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Celebrities born in "Poland/PL" (2008)

L. L. Zamenhof (*Dec 15, 1859) ophthalmologist, founder and creator of the language Esperanto Poland PL
Ryszard Kukliński (*Jun 13, 1930) colonel, spy during the Cold War, Communism pest Poland PL
Albert Barillé (*Feb 14, 1920) director of Once Upon a Time... Man Poland PL
Andrzej Duda (*May 16, 1972) 6th President of Poland, politician, lawyer Poland PL
Andrzej Sapkowski (*Jun 21, 1948) writer Poland PL
Isaac Bashevis Singer
(*Nov 21, 1902)
writer Poland PL
Nicolaus Copernicus (*Feb 28, 1473) astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, doctor Poland PL
Bruno Gröning (*May 30, 1906) mystic, occultist Poland PL
Faustina Kowalska (*Aug 25, 1905) nun, mystic, declared a saint on April 30, 2000 Poland PL
Alexander Kwaśniewski
(*Nov 15, 1954)
Former President of the Republic of Poland (1995 - 2005) Poland PL
Manfred von Richthofen
(*May 2, 1892)
German pilot known as The Red Baron Poland PL
Donald Tusk (*Apr 22, 1957) politician Poland PL
Pablo Caesar (*Sep 19, 1980) gymnast from Caesar Twins Poland PL
Arthur Rubinstein (*Jan 28, 1887) musician Poland PL
Gerhart Hauptmann (*Nov 15, 1862) writer Poland PL
Artur Boruc (*Feb 20, 1980) soccer player Poland PL
Pierre Caesar (*Sep 19, 1980) gymnast from Caesar Twins Poland PL
Horst Mahler (*Jan 23, 1936) lawyer, advocate, co-founder of the Red Army Faction Poland PL
Isidor Isaac Rabi (*Jul 29, 1898) physicist Poland PL
Charles Proteus Steinmetz
(*Apr 9, 1865)
writer, mathematician, scientist Poland PL
Hans Sarrasani (*Apr 2, 1873) businessman Poland PL
Bronislaw Komorowski (*Jun 4, 1952) politician Poland PL
Heinz Guderian (*Jun 17, 1888) Poland PL
Ewa Szelburg-Zarembina
(*Apr 10, 1899)
writer Poland PL
Dieter Hildebrandt (*May 23, 1927) artist Poland PL
Samuel Reshevsky (*Nov 26, 1912) Poland PL
Artur Sliwinski (*Aug 17, 1877) politician, journalist Poland PL
Jean de Reszke (*Jan 14, 1850) singer Poland PL
Jan Karski (*Jun 24, 1914) Poland PL
Adolf Weiss (*Sep 18, 1888) astrologer, doctor Poland PL
Rudolf von Scheliha (*May 31, 1897) diplomat Poland PL
Wanda Landowska (*Jul 17, 1879) musician Poland PL
Willy Hellpach (*Feb 26, 1877) politician Poland PL
Ignazy Mościcki (*Dec 1, 1867) scientist Poland PL
Piotr Trochowski (*Mar 22, 1984) soccer player Poland PL
Albert Abraham Michelson
(*Dec 19, 1852)
physicist Poland PL
Novika (*Mar 22, 1974) singer Poland PL
Zenon Kliszko (*Dec 8, 1908) politician Poland PL
Ernst Tiede (*Apr 2, 1863) astrologer Poland PL
Jacob Bronowski (*Jan 18, 1908) mathematician, historian, scientist Poland PL
Ignace Jan Paderewski
(*Nov 18, 1860)
musician Poland PL
Maria Szymanowska (*Dec 14, 1789) composer Poland PL
Alfred von Tirpitz (*Mar 19, 1849) Poland PL
Brigitte Rieser (*Apr 8, 1943) astrologer Poland PL
Valeska Stock (*May 17, 1887) Poland PL
Maciej Dutkiewicz (*Oct 2, 1958) director, scriptwriter Poland PL
Jacek Protasiewicz (*Jun 5, 1967) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Margaret Wirkus (*Nov 13, 1943) Poland PL
Mieczysław Edmund Janowski
(*Nov 16, 1947)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Jacek Krzynówek (*May 15, 1976) soccer player Poland PL
Maria Würtenberská (*Mar 15, 1768) writer Poland PL
Stanislaw Wyspiaňski (*Jan 15, 1869) writer, painter, poet Poland PL
Helena Rubinstein (*Dec 25, 1870) Poland PL
Janusz A. Zajdel (*Aug 15, 1938) writer Poland PL
Rudi Strahl (*Sep 14, 1931) writer Poland PL
Johannes Vehlow (*Sep 21, 1890) astrologer, writer Poland PL
Marie Steiner-Sivers (*Mar 14, 1867) Poland PL
Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka (*May 23, 1950) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Arnold Zweig (*Nov 10, 1877) writer Poland PL
Hans-Jürgen Wischnewski
(*Jul 24, 1922)
Poland PL
Anna Elzbieta Fotyga (*Jan 12, 1957) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Zbigniew Safian (*Nov 2, 1922) writer Poland PL
Jan Tadeusz Masiel (*Mar 28, 1963) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
DJ Tomekk (*Oct 11, 1975) Poland PL
Zdzisław Beksiński (*Feb 24, 1929) painter, artist, architect Poland PL
Jerzy Dudek (*Mar 23, 1973) soccer player, goalkeeper Poland PL
Kamil Kucharzewski (*Jul 1, 1998) dancer Poland PL
Adam Otreba (*Dec 7, 1952) guitarist Poland PL
