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Celebrities - Surname "W" (3360)

Wescott, Glenway (*Apr 11, 1901) writer, journalist United States US
Wescourt, Alexandra (*Jul 12, 1976) actress United Kingdom GB
Wesendonck, Mathilde (*Dec 23, 1828) poet Germany DE
Wesker, Arnold (*May 24, 1932) actor, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Wesley, David (*Nov 14, 1970) basketball player United States US
Wesley, Mary (*Jun 24, 1912) writer United Kingdom GB
Wesley, Paul (*Jul 23, 1982) actor, director United States US
Wesley, Rutina (*Feb 1, 1979) actress United States US
Wesolowski, Jakub (*Jul 2, 1985) actor Poland PL
Wesphael, Bernard (*Sep 25, 1958) politician Belgium BE
Wessel, Dick (*Apr 20, 1913) actor United States US
Wessel, Horst (*Oct 9, 1907) activist Germany DE
Wessel, Johan Herman (*Oct 6, 1741) Norway NO
Wessel, Kai (*Sep 19, 1961) director Germany DE
Wessel, Marlon (*Apr 23, 1991) actor Germany DE
Wessel-Masannek, Leon (*Dec 23, 1992) actor Germany DE
Wesselmann, Tom (*Feb 23, 1931) painter United States US
Wessels, Charlotte (*May 13, 1987) singer Netherlands NL
Wessely, Paula (*Jan 20, 1907) actress Austria AT
Wessner, Jonathan (*Jul 11, 1983) golfer United States US
Wesson, Tina (*Dec 26, 1960) actress United States US
West, Adam (*Sep 19, 1928) actor United States US
West, Kanye (*Jun 8, 1977) singer United States US
West, Madeleine (*Jul 26, 1980) actress Australia AU
West, Anthony (*Aug 5, 1914) United Kingdom GB
West, Billy (*Apr 16, 1950) actor United States US
West, Chandra (*Dec 31, 1970) actress Canada CA
West, Claudine (*Jan 16, 1890) United Kingdom GB
West, Dominic (*Oct 15, 1969) actor United Kingdom GB
West, Dottie (*Oct 11, 1932) singer United States US
West, Doug (*May 27, 1967) basketball player United States US
West, Emily (*Jul 6, 1981) actress, singer United States US
West, Eric (*May 18, 1982) actor United States US
West, Frederick (*Sep 29, 1941) United Kingdom GB
West, Jean (*Jul 2, 1955) United States US
West, Jemima (*Aug 11, 1987) actress France FR
West, Jerry (*May 28, 1938) basketball player United States US
West, Joel (*Apr 6, 1975) actor United States US
West, John (*Mar 29, 1971) actor, director Unknown XX
West, Judi (*Dec 15, 1942) actress United States US
West, Julia Faye (*Nov 4, 1985) actress United States US
West, Julian (*Dec 12, 1904) actor Unknown XX
West, Kevin (*Mar 4, 1965) actor United States US
West, Mae (*Aug 17, 1892) actress United States US
West, Mark (*Nov 5, 1960) basketball player United States US
West, Matthew (*Apr 25, 1977) singer United States US
West, Maura Jo (*Apr 27, 1972) actress United States US
West, Nathan (*Sep 29, 1978) actor United States US
West, North (*Jun 15, 2013) actress United States US
West, Paul (*Jan 26, 1871) Unknown XX
West, Randy (*Oct 12, 1947) actor, director United States US
West, Rebecca (*Dec 21, 1892) writer United Kingdom GB
West, Roland (*Feb 20, 1885) director United States US
West, Sadie (*Mar 13, 1988) United States US
West, Samuel (*Jun 19, 1966) actor United Kingdom GB
West, Sandy (*Jul 10, 1959) musician, singer United States US
West, Shane (*Jun 10, 1978) actor United States US
West, Taina (*Apr 26, 1956) Finland FI
West, Ti (*Jan 5, 1980) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
West, Timothy (*Oct 20, 1934) actor United Kingdom GB
Westcott, Helen (*Jan 1, 1928) actress United States US
Westenra, Hayley (*Apr 10, 1987) singer New Zealand NZ
Wester, Julie Grundtvig
(*Aug 8, 1991)
actress Denmark DK
Wester, Travis (*Oct 8, 1977) actor Unknown XX
Westerberg, Erik (*Apr 1, 1915) actor, scriptwriter Finland FI
Westerberg, Ernst (*Apr 13, 1889) cameraman Sweden SE
Westerberg, Paavo (*Jul 23, 1973) actor, director, scriptwriter Finland FI
Westerberg, Paul (*Dec 31, 1959) musician United States US
