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Celebrities - Surname "R" (4566)

Romanus, Richard (*Feb 8, 1943) actor United States US
Romanus, Robert (*Jul 17, 1956) actor United States US
Romário, (*Jan 29, 1966) soccer player Brazil BR
Romashin, Anatoli (*Jan 1, 1931) actor, director Russia RU
Romay, Fernando (*Sep 23, 1959) basketball player Spain ES
Romay, Lina (*Jun 25, 1954) actress, director Spain ES
Rombi, Philippe (*Apr 3, 1968) composer, actor France FR
Rombley, Edsilia (*Feb 12, 1978) actress Netherlands NL
Rome, Betty (*Nov 2, 1892) actress United States US
Rome, Harold (*May 27, 1908) composer United States US
Rome, Molly (*Apr 13, 1979) actress United States US
Rome, Sydne (*Mar 17, 1951) actress United States US
Romée, Marcelle (*Feb 7, 1903) actress France FR
Romei, Caio (*Mar 20, 1989) actor Brazil BR
Römer, Julius (*Jun 29, 1995) actor Germany DE
Römer, Nienke (*Oct 8, 1975) actress Netherlands NL
Römer, Rolf (*Sep 20, 1935) actor, director Germany DE
Römer, Thijs (*Jul 26, 1978) actor Netherlands NL
Romero, George A. (*Feb 4, 1940) director, scriptwriter United States US
Romero, Alex (*Aug 19, 1913) dancer United States US
Romero, John (*Oct 28, 1967) game designer, programmer, co-founder of id Software United States US
Romero, Paul (*Sep 10, 1965) soundtrack composer United States US
Romero, Cesar (*Feb 15, 1907) actor United States US
Romero, Cristobal Montoro
(*Jul 28, 1950)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Spain ES
Romero, Curro (*Dec 1, 1933) Spain ES
Romero, Eddie (*Jul 7, 1924) director, actor Philippines PH
Romero, Florita (*Dec 21, 1930) actress United States US
Romero, Jesús Adrián (*Feb 16, 1965) singer Mexico MX
Romero, José Rubén (*Sep 25, 1890) writer, poet Mexico MX
Romero, Marta (*Feb 17, 1928) actress Puerto Rico PR
Romero, Merche (*Nov 27, 1976) model Spain ES
Romero, Ned (*Dec 4, 1926) actor United States US
Romero, Oscar (*Aug 15, 1917) El Salvador SV
Romero, Yotuel (*Oct 6, 1976) singer, actor Cuba CU
Romeva i Rueda, Raül (*Mar 12, 1971) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Spain ES
Romeyer, Pierre (*Jun 28, 1930) Belgium BE
Romijn, Rebecca (*Nov 6, 1972) actress, model United States US
Rominger, Tony (*Mar 27, 1961) Denmark DK
Romita, Pier Luigi (*Jul 27, 1924) politician Italy IT
Romm, Mikhail (*Jan 24, 1901) actor, director, scriptwriter Russia RU
Rommel, Erwin (*Nov 15, 1891) actor Germany DE
Rommer, Claire (*Dec 7, 1904) actress Germany DE
Rommetveit, Berte (*Jun 19, 1977) Norway NO
Romney, Mitt (*Mar 12, 1947) politician United States US
Romo, Daniela (*Aug 27, 1959) actress Mexico MX
Romodanov, Sergei (*Aug 12, 1899) actor Unknown XX
Romoeren, Bjoern-Einar
(*Apr 1, 1981)
ski jumper Norway NO
Romoli, Gianni (*Jul 18, 1949) scriptwriter Italy IT
Romportlová, Ludmila (*1924) writer Czech Republic CZ
Romppanen, Martti (*Jul 2, 1927) actor Finland FI
Romruen, Chai (*Feb 8, 1989) actor Thailand TH
Ron, Gustavo (*Dec 14, 1972) director Spain ES
Ron, Vojtěch (*Nov 26, 1930) actor, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Róna, Jaroslav (*1957) artist, sculptor, painter, actor Czech Republic CZ
Ron Hubbard, Lafayette
(*Mar 13, 1911)
science fiction writer, founder of Dianetics and Scientology United States US
Rona, Jeff (*Mar 3, 1957) composer, actor United States US
Ronaldo, Cristiano (*Feb 5, 1985) soccer player Portugal PT
Ronalds, Dean Matthew (*May 8, 1976) United States US
Ronan, Paul (*Mar 21, 1965) actor United Kingdom GB
Ronan, Saoirse (*Apr 12, 1994) actress United States US
Ronay, Mac (*Jun 20, 1913) actor France FR
Roncato, Andrea (*Mar 7, 1947) actress Italy IT
Ronchi, Nicolas (*Nov 6, 1972) actor Unknown XX
Ronczewski, Ryszard (*Jun 27, 1930) actor, director Poland PL
Rondi, Brunello (*Nov 26, 1924) director, actor Italy IT
