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Celebrities - Surname "K" (5869)
Keoghan, Phil (*May 31, 1967) | actor | NZ | |
Keosayan, Edmond (*Oct 9, 1936) | director, actor | CP | |
Keosayan, Tigran (*Jan 4, 1966) | director | RU | |
Keosian, Jessie (*Oct 15, 1905) | actress | XX | |
Keough, Benjamin (*Oct 21, 1992) | US | ||
Keough, Riley (*May 29, 1989) | actress, model | US | |
Kepeňová, Petra (*1983) | singer | SK | |
Kepinski, Marek (*Oct 15, 1937) | actor | PL | |
Kepinski, Tomasz (*Jun 9, 1965) | actor | XX | |
Kepka, Jaroslav (*Aug 14, 1935) | actor | CZ | |
Kepka, Ondřej (*1969) | actor, director, scriptwriter, photographer, presenter | CZ | |
Kepková, Jana (*2001) | singer, actress, painter | CZ | |
Kepková, Zora (*1990) | actress | CZ | |
Kepler, Johannes (*Jan 6, 1572) | astronomer, mathematician, astrologer, writer | DE | |
Kepner, Thomas James (*Aug 21, 1962) | actor | US | |
Keppler, Wilhelm Carl (*Dec 14, 1882) | DE | ||
Ker, Edith (*Mar 21, 1910) | actress | FR | |
Ker, William (*Aug 30, 1855) | writer | GB | |
Kera, (*Jan 3, 1963) | director | JP | |
Kerber, Randy (*Sep 25, 1958) | musician | US | |
Kerby, Tike (*Sep 18, 1972) | actress | US | |
Kerchbron, Jean (*Jun 24, 1924) | director | FR | |
Kercheval, Ken (*Jul 15, 1935) | actor | US | |
Kerckhove, Robert G. van de
(*Jun 30, 1917) |
politician, lawyer | BE | |
Kerckove, Jan Rik van de
(*Apr 26, 1932) |
politician | BE | |
Kerekes, János (*Apr 18, 1913) | writer | HU | |
Kerekes, Ljubomir Kerekeš (*Jan 16, 1960) | actor | HR | |
Kerekes, Peter (*1973) | actor, director, scriptwriter | SK | |
Kerekes, Vica (*1981) | actress | SK | |
Keren Ann, (*Mar 10, 1974) | musician, singer | IL | |
Kerenyi, Károly (*Jan 19, 1897) | writer | RO | |
Keres, Emil (*Jul 9, 1925) | actor | HU | |
Kerestešová, Andrea (*1984) | actress | SK | |
Keret, Etgar (*Aug 20, 1967) | actor, director, scriptwriter | IL | |
Kéri, Kitty (*Nov 22, 1972) | actress | HU | |
Kerič, Andrej (*Feb 11, 1986) | soccer player | HR | |
Kerik, Bernard B. (*Sep 4, 1955) | US | ||
Kerima, (*Feb 10, 1925) | DZ | ||
Kerimov, Suleiman (*Mar 12, 1966) | businessman | RU | |
Kerjean, Germaine (*Jul 22, 1893) | actress | FR | |
Kerkeling, Hape (*Dec 9, 1964) | actor | DE | |
Kerkorian, Kirk (*Jun 6, 1917) | businessman, investor, philanthropist, CEO of Tracinda Corporation | US | |
Kerkove, Bridgette (*Feb 8, 1977) | actress, director, porn actress | US | |
Kerley, Neil (*Feb 20, 1934) | soccer player | AU | |
Kermack, Paul (*Nov 2, 1932) | actor | GB | |
Kerman, Robert (*Dec 16, 1947) | actor | US | |
Kern, András (*Jan 28, 1948) | actor, director | HU | |
Kern, Hal C. (*Jul 14, 1894) | XX | ||
Kern, Heinz (*Dec 30, 1919) | astrologer, writer | DE | |
Kern, James V. (*Sep 22, 1909) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Kern, Jamie (*Jul 16, 1977) | US | ||
Kern, Jerome (*Jan 27, 1885) | composer | US | |
Kern, Joey (*Sep 5, 1976) | actor | US | |
Kern, Michal (*1979) | actor | CZ | |
Kern, Peter (*Feb 13, 1949) | actor, director | AT | |
Kern, Rex (*May 28, 1949) | soccer player | US | |
Kernan, Cristina (*Jul 26, 1987) | actress | US | |
Kernan, Reginald (*Oct 24, 1914) | actor | US | |
Kerndl, Laďa (*1945) | singer | CZ | |
Kerndlová, Tereza (*1986) | singer, model | CZ | |
Kerner, Johannes Baptiste
(*Dec 9, 1964) |
DE | ||
Kerner, Otto (*Aug 15, 1908) | US | ||
Kernochan, Sarah (*Dec 30, 1947) | actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Kernohan, Roxanne (*Mar 20, 1960) | actress | CA | |
Kernot, Cheryl (*Dec 5, 1948) | AU | ||