Ingo Friedrich (*Jan 24, 1942) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Renée Sintenis (*Mar 20, 1888) sculptor Poland PL
Andrzej Szopa (*May 26, 1952) Poland PL
Zdzislaw Szymborski (*Sep 4, 1932) Poland PL
Pawel Berger (*Sep 6, 1950) Poland PL
Friedel Hensch (*Jul 7, 1906) Poland PL
Barbara Kostrzewska (*Sep 24, 1915) actress Poland PL
Max Berg (*Apr 17, 1870) architect Poland PL
Filip Kaczmarek (*Nov 22, 1966) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
David Wdowinski (*May 26, 1896) Poland PL
Jerzy Buzek (*Jul 3, 1940) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Bogusław Rogalski (*Mar 11, 1972) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Hanna Ožogowská (*Jul 20, 1904) writer, teacher, translator Poland PL
Michał Tomasz Kamiński
(*Mar 28, 1972)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Ewa Tomaszewska (*Apr 14, 1947) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Kurt Schumacher (*Oct 13, 1895) politician Poland PL
Dariusz Rosati (*Aug 8, 1946) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Witold Tomczak (*Apr 5, 1957) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Harry Freedman (*Apr 5, 1922) Poland PL
Andrzej Panufnik (*Sep 24, 1914) composer, conductor Poland PL
Tomasz Kuszczak (*Mar 20, 1982) soccer player, goalkeeper Poland PL
Horst Köhler (*Feb 22, 1943) President of Germany Poland PL
Piotr Hlawiczka (*Jul 8, 1964) Poland PL
Horst Bienek (*Apr 7, 1930) writer, poet Poland PL
Wojciech Roszkowski (*Jun 20, 1947) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Marty Fryberg (*Jan 18, 1890) Poland PL
Gerard Zalewski (*Aug 2, 1932) Poland PL
Bronisław Geremek (*Mar 6, 1932) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg
(*Sep 12, 1957)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Olga Sawicka (*Feb 7, 1932) Poland PL
Nina Bonhardová (*Mar 6, 1907) writer, journalist Poland PL
Czeslaw Janczarski (*Sep 2, 1911) poet Poland PL
Maciej Marian Giertych
(*Mar 24, 1936)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Andrei Ziemski (*Sep 2, 1950) dancer Poland PL
Leopold Józef Rutowicz
(*Oct 18, 1932)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Hanna Januszewska (*Apr 20, 1905) writer, translator, poet Poland PL
Wieslawa Kwasniewska (*Jun 16, 1933) Poland PL
Stanislaw Przybyszewski
(*May 7, 1868)
writer Poland PL
Łukasz Fabiański (*Apr 18, 1985) soccer player Poland PL
Zvi Hecker (*May 31, 1931) architect Poland PL
Tadeusz Breza (*Dec 31, 1905) novelist Poland PL
Ferdinand Piontek (*Nov 5, 1878) priest Poland PL
Bogdan Klich (*May 8, 1960) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Marion Anthony Zioncheck
(*Dec 5, 1900)
politician Poland PL
Paul G. Kozlowski (*May 27, 1938) Poland PL
Bogdan Golik (*Mar 19, 1963) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Mieczyslaw Mieczynski
(*Jun 21, 1887)
Poland PL
Anna Kamieňska (*Apr 12, 1920) writer, translator, poet Poland PL
Philipp Vandenberg (*Sep 20, 1941) writer Poland PL
Alfred Gomolka (*Jul 21, 1942) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (*Sep 19, 1948) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Marek Aleksander Czarnecki
(*Mar 22, 1959)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Genowefa Grabowska (*Jan 1, 1944) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Dariusz Maciej Grabowski
(*Aug 28, 1950)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Maciej Cieplucha (*Aug 3, 1988) figure skater Poland PL
Krystyna Klimczak (*Sep 24, 1992) figure skater Poland PL
Zdzisław Kazimierz Chmielewski
(*Oct 4, 1942)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Daniel Libeskind (*May 12, 1946) architect, artist Poland PL
Hans Kneifel (*Jul 11, 1936) writer Poland PL
Jan Kozłowski (*Jan 1, 1946) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Miroslav Klose (*Jun 9, 1978) soccer player Poland PL
Sylwester Chruszcz (*Aug 22, 1972) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Leon Jeannot (*May 9, 1908) Poland PL
Kamil Stoch (*May 25, 1987) ski jumper Poland PL
Bruno Traven (*Feb 23, 1882) writer Poland PL
Stefan Popkowski (*Jul 10, 1971) Poland PL
Kurt Schwaen (*Jun 21, 1909) Poland PL
Erich Mendelsohn (*Mar 21, 1887) architect Poland PL
Edyta Bartosiewicz (*Jan 11, 1966) singer Poland PL
Witold Gombrowicz (*Aug 4, 1904) Poland PL