Rondinella, Thomas R. (*Nov 24, 1959) director, actor United States US
Rondo, Rajon (*Feb 22, 1986) basketball player United States US
Rondot, Kahlen (*Dec 19, 1983) model United States US
Ronec, Marek (*Feb 16, 1965) actor Czech Republic CZ
Ronell, Ann (*Dec 25, 1905) United States US
Roneš, Michal (*1955) actor Czech Republic CZ
Ronet, Maurice (*Apr 13, 1927) actor France FR
Rönfeldt, Detlef (*Feb 25, 1949) director Germany DE
Rong San, Lin (*May 27, 1939) politician, businessman Taiwan TW
Rongione, Fabrizio (*Mar 3, 1973) actor, scriptwriter Belgium BE
Rönkä, Matti (*Sep 9, 1959) actor Finland FI
Ronkainen, Mika (*Aug 6, 1970) director Finland FI
Rono, Henry (*Feb 12, 1952) athlete, runner Kenya KE
Ronse, Henri (*May 10, 1946) Belgium BE
Ronson, Jon (*May 10, 1967) writer, actor, director, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Ronson, Mick (*May 26, 1946) singer, guitarist United Kingdom GB
Ronson, Samantha (*Aug 7, 1977) singer United Kingdom GB
Ronstadt, Linda (*Jul 15, 1946) composer, musician, singer United States US
Ronstedt, Jule (*Apr 21, 1971) Germany DE
Röntgen, Wilhelm (*Mar 27, 1845) physicist Germany DE
Ronzon, Pierluigi (*Mar 7, 1934) soccer player Italy IT
Rood, Harold C. (*Oct 31, 1904) astrologer United States US
Roodt, Darrell (*Apr 28, 1962) director, scriptwriter South Africa ZA
Rooke, Leon (*Sep 11, 1934) writer United States US
Rooker, Michael (*Apr 6, 1955) actor United States US
Rooks, Conrad (*Dec 15, 1934) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Rooks, Sean (*Sep 9, 1969) basketball player United States US
Room, Abram (*Jun 28, 1894) director, actor Lithuania LT
Rooney, Barbara (*Jan 25, 1937) United States US
Rooney, Jan (*Nov 23, 1938) singer United States US
Rooney, Kelly Ann (*Sep 13, 1959) United States US
Rooney, Kimmie Sue (*Sep 13, 1963) United States US
Rooney, Mickey (*Sep 23, 1920) actor United States US
Rooney, Patrick (*Apr 28, 1889) actor United States US
Rooney, Wayne (*Oct 24, 1985) soccer player United Kingdom GB
Rooper, Jemima (*Oct 24, 1981) actress United Kingdom GB
Röör, Gunilla (*Aug 16, 1959) actress Unknown XX
Roorbach, Bill (*Aug 18, 1953) writer United States US
Roos, Don (*Apr 14, 1955) actor United States US
Roos, Fred (*May 22, 1934) actor United States US
Roos, Joanna (*Jan 11, 1901) actress United States US
Roos, Job (*Dec 24, 1922) boxer Netherlands NL
Roos, Jorgen (*Aug 12, 1922) Denmark DK
Roos, Rafael (*Apr 9, 1895) cameraman, scriptwriter Finland FI
Roos, Vappu (*Mar 20, 1910) director Finland FI
Roosa, Stuart (*Aug 16, 1933) astronaut United States US
Roose-Evans, James (*Nov 11, 1927) actor, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Roosen, Adelheid (*Jun 30, 1958) actress, director Netherlands NL
Roosevelt, Theodore (*Oct 27, 1858) 26rd President of the United States, writer, scientist United States US
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
(*Jan 30, 1882)
32nd President of the United States United States US
Roosevelt, Eleanor (*Oct 11, 1884) politician, diplomat, activist United States US
Roosevelt, Anna (*May 3, 1906) writer United States US
Roosevelt, John (*Mar 13, 1916) child of celebrity United States US
Roosevelt, Franklin III
(*Jul 19, 1938)
United States US
Roosevelt, James (*Dec 23, 1907) politician United States US
Roosevelt Jr., Franklin
(*Mar 18, 1909)
child of celebrity United States US
Rooskens, Simone (*May 16, 1939) Unknown XX
Root, Bonnie (*Aug 24, 1975) actress, director, scriptwriter United States US
Root, James (*Oct 2, 1971) actor United States US
Root, Joan (*Jan 18, 1936) actress, director Kenya KE
Root, Stephen (*Nov 17, 1951) actor United States US
Root, William Pitt (*Dec 28, 1941) poet United States US
Ropartz, Joseph Guy Marie
(*Jun 15, 1864)
composer France FR
Ropcea, Andrei Ştefan (*May 23, 1983) singer Romania RO
