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Celebrities - Surname "R" (4566)

Rousselot, Jean (*Oct 27, 1913) writer, journalist France FR
Rousselot, John (*Nov 1, 1927) politician United States US
Rousselot, Philippe (*Sep 4, 1945) director, cameraman France FR
Rousset, David (*Jan 18, 1912) writer France FR
Rousset, Madeleine (*Jan 28, 1922) actress France FR
Roussillon, Jean-Paul (*Mar 5, 1931) actor, director France FR
Roussin, André (*Jan 22, 1911) actor, scriptwriter France FR
Roussin, Michel (*May 3, 1939) politician Morocco MA
Roussopoulos, Carole (*May 25, 1945) director Switzerland CH
Roussos, Demis (*Jun 15, 1946) singer Egypt EG
Roustan, Joelle (*Jan 19, 1935) painter France FR
Roustan, René (*Jun 11, 1928) boxer France FR
Rout, Alexandra (*Aug 6, 1993) figure skater New Zealand NZ
Routh, Brandon (*Oct 9, 1979) actor United States US
Routis, André (*Jul 16, 1900) boxer France FR
Routledge, Alison (*Apr 29, 1960) actress Unknown XX
Routledge, Patricia (*Feb 17, 1929) actress United Kingdom GB
Rouvas, Sakis (*Jan 5, 1972) actor, singer, model, athlete Greece GR
Rouve, Jean-Paul (*Jan 26, 1967) actor France FR
Rouvel, Catherine (*Aug 31, 1939) actress France FR
Rouvier, Maurice (*Apr 17, 1842) France FR
Rouviere, Sydney (*Jan 28, 2003) actress United States US
Roux, Alain (*Mar 27, 1968) cook United Kingdom GB
Roux, Albert (*Oct 8, 1935) presenter, cook France FR
Roux, Aline (*Aug 22, 1935) France FR
Roux, Antonio (*May 7, 1901) actor Mexico MX
Roux, Emile (*Dec 17, 1853) doctor France FR
Roux, Jean Jacques (*Jan 6, 1923) France FR
Roux, Lionel (*Apr 12, 1973) tennis player France FR
Roux, Michel (*Jul 22, 1929) actor France FR
Roux, Nick (*Dec 13, 1990) musician, actor United States US
Roux, Vincent (*Dec 1, 1928) painter France FR
Roux-Renard, Marius (*Mar 15, 1870) painter France FR
Roux, Jr., Michel (*May 23, 1960) presenter, cook United Kingdom GB
Rouxel, Jean (*Feb 24, 1935) chemist France FR
Rouyer, André (*Jun 20, 1929) actor France FR
Rovan, Daniel (*Jan 26, 1964) Member of Parliament Unknown XX
Rove, Karl (*Dec 25, 1950) United States US
Rovelli, Enrico (*Mar 18, 1944) Italy IT
Rovena, Marcella (*Jan 22, 1908) actress Italy IT
Rovenská, Marie (*May 14, 1902) actress Czech Republic CZ
Rovenský, Josef (*Apr 17, 1894) director Czech Republic CZ
Roveraro, Gianmario (*May 24, 1936) Italy IT
Rovere, Gina (*May 5, 1935) actress Italy IT
Rovere, Lucrezia Lante della
(*Jul 19, 1966)
actress Italy IT
Rovere, Matteo (*Jan 22, 1982) director, scriptwriter Italy IT
Roversi, Alba (*Aug 14, 1961) actress Venezuela VE
Rovics, David (*Apr 10, 1970) actor, composer United States US
Rovis, Jean (*Feb 2, 1933) actor Belgium BE
Rovňák, Michal (*1972) actor Slovakia SK
Rovsing, Christian (*Nov 2, 1936) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Denmark DK
Rowan, Kelly (*Oct 26, 1965) actress Canada CA
Rowe, Brad (*May 15, 1970) actor United States US
Rowe, Charlie (*Apr 23, 1996) actor United Kingdom GB
Rowe, Mike (*Mar 18, 1962) actor United States US
Rowe, Nicholas (*Nov 22, 1966) actor United Kingdom GB
Rowe, Ruth E. (*Nov 3, 1947) United States US
Röwekamp, Werner (*Oct 30, 1928) actor Germany DE
Rowell, Cassie (*Dec 1, 1971) actress United States US
Rowell, Victoria (*May 10, 1959) actress United States US
Rowland, Betty Jane (*Jan 23, 1916) United States US
Rowland, Cathy (*Mar 11, 1950) United States US
Rowland, Edna (*Dec 6, 1922) astrologer, author United States US
Rowland, Kelly (*Feb 11, 1981) singer, actress United States US
Rowland, Landon H. (*May 20, 1937) United States US
Rowland, Michael James
(*Jan 15, 1964)
director, scriptwriter Australia AU
