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Konow, Rolf (*Jul 22, 1946) | actor, cameraman, photographer | DK | |
Konparu, Tomoko (*Mar 13, 1956) | XX | ||
Konrád, Branislav (*1987) | ice hockey player | SK | |
Konrad, Christoph (*Aug 28, 1957) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | DE | |
Konrad, Heinz-Karl (*Feb 12, 1920) | actor | DE | |
Konrad, Herta (*Jan 6, 1928) | actress | AT | |
Konrád, Karel (*Mar 28, 1899) | writer, poet | CZ | |
Konrád, Ladislav (*May 18, 1952) | actor | XX | |
Konrád, Martin (*1992) | singer | CE | |
Konrad, Piotr (*Nov 21, 1985) | actor | PL | |
Konrad, Sebastian (*Dec 11, 1971) | actor | PL | |
Konrads, Ilsa (*Mar 29, 1944) | LV | ||
Konrads, Jan (*May 21, 1942) | swimmer | LV | |
Konsel, Michael (*Mar 6, 1962) | soccer player | AT | |
Konsovsky, Aleksei (*Jan 28, 1912) | actor | RU | |
Konstadaras, Labros (*Mar 13, 1913) | XX | ||
Konstam, Phyllis (*Apr 14, 1907) | actress | GB | |
Konstantin, Jan (*Sep 30, 1894) | actor | CZ | |
Konstantin, Leopoldine
(*Mar 12, 1886) |
actress | CZ | |
Konstantinidis, Mario (*Aug 11, 1964) | actor | CZ | |
Konstantinov, Evgeni (*Feb 5, 1923) | BG | ||
Konstantinov, Vladimir
(*Mar 19, 1967) |
ice hockey player | RU | |
Kontio, Orvo (*Sep 16, 1932) | actor, director | FI | |
Kontro, Markku (*Jun 12, 1944) | FI | ||
Kontula, Martta (*Jun 20, 1908) | actress | FI | |
Konuszewski, Dennis (*Feb 4, 1971) | baseball player | US | |
Konvalinka, Pavel (*Mar 5, 1982) | singer, guitarist | XX | |
Konvalinková, Naďa (*1951) | actress | CZ | |
Konvalinová, Irena (*Dec 23, 1955) | actress | CZ | |
Konvičková, Markéta (*1994) | singer | CZ | |
Konwicki, Tadeusz (*Jun 22, 1926) | director, actor | PL | |
Kónya-Hamar, Sándor (*Sep 5, 1948) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | RO | |
Koo, Hye-sun (*Nov 9, 1984) | actress, director, scriptwriter | KR | |
Koo, Kaija (*Sep 10, 1962) | actress | FI | |
Koo, Ji-sung (*Jan 7, 1983) | KR | ||
Koo, Louis (*Oct 21, 1970) | actor | CN | |
Kooij, Herman (*Jun 5, 1868) | astrologer | NL | |
Kook, Simon (*Mar 5, 1981) | actor, martial artist | TH | |
Koole, Ricky (*Sep 11, 1972) | actor, singer | NL | |
Koolhaas, Rem (*Nov 17, 1944) | architect | NL | |
Koolhoven, Martin (*Apr 25, 1969) | director, actor | NL | |
Koolschijn, Hugo (*Nov 29, 1946) | actor | NL | |
Koomen, Theo (*May 20, 1929) | journalist | NL | |
Koon, Ella (*Jul 9, 1979) | actress | XX | |
Koons, Joe (*Jun 15, 1979) | actor | US | |
Koontz, Dean (*Jul 9, 1945) | actor | US | |
Koontz, Elizabeth (*Jun 3, 1919) | US | ||
Kooper, Al (*Feb 5, 1944) | composer, guitarist, singer | US | |
Koopmans, Tjaling Charles
(*Aug 28, 1910) |
NL | ||
Koorndijk, Angelique (*Sep 25, 1971) | actress | NL | |
Koorogi, Satomi (*Nov 14, 1966) | JP | ||
Koosman, Jerry (*Dec 23, 1942) | baseball player | US | |
Kopa, Raymond (*Oct 13, 1931) | soccer player | FR | |
Kopáč, Zdeněk (*1928) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Kopache, Thomas (*Oct 17, 1945) | actor | US | |
Kopáčová-Vrábelová, Tereza
(*1969) |
actress, director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Kopál, Daniel (*1970) | presenter | CZ | |
Kopalin, Ilya (*Aug 2, 1900) | director, scriptwriter | XX | |
Kopaněva, Galina (*Nov 26, 1931) | actress | XX | |
Kopania, Lidia (*May 12, 1978) | singer | PL | |
Koparker, Mohan (*Oct 12, 1946) | astrologer, writer | IN | |
Kopas, Jeff (*Jan 23, 1975) | director | CA | |
Kopashov, Aleksey (*Aug 20, 1995) | actor | RU | |
Kopay, David (*Jun 28, 1942) | American football player | US | |
Kopčil, Petr (*1980) | actor, presenter | CZ | |
Köpcke, Karl-Heinz (*Sep 29, 1922) | DE | ||
