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Celebrities - Surname "V" (2646)
von Droste-Hülshoff, Annette
(*Jan 10, 1797) |
composer, writer | DE | |
Von Dyck, Walther (*Dec 6, 1856) | mathematician | DE | |
von Eltz, Theodore (*Nov 5, 1893) | actor | US | |
von Ernst, Lee (*Sep 4, 1953) | actress | US | |
Von Erich, Fritz (*Aug 16, 1929) | professional wrestler | US | |
von Essen, Robert (*Sep 2, 1901) | actor, composer | RU | |
von Falkenhorst, Nicolaus
(*Jan 17, 1885) |
actor | DE | |
von Fersen, Hans Axel (*Sep 4, 1755) | politician | SE | |
von Finck, August (*Mar 11, 1930) | businessman | DE | |
von Franckenstein, Clement
(*May 28, 1944) |
actor | GB | |
von Francois, Luise (*Jun 27, 1817) | writer | DE | |
von Franz, Marie-Louise
(*Jan 4, 1915) |
psychologist, collaborator of C. G. Jung | DE | |
von Frenckell, Erik (*Nov 18, 1887) | actor | XX | |
von Friedl, Eva-Maria Grein
(*Mar 26, 1980) |
actress | DE | |
von Fürstenberg, Ira (*Apr 17, 1940) | IT | ||
von Frisch, Karl (*Nov 20, 1886) | biologist, ethologist, Nobel Prize (with K. Lorenz and N. Tinbergen) | AT | |
von Furstenberg, Tatiana
(*Feb 16, 1971) |
actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
von Galen, Clemens (*Mar 16, 1878) | DE | ||
von Garnier, Katja (*Dec 15, 1966) | director | DE | |
von Goisern, Hubert (*Nov 17, 1952) | singer | AT | |
von Görres, Johann Joseph
(*Jan 25, 1776) |
journalist | DE | |
von Gudden, Bernhard (*Jun 7, 1824) | psychiatrist | DE | |
von Gunderode, Karoline
(*Feb 11, 1780) |
poet | DE | |
von Habsburg, Otto (*Nov 20, 1912) | writer, MEP, publicist, journalist, eldest son of Emperor Charles I. | DE | |
von Habsburg, Karl von Habsburg (*Jan 11, 1961) | politician, grandson of the last Austrian Emperor Charles I. | DE | |
von Hagens, Gunther (*Jan 10, 1945) | actor | PL | |
Von Halt, Karl (*Jun 2, 1891) | DE | ||
von Harbou, Thea (*Dec 27, 1888) | director, scriptwriter | DE | |
Von Haselberg, Sophia (*Nov 14, 1986) | US | ||
von Heidenstam, Carl Gustaf Verner
(*Jul 6, 1859) |
poet, novelist | SE | |
von Heinz, Julia (*Jun 3, 1976) | director, scriptwriter | DE | |
Von Helvete, Hank (*Jun 15, 1972) | singer | XX | |
von Hertzen, Heikki (*Nov 21, 1913) | actor, scriptwriter | FI | |
von Hildebrand, Adolf (*Oct 6, 1847) | sculptor | DE | |
von Hildebrand, Dietrich
(*Oct 12, 1889) |
philosopher, theologian | IT | |
von Hipper, Franz (*Sep 13, 1863) | DE | ||
von Holst, Andreas (*Jun 11, 1964) | guitarist | DE | |
von Holtzbrinck, Stefan
(*May 15, 1963) |
lawyer | DE | |
von Humboldt, Alexander
(*Sep 14, 1769) |
naturalist, traveler | DE | |
von Jascheroff, Felix (*Aug 29, 1982) | actor | DE | |
von Kampf, Eugen (*Mar 16, 1861) | painter | DE | |
von Kamphoevener, Elsa Sophia
(*Jun 14, 1878) |
writer | DE | |
von Kaulbach, Wilhelm (*Oct 15, 1804) | painter | DE | |
von Kessel, Sophie (*Oct 12, 1968) | actress | MX | |
von Ketteler, Wilhelm (*Dec 25, 1811) | DE | ||
von Klier, Jana (*Feb 10, 1987) | actress | XX | |
von Klipstein, Ernst (*Feb 3, 1908) | actor | PL | |
