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Celebrities - Surname "D" (4791)
Delfante, Charles (*Sep 1, 1926) | architect | FR | |
Delfina, Alma (*Nov 5, 1960) | actress | MX | |
Delfino, Giuseppe (*Nov 22, 1921) | IT | ||
Delfino, Luciano (*Aug 9, 1932) | soccer player | IT | |
Delfino, Luiz (*Mar 5, 1958) | psychologist, astrologer | BR | |
Delfino, Majandra (*Feb 20, 1981) | actress, singer | VE | |
Delfino, Marieh (*Sep 24, 1977) | actress | VE | |
Delford, Brown Robert (*Oct 25, 1930) | artist | US | |
Delfosse, Raoul (*May 12, 1924) | actor | FR | |
Delfour, Edmond (*Nov 1, 1907) | soccer player | FR | |
Delfrano, John Phillip
(*Dec 18, 1972) |
US | ||
Delgado, Adrián (*May 14, 1977) | actor | VE | |
Delgado, Beatrix (*Jun 21, 1966) | singer from Masterboy | CH | |
Delgado, Chiquinquirá (*Aug 17, 1972) | actress, model | VE | |
Delgado, Darla (*Feb 21, 1969) | actress | US | |
Delgado, Humberto (*May 15, 1906) | politician | PT | |
Delgado, Marco (*Oct 18, 1972) | actor | PT | |
Delgado, Mary (*Oct 8, 1916) | actress | ES | |
Delibes, Leo (*Feb 21, 1836) | composer | FR | |
Delibes, Miguel (*Oct 17, 1920) | writer | ES | |
Delik, (*1982) | singer | SK | |
Delinger, Jack (*Jun 22, 1926) | physicist | US | |
Delinsky, Barbara (*Aug 9, 1945) | writer | US | |
DeLisle, Grey (*Aug 24, 1972) | singer, actress | US | |
Delišová, Martina (*1972) | actress | CZ | |
Delius, Frederick (*Jan 29, 1862) | composer | GB | |
Deliz, Yasmin (*Jun 2, 1987) | actress, singer, model | VE | |
DeLizia, Cara (*Apr 10, 1984) | actress | US | |
DeLizia, Melissa (*Feb 16, 1981) | actress | US | |
Delk, Tony (*Jan 28, 1974) | basketball player | US | |
Dell, Dorothy (*Jan 30, 1915) | actress | US | |
Dell, Michael (*Feb 23, 1965) | businessman | US | |
Dell'Acqua, Ottaviano (*Mar 13, 1955) | actor | IT | |
Dell'elce, Giovanni (*Jun 28, 1956) | politician | IT | |
Della, Jay (*Aug 6, 1926) | actor | US | |
Della Chiaje, Stefano (*Sep 13, 1936) | IT | ||
Della Valle, Diego (*Dec 30, 1953) | fashion designer | IT | |
Della-Penna, Dolores Marie
(*Dec 13, 1954) |
US | ||
Dellapina, Karel (*Oct 22, 1916) | actor | BG | |
Delle Cave, Silvestro (*Jul 21, 1988) | IT | ||
Dellera, Francesca (*Oct 2, 1963) | actress, model | IT | |
Delliponti, Senta-Sofia
(*Apr 16, 1990) |
singer | DE | |
Delluc, Louis (*Oct 14, 1890) | director, actor | FR | |
Dellums, Erik (*Sep 23, 1964) | actor | US | |
Dellums, Ronald D. (*Nov 24, 1935) | politician | US | |
Delmaine, Barry (*Nov 11, 1909) | GB | ||
Delmar, Thomas (*Nov 11, 1879) | XX | ||
Delmar, Viña (*Jan 29, 1903) | writer, scriptwriter | US | |
Delmare, Fred (*Apr 24, 1922) | actor | DE | |
Delmas, Bénédicte (*Jul 7, 1972) | actress | FR | |
Delmer, Henri (*Feb 15, 1907) | soccer player | FR | |
Delmine, Emile (*May 22, 1927) | boxer | BE | |
Delmont, Édouard (*Dec 5, 1883) | actor | FR | |
DelNegro, Vinny (*Aug 9, 1966) | basketball player | US | |
Deloach, Nikki (*Sep 9, 1979) | actress | US | |
Deloin, Alain (*Feb 20, 1970) | actor | FR | |
Delon, Alain (*Nov 8, 1935) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Delon, Alain-Fabien (*Mar 18, 1994) | actor | FR | |
Delon, Anouchka (*Nov 25, 1990) | actress | FR | |
Delon, Anthony (*Sep 30, 1964) | actor | US | |
Delon, Nathalie (*Aug 1, 1941) | actress, director | MA | |
Delong, Vladislav (*Sep 20, 1928) | director | CZ | |
DeLonge, Thomas (*Dec 13, 1975) | singer, guitarist | US | |
Delora, Jennifer (*Mar 2, 1962) | actress | US | |
DeLorean, John Z. (*Jan 6, 1925) | US | ||
DeLorenzo, Michael (*Oct 31, 1959) | actor | US | |
Delorme, Danièle (*Oct 9, 1926) | actress | FR | |
