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Celebrities - Surname "F" (3378)
Forstchen, William R. (*Oct 11, 1950) | writer | US | |
Forster, Robert (*Jul 13, 1941) | actor, director | US | |
Forster, Edward Morgan
(*Jan 1, 1879) |
writer | GB | |
Forster, Georg (*Nov 26, 1754) | writer, journalist | PL | |
Forster, Kate (*Oct 26, 1969) | actress | US | |
Forster, Marc (*Nov 30, 1969) | director, actor | DE | |
Förster, Miroslav (*1969) | actor | CZ | |
Forster, Peter H. (*May 28, 1942) | DE | ||
Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth
(*Jul 10, 1846) |
DE | ||
Forstová, Anna (*1984) | actress | CZ | |
Forsyth, Andrew (*Jun 18, 1858) | mathematician | GB | |
Forsyth, Bill (*Jul 29, 1946) | director, actor | GB | |
Forsyth, Brigit (*Jul 28, 1940) | actress | GB | |
Forsyth, Frederick (*Aug 25, 1938) | writer | GB | |
Forsyth, Michael (*Oct 16, 1954) | politician | GB | |
Forsyth, Rosemary (*Jul 6, 1943) | actress | CA | |
Forsythe, Abe (*Jul 26, 1981) | writer, actor, director | AU | |
Forsythe, Henderson (*Sep 11, 1917) | actor | US | |
Forsythe, John (*Jan 29, 1918) | actor | US | |
Forsythe, Rebecca (*Sep 5, 1990) | actress | US | |
Forsythe, William (*Jun 7, 1955) | actor | US | |
Fort, Gertrud von Le (*Oct 11, 1876) | DE | ||
Fořt, Karel (*Dec 29, 1908) | actor | CZ | |
Fort, Paul (*Feb 1, 1872) | writer, poet | FR | |
Fořt, Pavel (*1983) | soccer player | CZ | |
Forte, Charles (*Nov 26, 1908) | businessman | IT | |
Forte, Chet (*Aug 7, 1935) | basketball player | US | |
Forte, Fabian (*Feb 6, 1943) | singer, actor | US | |
Forte, Will (*Jun 17, 1970) | actor | US | |
Fortes, Paulo (*Feb 7, 1923) | BR | ||
Forteza, Lorena (*Mar 10, 1976) | actress | CO | |
Forth, Eric (*Sep 9, 1944) | politician | GB | |
Forti, Dione (*Aug 18, 1958) | astrologer | BR | |
Fortier, Laurie (*Feb 25, 1974) | actress | US | |
Fortier, Marianne (*Nov 2, 1993) | actress | CA | |
Fortier, Robert (*Nov 5, 1926) | actor | US | |
Fortin, Christian (*May 18, 1946) | FR | ||
Fortin, Michel (*Jul 9, 1947) | actor | FR | |
Fortner, Wolfgang (*Oct 12, 1907) | composer, teacher | DE | |
Forton, Louis (*Mar 14, 1879) | artist | FR | |
Fořtová, Péťa (*1998) | dancer | CZ | |
Fortson, Danny (*Mar 27, 1976) | basketball player | US | |
Fortuna, Corrado (*Mar 31, 1978) | actor | IT | |
Fortuna, Stan (*Jun 9, 1957) | singer, rapper, guitarist, bassist, a Catholic priest | XX | |
Fortuna, Loris (*Jan 22, 1924) | politician | IT | |
Fortunato, Andrea (*Jul 26, 1971) | soccer player | IT | |
Fortunati, Michael (*Sep 4, 1955) | Italian Disco singer | IT | |
Fortunato, Joe (*Mar 28, 1930) | soccer player | US | |
Fortunato, Mario (*Sep 2, 1958) | journalist | IT | |
Fortune, Chad (*Aug 13, 1967) | US | ||
Fortune, John (*Jun 30, 1939) | actor | XX | |
Fortuny, Maria (*Jun 11, 1838) | painter | ES | |
Fortuyn, Pim (*Feb 19, 1948) | politician | NL | |
Forward, William (*May 24, 1949) | US | ||
Forzano, Rita (*Sep 19, 1946) | actress | IT | |
Forzatti, Ezio (*Apr 8, 1949) | IT | ||
Fosbury, Dick (*Mar 6, 1947) | athlete | US | |
Foscolo, Ugo (*Feb 6, 1778) | GR | ||
Fosh, Christopher (*May 19, 1965) | actor | GB | |
Foskolos, Nikos (*Nov 26, 1927) | XX | ||
Fosnow, Jerry (*Sep 21, 1940) | baseball player | US | |
Foss, Lukas (*Aug 15, 1922) | conductor, composer | DE | |
Foss, Wenche (*Dec 5, 1917) | actress | NO | |
Fossati, Ivano (*Sep 21, 1951) | singer | IT | |
Fosse, Bob (*Jun 23, 1927) | actor | US | |
Fossett, Steve (*Apr 22, 1944) | US | ||
Fossey, Brigitte (*Jun 15, 1946) | actress | FR | |