von Koch, Erland (*Apr 26, 1910) | composer | SE | |
von Kotzebue, August (*May 3, 1761) | poet | DE | |
von Krosigk, Sidonie (*Oct 21, 1989) | actress | DE | |
von Kürthy, Ildikó (*Jan 20, 1968) | writer | DE | |
von Ledebur, Friedrich
(*Jun 3, 1900) |
actor | PL | |
von Ledebur, Leopold (*May 18, 1876) | actor | DE | |
von Leeb, Wilhelm Ritter
(*Sep 5, 1876) |
DE | ||
von Lehndorff, Veruschka
(*May 14, 1939) |
actress, scriptwriter | DE | |
von Lenbach, Franz (*Dec 13, 1836) | painter | DE | |
von Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul
(*Mar 20, 1870) |
general | DE | |
von Leuck, Ned (*Oct 4, 1958) | actor | US | |
von Levetzow, Ulrike (*Feb 4, 1804) | DE | ||
von Linde, Carl (*Jun 11, 1842) | inventor | DE | |
von Linden, Maria (*Jul 18, 1869) | DE | ||
von Lojewski, Britta (*Mar 22, 1963) | DE | ||
von Mangold, Ursula (*Nov 3, 1904) | writer | DE | |
von Luxemburg, Henri (*Apr 16, 1955) | Grand Duke of Luxembourg | LU | |
von Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf
(*Jun 4, 1867) |
Finnish nobleman, politician, diplomat, military leader | FI | |
von Manstein, Erich (*Nov 24, 1887) | field Marshal | DE | |
von Marées, Hans (*Dec 24, 1837) | painter | DE | |
von Martens, Lena (*Jan 15, 1940) | actress | FI | |
von Martens, Margret (*Jul 30, 1935) | FI | ||
von Maydell, Friedrich
(*Oct 10, 1899) |
director, scriptwriter | DE | |
von Metternich, Klemens
(*May 15, 1773) |
politician, diplomat | DE | |
von Meyerinck, Hubert (*Aug 23, 1896) | actor | DE | |
von Miller, Oskar (*May 7, 1855) | DE | ||
von Mises, Ludwig (*Sep 29, 1881) | writer | UA | |
von Möllendorff, Horst
(*Apr 26, 1906) |
director | XX | |
Von Monroe, Jayy (*Aug 17, 1991) | singer | US | |
von Motesiczky, Marie-Louise
(*Oct 24, 1906) |
artist | AT | |
von Murr, Christoph Gottlieb
(*Aug 5, 1733) |
DE | ||
von Nagy, Käthe (*Apr 4, 1904) | actress | XX | |
von Neumann, John (*Dec 28, 1903) | mathematician | HU | |
von Neurath, Konstantin
(*Feb 2, 1873) |
general | DE | |
von Newlinsky, Michael
(*Jun 21, 1891) |
actor | AT | |
Von Nieda, Stanley (*Jun 19, 1922) | athlete | XX | |
von Numers, Gustaf (*Mar 21, 1848) | scriptwriter | FI | |
von Numers-Snellman, Gund
(*Aug 28, 1901) |
FI | ||
von Ossietzky, Carl (*Oct 3, 1889) | DE | ||
von Peurbach, Georg (*Jun 8, 1423) | mathematician, teacher | AT | |
von Pinelli, Aldo (*Sep 11, 1913) | composer, scriptwriter | IT | |
von Planta, Claudio (*Sep 16, 1962) | actor, director, cameraman | CH | |
von Platen, August (*Oct 24, 1796) | poet | DE | |
von Praunheim, Rosa (*Nov 25, 1945) | actor, director, scriptwriter | LV | |
von Preußen, Michael (*Mar 22, 1940) | writer | DE | |
von Pückler-Muskau, Hermann
(*Oct 30, 1785) |
DE | ||
von Radványi, Géza (*Dec 17, 1907) | SK | ||
von Ravenhorst, Reginald
(*Jun 1, 1991) |
actor | DE | |
von Rittberg, Alicia (*Dec 10, 1993) | actress | DE | |
von Rosen, Ingrid (*Jan 17, 1930) | SE | ||
von Rundstedt, Gerd (*Dec 12, 1875) | DE | ||