Rowland, Robert (*Nov 1, 1966) actor, director United States US
Rowland, Rodney (*Feb 20, 1964) actor United States US
Rowland, Roy (*Dec 31, 1910) director United States US
Rowlands, Gena (*Jun 19, 1930) actress United States US
Rowlands, Patsy (*Jan 19, 1931) actress United Kingdom GB
Rowlett, Katie (*Sep 24, 1979) actress United States US
Rowley, Geoff (*Jun 6, 1976) United Kingdom GB
Rowling, J. K. (*Jul 31, 1965) writer, author of the Harry Potter United Kingdom GB
Rowling, Kyle (*Sep 6, 1970) Australia AU
Rowntree, Dave (*Apr 8, 1963) actor, composer Unknown XX
Rowntree, Joe (*Mar 26, 1982) United Kingdom GB
Rox, Alex (*Jun 4, 1979) porn actor France FR
Roxburgh, Richard (*Jan 1, 1962) actor Australia AU
Roxlee, (*Aug 16, 1950) Philippines PH
Roxx, Rachel (*Mar 2, 1983) actress United States US
Roy, Angela (*Jun 24, 1957) actress Germany DE
Roy, Avijit (*Sep 12, 1972) engineer, online activist, writer, blogger Bangladesh BD
Roy, Bimal (*Jul 12, 1909) director Unknown XX
Roy, Brandon (*Jun 23, 1984) basketball player United States US
Roy, Claude (*Aug 28, 1915) writer France FR
Roy, Deep (*Dec 1, 1957) actor Kenya KE
Roy, Derek (*May 4, 1983) ice hockey player Canada CA
Roy, Drew (*May 17, 1986) actor United States US
Roy, Esperanza (*Nov 22, 1935) actress Spain ES
Roy, Jean-Claude (*Jun 7, 1933) director, actor France FR
Roy, Jonathan (*Mar 15, 1989) ice hockey player Canada CA
Roy, Jules (*Oct 22, 1907) writer Italy IT
Roy, Mathieu (*Aug 10, 1983) ice hockey player Canada CA
Roy, Maxim (*Mar 7, 1972) actress Canada CA
Roy, Nirupa (*Jan 4, 1931) actress India IN
Roy, Patrick (*Oct 5, 1965) ice hockey player Canada CA
Roy, Pierre (*Aug 10, 1880) painter France FR
Roy, Rahul (*Feb 9, 1968) India IN
Roy, Reena (*Jan 7, 1957) actress India IN
Roy, Rob Leo (*Mar 1, 1964) actor United States US
Roy, Ronit (*Oct 11, 1965) India IN
Roy, Serge (*Nov 9, 1932) soccer player France FR
Roy, Tsunami (*Dec 27, 2004) India IN
Roy-Léveillée, Jason (*Oct 1, 1983) actor Unknown XX
Royal, Bert V. (*Oct 14, 1977) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Royal, Donald (*May 22, 1966) basketball player United States US
Royal, Ségolène (*Sep 22, 1953) politician Senegal SN
Royce, Prince (*May 11, 1989) composer, singer United States US
Royer, Clemence (*Apr 21, 1830) France FR
Royer, Jean (*Oct 31, 1920) politician France FR
Röyhkä, Kauko (*Feb 12, 1959) musician Finland FI
Roylance, Pamela (*Mar 27, 1952) actress United States US
Royle, David (*Jun 16, 1961) actor United Kingdom GB
Royle, Derek (*Sep 7, 1928) actor United Kingdom GB
Royle, Selena (*Nov 6, 1904) actress United States US
Royo, Andre (*Jul 18, 1968) actor United States US
Royzman, Zinoviy (*Sep 11, 1941) director SSSR CP
Rozakis, Gregory (*Jan 30, 1943) actor United States US
Rozanova, Irina (*Jul 22, 1961) actress SSSR CP
Rozantsev, Nikolai (*Mar 29, 1922) director Unknown XX
Rozboril, Vilo (*1967) actor Slovakia SK
Rózczka, Magdalena (*Jun 27, 1978) actress Poland PL
Rožďalovský, Rudolf (*1957) singer, guitarist Czech Republic CZ
Rozehnal, David (*1980) soccer player Czech Republic CZ
Rozelle, Pete (*Mar 1, 1926) American football player United States US
Rozema, Patricia (*Aug 20, 1958) actress, director Canada CA
Rozendent, Andrei (*Oct 10, 1989) actor Russia RU
Rozes, Simone (*Mar 29, 1920) France FR
Rózewicz, Stanislaw (*Aug 16, 1924) director, actor Poland PL
Różewicz, Tadeusz (*Oct 9, 1921) writer, scriptwriter Poland PL
Rozhdestvensky, Gennadi
(*May 4, 1931)
actor Russia RU
Rozhon, Sandra (*Dec 19, 1944) astrologer United States US
Rozier, Clifford (*Oct 31, 1972) basketball player United States US
Rozier, Jacques (*Nov 10, 1926) director France FR
