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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 8 FEBBRAIO" (3099)(= 3.27% of all 94760 celebs)

Chet Aubuchon (*May 8, 1916) athlete United States US
Warren Avis (*Apr 8, 1915) United States US
Azorin (*Jun 8, 1873) writer Spain ES
Louis E. Azzato (*Oct 8, 1930) United States US
Jean Bachelet (*Oct 8, 1894) France FR
Irving W. Bailey II (*Jun 8, 1941) United States US
Enzo Baldoni (*Oct 8, 1948) journalist Italy IT
R. D. Bandaranaike (*Jan 8, 1899) politician Sri Lanka LK
Jacques Baratier (*Mar 8, 1918) France FR
Dolores Barrymore (*Apr 8, 1930) United States US
Ed Bartels (*Oct 8, 1925) athlete Unknown XX
Adriano Bassetto (*Sep 8, 1925) soccer player Italy IT
Brad Bealmear (*Jul 8, 1953) photographer United States US
Kathlyn Bening Beatty
(*Jan 8, 1992)
United States US
Frederick Beavis (*Oct 8, 1914) politician Canada CA
C. C. Beck (*Jun 8, 1910) cartoonist United States US
Olivia Beeman (*Jun 8, 1999) New Zealand NZ
Rufus Bellamy (*Jun 8, 1966) writer United Kingdom GB
John G. Bennett (*Jun 8, 1897) United Kingdom GB
Michael Bennett (*Apr 8, 1943) dancer United States US
Malcolm Bessent (*Feb 8, 1944) India IN
Ronnie Biggs (*Aug 8, 1929) United Kingdom GB
Elizabeth Bishop (*Feb 8, 1911) poet United States US
Felix Blaska (*May 8, 1941) dancer Belarus BY
Jeff Blauser (*Nov 8, 1965) baseball player United States US
Jean-Marie Boimond (*Apr 8, 1953) Senegal SN
Susanna Bonfiglio (*Sep 8, 1974) Italy IT
Laurence Bonnafous (*Aug 8, 1978) France FR
Sandra Bookman (*Oct 8, 1959) United States US
Bramwell Booth (*Mar 8, 1856) United Kingdom GB
Alberto Boschi (*Sep 8, 1946) Italy IT
Walther Bothe (*Jan 8, 1891) physicist Germany DE
Denys Bouliane (*May 8, 1955) composer Canada CA
Andre Bourguignon (*Aug 8, 1920) physicist France FR
Antoine Bourseiller (*Jul 8, 1930) France FR
Andrew Bowden (*Apr 8, 1930) politician United Kingdom GB
Don Bowden (*Aug 8, 1936) United States US
Malcolm Boyd (*Jun 8, 1923) priest United States US
Mary W. Boyd (*Oct 8, 1914) astrologer, author United States US
Olive Brasno (*Oct 8, 1914) United States US
James M. Breedlove (*Sep 8, 1922) general United States US
Taylor Brooks (*Jul 8, 1992) United States US
Stephen James Bruder (*Apr 8, 1957) United States US
Alick Buchanan-Smith (*Apr 8, 1932) politician United Kingdom GB
J. W. Bulmer (*Aug 8, 1881) businessman United Kingdom GB
Tom Butters (*Apr 8, 1938) baseball player United States US
William L Calley (*Jun 8, 1943) soldier United States US
James F. Calvert (*Sep 8, 1920) United States US
Virginia Campbell (*Apr 8, 1915) United States US
Omar Camporese (*May 8, 1968) tennis player Italy IT
John A. Capone (*Oct 8, 1905) astrologer United States US
Allen Case (*Oct 8, 1934) actor United States US
Pier Luigi Celli (*Jul 8, 1942) general Italy IT
P. M. Chancellor (*Dec 8, 1907) astrologer United States US
Jack F. Chandu (*Jun 8, 1925) astrologer Indonesia ID
Heaven Rain Charvet (*Jan 8, 2007) United States US
Ilka Chase (*Apr 8, 1905) actress United States US
Francis J. Christian (*Oct 8, 1942) priest United States US
Dwight Clark (*Jan 8, 1957) American football player United States US
Michael Clark (*Aug 8, 1935) politician United Kingdom GB
Françoise Claustre (*Feb 8, 1937) France FR
Pierre Claverie (*May 8, 1938) Algeria DZ
John L. Clendenin (*May 8, 1934) director of The Home Depot United States US
Barbara Cola (*Feb 8, 1970) Italy IT