Westerfield, David (*Feb 25, 1952) murderer United States US
Westerfield, James (*Mar 22, 1913) actor United States US
Westerik, Co (*Mar 2, 1924) physicist Netherlands NL
Westerlund, Christoffer
(*Jan 27, 1978)
actor Finland FI
Westerlund, Kaj (*Aug 28, 1945) actor Finland FI
Westerlund, Kari (*Oct 27, 1941) Unknown XX
Westerlund, Nanny (*Apr 29, 1895) Finland FI
Westerman, Floyd 'Red Crow'
(*Aug 17, 1936)
United States US
Westermann, Antje (*Sep 13, 1971) actress Germany DE
Westermann, Christine (*Dec 2, 1948) Germany DE
Westermann, H. C. (*Dec 11, 1922) sculptor United States US
Westermarch, Edward (*Nov 20, 1862) writer Finland FI
Westfeldt, Jennifer (*Feb 2, 1970) actress United States US
Westhead, Barry (*May 13, 1977) United Kingdom GB
Westheimer, Cody (*Mar 29, 1979) United States US
Westheimer, Ruth (*Jun 4, 1928) Germany DE
Westhoff, Ralf (*Nov 13, 1969) director Germany DE
Westinghouse, George (*Oct 6, 1846) United States US
Westlake, Amanda (*Apr 20, 1990) actress Hong Kong HK
Westlake, Donald E. (*Jul 12, 1933) writer, actor, scriptwriter United States US
Westley, Helen (*Mar 28, 1875) actress United States US
Westlund, Åsa (*May 19, 1976) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Sweden SE
Westmore, Ernie (*Oct 30, 1901) United Kingdom GB
Westmore, Frank (*Apr 13, 1923) United States US
Westmore, Perc (*Oct 29, 1901) United Kingdom GB
Westmoreland, Wash (*Mar 6, 1966) actor United Kingdom GB
Weston, Celia (*Dec 14, 1951) actress United States US
Weston, Diana (*Nov 13, 1953) actress Canada CA
Weston, Doris (*Sep 9, 1917) actress United States US
Weston, Edward (*Mar 24, 1886) actor United States US
Weston, Galen (*Oct 29, 1940) businessman United Kingdom GB
Weston, Hubert (*Aug 18, 1894) astrologer Canada CA
Weston, Jack (*Aug 21, 1924) actor United States US
Weston, Josh S. (*Dec 22, 1928) United States US
Weston, Lewis (*Dec 27, 1862) astrologer United States US
Weston, Matthew (*Oct 30, 1983) cameraman Australia AU
Weston, Michael (*Oct 25, 1973) actor United States US
Westphal, Michael (*Feb 19, 1965) tennis player Germany DE
Westphal, P. D. (*Nov 30, 1950) basketball player United States US
Westwick, Ed (*Jun 27, 1987) actor, singer United Kingdom GB
Westwood, Vivienne (*Apr 8, 1941) fashion designer United Kingdom GB
Wetherington, Nathan (*Oct 28, 1974) actor United States US
Wetlinská, Anna (*1953) actress Czech Republic CZ
Wetteland, John (*Aug 21, 1966) baseball player United States US
Wetter, August (*Sep 29, 1890) politician Germany DE
Wettig, Patricia (*Dec 4, 1951) actress United States US
Wetton, John (*Jun 12, 1949) bassist, singer United Kingdom GB
Wetzel, Jeffrey (*Mar 9, 1962) actor United States US
Wevill, Shura (*Mar 3, 1965) United Kingdom GB
Wewel, Günter (*Nov 29, 1934) actor Germany DE
Wexler, Haskell (*Feb 6, 1922) actor, director, cameraman, scriptwriter United States US
Wexler, Jerry (*Jan 10, 1917) United States US
Wexler, Norman (*Aug 6, 1926) writer, scriptwriter United States US
Wexler, Tanya (*Aug 5, 1970) actress, director United States US
Wexner, Leslie (*Sep 8, 1937) businessman United States US
Weyand, Frederick Carlton
(*Sep 15, 1916)
general United States US
Weyant, Carlucci (*Oct 4, 1983) actor United States US
Weyant, R. J. (*Jan 1, 1983) actor Germany DE
Weyde, Jan van (*Jul 6, 1979) actor Germany DE
Weyergans, François (*Aug 2, 1941) director, actor Belgium BE
Weyerhaeuser, George Hunt
(*Jul 8, 1926)
United States US
Weyers, Marius (*Feb 3, 1945) actor South Africa ZA
Weygand, Maxime (*Jan 21, 1867) general Belgium BE
Weyl, Hermann (*Nov 9, 1885) mathematician Germany DE
Weyler, Javier (*Jul 3, 1975) drummer Argentina AR
Weymouth, Tina (*Nov 22, 1950) musician, singer United States US
Weyrich, Pit (*Oct 19, 1948) director Germany DE