Fossey, Todd (*Aug 5, 1970) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Fossier, Nadia (*May 15, 1971) | actress | FR | |
Foster, Barry (*Aug 21, 1927) | actor | GB | |
Foster, Ben (*Oct 29, 1980) | actor | US | |
Foster, Blake (*May 29, 1985) | actor | US | |
Foster, Charles (*Jul 22, 1998) | US | ||
Foster, Charles H. (*Feb 3, 1922) | US | ||
Foster, David (*Nov 1, 1949) | composer, musician, singer | CA | |
Foster, Dianne (*Oct 31, 1928) | actress | CA | |
Foster, Frank (*Sep 23, 1928) | composer, musician | US | |
Foster, Gloria (*Nov 15, 1933) | actress | US | |
Foster, Greg (*Oct 3, 1968) | basketball player | US | |
Foster, Hailey (*Feb 26, 1984) | US | ||
Foster, Harry Hickwire
(*Apr 2, 1902) |
general | CA | |
Foster, Jodie (*Nov 19, 1962) | actress, director | US | |
Foster, Jon (*Aug 3, 1984) | actor | US | |
Foster, Kat (*May 17, 1978) | actress | US | |
Foster, Kevin (*Jan 13, 1969) | baseball player | US | |
Foster, Kimberly (*Jul 6, 1961) | actress | US | |
Foster, Kit (*Sep 29, 2001) | child of celebrity | US | |
Foster, Kristen (*Feb 23, 1981) | XX | ||
Foster, Lewis R. (*Aug 5, 1898) | director | US | |
Foster, M. A. (*Jul 2, 1939) | writer | US | |
Foster, Mark (*Feb 29, 1984) | singer | US | |
Foster, May (*Mar 27, 1873) | actress | US | |
Foster, Meg (*May 10, 1948) | actress | US | |
Foster, Norman (*Dec 13, 1900) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Foster, Norman (*Jun 1, 1935) | architect | GB | |
Foster, Preston (*Aug 24, 1900) | actor | US | |
Foster, Rae (*Mar 4, 1986) | US | ||
Foster, Sara (*Aug 2, 1981) | actress | US | |
Foster, Scott Michael (*Mar 4, 1985) | actor | US | |
Foster, Stephen (*Jul 4, 1826) | writer | US | |
Foster, Susanna (*Dec 6, 1924) | singer, actress | US | |
Foster, Sutton (*Mar 18, 1975) | singer, actress, dancer | US | |
Foster, William Adelbert
(*Feb 17, 1915) |
US | ||
Foster McKeehan, Truett
(*Sep 4, 1998) |
singer | XX | |
Fothergill, Alastair (*Apr 10, 1960) | director | XX | |
Fotheringham, Aaron (*Nov 8, 1991) | US | ||
Fotheringham, Allan (*Aug 31, 1932) | CA | ||
Foti, Francesco (*Sep 24, 1965) | actor | IT | |
Fotyga, Anna Elzbieta (*Jan 12, 1957) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | PL | |
Foucan, Sebastien (*May 27, 1974) | actor | FR | |
Foucault, Jean-Pierre (*Nov 23, 1947) | FR | ||
Foucault, Michel (*Oct 15, 1926) | avant-garde philosopher, psychologist, Professor at the Collège de France | FR | |
Foucault, Léon (*Sep 18, 1819) | physicist, inventor of the gyroscope and Foucault's Pendulum | FR | |
Foucault, Paul-André (*Jul 21, 1893) | FR | ||
Fouché, Audrey (*Jan 17, 1981) | director, scriptwriter | XX | |
Fouché, Joseph (*May 21, 1759) | politician | FR | |
Fouchet, Christian (*Nov 17, 1911) | politician | FR | |
Foudy, Julie (*Jan 23, 1971) | US | ||
Fouéré, Abbé (*Sep 4, 1839) | sculptor | FR | |
Fougeron, André (*Oct 1, 1913) | painter | FR | |
Fougstedt, Greta (*Feb 28, 1913) | actress | AZ | |
Fougstedt, Nils-Eric (*May 24, 1910) | composer | FI | |
Fouillée, Alfred (*Oct 18, 1838) | philosopher | FR | |
Foulger, Byron (*Aug 27, 1899) | actor | US | |
Foulk, Robert (*May 5, 1908) | US | ||
Foulkes, Carly (*Aug 4, 1988) | actress | CA | |
Foulkes, George (*Jan 21, 1942) | politician | GB | |
Foulkes, Ted (*Feb 27, 1962) | US | ||
Foulquier, Jean-Louis (*Jun 24, 1943) | actor | FR | |
Fountain, Chris (*Nov 3, 1987) | actor | GB | |
Fountain, Pete (*Jul 3, 1930) | musician | US | |
Fourastié, Philippe (*Jun 14, 1940) | director | FR | |