Kerns, Joanna (*Feb 12, 1953) | actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Kerns, Linda (*Jun 2, 1953) | actress | US | |
Kerns, Russ (*Nov 10, 1920) | baseball player | US | |
Kerola, Aino (*Jan 6, 1942) | actress | FI | |
Kerouac, Jack (*Mar 12, 1922) | novelist, poet, painter, pioneer of the Beat Generation | US | |
Kerouac, Jan (*Feb 16, 1952) | actress | US | |
Kerova, Zora (*1950) | actress | CZ | |
Kerr, Alfred (*Dec 25, 1867) | writer | DE | |
Kerr, Amy (*Apr 12, 1979) | actress | CA | |
Kerr, David (*Sep 3, 1967) | director, actor | GB | |
Kerr, Deborah (*Sep 30, 1921) | actress | GB | |
Kerr, Donald (*Aug 5, 1891) | actor | US | |
Kerr, Edward (*Oct 14, 1966) | actor | US | |
Kerr, Graham (*Jan 22, 1934) | presenter, cook | GB | |
Kerr, Jim (*Jul 9, 1959) | singer | GB | |
Kerr, John (*Nov 15, 1931) | actor | US | |
Kerr, Johnny (*Jul 17, 1932) | athlete | US | |
Kerr, Kristen (*Dec 17, 1974) | actress | US | |
Kerr, Miranda (*Apr 20, 1983) | model | AU | |
Kerr, Robert P. (*Oct 9, 1892) | XX | ||
Kerr, Sinead (*Aug 30, 1978) | figure skater | GB | |
Kerr, Steve D. (*Sep 27, 1965) | basketball player | LB | |
Kerr, Walter (*Jul 8, 1913) | US | ||
Kerrey, Bob (*Aug 27, 1943) | politician | US | |
Kerridge, Mary (*Apr 3, 1914) | actress | GB | |
Kerridge, Tom (*Jul 27, 1973) | actor, presenter, cook | GB | |
Kerrigan, Brenda (*Feb 2, 1940) | US | ||
Kerrigan, J. Warren (*Jul 25, 1879) | actor, director | US | |
Kerrigan, Nancy (*Oct 13, 1969) | actress | US | |
Kerrl, Johannes (*Jan 11, 1887) | DE | ||
Kerry, Alexandra (*Sep 5, 1973) | director | US | |
Kerry, John (*Dec 11, 1943) | politician, attorney | US | |
Kerry, John (*Jun 22, 1953) | actor | US | |
Kerry, Norman (*Jun 16, 1894) | actor | US | |
Kerry, Teresa Heinz (*Oct 5, 1938) | MZ | ||
Kerry, Vanessa (*Dec 31, 1976) | US | ||
Kerschensteiner, Georg
(*Jul 29, 1854) |
DE | ||
Kersey, Jerome (*Jun 26, 1962) | basketball player | US | |
Kershaw, Emily (*Oct 12, 1993) | US | ||
Kershaw, Nik (*Mar 1, 1958) | composer, guitarist, singer | GB | |
Kershaw, Noreen (*Oct 16, 1950) | GB | ||
Kershner, Glenn (*Jul 20, 1884) | director | US | |
Kershner, Irvin (*Apr 29, 1923) | director, actor | US | |
Kerslake, Lee (*Apr 16, 1947) | drummer, singer | GB | |
Kerst, Alexander (*Feb 23, 1924) | actor | CZ | |
Kerste, Zina (*Feb 15, 1971) | actress | PL | |
Kert, Larry (*Dec 5, 1930) | singer | US | |
Kertézs, Imre (*Nov 9, 1929) | novelist | HU | |
Kerth, Anna (*Nov 1, 1980) | actress | PL | |
Kerttula, Veikko (*Jul 23, 1940) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FI | |
Kerves, Nicholas (*Apr 24, 1981) | US | ||
Kerviel, Jérôme (*Jan 11, 1977) | FR | ||
Kervine, Geneviève (*Jun 27, 1931) | actress | SN | |
Kerwin, Brian (*Oct 25, 1949) | actor | US | |
Kerwin, James (*Oct 13, 1973) | director, actor | XX | |
Kerwin, Joseph P. (*Feb 19, 1932) | astronaut | US | |
Kerwin, Lance (*Nov 6, 1960) | actor | US | |
Kerwin, William (*Apr 17, 1927) | actor | US | |
Kéry, Gyula (*Apr 25, 1920) | actor | HU | |
Kesey, Ken (*Sep 17, 1935) | writer | US | |
Kesh, Saman (*Aug 8, 1986) | director | IR | |
Kesha, (*Mar 1, 1987) | singer | US | |
Keshishian, Alek (*Jul 30, 1964) | director | LB | |
Keskinen, Hulda (*May 7, 1893) | actress | FI | |
Keskinen, Usko (*Aug 12, 1932) | actor | FI | |
Keskitalo, Eero (*Sep 16, 1937) | actor | FI | |
Keslar, Angela (*Jun 21, 1973) | US | ||
Kesler, Ian Reed (*Feb 13, 1977) | actor | US | |
Keslerová, Zora Ulla (*1950) | actress | CZ | |
Keslová, Jaroslava (*Sep 8, 1926) | actress | XX | |
