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Celebrities - "FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: 8 FEBBRAIO" (3099)(= 3.27% of all 94760 celebs)

Thomas Kuhn (*Apr 8, 1967) singer France FR
Bobby LaBonte (*May 8, 1964) racing driver United States US
Jane Labys (*Apr 8, 1944) United States US
Paul Emile Ladmirault
(*Dec 8, 1877)
composer France FR
Jean-Félix Lalanne (*Sep 8, 1962) singer France FR
Christophe Lamaison (*Apr 8, 1971) France FR
Norman Lamont (*May 8, 1942) politician United Kingdom GB
Fenwick Lansdowne (*Aug 8, 1937) painter Hong Kong HK
John Laws (*Aug 8, 1935) Papua New Guinea PG
Marina LeBlanc (*Feb 8, 2004) United States US
Yves Le Borgne (*Jan 8, 1929) boxer France FR
Rene Le Senne (*Jul 8, 1882) philosopher France FR
Marie-Jeanne Lempereur
(*Apr 8, 1904)
Belgium BE
Eugène Leroy (*Aug 8, 1910) painter France FR
Leon Levine (*Jun 8, 1937) United States US
Carol Lewis (*Aug 8, 1963) United States US
Mechthilde Lichnowsky
(*Mar 8, 1879)
Germany DE
Elio Loschi (*Aug 8, 1909) soccer player Italy IT
Andre Lwoff (*May 8, 1902) physicist France FR
Ralf Lyding (*Sep 8, 1964) Germany DE
Ellen MacArthur (*Jul 8, 1976) United Kingdom GB
Jack MacLean (*Dec 8, 1946) United States US
Christophe Magnoni (*Dec 8, 1976) France FR
Chloe Malle (*Nov 8, 1985) United States US
Jayne Marie Mansfield
(*Nov 8, 1950)
actress United States US
Pol Mara (*Dec 8, 1920) painter Belgium BE
Marie Marchand-Arvier
(*Apr 8, 1985)
France FR
Sylvain Marconnet (*Apr 8, 1976) France FR
Mikail Markhasev (*Dec 8, 1978) Ukraine UA
Todd Martin (*Jul 8, 1970) tennis player United States US
Edouard Mascart (*Apr 8, 1902) boxer France FR
Jean-Marie Massaud (*Sep 8, 1966) designer France FR
Mimie Mathy (*Jul 8, 1957) actress France FR
Spark Masayuki Matsunaga
(*Oct 8, 1916)
politician United States US
Mary McCreary (*Feb 8, 1951) United States US
Tom McGuinness (*Sep 8, 1959) United States US
William McKelvey (*Jul 8, 1934) politician United Kingdom GB
Walter J. McNerney (*Jun 8, 1925) United States US
Lou Menk (*Apr 8, 1918) businessman United States US
Patrick Mennucci (*Apr 8, 1955) politician France FR
François de Menthon (*Jan 8, 1900) politician, lawyer France FR
Lucien Meraint (*May 8, 1928) boxer France FR
Grace Metalious (*Sep 8, 1924) writer United States US
Robert Meunier (*Jun 8, 1929) boxer France FR
Jan Meyer (*Jun 8, 1907) Netherlands NL
Natasa Micic (*Nov 8, 1965) Serbia RS
Larry Mikan (*Apr 8, 1948) basketball player United States US
Michelle Mone (*Oct 8, 1971) United Kingdom GB
Marcelo Monteverde (*Oct 8, 2011) United States US
Carman Moore (*Oct 8, 1936) composer United States US
Thomas Moore 1940 (*Oct 8, 1940) United States US
Dominique Morlotti (*Jan 8, 1950) fashion designer France FR
Mohamed Morsi (*Aug 8, 1951) 5th President of Egypt Egypt EG
Louise Windsor (*Nov 8, 2003) United Kingdom GB
Donald Mouton (*Jul 8, 1935) United States US
Diana Mukpo (*Oct 8, 1953) writer United Kingdom GB
Cristina Mullins (*Oct 8, 1957) actress Brazil BR
Rose Murphy (*Jan 8, 1913) United States US
Mike Mussina (*Dec 8, 1968) baseball player United States US
Dale D. Myers (*Jan 8, 1922) United States US
Mario Nardone (*May 8, 1915) Italy IT
Evelina Nazzari (*May 8, 1958) Italy IT
Fulvio Nesti (*Jun 8, 1925) soccer player Italy IT
Jean-Pierre Nicola (*May 8, 1929) astrologer France FR
Rosario Nicoletti (*Jun 8, 1931) Italy IT
John Noxon Jr. (*Oct 8, 1896) United States US