Rozier, Willy (*Jun 27, 1901) director, actor France FR
Rozkopal, Zdeněk (*Oct 2, 1924) actor, director, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Rozmus, Andrzej (*Jul 8, 1982) actor Poland PL
Rozon, Tim (*Jun 4, 1976) actor Canada CA
Rozov, Viktor (*Aug 21, 1913) writer, scriptwriter Russia RU
Rózsa, György (*Oct 7, 1947) Hungary HU
Rózsa, Miklós (*Apr 18, 1907) composer, actor Hungary HU
Rózsa-Hurajová, Lucia (*1976) actress Slovakia SK
Rozsíval, Jaroslav (*Oct 14, 1924) actor Czech Republic CZ
Rozsíval, Josef (*Nov 20, 1884) actor Czech Republic CZ
Rozsíval, Michal (*1978) ice hockey player Czech Republic CZ
Rozsypal, Karel (*1960) writer, businessman Czech Republic CZ
Rozsypalová, Zora (*Sep 3, 1922) actress Czech Republic CZ
Roztočil, Aleš (*1953) Member of Parliament Czech Republic CZ
Rønholt, Neel (*Sep 17, 1984) actress Denmark DK
Rønne, Rolf (*Apr 1, 1926) cameraman Denmark DK
Rønning, Joachim (*May 30, 1972) director Norway NO
Ruah, Daniela (*Dec 2, 1983) actress United States US
Ruan, Lingyu (*Apr 26, 1910) actress China CN
Ruane, William (*Jun 7, 1985) actor United Kingdom GB
Ruano Pascual, Virginia
(*Sep 21, 1973)
tennis player Spain ES
Rubáček, Michal (*1986) swimmer Czech Republic CZ
Rubášová, Jana (*Feb 12, 1940) actress, teacher Unknown XX
Rubbia, Carlo (*Mar 31, 1934) physicist Italy IT
Rubbo, Michael (*Dec 31, 1938) director, actor Australia AU
Rübelt, Lothar (*Apr 8, 1901) actor, director, scriptwriter Austria AT
Ruben, Andy (*Jun 19, 1949) United States US
Ruben, J. Walter (*Aug 14, 1899) actor United States US
Ruben, Joseph (*May 10, 1950) director, scriptwriter United States US
Ruben, Josh (*Jun 30, 1983) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Rubens, Alma (*Feb 19, 1897) actress United States US
Rubens, Nancy (*May 30, 1915) actress United States US
Rubenstein, Serge (*May 31, 1908) businessman Russia RU
Ruberti, Antonio (*Jan 24, 1927) politician Italy IT
Rubes, Jan (*Jun 6, 1920) actor, opera singer, singer Czech Republic CZ
Rubeš, Janek (*1987) actor, director, cameraman Czech Republic CZ
Rubeš, Pavel (*1933) actor Czech Republic CZ
Rubeš Jr., Jan (*1955) actor, director Czech Republic CZ
Rubey, Manuel (*Mar 26, 1979) singer, actor Austria AT
Rubia, Maria (*Dec 20, 1980) actress, singer, model United Kingdom GB
Rubião, Murilo (*Jun 1, 1916) writer Brazil BR
Rübig, Paul (*May 6, 1953) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Austria AT
Rubik, Anja (*Jun 12, 1983) model Poland PL
Rubík, Otto (*May 21, 1898) actor Czech Republic CZ
Rubim, Simão (*Jul 30, 1964) Jersey JE
Rubin, Jennifer (*Apr 3, 1962) actress United States US
Rubin, Benny (*Feb 2, 1899) actor United States US
Rubin, Bob (*Nov 4, 1941) United States US
Rubin, Bruce Joel (*Mar 10, 1943) scriptwriter United States US
Rubin, Chanda (*Feb 18, 1976) tennis player United States US
Rubin, Craig X. (*Nov 22, 1965) actor United States US
Rubin, Jerry (*Jul 14, 1938) activist United States US
Rubin, Juliet (*Aug 19, 1987) United States US
Rubin, Larry Jerome (*Feb 14, 1930) poet United States US
Rubin, Niki (*Apr 11, 1984) Israel IL
Rubin, Ralf (*Aug 30, 1922) director, scriptwriter Finland FI
Rubin, Rick (*Mar 10, 1963) actor, composer United States US
Rubin-Vega, Daphne (*Nov 18, 1969) actress Panama PA
Rubinchik, Valeri (*Apr 17, 1940) director, actor Belarus BY
Rubinek, Saul (*Jul 2, 1948) actor Germany DE
Rubini, Giulia (*Jun 2, 1935) actress Italy IT
Rubini, Michel (*Dec 3, 1942) composer United States US
Rubini, Sergio (*Dec 21, 1959) actor, director Italy IT
Rubínová, Johana (*1989) writer Czech Republic CZ
Rubinstein, Anton (*Nov 28, 1829) composer, conductor Moldova MD