliver M.
(*Oct 31, 1912) |
actor | US | |
Johnstone, Dion (*Oct 12, 1975) | actor | CA | |
Johnstone, Robert William
(*Aug 11, 1879) |
physicist | GB | |
JoJo, (*Dec 20, 1990) | singer, actress | US | |
Jokela, Leo (*Jan 24, 1927) | actor | FI | |
Jokela, Seppo (*Mar 5, 1934) | actor | FI | |
Jokelin, Jaakko (*Sep 5, 1923) | actor | FI | |
Jokikunnas, Ellen (*Nov 18, 1976) | actress | FI | |
Jokilehto, Reino (*Nov 7, 1913) | actor | FI | |
Jokimo, Laila (*Mar 5, 1921) | actress | FI | |
Jokinen, Ama (*Feb 9, 1911) | FI | ||
Jokinen, Antti (*Apr 26, 1968) | director, scriptwriter | FI | |
Jokinen, Ilkka A. (*Dec 27, 1957) | FI | ||
Jokinen, Juha (*Oct 10, 1937) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FI | |
Jokinen, Jussi (*Apr 1, 1983) | ice hockey player | FI | |
Jokinen, Olli (*Dec 5, 1978) | ice hockey player | FI | |
Jokinen, Seppo (*Dec 19, 1927) | scriptwriter | FI | |
Jokinen, Titta (*Feb 23, 1951) | actress | FI | |
Jokio, Armas (*Feb 21, 1918) | actor | FI | |
Joković, Mirjana (*Nov 24, 1967) | actress | RS | |
Joksimović, Željko (*Apr 20, 1972) | singer | RS | |
Joles, Bob (*Jul 16, 1959) | actor | US | |
Joli, Justine (*Jul 16, 1980) | model, porn actress | US | |
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