Whale, James (*Jul 22, 1889) director United Kingdom GB
Whalen, Lindsay (*May 9, 1982) basketball player United States US
Whalen, Michael (*Jun 30, 1902) actor United States US
Whalen, Philip (*Oct 20, 1923) actor United States US
Whalen, Sean (*May 19, 1964) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Whalen, Todd (*Oct 12, 1983) actor Canada CA
Whaley, Frank (*Jul 20, 1963) actor United States US
Whaley, Russell (*Jan 28, 1981) actor, director United Kingdom GB
Whalin, Justin (*Sep 6, 1974) actor United States US
Whalley, Joanne (*Aug 25, 1964) actress United Kingdom GB
Whang, Ing-Sik (*Sep 13, 1940) actor Unknown XX
Whang, Suzanne (*Sep 28, 1962) actress United States US
Whannell, Leigh (*Jan 17, 1977) actor, scriptwriter Australia AU
Wharton, Darren (*Dec 24, 1962) composer, singer Unknown XX
Whately, Kevin (*Feb 6, 1951) actor United Kingdom GB
Whatham, Claude (*Dec 7, 1927) director United Kingdom GB
Whatley, Don (*Apr 2, 1971) United States US
Whatley, Ennis (*Aug 11, 1962) basketball player United States US
Wheat, Brian (*Nov 5, 1963) composer, bassist United States US
Wheat, DeJuan (*Oct 14, 1973) basketball player United States US
Wheatley, Dennis (*Jan 8, 1897) writer United Kingdom GB
Wheatley, Lord John (*Jan 17, 1908) general United Kingdom GB
Wheaton, Wil (*Jul 29, 1972) writer, actor United States US
Whedon, Jed (*Jul 18, 1975) Unknown XX
Whedon, Joss (*Jun 23, 1964) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Whedon, Zack (*Aug 14, 1979) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Wheeler, Anthony (*Nov 7, 1919) architect United Kingdom GB
Wheeler, Caron (*Jan 19, 1963) singer United Kingdom GB
Wheeler, Charles F. (*Dec 15, 1915) actor, cameraman United States US
Wheeler, Chris (*Sep 18, 1968) director, scriptwriter South Africa ZA
Wheeler, Harriet (*Jun 26, 1963) singer United Kingdom GB
Wheeler, Ira (*Nov 9, 1920) actor United States US
Wheeler, Jacquetta (*Oct 16, 1981) model United Kingdom GB
Wheeler, Kerry (*Dec 6, 1985) United States US
Wheeler, Maggie (*Aug 7, 1961) actress United States US
Wheeler, Matt (*Dec 12, 1973) actor United States US
Wheeler, Phillip (*Jan 19, 1986) actor United States US
Wheeler, René (*Feb 8, 1912) director, scriptwriter France FR
Wheeler, Scott (*Sep 11, 1964) director, cameraman United States US
Wheeler, Tommy (*Feb 27, 1984) composer, singer Unknown XX
Wheelon, Justin (*Feb 2, 1987) actor United States US
Whelan, Arleen (*Sep 1, 1914) actress United States US
Whelan, Julia (*May 8, 1984) actress United States US
Whelan, Nicky (*Jun 10, 1981) actress Australia AU
Whelan, Tim (*Nov 2, 1893) director, actor United States US
Whelchel, Lisa (*May 29, 1963) singer, actress United States US
Wherrett, Richard (*Dec 10, 1940) director Australia AU
Whibley, Deryck (*Mar 21, 1980) singer, guitarist Canada CA
Whicker, Alan (*Aug 2, 1925) Egypt EG
Whigham, Jiggs (*Aug 20, 1943) musician United States US
Whigham, Shea (*Jan 5, 1969) actor United States US
Whipp, Joseph (*Jul 12, 1941) actor United States US
Whirry, Shannon (*Nov 7, 1964) actress United States US
Whirty, John (*Feb 5, 1945) United States US
Whishaw, Ben (*Oct 14, 1980) actor United Kingdom GB
Whistler, James McNeill
(*Jul 10, 1834)
painter United States US
Whitaker, Denzel (*Jun 15, 1990) actor United States US
Whitaker, Duane (*Jun 23, 1959) actor United States US
Whitaker, Forest (*Jul 15, 1961) actor, director United States US
Whitaker, Jim (*Oct 7, 1970) actor, cameraman United States US
Whitaker, Johnny (*Dec 13, 1959) actor United States US
Whitaker, Max (*Sep 28, 1993) actor United States US
Whitaker, Nick (*Oct 1, 1988) actor Unknown XX
Whitby, Audrey (*Jun 12, 1996) actress Unknown XX
Whitcher, Patricia (*Feb 12, 1961) actress United States US