Anita Noyes-Smith (*May 8, 1959) astrologer South Africa ZA
Tesslynn O'Cull (*Jun 8, 1994) United States US
Spencer O'Reilly (*Sep 8, 2003) actor United States US
André Obey (*May 8, 1892) France FR
Jose Gomez Ortega (*May 8, 1895) Spain ES
Gill Paquet (*Mar 8, 1938) France FR
Maria Perego (*Dec 8, 1923) Italy IT
Goffredo Parise (*Dec 8, 1929) writer Italy IT
Mary Alice Parker (*Jun 8, 1928) United States US
Teixeira de Pascoaes (*Nov 8, 1877) poet Portugal PT
Giulia Pasini (*Jul 8, 1994) Italy IT
Bruce Patterson (*Nov 8, 1950) photographer United States US
Christina Pavarotti (*Aug 8, 1964) Italy IT
Marc Penfield (*Nov 8, 1942) astrologer, writer United States US
Sheila Pennington (*Apr 8, 1932) Canada CA
Lawrence Perlman (*Apr 8, 1938) United States US
Jacques Perret (*Sep 8, 1901) journalist France FR
Pietro Vincenzo Peruggia
(*Oct 8, 1881)
Italy IT
Luciano Pezzi (*Feb 8, 1921) athlete Italy IT
Paola Pezzo (*Jan 8, 1969) Italy IT
Lise Pinet (*Sep 8, 1938) France FR
Catherine Pizzi (*May 8, 1955) United States US
Terry Porter (*Apr 8, 1963) basketball player United States US
Joan Pio Prado (*Apr 8, 1953) composer Brazil BR
Miguel Primo de Rivera
(*Jan 8, 1870)
Spain ES
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
(*Apr 8, 1939)
United States US
Sarah Purcell (*Oct 8, 1946) actress United States US
Robin Quivers (*Aug 8, 1952) United States US
Bryant Reeves (*Jun 8, 1973) basketball player United States US
Jerry Remy (*Nov 8, 1952) athlete United States US
Karl Rettlinger (*Feb 8, 1913) Germany DE
Secondo Ricci (*Oct 8, 1913) soccer player Italy IT
Eddie Rickenbacker (*Oct 8, 1890) United States US
James Robertson (*Apr 8, 1906) United Kingdom GB
Enrique Rodriguez (*Jan 8, 1960) painter United States US
Will Roscoe (*Feb 8, 1955) writer United States US
Max Rouquette (*Dec 8, 1908) writer France FR
Tim Ryan (*Sep 8, 1967) United States US
Letícia Sabatella (*Mar 8, 1971) actress Brazil BR
Yves Saint Martin (*Sep 8, 1941) France FR
Frances Sakoian (*Oct 8, 1912) astrologer United States US
Salustiano Sanchez Blazquez
(*Jun 8, 1901)
Spain ES
Charles S. Sanford (*Oct 8, 1936) United States US
Oswaldo Sargentelli (*Dec 8, 1933) Brazil BR
Boz Scaggs (*Jun 8, 1944) musician United States US
Walter Scavolini (*Jan 8, 1942) businessman Italy IT
Klaus von Schierstedt
(*Jan 8, 1965)
astrologer Germany DE
Claire Schinegger (*Apr 8, 1978) Austria AT
Louis Schweitzer (*Jul 8, 1942) Switzerland CH
Leonardo Sciascia (*Jan 8, 1921) writer Italy IT
Dan Seals (*Feb 8, 1948) singer United States US
Georges Sesia (*Jul 8, 1924) soccer player France FR
Victoria Lily Shaffer
(*Apr 8, 1993)
United States US
Tim Shaw (*Nov 8, 1957) swimmer United States US
Bishop Fulton John Sheen
(*May 8, 1895)
United States US
Wallace A. Sherrill (*Jul 8, 1910) astrologer, writer United States US
Michele Sindona (*May 8, 1920) Italy IT
Swami Sivananda (*Sep 8, 1887) activist India IN
Paul Six (*Jul 8, 1942) astrologer, writer United States US
Kenny Smith (*Mar 8, 1965) Unknown XX
Richard Smoot (*Apr 8, 1949) astrologer United States US
Judalon Smyth (*Jul 8, 1952) astrologer United States US
Soupy Sales (*Jan 8, 1926) United States US
Georges Speicher (*Jun 8, 1907) France FR
Gerry Spence (*Jan 8, 1929) lawyer United States US
Tony Sperandeo (*May 8, 1953) actor Italy IT
Latrell Sprewell (*Sep 8, 1970) basketball player United States US
Giovanna Stefanel (*Aug 8, 1954) Italy IT
Michael Steiger (*Feb 8, 1993) United States US