Kopechne, Mary Jo (*Jul 26, 1940) | US | ||
Kopecká, Marie (*Mar 16, 1906) | actress | CZ | |
Kopecký, Čestmír (*1952) | actor | CZ | |
Kopecký, František (*1954) | CZ | ||
Kopecký, Ivan (*1946) | soccer player | CE | |
Kopecký, Josef Jan (*1980) | actor | CZ | |
Kopecký, Miloš (*Aug 22, 1922) | actor | CZ | |
Kopecký, Václav (*Aug 27, 1897) | actor | CZ | |
Kopečný, Jan (*1989) | singer, actor | CZ | |
Kopečný, Miloslav (*1944) | actor | CZ | |
Kopelev, Lev (*Apr 9, 1912) | XX | ||
Kopelson, Arnold (*Feb 14, 1935) | actor | US | |
Kopernikus, Nicolaj (*Aug 9, 1967) | actor | DK | |
Kopicová, Miroslava (*1951) | politician | CZ | |
Kopiczynski, Andrzej Kopiczyński (*Apr 15, 1934) | actor | PL | |
Kopietz, Gerit (*Jan 22, 1963) | writer | DE | |
Kopins, Karen (*Oct 10, 1958) | actress | US | |
Kopisto, Markku (*Mar 18, 1949) | XX | ||
Kopitar, Anže (*Aug 24, 1987) | ice hockey player | SI | |
Koplík, Rostislav (*1971) | guitarist, singer | CZ | |
Koplowitz, Alicia (*Sep 12, 1952) | ES | ||
Koponen, Inari (*Dec 15, 1913) | FI | ||
Koponen, Mattijuhani (*Oct 10, 1941) | FI | ||
Koponen, Niina (*Oct 15, 1985) | actress | XX | |
Kopp, David (*Jun 14, 1978) | CA | ||
Koppa, Maria Eleni (*Mar 1, 1963) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | GR | |
Koppejan, Helene (*Aug 20, 1927) | astrologer | NL | |
Koppejan, Willem (*Aug 19, 1913) | astrologer, writer | NL | |
Koppel, Kierstin (*Jul 21, 1989) | actress | US | |
Koppel, Lena (*May 19, 1955) | director, scriptwriter | SE | |
Koppell, Josh (*Aug 7, 2002) | US | ||
Köppen, Wolfgang (*Jun 23, 1906) | writer | DE | |
Koppikar, Isha (*Sep 19, 1976) | actress | IN | |
Kopple, Barbara (*Jul 30, 1946) | actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Kopřiva, Antonín (*1949) | director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Kopřiva, Karel (*Jan 4, 1891) | cameraman | CZ | |
Kopřiva, Luděk (*Jun 19, 1924) | actor | CZ | |
Kopřiva, Miroslav (*1983) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Kopřiva, Petr (*Nov 21, 1947) | actor | XX | |
Kopřivová, Magda (*May 5, 1896) | actress | CZ | |
Kopřivová, Martina (*1983) | model, writer | CZ | |
Kopřivová, Veronika (*1991) | model | CZ | |
Koprowicz, Jacek (*Nov 3, 1947) | director, actor | PL | |
Kopsa, Michael (*Jan 22, 1956) | actor | CA | |
Kopsová-Pizová, Jana (*Feb 9, 1962) | actress | XX | |
Kopta, Jiří (*Jun 30, 1961) | actor | CZ | |
Kopta, Josef (*Jun 16, 1894) | writer, journalist, poet | CZ | |
Kopta, Pavel (*Sep 11, 1930) | actor | CZ | |
Kopta, Václav (*1965) | actor, composer | CZ | |
Koptík, Robert (*1980) | actor, cameraman, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Kopylov, Igor (*Jun 1, 1967) | actor, director | CP | |
Kopylova, Elena (*Jul 27, 1960) | astrologer | RU | |
Kóra, Kengo (*Nov 12, 1987) | actor | JP | |
Korabov, Nikola (*Dec 7, 1928) | actress, director | BG | |
Kořán, Josef (*Oct 29, 1921) | actor, director | IT | |
Koranda, Lukáš (*1990) | composer, guitarist, singer | CZ | |
Korander, Björn (*Dec 6, 1923) | actor | FI | |
Koranteng, Rey (*1974) | presenter | CZ | |
Korb, Irene (*Jun 7, 1923) | actress | DE | |
Korb, Pierre (*Apr 20, 1908) | soccer player | FR | |
Korbee, Jenn (*May 24, 1980) | actress | XX | |
Korbel, Petr (*1971) | table tennis player | CZ | |
Korbelář, Otomar (*Nov 3, 1899) | actor | CZ | |
Korbelová, Adriana (*1987) | model | CZ | |
Korbelová, Diana (*1996) | actress | CZ | |
Korber, Jakub (*1989) | actor, director | CZ | |
Korber, Michal (*1983) | actor | CZ | |
Korber, Serge (*Feb 1, 1936) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Körberg, Anton (*Sep 19, 1977) | actor | SE | |
