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Wilson, Edith Galt (*Oct 15, 1872) | US | ||
Wilson, Edmund (*May 8, 1895) | writer | US | |
Wilson, Edwin (*Oct 27, 1942) | poet | AU | |
Wilson, Elizabeth (*Apr 4, 1921) | actress | US | |
Wilson, Erin Cressida (*Feb 12, 1964) | US | ||
Wilson, Eunice (*Apr 2, 1911) | US | ||
Wilson, F. Paul (*May 17, 1946) | US | ||
Wilson, Flip (*Dec 8, 1933) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Foster (*Mar 25, 1984) | actress | US | |
Wilson, Francis Alfred
(*Feb 27, 1949) |
GB | ||
Wilson, Georges (*Oct 16, 1921) | actor | FR | |
Wilson, Gretchen (*Jun 26, 1973) | composer, singer | US | |
Wilson, Guy (*Nov 21, 1985) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Harold (*Mar 11, 1916) | GB | ||
Wilson, Harriette (*Feb 22, 1786) | GB | ||
Wilson, Harry (*Nov 22, 1897) | actor | GB | |
Wilson, Helen S. (*Dec 29, 1900) | astrologer, author | US | |
Wilson, Hugh (*Aug 21, 1943) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Wilson, Ian (*Apr 23, 1939) | cameraman | GB | |
Wilson, Jackie (*Jun 9, 1934) | singer | US | |
Wilson, Jacqueline (*Dec 17, 1945) | writer | GB | |
Wilson, Jamie (*Sep 6, 1976) | GB | ||
Wilson, Jasper (*Jul 12, 1947) | athlete | XX | |
Wilson, Justin (*Apr 24, 1914) | politician, cook | US | |
Wilson, Karen (*Feb 10, 1963) | US | ||
Wilson, Kristen (*Nov 11, 1969) | actress | US | |
Wilson, Kym (*Apr 1, 1973) | actress | AU | |
Wilson, Lambert (*Aug 3, 1958) | actor, singer | FR | |
Wilson, Lanford (*Apr 13, 1937) | writer | US | |
Wilson, Larissa (*May 5, 1989) | actress | GB | |
Wilson, Laura (*Aug 5, 1894) | astrologer | US | |
Wilson, Lavinia (*Mar 8, 1980) | actress | DE | |
Wilson, Lois (*Jun 28, 1894) | actress, director | US | |
Wilson, Luke (*Sep 21, 1971) | actor, director | US | |
Wilson, Mara (*Jul 24, 1987) | actress | US | |
Wilson, Marie (*Aug 19, 1916) | actress | US | |
Wilson, Marilyn (*Feb 6, 1948) | singer | US | |
Wilson, Mark (*May 31, 1974) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Mary (*Mar 6, 1944) | singer | US | |
Wilson, Mary Louise (*Nov 12, 1932) | actress | US | |
Wilson, Melanie (*Oct 14, 1961) | actress | US | |
Wilson, Michael G. (*Jan 21, 1943) | actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Wilson, Mike (*Sep 15, 1959) | basketball player | US | |
Wilson, Murry (*Jul 2, 1917) | musician | US | |
Wilson, Nancy (*Feb 20, 1937) | singer, actress | US | |
Wilson, Niamh (*Mar 9, 1997) | CA | ||
Wilson, Olin C. (*Jan 13, 1909) | US | ||
Wilson, Owen (*Nov 18, 1968) | actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Wilson, Patrick (*Jul 3, 1973) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Patrick (*Feb 1, 1969) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Peta (*Nov 18, 1970) | actress | AU | |
Wilson, Pete (*Aug 23, 1933) | politician | US | |
Wilson, Precious (*Oct 18, 1957) | singer | JM | |
Wilson, Rachel (*May 12, 1977) | actress | CA | |
Wilson, Rainn (*Jan 20, 1966) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Rebel (*Mar 2, 1986) | actress, scriptwriter | AU | |
Wilson, Regen (*Sep 24, 1975) | director | US | |
Wilson, Reno (*Jan 20, 1970) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Richard (*Dec 25, 1915) | actor, director | US | |
Wilson, Richard (*Oct 23, 1984) | actor | GB | |
Wilson, Richard (*Jul 9, 1936) | actor, director | GB | |
Wilson, Richard Berne (*Apr 19, 1950) | US | ||
Wilson, Ricky (*Jan 17, 1978) | singer, actor | GB | |
Wilson, Rita (*Oct 26, 1956) | actress | US | |
Wilson, Robert (*Oct 4, 1941) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Robert Anton (*Jan 18, 1932) | writer | US | |
Wilson, Robert Brian (*Mar 8, 1962) | US | ||