von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld, Victoire
(*Aug 17, 1786) |
Princess of Leiningen, Duchess of Kent and Strathearn | DE | |
von Sachsen-Weimar, Karl August
(*Sep 3, 1757) |
Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach | DE | |
Von Schack, Wesley W. (*Apr 15, 1944) | US | ||
von Scheffel, Victor (*Feb 16, 1826) | poet | DE | |
von Scherler Mayer, Daisy
(*Sep 14, 1966) |
director | US | |
von Schiller, Friedrich
(*Nov 10, 1759) |
writer, poet | DE | |
von Schirach, Baldur (*May 9, 1907) | actor | DE | |
von Schmoller, Gustav (*Jun 24, 1838) | DE | ||
von Scholz, Wilhelm (*Jul 15, 1874) | actor | DE | |
von Schoultz, Solveig (*Aug 5, 1907) | FI | ||
von Schuschnigg, Kurt (*Dec 14, 1897) | politician | IT | |
von Seyffertitz, Gustav
(*Aug 4, 1863) |
actor, director | DE | |
von Sohlern, Gilbert (*Oct 19, 1957) | actor | DE | |
von Spies, Ruediger (*Jun 27, 1936) | DE | ||
Von Strunckel, Shelley
(*Jul 15, 1946) |
astrologer, author | US | |
von Stuck, Franz (*Feb 23, 1863) | painter, sculptor | DE | |
von Sydow, Max (*Apr 10, 1929) | actor | SE | |
von Sydow, Rolf (*Jun 18, 1924) | actor, director, scriptwriter | DE | |
von Tasnady, Maria (*Nov 16, 1911) | actress | UH | |
Von Teese, Dita (*Sep 28, 1972) | burlesque dancer, model, designer, writer, actress | US | |
von Thellmann, Erika (*Aug 31, 1902) | actress | UH | |
von Thillot, Jennie (*Nov 20, 1892) | director | FI | |
von Thun, Max (*Feb 21, 1977) | actor | DE | |
von Thurn und Taxis, Albert 12th Prince Of Thurn And
(*Jun 23, 1983) |
DE | ||
von Treuberg, Michelle
(*Nov 9, 1992) |
actress | DE | |
von Trier, Lars (*Apr 30, 1956) | director, scriptwriter | DK | |
von Trotta, Margarethe
(*Feb 21, 1942) |
actress, director, scriptwriter | DE | |
von Twardowski, Hans Heinrich
(*May 5, 1898) |
actor | PL | |
Von Uckermann, Christopher
(*Oct 21, 1986) |
actor | MX | |
von Unruh, Fritz (*May 10, 1885) | writer | DE | |
von Waldeyer-Hartz, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried
(*Oct 6, 1836) |
scientist | DE | |
von Waldstätten, Nora (*Dec 1, 1981) | actress | AT | |
von Wangenheim, Gustav
(*Feb 18, 1895) |
actor, director | DE | |
von Weizsäcker, Viktor
(*Apr 21, 1886) |
DE | ||
von Winterstein, Eduard
(*Aug 1, 1871) |
actor | AT | |
von Wogau, Karl (*Jul 18, 1941) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | DE | |
von Wright, Georg Henrik
(*Jun 14, 1916) |
actor | FI | |
Von Wyss, Marc R. (*Feb 12, 1931) | CH | ||
von Zerneck, Danielle (*Dec 21, 1965) | actress | US | |
von Zilahy, Irene (*Aug 10, 1904) | actress | UH | |
Vondra, Alexandr (*1961) | politician | CZ | |
Vondra, Pavel (*1969) | actor, voice actor | CZ | |
Vondráček, David (*1963) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Vondráček, Gustav (*Jan 12, 1925) | actor | SK | |
Vondráček, Jan (*1966) | actor, voice actor | CZ | |
Vondráček, Jiří (*1951) | actor, composer | CZ | |
Vondráček, Josef (*Oct 5, 1932) | actor | CZ | |
Vondráček, Kryštof (*1988) | musician | CE | |
