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Celebrities - Surname "N" (2140)

Negendanck, Fred (*Jul 2, 1937) actor Finland FI
Negoda, Natalya (*Nov 12, 1963) actress Russia RU
Negra, Toña La (*Oct 12, 1912) actress Mexico MX
Negratti, Al (*Jun 12, 1921) athlete Unknown XX
Negray, Ron (*Feb 26, 1930) baseball player United States US
Nègre, Charles (*May 9, 1820) scientist, painter, photographer France FR
Negre, Mireille Odette
(*Nov 18, 1943)
France FR
Negrea, Rodica (*Dec 25, 1956) actress Romania RO
Negret, Antonio (*Feb 13, 1982) director, actor Colombia CO
Négret, François (*Oct 15, 1966) actor France FR
Negrete, Jorge (*Dec 4, 1911) actor, singer Mexico MX
Negri, Ada (*Feb 3, 1870) poet Italy IT
Negri, Pola (*Jan 3, 1897) actress Poland PL
Negrin, Alberto (*Jan 2, 1940) director, scriptwriter Morocco MA
Negrini, Alessandra (*Aug 29, 1970) actress Brazil BR
Negro, Laurent (*Dec 23, 1926) France FR
Negro, Luigino (*Oct 1, 1950) Italy IT
Negron, Taylor (*Aug 1, 1957) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Négroni, Jean (*Dec 4, 1920) actor Algeria DZ
Negroponte, John (*Jul 21, 1939) diplomat United Kingdom GB
Negulesco, Jean (*Feb 26, 1900) director, actor Romania RO
Negus, George (*Mar 13, 1942) writer, journalist Australia AU
Negus, Joan (*Jul 30, 1930) astrologer, author United States US
Negus, Kenneth (*Dec 23, 1927) astrologer United States US
Nehberg, Rüdiger (*May 4, 1935) activist Germany DE
Nehme, Rodrigo (*Aug 22, 1982) actor Mexico MX
Nehoda, Zdeněk (*1952) soccer player Czech Republic CZ
Nehru, Jawaharlal (*Nov 14, 1889) actor India IN
Nehy, Regine (*Mar 23, 1988) actress United States US
Neibaur, Dick (*Mar 17, 1932) designer United States US
Neiers, Alexis (*Jan 20, 1991) model United States US
Neil, Alexandra (*Apr 7, 1955) actress United States US
Neil, Andrew (*May 21, 1949) journalist United Kingdom GB
Neil, Julian (*Jul 29, 1952) actor United States US
Neil, Simon (*Aug 31, 1979) guitarist, singer United Kingdom GB
Neil, Vince (*Feb 8, 1961) singer United States US
Neilan, Marshall (*Apr 11, 1891) actor, director United States US
Neill, Alexander (*Oct 17, 1883) United Kingdom GB
Neill, Noel (*Dec 25, 1920) United States US
Neill, Roy William (*Sep 4, 1887) director, actor Unknown XX
Neill, Sam (*Sep 14, 1947) actor Ireland IE
Neinert, Miroslaw (*May 8, 1962) actor, director Poland PL
Neira, Dan (*Nov 24, 1961) director Argentina AR
Neitzel, Phaedra (*Dec 4, 1987) United States US
Neitzel, Tyler (*Sep 19, 1991) actor United States US
Nejarri, Anja (*Apr 12, 1975) actress Germany DE
Nejdlová, Dana (*1933) actress Czech Republic CZ
Nejedlý, Milan (*Dec 27, 1925) cameraman, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Nejedlý, Oldřich (*Dec 26, 1909) soccer player Czech Republic CZ
Nejedlý, Zdeněk (*Feb 10, 1878) journalist Czech Republic CZ
Nejedlý Jr., Viktor (*Jul 29, 1911) actor Czech Republic CZ
Nejedlý Sr., Viktor (*Jun 5, 1884) actor Czech Republic CZ
Nejezchleba, Jaroslav Olin
actor, composer Czech Republic CZ
Nejman, Andrzej (*Nov 5, 1974) actor Poland PL
Nekes, Werner (*Apr 29, 1944) actor, director, scriptwriter Germany DE
Nekl, Josef (*1953) Member of Parliament Czech Republic CZ
Nekola, Rudolf (*Mar 20, 1901) Czech Republic CZ
Nekolný, Jaroslav (*Dec 21, 1914) actor RAUH UH
Nekonečný, Daniel (*1966) dancer, singer, actor Czech Republic CZ
Nekrasov, Andrey (*Feb 26, 1957) actor, director, scriptwriter Russia RU
Nekrasov, Nikolay (*Dec 10, 1821) writer, poet Ukraine UA
Někrasov, Viktor (*Jun 17, 1911) novelist Ukraine UA
Nekuda, Luděk (*Oct 10, 1942) singer, musician, presenter Czech Republic CZ
Nekudová, Tereza (*1979) actress, singer CZSK CE
Nekvasil, Jiří (*1962) director, actor Czech Republic CZ
Nekvasil, Josef (*Jan 7, 1955) cameraman Unknown XX
Neldel, Alexandra (*Feb 11, 1976) actress Germany DE
Nelepp, Georgi (*Apr 20, 1904) actor Ukraine UA