Wilson, Robert L. (*May 24, 1921) | US | ||
Wilson, Robert Woodrow
(*Jan 9, 1936) |
US | ||
Wilson, Roger (*Oct 8, 1956) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Ruth (*Jan 13, 1982) | actress | GB | |
Wilson, Scott (*Mar 29, 1942) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Sheree J. (*Dec 12, 1958) | actress | US | |
Wilson, Sid (*Mar 15, 1978) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Stephanie (*Sep 27, 1966) | astronaut | US | |
Wilson, Steve (*Aug 24, 1957) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Stuart (*Dec 25, 1946) | actor | GB | |
Wilson, Tara (*Feb 25, 1982) | actress | CA | |
Wilson, Teddy (*Nov 24, 1912) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Thomas (*Aug 7, 1955) | athlete | XX | |
Wilson, Thomas F. (*Apr 15, 1959) | actor | US | |
Wilson, Tom (*Aug 1, 1931) | cartoonist | US | |
Wilson, Tony (*Feb 20, 1950) | actor | GB | |
Wilson, Tracy (*Sep 25, 1961) | figure skater | CA | |
Wilson, Trey (*Jan 21, 1948) | US | ||
Wilson, Vaughn (*Dec 24, 1976) | actor | US | |
Wilson, W. H. (*May 28, 1870) | astrologer, writer | CA | |
Wilson, Wade (*Feb 1, 1959) | athlete | XX | |
Wilson, Walter (*Oct 6, 1966) | athlete | XX | |
Wilson, Wendy (*Oct 16, 1969) | singer | US | |
Wilson Jr., Robert (*Mar 8, 1926) | athlete | XX | |
Wilson-Ludlam, Mae R. (*Mar 20, 1933) | astrologer, author | US | |
Wilson-O'Brien, Tommy (*Sep 12, 1947) | actor | US | |
Wilson-Sampras, Bridgette
(*Sep 25, 1973) |
actress | US | |
Wilton, Eric (*Nov 6, 1882) | actor | GB | |
Wilton, Penelope (*Jun 3, 1946) | actress | GB | |
Wiltord, Sylvain (*May 10, 1974) | soccer player | FR | |
Wiltshire, Richard W. (*Jul 17, 1921) | US | ||
Wilza, Carla (*Oct 28, 1947) | actress | BR | |
Wimmer, Brian (*Oct 1, 1959) | actor, director | US | |
Wimmer, Jiří (*Sep 21, 1943) | actor | CZ | |
Wimmer, Vladimír (*1960) | composer | CZ | |
Wimpenny, Adam (*Jan 4, 1978) | director | GB | |
Winans, Jamin (*Dec 4, 1977) | composer, director, scriptwriter | XX | |
Winberg, Caroline (*Mar 27, 1985) | model | SE | |
Wince, J. Loren (*Aug 25, 1981) | singer, guitarist | US | |
Winchell, April (*Jan 4, 1960) | actress, scriptwriter, presenter, voice actress | US | |
Winchell, Walter (*Apr 7, 1897) | journalist | US | |
Winchester, Brad (*Mar 1, 1981) | ice hockey player | US | |
Winchester, Philip (*Mar 24, 1981) | actor | US | |
Winchester, Sarah (*Sep 9, 1840) | US | ||
Winchester, Simon (*Sep 28, 1944) | XX | ||
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim
(*Dec 9, 1717) |
co-founder of art history and archeology | DE | |
Wincott, Jeff (*May 8, 1957) | actor | CA | |
Wincott, Michael (*Jan 21, 1958) | actor | CA | |
Winczewski, Patrick (*Sep 27, 1960) | actor, director | DE | |
Windberg, Dalhart (*Mar 26, 1933) | painter | US | |
Winde, Beatrice (*Jan 5, 1924) | US | ||
Winde, Lutz (*Jul 1, 1966) | actor, director | DE | |
Windeck, Agnes (*Mar 27, 1888) | actress | DE | |
Windell, D. S. (*Feb 25, 1886) | NL | ||
Windeløv, Vibeke (*Dec 22, 1950) | actress | DK | |
Windgassen, Wolfgang (*Jun 26, 1914) | FR | ||
Winding Refn, Nicolas (*Sep 29, 1970) | actor, director, scriptwriter | DK | |
Windom, William (*Sep 28, 1923) | actor | US | |
Windsor, Barbara (*Aug 6, 1937) | actress | GB | |
Windsor, Claire (*Apr 14, 1892) | actress | US | |
Windsor, Keri (*Dec 3, 1973) | model, porn actress | US | |
Windsor, Lady Gabriella
(*Apr 23, 1981) |
journalist | GB | |
Windsor, Louise (*Nov 8, 2003) | GB | ||
Windsor, Márcia de (*Oct 3, 1933) | actress | BR | |
Windsor, Marie (*Dec 11, 1919) | actress | US | |
Winehouse, Amy (*Sep 14, 1983) | singer | GB | |
Winer, Harry (*May 4, 1947) | director | US | |
Wineteer, Ray (*Sep 27, 1957) | actor | US | |