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski
(*Jul 28, 1812)
writer, journalist Poland PL
Czesław Adam Siekierski
(*Oct 8, 1952)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Urszula Krupa (*Oct 20, 1949) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Waclaw Domieniecki (*Apr 9, 1910) Poland PL
Małgorzata Handzlik (*Jan 1, 1965) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Uwe Johnson (*Jul 20, 1934) Poland PL
Klaus Hänsch (*Dec 15, 1938) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Wiesław Stefan Kuc (*Sep 2, 1949) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Barbara Kudrycka (*Jan 22, 1956) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Andrzej Wielowieyski (*Dec 16, 1927) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Jan Olbrycht (*Sep 21, 1952) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Dagmar Chidolue (*May 29, 1944) novelist Poland PL
Wojciech Wierzejski (*Sep 6, 1976) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Liroy (*Jul 12, 1971) singer Poland PL
Edyta Górniak (*Nov 14, 1972) singer Poland PL
Robert Zajonc (*Nov 23, 1923) psychologist Poland PL
Jan Kulczyk (*Jun 24, 1950) businessman Poland PL
Marek Siwiec (*Mar 13, 1955) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Joachim Kroll (*Apr 17, 1933) serial murderer, pedophile, cannibal Poland PL
Jan Jerzy Kułakowski (*Aug 25, 1930) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
David Azrieli (*May 10, 1922) architect, designer Poland PL
Anna Langfus (*Jan 2, 1920) Poland PL
Kazimierz Sioma (*Jan 1, 1941) Poland PL
Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk
(*Sep 19, 1956)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Bernard Wojciechowski
(*Aug 18, 1958)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Krzysztof Oliwa (*Apr 12, 1973) ice hockey player Poland PL
Janusz Wojciechowski (*Dec 6, 1954) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Maciej Skalski (*May 21, 1950) Poland PL
Katarzyna Skrzynecka (*Dec 3, 1970) actress, singer Poland PL
Andrzej Bartkowiak (*Mar 6, 1950) director, cameraman Poland PL
Zygmunt Solorz-Zak (*Aug 4, 1956) businessman Poland PL
Bogusław Sonik (*Dec 3, 1953) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Jacek Radzinski (*May 21, 1968) Poland PL
Herbert Rimpl (*Jan 25, 1902) architect Poland PL
Zbigniew Zaleski (*Apr 29, 1947) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Karl Ludwig Schleich (*Jul 19, 1859) writer Poland PL
Adam Malysz (*Dec 3, 1977) ski jumper Poland PL
Andrzej Tomasz Zapałowski
(*Nov 6, 1966)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Grażyna Staniszewska (*Nov 2, 1949) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Bogdan Pęk (*Apr 8, 1953) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Krzysztof Hołowczyc (*Jun 4, 1962) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Wirkus Mietek (*Jul 19, 1939) Poland PL
Ryszard Antoni Legutko
(*Dec 24, 1949)
politician, philosopher, translator Poland PL
Radoslaw Elis (*Mar 27, 1975) Poland PL
Wojciech Szczesny (*Apr 18, 1990) soccer player, goalkeeper Poland PL
Lucjan Kaszycki (*Sep 27, 1932) composer, journalist Poland PL
Osip Mandelštam (*Jan 15, 1891) writer, translator, poet Poland PL
Barbara Piasecka Johnson
(*Feb 25, 1937)
businesswoman Poland PL
Janusz Lewandowski (*Jun 13, 1951) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Bogusław Liberadzki (*Sep 12, 1948) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Marcin Libicki (*Feb 2, 1939) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Józef Pinior (*Mar 9, 1955) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Helmut Swiczinsky (*Jan 13, 1944) architect Poland PL
Mirosław Mariusz Piotrowski
(*Jan 9, 1966)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Tadeusz Zwiefka (*Dec 28, 1954) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Piotr Bajor (*Feb 16, 1960) actor Poland PL
Paweł Bartłomiej Piskorski
(*Feb 25, 1968)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Paul Tillich (*Aug 20, 1886) philosopher Poland PL
Wladislaw Lukasiuk (*Feb 16, 1906) Poland PL
Magdalena Łazarkiewicz
(*Jun 6, 1954)
director, scriptwriter Poland PL
Adam Bielan (*Sep 12, 1974) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Łukasz Mróz (*Jul 22, 1986) singer Poland PL