Harry Suthann (*Dec 8, 1888) astrologer, writer United States US
Karl Tani (*Mar 8, 1940) artist United States US
Jerry Tarkanian (*Aug 8, 1930) basketball player United States US
Alexandre Emile Taskin
(*Mar 8, 1853)
singer France FR
Jay Taylor (*Nov 8, 1967) American football player United States US
Jean-Pierre Treiber (*Apr 8, 1963) France FR
John Ellis Tempe (*Jul 8, 1927) baseball player United States US
Thomas Thomson (*Dec 8, 1889) United Kingdom GB
James Thornton (*Feb 8, 1965) athlete Unknown XX
Maudelle, Reverend Tooks
(*Jun 8, 1928)
United States US
Harry Torczyner (*Nov 8, 1910) writer Belgium BE
Giorgio Tozzi (*Jan 8, 1923) United States US
Richard Patrick Tracy
(*Feb 8, 1943)
politician United Kingdom GB
Rita Trapanese (*May 8, 1951) Italy IT
Auguste Trecul (*Jan 8, 1818) France FR
Robert Tullock (*May 8, 1983) United States US
Dorothy Tutin (*Apr 8, 1930) actress United Kingdom GB
Edmond Vandercammen (*Jan 8, 1901) poet Belgium BE
Geoff Vanderstock (*Oct 8, 1946) United States US
Sander Vanocur (*Jan 8, 1928) journalist United States US
Philippe Varin (*Aug 8, 1952) France FR
Christiane Piot Vasse
(*Dec 8, 1922)
France FR
Marc Veyrat-Durebex (*May 8, 1950) France FR
Joachim von Vietinghoff
(*May 8, 1941)
artist Germany DE
Robert O. Viets (*Dec 8, 1943) United States US
Abigail Voska (*Jan 8, 1996) United States US
Patrick Vuarnet (*Feb 8, 1968) France FR
Karl Walser (*Apr 8, 1877) painter, designer Switzerland CH
Lawrence Walsh (*Sep 8, 1926) politician United States US
Rene Warcollier (*Apr 8, 1881) chemist France FR
Robert Ward (*May 8, 1946) priest United States US
Micke Washington (*Jul 8, 1968) athlete Unknown XX
Susan Watkins (*Jan 8, 1945) writer United States US
Clarence Weatherspoon
(*Sep 8, 1970)
basketball player United States US
Dean Werries (*May 8, 1929) United States US
George Hunt Weyerhaeuser
(*Jul 8, 1926)
United States US
Michael White (*Oct 8, 1936) United Kingdom GB
Ellen Wilkinson (*Oct 8, 1891) United Kingdom GB
Buck Williams (*Mar 8, 1960) basketball player United States US
Gerald Williams (*Sep 8, 1963) athlete Unknown XX
Jerry J. Williams (*Dec 8, 1931) astrologer United States US
Jonathan Chamberlain Williams
(*Mar 8, 1929)
poet United States US
Monty Williams (*Oct 8, 1971) basketball player United States US
Edmund Wilson (*May 8, 1895) writer United States US
Robert Wilson Jr. (*Mar 8, 1926) athlete Unknown XX
Dorthy Winterburn (*May 8, 1910) United States US
John Woodsmall (*Dec 8, 1942) astrologer United States US
Judi Zeisler (*May 8, 1944) astrologer United States US
Jeremy Davis (*Feb 8, 1985) bassist United States US
Park Kyung (*Jul 8, 1992) singer South Korea KR
Jelena Aržakovová (*Sep 8, 1989) athlete, runner Russia RU
David Axmann (*1989) cross country skier CZSK CE
Sean Bergenheim (*Feb 8, 1984) ice hockey player Finland FI
Santiago Bernabéu (*Jun 8, 1895) soccer player Spain ES
Peter Betinec (*1983) ice hockey player Slovakia SK
Mark Bomersback (*Jul 8, 1982) hockey player Canada CA
Luca Brecel (*Mar 8, 1995) Unknown XX
Karel Buchnar (*1929) racer Czech Republic CZ
Martin Bulíř (*Apr 8, 1969) Unknown XX
Jiří Burger (*1977) ice hockey player Czech Republic CZ
Petra Cetkovská (*1985) tennis player Czech Republic CZ
Marek Čech (*1976) soccer player Czech Republic CZ
Jiří Daler (*Mar 8, 1940) Unknown XX
Jiří Doležal (*1985) ice hockey player Czech Republic CZ
Royston Drenthe (*Apr 8, 1987) soccer player Netherlands NL