Nelevic, Mladen (*Jan 13, 1957) Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Nélisse, Sophie (*Mar 27, 2000) actress Canada CA
Nelkin, Stacey (*Sep 10, 1959) actress United States US
Nell, Carlo (*Jun 9, 1926) actor Switzerland CH
Nell, Chad (*Jan 22, 1973) actor United States US
Nelli, Giorgio (*Dec 11, 1931) boxer Italy IT
Nelligan, Kate (*Mar 16, 1950) actress Canada CA
Nelligan, Micaela (*Aug 20, 1959) actress United States US
Nellis, Alice (*1971) actress, director, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Nelly, (*Nov 2, 1974) singer United States US
Nelson, Adam Seth (*Jun 20, 1969) actor United States US
Nelson, Dale (*Mar 19, 1939) serial killer, cannibal Canada CA
Nelson, Al (*Oct 27, 1943) soccer player United States US
Nelson, Barry (*Apr 16, 1917) actor United States US
Nelson, Bob (*Jul 18, 1956) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Nelson, Cindy (*Aug 19, 1955) skier United States US
Nelson, Craig T. (*Apr 4, 1944) actor United States US
Nelson, Dan (*Jun 21, 1976) singer Unknown XX
Nelson, David (*Oct 24, 1936) actor, director United States US
Nelson, Don (*May 15, 1940) basketball player United States US
Nelson, Douglas Walter
(*Jan 9, 1921)
general United States US
Nelson, Drew (*Aug 11, 1979) actor, singer Canada CA
Nelson, Ed (*Dec 21, 1928) actor United States US
Nelson, Elijah (*May 7, 1999) actor Unknown XX
Nelson, Gaye (*Jun 9, 1952) actress United States US
Nelson, Gene (*Mar 24, 1920) director, actor United States US
Nelson, Gunnar (*Sep 20, 1967) singer United States US
Nelson, Horatio (*Sep 29, 1758) United Kingdom GB
Nelson, Ian (*Sep 5, 1982) actor United States US
Nelson, Jakob Micah (*Apr 25, 1990) United States US
Nelson, Jeff (*Nov 17, 1966) baseball player United States US
Nelson, Jesy (*Jun 14, 1991) singer United Kingdom GB
Nelson, John Allen (*Aug 28, 1959) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Nelson, John H. (*Dec 10, 1903) United States US
Nelson, Judd (*Nov 28, 1959) actor United States US
Nelson, Kenneth (*Mar 24, 1930) United States US
Nelson, Lloyd (*Jun 10, 1927) actor United States US
Nelson, Lori (*Aug 15, 1933) actress United States US
Nelson, Marceline C. (*Jul 19, 1932) astrologer United States US
Nelson, Novella (*Dec 17, 1939) United States US
Nelson, Peter (*Sep 10, 1959) actor United States US
Nelson, Pinky (*Jul 13, 1950) astronaut United States US
Nelson, Ralph (*Aug 12, 1916) director, actor United States US
Nelson, Raymond L. (*Nov 13, 1938) United States US
Nelson, Richard (*Oct 17, 1950) scriptwriter United States US
Nelson, Ricky (*May 8, 1940) actor, singer United States US
Nelson, Robert (*Mar 1, 1930) actor, director, cameraman, scriptwriter United States US
Nelson, Robert (*Dec 17, 1977) actor, director, scriptwriter Sweden SE
Nelson, Rudolf (*Apr 8, 1878) Germany DE
Nelson, Rusty (*Jun 4, 1957) director, actor United States US
Nelson, Sandra (*Dec 29, 1964) actress United States US
Nelson, Scott J. (*Apr 5, 1954) United States US
Nelson, Sean (*May 9, 1980) actor United States US
Nelson, Stanley (*Jul 7, 1955) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Nelson, Steven (*Mar 7, 1975) actor United States US
Nelson, Tim Blake (*May 11, 1964) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Nelson, Tracy (*Oct 25, 1963) actress United States US
Nelson, Willie (*Apr 30, 1933) guitarist, singer, actor United States US
Nembhard, Ruben (*Feb 20, 1972) basketball player United States US
Němcová, Dana (*Jan 14, 1934) psychologist, critic and dissident of the communist regime Czech Republic CZ
Němcová, Andrea (*1976) actress, presenter Czech Republic CZ
Nemcova, Paulina (*1973) actress, model Czech Republic CZ
Němcová, Božena (*Feb 4, 1820) writer, founder of modern Czech prose Austria AT
Němcová, Helena (*1994) actress Czech Republic CZ
Němcová, Helena (*1995) actress, voice actress Czech Republic CZ
Němcová, Jana (*1996) musician, singer Czech Republic CZ