Eugène Constant (*Jan 8, 1901) France FR
Roger Conti (*Feb 8, 1901) France FR
George Cook (*Jan 8, 1918) singer Canada CA
Erika Ranee Cosby (*Apr 8, 1965) United States US
Raffaele Costa (*Sep 8, 1936) politician, lawyer Italy IT
Tom Cottrell (*Jun 8, 1923) chemist United Kingdom GB
Barry Cowger (*Nov 8, 1957) psychologist, astrologer United States US
Percy Leo Crosby (*Dec 8, 1891) cartoonist United States US
Patricia Crossley (*Nov 8, 1917) astrologer United States US
Duke Cunningham (*Dec 8, 1941) politician United States US
Jean Dabry (*Dec 8, 1901) pilot France FR
Paul Mahler Dam (*Oct 8, 1931) astrologer, writer Denmark DK
Katherine Danza (*May 8, 1987) United States US
Benoit Dauga (*May 8, 1942) France FR
Willie Davenport (*Jun 8, 1943) United States US
Sky Dayton (*Aug 8, 1971) businessman United States US
Edith De Maertelaere (*Dec 8, 1964) Belgium BE
Marie de Villepin (*May 8, 1986) actress United States US
John R. Deane (*Jun 8, 1919) general United States US
Alexandre Debanne (*Apr 8, 1960) France FR
Joseph Dechelette (*Jan 8, 1862) France FR
Jacques Dehaye (*Feb 8, 1927) boxer France FR
Elisabeth Dejonge (*Jun 8, 1941) United States US
Enea Del Grande (*Feb 8, 1941) Italy IT
Mark Quinn Denton (*Aug 8, 1956) United States US
George Devlin (*Sep 8, 1937) painter United Kingdom GB
Roberto Di Donna (*Sep 8, 1968) Italy IT
Jean-Pierre Dick (*Oct 8, 1965) France FR
John Diebold (*Jun 8, 1926) United States US
Linda Dingwall (*May 8, 1952) United States US
Harriet Doerr (*Apr 8, 1910) United States US
Jeannie Donald (*Jul 8, 1895) United Kingdom GB
Danny Dorrian (*Sep 8, 1922) United Kingdom GB
Dylan Douglas (*Aug 8, 2000) United States US
Irma Dragonette (*Jan 8, 1930) Canada CA
Ken Dryden (*Aug 8, 1947) ice hockey player Canada CA
Michael Dubin (*Feb 8, 1954) United States US
Edwin Duckworth (*May 8, 1946) United States US
Kat Duff (*Aug 8, 1952) astrologer, author United States US
Blanche Dumoulin (*Jan 8, 1895) artist Belgium BE
Antonín Dvořák (*Sep 8, 1841) composer Czech Republic CZ
Steve Elkington (*Dec 8, 1962) golfer Australia AU
Bill Elliott (*Oct 8, 1955) racing driver United States US
Bob Eubanks (*Jan 8, 1938) businessman United States US
Raymond Famechon (*Nov 8, 1924) boxer France FR
Feret. Patrick (*Aug 8, 1960) France FR
Carl Fernbach-Flarsheim
(*Sep 8, 1921)
poet Poland PL
Jordan Alexander Ferrer
(*Jul 8, 1980)
United States US
Hadley Fitzgerald (*Dec 8, 1943) astrologer United States US
Gianluigi Fogacci (*Aug 8, 1966) actor Italy IT
Micol Fontana (*Nov 8, 1913) Italy IT
Arthur Ford (*Jan 8, 1896) United States US
Arnaldo Forlani (*Dec 8, 1925) politician Italy IT
Jodie Tighe (*Feb 8, 1956) astrologer, author United States US
Ezio Forzatti (*Apr 8, 1949) Italy IT
Émile Fourquet (*Sep 8, 1862) France FR
Joseph C. Fox (*Sep 8, 1939) physicist United States US
James Jason Francis (*Sep 8, 1945) psychologist, astrologer United States US
Jean Franssen (*Sep 8, 1920) musician Netherlands NL
George Fraser (*Nov 8, 1915) writer United Kingdom GB
Sylvia Fraser (*Mar 8, 1935) writer, journalist Canada CA
André Gardère (*May 8, 1913) France FR
Michel Gascard (*Oct 8, 1956) dancer France FR
Sigrid Gebel (*Sep 8, 1943) Germany DE
Renato Gei (*Feb 8, 1921) soccer player Italy IT
Richard L. Gelb (*Jun 8, 1924) United States US
Adele Gerhard (*Jun 8, 1868) writer Germany DE
Maurice Ghiglion-Green
(*Nov 8, 1913)
painter France FR
Ashley Robert Gibb (*Sep 8, 1977) United States US
