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Celebrities - Surname "B" (8474)
Badger, Clarence G. (*Jun 9, 1880) | director, actor | US | |
Badgley, Penn (*Nov 1, 1986) | actor | US | |
Badham, John (*Aug 25, 1939) | director, actor | GB | |
Badham, Mary (*Oct 7, 1952) | actress | US | |
Badi, Chimène (*Oct 30, 1982) | singer | FR | |
Badia i Cutchet, Maria
(*May 13, 1947) |
Member of the European Parliament, MEP | ES | |
Badie, Florence La (*Apr 27, 1888) | actress | US | |
Badie, Laurence (*Jun 15, 1934) | actress | FR | |
Badin, André (*Sep 18, 1932) | actor | FR | |
Badings, Henk (*Jan 17, 1907) | composer | ID | |
Badinková, Michaela (*1979) | actress, singer | SK | |
Badinter, Elisabeth (*Mar 5, 1944) | writer | FR | |
Badinter, Robert (*Mar 30, 1928) | politician | FR | |
Badiyi, Reza (*Apr 17, 1930) | director | IR | |
Badler, Jane (*Dec 31, 1953) | actress | US | |
Badoer, Luca (*Jan 25, 1971) | F1 racing driver | IT | |
Badoev, Alan (*Jan 10, 1981) | director | CP | |
Badoglio, Pietro (*Sep 28, 1871) | IT | ||
Badowski, Wladyslaw (*May 19, 1907) | actor | PL | |
Badric, Nina (*Jul 4, 1972) | singer | HR | |
Badu, Erykah (*Feb 26, 1971) | singer, record producer, activist, actress | US | |
Baďurová, Kateřina (*1982) | CZ | ||
Bady, Catherine (*Apr 25, 1924) | actress | BE | |
Badžová, Jolana (*1975) | actress | SK | |
Bae, Doona (*Oct 11, 1979) | actress | KR | |
Bae, Chang-ho (*May 16, 1953) | director | KR | |
Bae, Yong-jun (*Aug 29, 1972) | actor | KR | |
Bae, Soo-bin (*Dec 9, 1976) | actor | KR | |
Bae, Chong-ok (*May 13, 1964) | KR | ||
Baeger, Waldemar (*Mar 12, 1920) | actor | DE | |
Baek, Won-kil (*Oct 6, 1972) | actor | KR | |
Baek, Do-bin (*Mar 21, 1979) | KR | ||
Baek, Ik-nam (*Feb 4, 1971) | KR | ||
Baek, Il-seob (*Jun 10, 1944) | KR | ||
Baek, Jin-hee (*Feb 8, 1990) | KR | ||
Baek, Jong-hak (*Apr 6, 1964) | actress | KR | |
Baek, Sean (*Oct 1, 1972) | actor | KR | |
Baek, Seo-bin (*Sep 7, 1984) | actor | KR | |
Baek, Seong-hyeon (*Jan 30, 1989) | actor | KR | |
Baek, Yun-shik (*Mar 16, 1947) | actor | KR | |
Baekeland, Leo (*Nov 14, 1863) | chemist | BE | |
Baekhyun, (*May 6, 1992) | South Korean actor, singer | KR | |
Baeling, Becky (*Jan 1, 1977) | actress | US | |
Baena, Jeff (*Jun 29, 1977) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Baena, Joseph (*Oct 2, 1997) | US | ||
Baer, Buddy (*Jun 11, 1915) | boxer, actor | US | |
Baer, Bogdan (*Nov 8, 1926) | actor | PL | |
Baer, Cindy (*Aug 12, 1969) | actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Baer, Dotan (*Dec 10, 1971) | actor | IL | |
Baer, Edouard (*Dec 1, 1966) | actor | FR | |
Baer, Harry (*Sep 27, 1947) | actor, director | DE | |
Baer, Max (*Feb 16, 1909) | boxer | US | |
Baer, Morley (*Apr 5, 1916) | photographer | US | |
Baer, Parley (*Aug 5, 1914) | actor, director | US | |