Vondráček, Petr (*1976) | singer, actor, presenter | CZ | |
Vondraček, Roman (*1984) | ice hockey player | CE | |
Vondráčková, Helena (*1947) | actress, singer | CZ | |
Vondráčková, Lucie (*1980) | singer, actress, presenter, voice actress | CZ | |
Vondráčková, Pavlína (*1997) | actress | CZ | |
Vondrák, Jiří (*1954) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Vondrášek, Tomáš (*1987) | soccer player | CZ | |
Vondrka, Michal (*1982) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Vondrová, Kamila (*1972) | actress, director, scriptwriter | SK | |
Vondrovic, Jiří Vondrovič (*Mar 12, 1912) | actor | CZ | |
Vondruška, Josef (*1948) | Member of Parliament | CZ | |
Vondruška, Pavel (*Nov 15, 1925) | actor, conductor | CZ | |
Vondruška, Petr (*1943) | actor | CZ | |
Vondruška, Rostislav (*Mar 24, 1961) | politician | CZ | |
Vondruška, Vlastimil (*1955) | writer, scriptwriter, businessman | CZ | |
Vonka, Jan (*1963) | car racer | CZ | |
Vonn, Lindsey (*Oct 18, 1984) | US | ||
Vonnegut, Kurt (*Nov 11, 1922) | writer | US | |
Voorhies, Lark (*Mar 25, 1974) | actress | US | |
Vopat, Roman (*1976) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Voráček, Jakub (*1989) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Voráček, Michal (*1958) | entrepreneur, media consultant | CZ | |
Vorba, Michael (*1987) | racer | CZ | |
Vorbová, Tereza (*1997) | singer | CZ | |
Vorel, Jiří (*Jan 30, 1930) | actor | CZ | |
Vorel, Michal (*1975) | soccer player, goalkeeper | CZ | |
Vorel Jr., Tomáš (*1986) | actor | CZ | |
Vorel Sr., Tomáš (*1957) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Vorhaus, Bernard (*Dec 25, 1904) | director, actor | US | |
Vorilhon, Claude (*Sep 30, 1946) | writer | FR | |
Voříšek, Karel (*1963) | presenter | CZ | |
Voříšek, Petr (*1962) | actor | CZ | |
Voříšková, Tereza (*1989) | actress | CZ | |
Vorkapich, Slavko (*Mar 17, 1894) | director | XX | |
Vorlíček, Václav (*Jun 3, 1930) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Vorlíček, Ivan (*1962) | actor | CZ | |
Vorobjov, Vladimir (*Sep 11, 1937) | director, actor | RU | |
Vorobyov, Vitaliy (*Aug 19, 1958) | director | CP | |
Voronina, Irina (*Dec 19, 1977) | actress | RU | |
Voronov, Sergei (*Oct 3, 1987) | figure skater | RU | |
Vorontsov, Olgerd (*Jun 26, 1927) | director | CP | |
Voros, Aaron (*Jul 2, 1981) | ice hockey player | CA | |
Voroshilov, Kliment (*Feb 4, 1881) | actor | UA | |
Vorošilov, Vladimir (*Dec 18, 1930) | director, actor | XX | |
Vorster, Blathazar Johannes
(*Dec 13, 1915) |
ZA | ||
Vörtler, Felix (*Jun 21, 1961) | actor | DE | |
Vos, Marc (*Jul 25, 1972) | actor | US | |
Vos, Rich (*Jun 30, 1957) | actor | US | |
Vošahlík, Bohumil (*May 25, 1908) | director, actor | CZ | |
Vosalík, Josef Vošalík (*Jul 11, 1880) | actor | CZ | |
Vosátko, Karol (*1965) | director | SK | |
Vosátko, Lubomír (*1977) | ice hockey player | CE | |
Vosecký, Jindra (*1993) | director | CZ | |
Vosgerau, Karl Heinz (*Aug 16, 1928) | actor | DE | |
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