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Celebrities - Surname "H" (5689)

Holl, Steven (*Dec 9, 1947) architect United States US
Hollá, Jolana (*Oct 11, 1927) actress Unknown XX
Hollá, Věra (*Jul 10, 1980) actress Unknown XX
Hollá-Holéczyová, Elena
(*Jan 23, 1906)
actress Slovakia SK
Holladay, Terry Ann (*Nov 28, 1955) tennis player United States US
Hollaender, Friedrich (*Oct 18, 1896) composer, actor, director United Kingdom GB
Holland, Agnieszka (*Nov 28, 1948) actress, director Poland PL
Holland, Tom (*Jun 1, 1996) actor United Kingdom GB
Holland, Anthony (*Mar 3, 1928) actor United States US
Holland, Cyril (*Jun 5, 1885) United Kingdom GB
Holland, Dexter (*Dec 29, 1965) guitarist, singer United States US
Holland, Erik (*May 18, 1933) actor Norway NO
Holland, Jan (*May 14, 1932) writer United States US
Holland, Jennifer (*Nov 19, 1986) actress United States US
Holland, Josh (*Nov 6, 1974) actor United States US
Holland, Peanuts (*Feb 9, 1910) actress United States US
Holland, Sean (*Oct 27, 1968) actor Unknown XX
Holland, Slawomir (*Apr 14, 1958) actor Poland PL
Holland, Tanya (*Jul 14, 1965) presenter, cook United States US
Holland, Tom (*Jul 11, 1943) writer, actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Holland, Tony (*Jan 18, 1940) actor United Kingdom GB
Holland, Willa (*Jun 18, 1991) actress, model United States US
Holland-Rose, Juliet (*Mar 10, 1992) actress United Kingdom GB
Hollande, François (*Aug 12, 1954) 24th President of France, politician France FR
Hollander, Dan (*May 9, 1972) United States US
Hollander, David (*May 16, 1968) director Unknown XX
Hollander, Tom (*Aug 25, 1967) actor United Kingdom GB
Hollander, Xaviera (*Jun 15, 1943) writer, actress Indonesia ID
Hollein, Hans (*Mar 30, 1934) architect, designer, teacher Austria AT
Holleman, Mitch (*Sep 13, 1995) actor United States US
Holler, Oliver (*Jul 9, 1967) actor United States US
Hollerová, Andrea (*1994) figure skater Czech Republic CZ
Holley, Germaine (*Oct 8, 1904) astrologer, author France FR
Holley, Grace (*Jul 28, 1988) actress United States US
Holley, Robert (*Jan 28, 1922) chemist United States US
Holliday, Charlie (*Nov 25, 1938) actor United States US
Holliday, Jack (*Aug 27, 1959) poet United States US
Holliday, Jennifer (*Oct 19, 1960) actress United States US
Holliday, Judy (*Jun 21, 1921) actress United States US
Holliday, Kate (*Jun 15, 1980) actress United States US
Holliday, Kene (*Jun 25, 1949) actor United States US
Holliday, Polly (*Jul 2, 1937) actress United States US
Hollie, Dan (*Oct 3, 1979) actor United States US
Holliman, Earl (*Sep 11, 1928) actor United States US
Hollinderbäumer, Dietrich
(*Aug 16, 1942)
actor Germany DE
Höllinger, Waltraud (*May 17, 1940) director, artist Austria AT
Hollings, Ernest 'Fritz'
(*Jan 1, 1922)
politician United States US
Hollingsworth, Ben (*Sep 7, 1984) actor Canada CA
Hollingsworth, David S.