Fourcade, Christian (*Apr 22, 1942) | actor | FR | |
Fourcade, Jean-Pierre (*Oct 18, 1929) | politician | FR | |
Fourcade, Martin (*Sep 14, 1988) | biathlete | FR | |
Fourcade, Simon (*May 25, 1984) | biathlete | FR | |
Fouré, Brigitte (*Aug 13, 1955) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | FR | |
Fourestier, Louis (*May 31, 1892) | conductor, composer | FR | |
Fourgon, Michel (*Aug 21, 1968) | composer | BE | |
Fourier, Charles (*Apr 7, 1772) | philosopher | FR | |
Fournet-Fayard, Jean (*Dec 31, 1931) | FR | ||
Fournier, Brice (*Jul 20, 1966) | FR | ||
Fournier, Pierre (*Jun 24, 1906) | musician | FR | |
Fourquet, André (*Jul 3, 1929) | FR | ||
Fourquet, Émile (*Sep 8, 1862) | FR | ||
Fourtou, Janelly (*Feb 4, 1939) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | FR | |
Fousek, Josef (*1939) | actor | CZ | |
Foussat, Louise Munoa (*Aug 25, 1908) | US | ||
Foust, Larry (*Jun 24, 1928) | athlete | US | |
Foustková, Eva (*Jan 2, 1911) | actress | CZ | |
Fowlds, Derek (*Sep 2, 1937) | actor | GB | |
Fowler, Blair (*Apr 1, 1993) | artist, beauty and fashion guru | US | |
Fowler, Bruce (*Jul 10, 1947) | composer | US | |
Fowler, Karen (*Sep 17, 1956) | US | ||
Fowler, Karen Joy (*Feb 7, 1950) | writer, actress | US | |
Fowler, Lorenzo N. (*Jun 23, 1811) | writer | US | |
Fowler, Rickie (*Dec 22, 1988) | golfer | US | |
Fowler Jr., Gene (*May 27, 1917) | director, actor | US | |
Fowles, John (*Mar 31, 1926) | writer, actor, scriptwriter | GB | |
Fowley, Douglas (*May 30, 1911) | actor | US | |
Fowley, Kim (*Jul 21, 1939) | composer | US | |
Fox, Rick (*Jul 24, 1969) | actor, basketball player | CA | |
Fox, Terry (*Jul 28, 1958) | Canadian activist, one-legged runner | CA | |
Fox, Vincente (*Jul 2, 1942) | 55th President of Mexico | MX | |
Fox, Aquinnah Kathleen
(*Feb 15, 1995) |
child of celebrity, twin | US | |
Fox, Bernard (*May 11, 1927) | actor | GB | |
Fox, Bibi (*1980) | actress | CZ | |
Fox, Charles (*Oct 30, 1940) | actor | US | |
Fox, Colin (*Nov 20, 1938) | actor | CA | |
Fox, Edward (*Apr 13, 1937) | actor | GB | |
Fox, Elyar (*Jul 15, 1995) | singer, guitarist | GB | |
Fox, Emilia (*Jul 31, 1974) | actress | GB | |
Fox, Emmett (*Jul 30, 1886) | physicist | IE | |
Fox, Esme (*Nov 3, 2001) | US | ||
Fox, Eytan (*Aug 21, 1964) | director, actor | US | |
Fox, Felicia (*May 25, 1974) | porn actress | US | |
Fox, Fred S. (*Jul 26, 1915) | US | ||
Fox, Gabriella (*Feb 24, 1989) | actress | US | |
Fox, Iliana (*Jan 3, 1977) | actress | MX | |
Fox, James (*May 19, 1939) | actor | GB | |
Fox, Jessica (*May 19, 1983) | actress | GB | |
Fox, John Marcus (*Jun 11, 1927) | politician | GB | |
Fox, Jordan (*Mar 24, 1992) | actor | US | |
Fox, Jorja (*Jul 7, 1968) | actress | US | |
Fox, Joseph C. (*Sep 8, 1939) | physicist | US | |
Fox, Kelli (*Aug 15, 1967) | astrologer | AU | |
Fox, Kerry (*Jul 30, 1966) | actress | NZ | |
Fox, Kirk (*Aug 26, 1969) | actor | US | |
Fox, Lauren (*Jul 6, 1977) | actress | US | |
Fox, Matthew (*Jul 14, 1966) | actor | US | |
Fox, Megan (*May 16, 1986) | actress, model | US | |
Fox, Megan (*Jun 19, 1980) | actress | US | |
Fox, Michael (*Feb 27, 1921) | US | ||
Fox, Michael J. (*Jun 9, 1961) | actor | CA | |
Fox, Michael Ray (*Sep 11, 1982) | director, scriptwriter | CA | |
Fox, Morgan (*May 28, 1970) | CA | ||
Fox, Morgan Jon (*Jun 19, 1979) | US | ||
Fox, Patrik (*1963) | singer | CZ | |
Fox, Paul (*Apr 11, 1951) | singer | XX | |
Fox, Pierre (*Jul 6, 1933) | actor, director | BE | |
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