Patricia Gilmore (*Jun 8, 1955) United States US
Robert Rowe Gilruth (*Oct 8, 1913) pilot United States US
Patricia Girard-Leno (*Apr 8, 1968) Guadeloupe GP
Max Giraudiere (*Mar 8, 1932) France FR
Léon Gischia (*Jun 8, 1903) painter France FR
Vittorio Giuliani Ricci
(*Aug 8, 1936)
Italy IT
Daniel Giumpier (*Nov 8, 1953) victim of murder France FR
Luc Goiris (*Mar 8, 1968) Belgium BE
Todd Gorsuch (*Jan 8, 1956) United States US
Eben Gossage (*May 8, 1954) United States US
Don Grady (*Jun 8, 1944) actor United States US
Kenneth Grahame (*Mar 8, 1859) writer United Kingdom GB
Judd Henry Gray (*Jul 8, 1892) United States US
S. Gray (*Jul 8, 1967) Unknown XX
Marius Grout (*Nov 8, 1903) writer France FR
Giorgio Gucci (*Feb 8, 1928) Italy IT
Juliana Guillermo (*Oct 8, 1981) Netherlands NL
Dorothee Günther (*Oct 8, 1896) writer Germany DE
Abigail Gustafson (*Dec 8, 1979) United States US
Paige Hackel (*Jun 8, 1955) United States US
Janine Haines (*May 8, 1945) Australia AU
Dana Hall (*Jul 8, 1969) athlete Unknown XX
Brenton S. Halsey (*Apr 8, 1927) chemist United States US
Rudolf Harbig (*Nov 8, 1913) Germany DE
Buzz Hargrove (*Mar 8, 1944) activist Canada CA
Joe Hartzler (*Sep 8, 1950) lawyer United States US
Hondo Havlicek (*Apr 8, 1940) athlete United States US
Caralyn Hawley (*Dec 8, 1954) United States US
Rory Bruce Hayes (*Aug 8, 1949) cartoonist United States US
Dana Haynes (*May 8, 1941) astrologer Canada CA
Robin Heath (*May 8, 1948) astrologer United Kingdom GB
Evelyn Herbertz (*Dec 8, 1928) astrologer United States US
Eileen Herlie (*Mar 8, 1918) actress United Kingdom GB
Mike Heron (*Dec 8, 1941) singer United Kingdom GB
Seymour Hersh (*Apr 8, 1937) writer United States US
Penny Heyns (*Nov 8, 1974) South Africa ZA
Germaine Holley (*Oct 8, 1904) astrologer, author France FR
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
(*Mar 8, 1841)
lawyer United States US
Jana Hora (*1967) actress Czech Republic CZ
D. Howard (*Dec 8, 1961) Unknown XX
Frank Howard (*Aug 8, 1936) baseball player United States US
Ronald W. Howland (*Nov 8, 1942) astrologer United Kingdom GB
Eugène Huat (*Feb 8, 1907) boxer France FR
Richard Idemon (*Feb 8, 1938) psychologist, astrologer United States US
Clare T. Ireland (*Jun 8, 1920) general United States US
Raymond Isidore (*Sep 8, 1900) writer France FR
Arthur Johnson (*Jan 8, 1949) United States US
Marques Kevin Johnson
(*Feb 8, 1956)
athlete United States US
Andrew Johnson Jr. (*Nov 8, 1931) athlete Unknown XX
David Lee Jones (*Jul 8, 1936) designer United States US
Valerie Kaan (*Mar 8, 1954) United States US
Jakob Kaiser (*Feb 8, 1888) politician Germany DE
Jean-Paul Kauffman (*Aug 8, 1944) France FR
Oksana Kazakova (*Apr 8, 1975) figure skater Russia RU
John Doran Kelly (*Jul 8, 1928) United States US
Warren Kenton (*Jan 8, 1933) astrologer United Kingdom GB
Arabella Kiesbauer (*Apr 8, 1969) actress Austria AT
William Kininmonth (*Nov 8, 1904) architect United Kingdom GB
Emil Kirdoff (*Apr 8, 1847) Germany DE
Ewald Von Kleist (*Aug 8, 1881) soldier Germany DE
Henri Knap (*Feb 8, 1911) writer, journalist Netherlands NL
Caroline Knapp (*Nov 8, 1959) writer United States US
Rebecca Knapp (*Nov 8, 1959) physicist United States US
Brevin Knight (*Nov 8, 1975) basketball player United States US
Harold Koh (*Dec 8, 1954) lawyer United States US
Junichiro Koizumi (*Jan 8, 1942) Japan JP
Lucien Kouassi (*Jan 8, 1963) singer Ivory Coast CI