(*May 26, 1928)
chemist United States US
Hollingsworth, James Francis
(*Mar 24, 1918)
general United States US
Hollingsworth, Keith William
(*Apr 21, 1937)
artist United States US
Hollingsworth, Kyle (*Nov 11, 1981) actor United States US
Hollis, Gary (*Aug 12, 1940) actor United States US
Hollis, John (*Jan 24, 1931) actor United Kingdom GB
Hollis, Mark (*Jan 4, 1955) composer, singer United Kingdom GB
Hollis, Tommy (*Mar 22, 1954) actor United States US
Hollister, Lindsay (*Jun 3, 1977) actress United States US
Holliston, Tom (*Apr 21, 1960) singer, guitarist Unknown XX
Hollmann, Lucie (*Aug 23, 1993) actress Unknown XX
Hollo, Anselm (*Apr 12, 1934) actor Finland FI
Holloman, Laurel (*May 23, 1971) actress United States US
Holloway, Freda (*May 30, 1938) actress United States US
Holloway, Josh (*Jul 20, 1969) actor United States US
Holloway, Nancy (*Dec 11, 1932) actress United States US
Holloway, Richard (*Nov 26, 1933) United Kingdom GB
Holloway, Stanley (*Oct 1, 1890) actor United Kingdom GB
Holloway, Sterling (*Jan 4, 1905) actor United States US
Holly, Alita (*Oct 3, 1966) director United States US
Holly, Buddy (*Sep 7, 1936) singer, guitarist United States US
Holly, Lauren (*Oct 28, 1963) actress United States US
Hollý Jr., Martin (*Aug 11, 1931) director, actor Slovakia SK
Hollý Sr., Martin (*Jun 8, 1904) actor, director Czech Republic CZ
Hollywood, Edwin L. (*Oct 9, 1892) Unknown XX
Hollywood, Holly (*Dec 2, 1974) actress United States US
Hollywood, Paul (*Feb 10, 1966) presenter, cook United Kingdom GB
Hollywood, Rokki James
(*Nov 30, 1970)
director Germany DE
Holm, Askil (*Aug 19, 1980) singer, guitarist Norway NO
Holm, Astrid (*Mar 9, 1893) Unknown XX
Holm, Celeste (*Apr 29, 1917) actress United States US
Holm, Claus (*Aug 4, 1918) actor Germany DE
Holm, Eleanor (*Dec 6, 1912) actress United States US
Hólm, Georg (*Apr 6, 1976) bassist Iceland IS
Holm, Hannes (*Nov 26, 1962) actor, director, scriptwriter Sweden SE
Holm, Hanya (*Mar 3, 1893) Germany DE
Holm, Ian (*Sep 12, 1931) actor United Kingdom GB
Holm, Jens (*Apr 18, 1971) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Sweden SE
Holm, Renate (*Aug 10, 1931) actress Germany DE
Holm, Stefan (*May 25, 1976) athlete Sweden SE
Holman, J. A. (*Apr 17, 1901) director Czech Republic CZ
Holman, Miloslav (*1976) cameraman Czech Republic CZ
Holmberg, Åke (*May 31, 1907) Sweden SE
Holmberg, Kalle (*Jun 21, 1939) actor, director, scriptwriter Finland FI
Holmberg, Ritva (*May 31, 1944) actress Finland FI
Holmen, Kjersti (*Feb 8, 1956) Unknown XX
Holmén, Orvo (*Feb 13, 1929) actor Finland FI
Holmes, Adrian (*Mar 31, 1974) actor United Kingdom GB
Holmes, Ashton (*Jan 17, 1978) actor United States US
Holmes, Ben (*Nov 6, 1890) actor, director United States US
Holmes, Blanca (*Feb 3, 1892) astrologer, author United States US
Holmes, David (*Feb 14, 1969) musician, stuntman United Kingdom GB
Holmes, DeAngelo (*Feb 13, 1979) singer United States US
Holmes, Emily (*Mar 1, 1977) actress Canada CA
Holmes, Gerda (*Aug 5, 1885) actress Unknown XX
Holmes, James Eagan (*Dec 13, 1987) United States US
Holmes, Jennifer (*Aug 23, 1955) actress United States US
Holmes, John (*Aug 8, 1944) actor United States US
Holmes, Julie (*Mar 23, 1951) United States US
Holmes, Karina (*Jul 11, 1984) model Germany DE
Holmes, Katie (*Dec 18, 1978) actress United States US
Holmes, Kelly (*Apr 19, 1970) athlete United Kingdom GB
Holmes, Lian-Marie (*Sep 26, 1977) actress United States US
Holmes, Margaret (*Jan 24, 1909) Australia AU
Holmes, Matthew (*Jul 17, 1976) actor Australia AU
Holmes, Matthew Currie
(*May 26, 1974)
actor Canada CA
Holmes, Mike (*Aug 3, 1963) actor, director Canada CA
Holmes, Milton (*Jul 30, 1907) United States US
Holmes, Mini (*Mar 13, 1967) Canada CA
Holmes, Pete (*Mar 30, 1979) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Holmes, Phillips (*Jul 22, 1907) actor United States US
Holmes, Preston L. (*Oct 24, 1949) actor United States US
Holmes, Rupert (*Feb 24, 1947) writer, actor, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Holmes, Steve (*Mar 23, 1961) actor Romania RO
Holmes, Stuart (*Mar 10, 1884) actor United States US
Holmes, Tiffany (*Nov 6, 1944) astrologer, author United States US
Holmes à Court, Peter (*Nov 11, 1968) Australia AU
Holmes à Court, Robert