Winfield, Dave (*Oct 3, 1951) | athlete | US | |
Winfield, Joan (*Sep 24, 1918) | actress | AU | |
Winfield, Paul (*May 22, 1939) | actor | US | |
Winfrey, Oprah (*Jan 29, 1954) | actress | US | |
Wing, Anna (*Oct 30, 1914) | actress | GB | |
Wing, Chief Eagle (*Mar 24, 1892) | US | ||
Wing, Paul (*Aug 14, 1892) | actor | US | |
Wing, Sean (*Mar 2, 1986) | actor, singer | XX | |
Wingard, Adam (*Dec 3, 1982) | composer, actor, director, cameraman, scriptwriter | US | |
Wing Chan, Kwong (*Jun 15, 1967) | HK | ||
Wingate, David (*Dec 15, 1963) | basketball player | US | |
Wingate, Orde (*Feb 26, 1903) | general | IN | |
Winge, Torsten (*May 10, 1886) | actor | SE | |
Winge, Viktoria (*Mar 5, 1980) | actress | NO | |
Winger, Debra (*May 16, 1955) | actress | US | |
Wingert, Wally (*May 6, 1961) | actor | US | |
Wingett, Mark (*Jan 1, 1961) | actor | GB | |
Wingfield, Dontonio (*Jun 23, 1974) | basketball player | US | |
Wingfield, Peter (*Sep 5, 1962) | actor | GB | |
Wingfield, William (*Apr 10, 1931) | US | ||
Wingreen, Jason (*Oct 9, 1919) | actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Wingrove, Billy (*Nov 15, 1982) | freestyle footballer | GB | |
Winick, Gary (*Mar 31, 1961) | director, actor | US | |
Winiewicz, Lida (*Mar 17, 1928) | XX | ||
Winiger, Melanie (*Jan 22, 1979) | actress | CH | |
Wink, Steffen (*Jul 5, 1967) | actor | DE | |
Winkelmann, Adolf (*Apr 10, 1946) | director, actor | DE | |
Winkelmann, Coco (*Jul 24, 1978) | actor | DE | |
Winkens, Elke (*Mar 25, 1970) | actress, dancer | DE | |
Winkle, Travis Van (*Nov 4, 1982) | actor | US | |
Winkleman, Sophie (*Aug 5, 1980) | actress | GB | |
Winkler, Angela (*Jan 22, 1944) | actress | DE | |
Winkler, Kati (*Jan 16, 1974) | figure skater, choreographer | DE | |
Winkler, Hans Günter (*Jul 24, 1926) | DE | ||
Winkler, Henry (*Oct 30, 1945) | actor, director | US | |
Winkler, Irwin (*May 25, 1931) | director, actor | US | |
Winkler, Iuliu (*Mar 14, 1964) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | RO | |
Winkler, Max (*Aug 18, 1983) | actor, director | US | |
Winkler, Ryan (*Jul 29, 1987) | XX | ||
Winkler, Štefan (*Jan 16, 1910) | actor | PL | |
Winn, Kitty (*Feb 21, 1944) | actress | US | |
Winnard, Hollie (*Mar 10, 1981) | actress | US | |
Winner, Michael (*Oct 30, 1935) | director, actor | GB | |
winner, Lottery (*Jul 14, 1968) | lottery winner (Sept. 1983) | DE | |
winner, Lottery (*Oct 29, 1949) | lottery winner (28.2.1990) | US | |
winner, Lottery (*Nov 29, 1953) | lottery winner (1.9.1986) | CA | |
winner, Lottery (*Jun 23, 1969) | lottery winner (18.3.2000) | FR | |
winner, Lottery (*Oct 18, 1914) | lottery winner (13.3.1991) | US | |
winner, Lottery (*Oct 29, 1932) | lottery winner (28.5.1986) | US | |
winner, Lottery (*Oct 6, 1930) | lottery winner (8.6.1985) | AU | |
winner, Lottery (*Aug 10, 1929) | lottery winner (8.9.1983) | CA | |
winner, Lottery (*Aug 10, 1930) | lottery winner (18.9.1975) | US | |
winner, Lottery (*Apr 4, 1932) | lottery winner (12.9.1984) | US | |
Winner, N. G. (*Jul 16, 1869) | US | ||
Winnick, Katheryn (*Dec 17, 1977) | actress | CA | |
Winnicka, Lucyna (*Jul 14, 1928) | actress | PL | |
Winning, David (*May 8, 1961) | director, actor | CA | |
Winninger, Charles (*May 26, 1884) | actor | US | |
Winningham, Mare (*May 16, 1959) | actress | US | |
Winocour, Alice (*Jan 13, 1976) | director | FR | |
Winograd, Ariel (*Jul 23, 1977) | director | AR | |
Winslet, Kate (*Oct 5, 1975) | actress, singer | GB | |
Winslow, Don (*Oct 31, 1953) | writer, scriptwriter | US | |
Winslow, Michael (*Sep 6, 1958) | actor | US | |
Winstead, Mary Elizabeth
(*Nov 28, 1984) |
actress | US | |
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