Körberg, Tommy (*Jul 4, 1948) | actor | SE | |
Korbin, Jennifer (*Dec 9, 1971) | actress | US | |
Körbs, Herbert (*Oct 18, 1907) | actor | DE | |
Korcz, Anna (*Jul 30, 1968) | actress | PL | |
Korczak, Janusz (*Jul 22, 1878) | writer, doctor, journalist, teacher | PL | |
Korda, Alexander (*Sep 16, 1893) | director, actor | HU | |
Korda, Petr (*1968) | tennis player | CZ | |
Korda, Zoltan (*Jun 3, 1895) | director | HU | |
Kordek, Dariusz (*Jan 26, 1965) | actor | PL | |
Korderas, Jimmy (*Mar 19, 1962) | actor | CA | |
Kõre, Hele (*Jan 7, 1980) | EE | ||
Korec, Paľo (*1958) | actor, director | SK | |
Korec, Vlasta (*1972) | actor, presenter | CZ | |
Koreeda, Hirokazu (*Jun 6, 1962) | director | JP | |
Korel, Bergüzar (*Sep 2, 1982) | actress, model | TR | |
Korelitz, Jean Hanff (*May 16, 1961) | writer | US | |
Koren, Branislav Koreň (*Mar 10, 1921) | actor | SK | |
Korén, Juliane (*Jan 17, 1951) | actress | DE | |
Koreň, Martin (*Nov 1, 1982) | XX | ||
Koreň, Matěj (*1986) | singer | SK | |
Korenči, Anton (*Dec 16, 1931) | actor | SK | |
Korenčiová-Poloniová, Sonja
(*Apr 5, 1930) |
actress | XX | |
Korène, Véra (*Dec 13, 1901) | actress | UA | |
Koreněv, Vladimir (*Jun 20, 1940) | actor | CP | |
Koreneva, Elena (*Oct 3, 1953) | actress | RU | |
Koresh, David (*Aug 17, 1959) | leader of the Branch Davidians religious sect | US | |
Korey, Tinsel (*Mar 25, 1980) | actress | CA | |
Korfeil, Jakub (*1993) | motorcycle racer | CZ | |
Korhola, Eija-Riitta (*Jun 15, 1959) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | FI | |
Korhoň, Lubomír (*1978) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Korhonen, Aku (*Dec 29, 1892) | actor | FI | |
Korhonen, Jaakko (*May 30, 1890) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FI | |
Korhonen, Kaisa (*Jul 20, 1941) | composer, actress, director, scriptwriter | FI | |
Korhonen, Marja (*Feb 16, 1924) | actress | FI | |
Korhonen, Onni (*Apr 14, 1880) | actor | XX | |
Korhonen, Ossi (*Apr 1, 1898) | FI | ||
Korhonen, Paavo (*Jun 5, 1928) | actor | FI | |
Korhonen, Saima (*Mar 6, 1893) | FI | ||
Korhonen, Toivo (*Jul 15, 1926) | actor | FI | |
Korikova, Elena (*Apr 12, 1972) | actress | CP | |
Korin, Grazyna (*Feb 14, 1953) | actress | PL | |
Korine, Harmony (*Jan 4, 1973) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Korine, Rachel (*Apr 4, 1986) | actress | US | |
Kořínek, Miroslav (*1943) | composer, musician, actor | CZ | |
Kořínková, Iveta (*1984) | actress, presenter | CZ | |
Kořínková, Lenka (*1956) | actress | CZ | |
Koriseva, Arja (*Apr 21, 1965) | actress | FI | |
Korittke, Oliver (*Apr 6, 1968) | actor | DE | |
Korjus, Miliza (*Aug 18, 1909) | PL | ||
Korjus, Tapio (*Feb 10, 1961) | athlete | FI | |
Korka, Chelsea (*Jun 10, 1986) | actress | US | |
Korkiakoski, Svante (*Mar 27, 1939) | FI | ||
Korklan, Matthew (*Mar 19, 1983) | actor, wrestler | US | |
Korkman, Georg (*Apr 15, 1940) | actor, scriptwriter | XX | |
Kormákur, Baltasar (*Feb 27, 1966) | actor, director, scriptwriter | IS | |
Korman, Asaf (*Jul 5, 1982) | director | IL | |
Korman, Harvey (*Feb 15, 1927) | actor | US | |
Korn, Jiří (*1949) | bassist, singer, actor, presenter, dancer | CZ | |
Korn, Richard (*Apr 1, 1914) | XX | ||
Kornacki, Jerzy (*Jul 22, 1908) | writer | PL | |
Kornbluth, Jacob (*Dec 31, 1972) | director, actor | US | |
Korner, Alexis (*Apr 19, 1928) | guitarist, singer | FR | |
Körner, Diana (*Sep 24, 1944) | actress | DE | |
Körner, Dietrich (*Dec 2, 1926) | actor | DE | |
Körner, Eberhard Maria
(*Apr 30, 1932) |
physicist | DE | |
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