(*Jul 27, 1937)
South Africa ZA
Holmes Jr., Oliver Wendell
(*Mar 8, 1841)
lawyer United States US
Holmgren, Magnus (*Nov 22, 1980) director, scriptwriter Sweden SE
Holmgren, Mike (*Jun 15, 1948) American football player United States US
Holmová, Jarmila (*Nov 9, 1913) actress Unknown XX
Holmquest, Donald (*Apr 7, 1939) astronaut United States US
Holmquist, Carl Oreal (*Nov 18, 1919) United States US
Holmqvist, Lasse (*Dec 31, 1930) actor Sweden SE
Holmsen, Egil (*Feb 15, 1917) director Sweden SE
Holmsteen, Benjamin (*Jan 1, 1973) director Denmark DK
Holmström, Gösta (*Aug 9, 1922) actor Sweden SE
Holmström, Tomas (*Jan 23, 1973) ice hockey player Sweden SE
Holofcener, Nicole (*Mar 22, 1960) actress, director, scriptwriter United States US
Holomek, Ondřej (*1990) ice hockey player Czech Republic CZ
Holomek, Viktor (*Jun 18, 1990) singer Unknown XX
Holomek, Vladimír (*1956) actor, director, cameraman Czech Republic CZ
Holomek, Vladimír (*Feb 12, 1926) director, cameraman Unknown XX
Holopainen, Tuomas (*Dec 25, 1976) musician, composer, keyboardist in the band Nightwish Finland FI
Holopainen, Esa (*Oct 1, 1972) singer, guitarist Unknown XX
Holopainen, Lauri (*Jul 18, 1909) actor, scriptwriter Finland FI
Hološko, Filip (*1984) soccer player Slovakia SK
Holoubek, Gustaw (*Apr 21, 1923) actor, director Poland PL
Holoubková, Miroslava (*1964) astrologer, writer Czech Republic CZ
Holovský, Daniel (*1984) actor, presenter Czech Republic CZ
Holówko, Dymitr (*Oct 7, 1945) actor Unknown XX
Holpuch, Jaromír (*Jun 15, 1913) cameraman Czech Republic CZ
Holroyd, Michael (*Aug 27, 1935) writer United Kingdom GB
Holroyd, Scott (*Jun 5, 1975) actor United States US
Holshouser, James Eubert
(*Oct 8, 1934)
politician United States US
Holst, Adrianus Roland
(*May 23, 1888)
poet Netherlands NL
Holst, Gustav (*Sep 21, 1874) composer United Kingdom GB
Holst, Marius (*Dec 16, 1965) director Norway NO
Holst, Susanne (*Sep 19, 1961) doctor, presenter Germany DE
Holsters, Arlette (*Jun 21, 1961) Belgium BE
Holt, Olivia (*Aug 5, 1997) actress, singer, model, karate fighter United States US
Holt, Charlene (*Apr 28, 1928) actress United States US
Holt, Claire (*Jun 11, 1988) actress Australia AU
Holt, Evelyn (*Oct 3, 1908) actress Germany DE
Holt, Greyston (*Sep 30, 1985) actor Canada CA
Holt, Hans (*Nov 22, 1909) actor Austria AT
Holt, Harold (*Aug 5, 1908) politician Australia AU
Holt, Jack (*May 31, 1888) actor United States US
Holt, Jany (*May 13, 1909) actress, director Romania RO
Holt, Joe (*Feb 22, 1970) actor Japan JP
Holt, Kristin (*Aug 17, 1981) actress United States US
Holt, Lance (*Jan 15, 1940) United States US
Holt, Lester (*Mar 8, 1959) actor, journalist United States US
Holt, Sandrine (*Nov 19, 1972) actress United Kingdom GB
Holt, Seth (*Jun 11, 1923) director Palestine PS
Holt, Tara (*Feb 15, 1988) actress United States US
Holt, Tim (*Feb 5, 1919) actor United States US
Holt, Zora (*Jul 8, 1975) actress Germany DE
Holtby, Winifred (*Mar 26, 1898) writer United Kingdom GB
Holten, Kasper (*Oct 26, 1973) director, scriptwriter Unknown XX
Holter, Troy (*Jun 26, 1944) astrologer United States US
Holton, Gary (*Sep 22, 1952) actor, singer United Kingdom GB
Holtz, Paulina (*Feb 23, 1977) actress Poland PL
Holtz, Stefan (*Oct 4, 1973) director, scriptwriter Germany DE
Holtz, Zane (*Jan 18, 1987) actor Canada CA
Holtzman, Andrew (*Apr 22, 1980) composer United States US
Holtzmann, Thomas (*Apr 1, 1927) actor Germany DE
Holub, Antonín (*1935) actor, cameraman, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Holub, Drahoslav (*Nov 6, 1921) director, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Holub, Josef (*Dec 31, 1890) actor Czech Republic CZ
Holub, Miloslav (*Feb 27, 1915) actor Czech Republic CZ
Holub, Miroslav (*Sep 13, 1923) writer Czech Republic CZ
Holub, Radek (*1968) actor Czech Republic CZ
Holub, Tomáš (*1998) actor Czech Republic CZ
Holubar, Allen (*Aug 3, 1888) actor, director United States US
Holubář, Milan (*Dec 9, 1926) actor Czech Republic CZ
Holubec, Vít (*Oct 8, 1928) sport commentator Czech Republic CZ
Holubec, Tomáš (*1976) biathlete Czech Republic CZ
Holubová, Eva (*1959) actress Czech Republic CZ
Holubová, Petra (*1990) cross country skier CZSK CE
Holuša, Jakub (*1988) athlete, sprinter Czech Republic CZ