Kesner, Jillian (*Aug 9, 1949) | actress | US | |
Kessel, Joseph (*Feb 10, 1898) | writer, scriptwriter | AR | |
Kesselring, Albert (*Nov 20, 1885) | general | DE | |
Kesselring, Joseph (*Jun 21, 1902) | writer, scriptwriter | US | |
Kessler, Alice (*Aug 20, 1936) | actress, singer, twin | DE | |
Kessler, Ellen (*Aug 20, 1936) | actress, singer, twin | DE | |
Kessler, Bruce (*Mar 23, 1936) | director, actor | XX | |
Keßler, Katja (*Jan 5, 1969) | DE | ||
Kessler, Merle (*Oct 1, 1949) | XX | ||
Kessler, Michael (*Jun 24, 1967) | actor | DE | |
Kesson, Jessie (*Oct 28, 1916) | writer, scriptwriter | GB | |
Kesti, Hilkka (*Nov 6, 1921) | actress | FI | |
Kestner, Boyd (*Nov 23, 1964) | actor | US | |
Keston, Brad (*Jun 18, 1971) | actor | US | |
Kęstowicz, Zygmunt (*Jan 24, 1921) | actor | LT | |
Ketcham, Hank (*Mar 14, 1920) | cartoonist | US | |
Ketchum, Jack (*Nov 10, 1946) | writer, actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Ketola, Einari (*Apr 23, 1904) | actor, scriptwriter | RU | |
Ketonen, Kari (*Aug 16, 1971) | FI | ||
Ketonen, Oiva (*Jan 21, 1913) | actor | FI | |
Ketonen, Rauno (*Oct 13, 1935) | actor | FI | |
Ketterer, Vitaly (*Mar 28, 1908) | actor | XX | |
Kettering, Charles (*Aug 29, 1876) | US | ||
Kettle, Ross (*Sep 19, 1961) | actor, director | ZA | |
Kettu, Katja (*Apr 10, 1978) | director | FI | |
Ketzek, František (*Jun 21, 1906) | actor | SK | |
Keuks, Henricus W. J. M.
(*May 19, 1883) |
writer, translator, poet | NL | |
Keun, Irmgard (*Feb 6, 1905) | writer | DE | |
Keun Suk, Jang (*Aug 4, 1987) | singer, actor | KR | |
Keune, Victor (*Jun 17, 1919) | actor | XX | |
Keun-Hyeong, Park (*Jun 7, 1940) | KR | ||
Keuning, Dave (*Mar 28, 1976) | actor | US | |
Keuru, Tuula (*Jun 4, 1943) | actress | FI | |
Keusch, Erwin (*Jul 22, 1946) | director, actor | CH | |
Kevan, Scott (*Jan 2, 1972) | cameraman | US | |
Kevorkian, Jack (*May 26, 1928) | physician, pathologist, euthanasia activist | US | |
Kevorkov, Georgi (*Mar 10, 1955) | director | AM | |
Kevorkov, Stěpan (*Apr 1, 1903) | actor, director | RU | |
Kewell, Harry (*Sep 22, 1978) | soccer player | AU | |
Key, Collins (*May 9, 1996) | US | ||
Key, Francis Scott (*Aug 1, 1779) | lawyer | US | |
Key, Jimmy (*Apr 22, 1961) | baseball player | US | |
Key, Keegan-Michael (*Mar 22, 1971) | actor | US | |
Key, Kelly (*Mar 3, 1983) | singer | BR | |
Key, Ryan (*Dec 17, 1979) | singer, guitarist | US | |
Key, Simon Robert (*Apr 22, 1945) | politician | GB | |
Key, Ted (*Aug 25, 1912) | writer | US | |
Key, Tim (*Sep 2, 1976) | actor | GB | |
Key-Åberg, Sandro (*May 6, 1922) | actor, scriptwriter | XX | |
Keyes, Evelyn (*Nov 20, 1916) | actress | US | |
Keyes, Frances Parkinson
(*Jul 21, 1885) |
US | ||
Keyes, Irwin (*Mar 16, 1952) | actor | US | |
Keyes, James H. (*Sep 2, 1940) | US | ||
Keyes, Ken (*Jan 19, 1921) | writer | US | |
Keyes, London (*Aug 18, 1989) | US | ||
Keyl, Catherine (*Oct 24, 1946) | NL | ||
Keynes, John Maynard (*Jun 5, 1883) | economist | GB | |
Keynes, Skandar (*Sep 5, 1991) | actor | GB | |
Keys, Alicia (*Jan 25, 1981) | actress, singer, songwriter, pianist, writer, philanthropist | US | |
Keys, Ryan Christopher
(*May 23, 1973) |
actor | US | |
Keysar, James B. (*Dec 10, 1927) | politician | US | |
Keyserling, Arnold (*Feb 9, 1922) | DE | ||
Keyserling, Eduard von
(*May 2, 1855) |
writer | LV | |
Keyserling, Hermann Von
(*Jul 20, 1880) |
philosopher | EE | |
Kézdi-Kovács, Zsolt (*Jun 1, 1936) | director, actor | RS | |
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