Delorme, Guillaume (*May 31, 1978) | actor | FR | |
Delorme, Guy (*May 23, 1929) | actor | XX | |
Delors, Jacques (*Jul 20, 1925) | politician | FR | |
DeLory, Donna (*Sep 10, 1964) | actress | US | |
Delouche, Dominique (*Apr 9, 1931) | actress, director | FR | |
DeLozier, Josh (*Apr 29, 1983) | actor | US | |
Delp, Alfred (*Sep 15, 1907) | priest | DE | |
Delp, Brad (*Jun 12, 1951) | musician | US | |
Delpech, Michel (*Jan 26, 1946) | singer | FR | |
Delpeut, Peter (*Jul 12, 1956) | director | NL | |
Delpeyrat, Scali (*Sep 14, 1971) | actor, director | FR | |
Delphin, (*Oct 12, 1882) | FR | ||
Delplanque, Eugène (*Feb 16, 1929) | boxer | BE | |
Delplanque, Georges (*Jul 13, 1903) | painter | FR | |
Delplanque, Lionel (*Jan 27, 1972) | director | FR | |
Delport, Brett (*May 9, 1984) | actor | ZA | |
Delporte, Yvan (*Jun 24, 1928) | writer | BE | |
Delpy, Albert (*Sep 13, 1941) | actor | FR | |
Delpy, Julie (*Dec 21, 1969) | musician, actress, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Delrock, Pierre (*Feb 25, 1935) | journalist | BE | |
Delsarte, Francois (*Nov 19, 1811) | singer | FR | |
Delson, Brad (*Dec 1, 1977) | actor | US | |
Delterme, Marine (*Mar 18, 1968) | actress, painter, sculptor | FR | |
Deltgen, René (*Apr 30, 1909) | actor | LU | |
Delubac, Jacqueline (*May 27, 1907) | actress | FR | |
Delubac, Yves André (*Oct 19, 1947) | writer | FR | |
Deluc, Xavier (*Mar 18, 1958) | actor | FR | |
DeLuca, Kristen (*Dec 30, 1981) | actress | US | |
DeLuca, Daniel Michael
(*Apr 3, 1987) |
actor | US | |
DeLuce, Robert (*Aug 24, 1877) | astrologer, writer | US | |
DeLuise, Anne Marie (*Aug 3, 1969) | actress | CA | |
DeLuise, David (*Nov 11, 1971) | actor | US | |
DeLuise, Dom (*Aug 1, 1933) | actor | US | |
DeLuise, Michael (*Aug 4, 1969) | actor, director | US | |
DeLuise, Peter (*Nov 6, 1966) | director, actor | US | |
DeLuna, Kat (*Nov 17, 1987) | singer | US | |
Deluxe, Samy (*Dec 19, 1977) | singer | DE | |
Delvaux, André (*Mar 21, 1926) | director, actor | BE | |
Delvaux, Anne (*Oct 20, 1970) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | BE | |
Delvaux, Paul (*Sep 23, 1897) | painter | BE | |
Delville, Jean (*Jan 19, 1867) | painter | BE | |
Delvincourt, Claude (*Jan 12, 1888) | composer | FR | |
Delyne, Christiane (*Sep 3, 1902) | actress | US | |
Demachy, Robert (*Jul 7, 1859) | photographer | FR | |
DeMaio, Joey (*Mar 6, 1954) | bassist | US | |
Demaison, François-Xavier
(*Sep 22, 1973) |
actor | FR | |
Demange, Paul (*Apr 12, 1901) | actor | FR | |
Demany, Fernand (*Jun 26, 1903) | writer, journalist | BE | |
Demara, Esternado Waldo
(*Dec 12, 1921) |
US | ||
Demarbre, Lee (*Mar 8, 1972) | director, actor | CA | |
Demarco, Bob (*Sep 16, 1938) | soccer player | US | |
Demarco, Richard (*Jul 9, 1930) | painter, artist | GB | |
DeMarcus, Madeline (*Dec 18, 2010) | US | ||
Demare, Lucas (*Jul 14, 1910) | director, actor | AR | |
Demarest, William (*Feb 27, 1892) | actor | US | |
Demaret, Michel (*Jan 18, 1940) | politician | BE | |
Demarsan, Éric (*Oct 2, 1938) | actor, composer | FR | |
Demartini, Hugo (*Jul 11, 1931) | actor | CZ | |
Demazis, Orane (*Sep 4, 1894) | actress | DZ | |
Dembinski, Lucjan (*Sep 30, 1924) | director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Dembiński, Miroslaw (*Feb 21, 1959) | director | PL | |
Dembo, Richard (*May 24, 1948) | director, actor | FR | |
Demedts, Jef (*Oct 19, 1935) | BE | ||
Demel, Pavel (*May 14, 1903) | actor | CZ | |
Demele, Jan (*1971) | CZ | ||
DeMent, Iris (*Jan 5, 1961) | singer | US | |
Dementyev, Mikhail (*Mar 8, 1979) | actor | CP | |