Němcová, Jitka (*1950) actress, director, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Němcová, Miroslava (*1952) politician Czech Republic CZ
Němcová, Petra (*1979) actress, model Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Aleš (*1978) cameraman Czech Republic CZ
Nemec, Corin (*Nov 5, 1971) actor United States US
Němec, Evžen (*Jan 10, 1930) director Unknown XX
Němec, František (*1943) actor Czech Republic CZ
Nemec, Hynek Němec (*Mar 4, 1909) actor Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Igor (*1959) politician Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Jan (*Jul 12, 1936) teacher, director, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Jan (*1985) actor Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Jiří (*Oct 18, 1932) psychologist, journalist, philosopher, translator Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Josef (*1972) soccer player CZSK CE
Němec, Karel (*Dec 24, 1894) actor Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Marek (*1981) actor Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Martin (*1957) composer, actor, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Mgr. Oldřich (*1956) singer Czech Republic CZ
Nemec, Miroslav (*Jun 26, 1954) actor Croatia HR
Němec, Ondřej (*1984) ice hockey player Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Petr (*1950) singer Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Roman (*1968) director Czech Republic CZ
Němec, Tibor (*Nov 23, 1979) actor Unknown XX
Němec, Zdeněk (*1959) singer Czech Republic CZ
Němeček, Bohumil (*1938) boxer Czech Republic CZ
Němeček, Jan (*Mar 22, 1926) actor, cameraman Czech Republic CZ
Němeček, Jiří (*May 6, 1923) actor Czech Republic CZ
Němeček, Josef (*Dec 10, 1918) actor Czech Republic CZ
Němeček, Vít (*1962) Member of Parliament Czech Republic CZ
Němeček, Zdeněk (*Feb 19, 1894) writer Unknown XX
Nemechek, Joe (*Sep 26, 1963) racing driver United States US
Němečková, Elvíra (*Oct 18, 1925) actress Poland PL
Nemejovsky, Jan Nemejovský (*1944) actor Czech Republic CZ
Nemes, Charles (*Aug 5, 1951) actor, director, scriptwriter France FR
Nemescu, Cristian (*Mar 31, 1979) director Romania RO
Nemeth, Nick (*Jul 27, 1980) actor, wrestler United States US
Németh, Nóra (*Mar 26, 1955) actress Unknown XX
Nemetz, Max (*Oct 19, 1884) actor Germany DE
Nemtuda, Michal (*1987) actor Slovakia SK
Nemolyaeva, Svetlana (*Apr 18, 1937) actress Russia RU
Nemtsov, Boris (*Oct 9, 1959) liberal politician, critic, mathematician, physicist Russia RU
Nen, Robb (*Nov 28, 1969) baseball player United States US
Nena, (*Mar 24, 1960) singer Germany DE
Nenadovic, Djordje (*Jul 27, 1935) Serbia RS
Nenic, Bora (*Nov 23, 1949) Unknown XX
Nenni, Pietro (*Feb 8, 1891) politician Italy IT
Nenning, Guenther (*Dec 23, 1921) Austria AT
Nenning, Hans-Georg (*Feb 20, 1946) actor Austria AT
Nenninger, Eric (*Nov 19, 1978) actor United States US
Nenonen, Vilho (*Mar 6, 1883) actor Finland FI
Nenutil, Miroslav (*1957) Czech Republic CZ
Neomillnerová, Petra (*1970) writer Czech Republic CZ
Nepela, Ondrej (*Jan 22, 1951) figure skater Slovakia SK
Nepil, František (*Feb 10, 1929) writer, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Nepp, József (*Jun 23, 1934) director Hungary HU
Neprakta, Jiří Winter (*Jul 12, 1924) actor Czech Republic CZ
Neptune, (*Jul 17, 1838) astrologer United Kingdom GB
Něrgešová, Laďka (*1976) actress, presenter Czech Republic CZ
Neri, Bruno (*Sep 12, 1910) soccer player Italy IT
Neri, Francesca (*Feb 10, 1964) actress Italy IT
Neri, Giacomo (*Jan 1, 1916) soccer player Italy IT
Neri, Maino (*Jun 30, 1924) soccer player Italy IT
Neri, Manuel (*Apr 12, 1930) artist United States US
Neri, Romeo (*Mar 26, 1903) Italy IT
Neri, Rosalba (*Jun 19, 1939) actress Italy IT
Neris, Catherine (*Jun 9, 1962) Member of the European Parliament, MEP France FR
Nerius, Steffi (*Jul 1, 1972) Germany DE