Rope, Artturi (*May 28, 1903) actor Finland FI
Rope, Liisa (*May 1, 1916) actress Unknown XX
Ropek, Jiří (*Jul 1, 1922) actor Czech Republic CZ
Roper, Brian (*Aug 19, 1929) actor United Kingdom GB
Roper, Daniel C. (*Apr 1, 1867) politician United States US
Roper, Deidre 'Spinderella'
(*Aug 3, 1971)
actress United States US
Roper, Mark (*Mar 16, 1958) actor, director, scriptwriter South Africa ZA
Roper, Tony (*Aug 19, 1941) actor United Kingdom GB
Ropert, Axelle (*Feb 15, 1972) actress, director, scriptwriter France FR
Ropke, Wilhelm (*Oct 10, 1899) Germany DE
Ropog, József (*Apr 16, 1944) actor Hungary HU
Roppolo, Taylor (*Sep 9, 1988) United States US
Rops, Félicien (*Jul 7, 1833) painter, artist Belgium BE
Roquemore, Cliff (*Sep 28, 1948) director, actor United States US
Roquemore, Henry (*Mar 13, 1886) actor United States US
Roqueplan, Nestor (*Sep 14, 1805) director France FR
Roquette, Suzanne (*Aug 31, 1942) actress Germany DE
Roquevert, Noel (*Dec 18, 1892) actor France FR
Rora, Chiaffredo (*Mar 5, 1945) swimmer Italy IT
Rorem, Ned (*Oct 23, 1923) composer United States US
Rorschach, Hermann (*Nov 8, 1884) psychologist, psychiatrist Switzerland CH
Rory, Rossana (*Sep 7, 1927) actress Italy IT
Ros, Andrea (*May 3, 1993) actress Spain ES
Rosa, Alinne (*Mar 20, 1982) singer Brazil BR
Rosa, Ana (*Jun 18, 1942) actress Unknown XX
Rosa, Antonín (*1986) soccer player Czech Republic CZ
Rosa, Franco (*May 1, 1932) soccer player Italy IT
Rosa, Hanno di (*May 31, 1955) Germany DE
Rosa, Michal (*Sep 27, 1963) director Poland PL
Rosák, Jan (*1947) actor, scriptwriter, presenter Czech Republic CZ
Rosáková, Zuzana (*1978) model CZSK CE
Rosales, Gilbert (*Nov 11, 1969) actor United States US
Rosales, Luis (*May 31, 1910) poet Spain ES
Rosales, Reynaldo (*Jul 25, 1978) United States US
Rosales Jr., Thomas (*Feb 3, 1948) actor United States US
Rosana, (*Mar 7, 1962) Brazil BR
Rosar, Annie (*May 17, 1888) actress Austria AT
Rosario, Joe (*Jan 6, 1959) actor United States US
Rosario, Marcio (*Dec 24, 1971) actor Brazil BR
Rosas, Fernando (*Aug 18, 1929) astrologer Puerto Rico PR
Rosati, Dariusz (*Aug 8, 1946) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Rosati, Weronika (*Jan 9, 1984) actress Poland PL
Rosato, Beth (*Apr 19, 1959) astrologer United States US
Rosato, Cristina (*Jan 6, 1983) actress Canada CA
Rosay, Françoise (*Apr 19, 1891) actress France FR
Rosbach, Anna (*Feb 2, 1947) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Unknown XX
Rosbaud, Hans (*Jul 22, 1895) Austria AT
Rosbaud, Paul (*Nov 18, 1896) chemist Austria AT
Rosberg, Keijo (*Dec 6, 1948) Sweden SE
Rosberg, Nico (*Jun 27, 1985) F1 racing driver Germany DE
Rosburg, Bob (*Oct 21, 1926) golfer United States US
Rosca, Monika (*May 4, 1961) actress Poland PL
Röschmann, Dorothea (*Jun 17, 1967) actress Germany DE
Roscoe, Will (*Feb 8, 1955) writer United States US
Rose, Stuart (*Mar 17, 1949) CEO of Marks & Spencer United Kingdom GB
Rose, Playboy Buddy (*Nov 27, 1952) wrestler United States US
Rose, Amber (*Oct 21, 1983) actress, model United States US
Rose, Anika Noni (*Sep 6, 1972) actress United States US
Rose, Ava (*Feb 9, 1986) United States US
Rose, Bernard (*Aug 4, 1960) actor, director, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Rose, Biff (*Oct 15, 1937) singer United States US
Rose, Billy (*Sep 6, 1899) writer United States US
Rose, Chanta (*Dec 12, 1977) Australia AU
Rose, Charlie (*Jan 5, 1942) journalist United States US
Rose, Chloe (*Oct 25, 1994) actress Canada CA
Rose, Cristine (*Jan 31, 1951) actress United States US
Rose, David (*Jun 15, 1910) composer United Kingdom GB
Rose, Derrick (*Oct 4, 1988) basketball player United States US
Rose, Ela (*Jan 4, 1990) singer Romania RO
Rose, Emily (*Feb 2, 1981) actress United States US
Rose, Felissa (*May 23, 1969) United States US