Dementyev, Andrei (*Oct 29, 1990) | actor | CP | |
Demenÿ, Georges (*Jun 12, 1850) | inventor | FR | |
Dementieva, Elena (*Oct 15, 1981) | tennis player | RU | |
Demers, Hervé (*Sep 30, 1982) | director | CA | |
Demeterová, Denisa (*1982) | actress | CZ | |
Demetriou, Panayiotis (*May 6, 1939) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | GR | |
Demetru, George (*Dec 9, 1905) | actor | RO | |
Demian, Iosif (*May 26, 1941) | director | RO | |
Demicheli, Tulio (*Aug 15, 1914) | director | AR | |
Demich, Yuriy (*Aug 18, 1948) | actor | CP | |
Demick, Irina (*Oct 16, 1936) | actress | FR | |
Demida, (*May 5, 1991) | XX | ||
Demidova, Alla (*Sep 29, 1936) | actress | RU | |
DeMille, Cecil B. (*Aug 12, 1881) | actor, director | US | |
DeMille, Nelson (*Aug 23, 1943) | writer | US | |
Deming, Peter (*Dec 13, 1957) | actor, cameraman | LB | |
Demirdžić, Rejhan (*Jan 2, 1927) | BA | ||
Demirel, Volkan (*Oct 27, 1981) | soccer player | TR | |
Demirel, Ziya (*Sep 7, 1919) | XX | ||
Demirer, Ata (*Jul 6, 1972) | TR | ||
Demirkan, Renan (*Jun 12, 1955) | TR | ||
Demirkubuz, Zeki (*Oct 1, 1964) | actor, director | TR | |
DeMita, John (*Jan 6, 1959) | US | ||
Demitra, Pavol (*Nov 29, 1974) | ice hockey player | SK | |
Demkowska, Ariadna (*Mar 16, 1918) | actress | RU | |
Deml, Jakub (*Aug 20, 1878) | writer, poet | CZ | |
Demme, Jonathan (*Feb 22, 1944) | director, actor | US | |
Demme, Ted (*Oct 26, 1963) | director, actor | US | |
Demongeot, Catherine (*Jul 10, 1948) | actress | FR | |
Demongeot, Mylène (*Sep 29, 1935) | actress | FR | |
DeMoss, Darcy (*Aug 19, 1963) | actress | US | |
Demoustier, Anaïs (*Sep 29, 1987) | actress | FR | |
Demps, Dell (*Feb 12, 1970) | basketball player | US | |
Dempsey, Patrick (*Jan 13, 1966) | actor, model, racing driver | US | |
Dempsey, Jack (*Jun 24, 1895) | professional boxer | US | |
Dempsey, Clint (*Mar 9, 1983) | soccer player | US | |
Dempsey, Jerry E. (*Oct 1, 1932) | chemist | US | |
Dempsey, John C. (*Jul 14, 1914) | boxer | US | |
Dempsey, Kathleen (*Jul 15, 1961) | US | ||
Dempsey, Mark (*Jan 29, 1936) | actor | US | |
Dempsey, Richard (*May 16, 1974) | actor | GB | |
Dempsey, Tanya (*Dec 19, 1975) | actress | US | |
Dempsey, Tom (*Jan 12, 1947) | American football player | US | |
Dempsey, Trish (*Apr 27, 1947) | actress | US | |
Dempsie, Joe (*Jun 22, 1987) | actor | GB | |
Dempster, Carol (*Dec 9, 1901) | actress | US | |
Dempster, Curt (*Nov 1, 1935) | actor | US | |
Dempster, Kenneth C. (*Sep 25, 1917) | general | US | |
Demsey, Patrick O'Brien
(*Dec 14, 1978) |
actor | US | |
Demszky, Gábor (*Aug 4, 1952) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | HU | |
DeMunn, Jeffrey (*Apr 25, 1947) | actor | US | |
Demurger, Jonathan (*Sep 1, 1988) | actor | XX | |
Demurtas, Mariangela (*Nov 4, 1981) | singer | IT | |
Demus, Jörg (*Dec 2, 1928) | artist | AT | |
Demy, Jacques (*Jun 5, 1931) | writer, actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Demy, Mathieu (*Oct 15, 1972) | actor, director | FR | |
Demyanenko, Aleksandr (*May 30, 1937) | actor | CP | |
den Adel, Sharon (*Jul 12, 1974) | singer | NL | |
den Uyl, Bob (*Mar 27, 1930) | writer | NL | |
Denanot, Jean-Paul (*Apr 24, 1944) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | FR | |
Denard, Bob (*Apr 7, 1929) | soldier | FR | |
Denault, Jim (*Jul 25, 1960) | actor, cameraman | US | |
Denberg, Susan (*Aug 2, 1944) | actress | AT | |
Denby, Jerry (*Feb 8, 1931) | actor, director, cameraman | US | |
Denby-Ashe, Daniela (*Aug 9, 1978) | actress | GB | |
Dench, Judi (*Dec 9, 1934) | actress, director | GB | |
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