Baer, Robert (*Jul 1, 1952) | writer, actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Baer Jr., Max (*Dec 4, 1937) | director | US | |
Baes, Rachel (*Aug 1, 1912) | artist | BE | |
Baesel, Nathan (*Apr 7, 1974) | actor | US | |
Baetens, Veerle (*Jan 24, 1978) | actress | BE | |
Baeva, Mariela Velichkova
(*Oct 22, 1964) |
Member of the European Parliament, MEP | BG | |
Baeyer, Adolf von (*Oct 31, 1835) | chemist who synthesised indigo | DE | |
Baez, Joan (*Jan 9, 1941) | musician, singer | US | |
Baeza, Paloma (*May 1, 1975) | actress, director | GB | |
Bafaloukos, Ted (*May 18, 1946) | director, actor | GR | |
Baffie, Laurent (*Apr 18, 1958) | writer | FR | |
Bafort, Delfine (*May 22, 1979) | BE | ||
Bagaporo, Nikki (*May 23, 1997) | actress | PH | |
Bagar, Andrej (*Oct 29, 1900) | actor, director | SK | |
Bagárová, Monika (*1994) | singer | CZ | |
Bagby, Larry (*Mar 7, 1974) | actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Bagdasarian, Ross (*Jan 27, 1919) | actor | US | |
Bagdonas, Vladas (*Jan 16, 1949) | actor | CP | |
Bagge, Anders (*Jan 16, 1968) | actor | SE | |
Bagge, Erich Rudolf (*May 30, 1912) | DE | ||
Baggio, Roberto (*Feb 18, 1967) | soccer player | IT | |
Baggio, Sebastiano (*May 16, 1913) | priest | IT | |
Baggot, King (*Nov 7, 1879) | actor, director | US | |
Baghdatis, Marcos (*Jun 17, 1985) | tennis player | CY | |
Bagher, Reza (*Mar 10, 1958) | director, scriptwriter | IR | |
Baghetti, Giancarlo (*Dec 25, 1934) | IT | ||
Baginski, Tomek (*Jan 10, 1976) | director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Bagley, Bob (*Sep 4, 1932) | US | ||
Bagley, Lorri (*Aug 5, 1973) | US | ||
Bagley, Tim (*Aug 17, 1957) | actor | US | |
Bagley, Worth Harrington
(*Jul 29, 1924) |
US | ||
Baglia, Aldo (*Sep 28, 1958) | IT | ||
Baglini, Nello (*Oct 20, 1907) | IT | ||
Baglio, Matt (*Jun 9, 1973) | writer | US | |
Baglioni, Claudio (*May 16, 1951) | singer | IT | |
Bagneux-Faudoas, François
(*Jan 16, 1903) |
golfer | FR | |
Bagó, Zoltán (*Jan 10, 1975) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | HU | |
Bagouet, Dominique (*Jul 9, 1951) | dancer | FR | |
Bagová, Ivanna (*Jan 22, 1993) | singer | UA | |
Bagshawe, Louise (*Jun 28, 1971) | writer | GB | |
Bagusat, Nina (*Mar 12, 1976) | actress | DE | |
Bagwell, Jeff (*May 27, 1968) | baseball player | US | |
Baha'i, Abdul (*May 23, 1844) | IR | ||
Baha'U'Llah, Ali (*Nov 12, 1817) | IR | ||
Bahamondes, Clara Maria
(*Jul 5, 1996) |
XX | ||
Bahamontes, Federico (*Jul 9, 1928) | cyclist | ES | |
Baharov, Yavor (*Jul 12, 1985) | BG | ||
Baharov, Zahary (*Aug 12, 1980) | actor | BG | |
Bahenský, Zdeněk (*1986) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Bahl, Mohnish (*Feb 14, 1963) | IN | ||
Bähler, Tom (*Jun 1, 1943) | actor | US | |
Bahn, Roma (*Oct 30, 1896) | DE | ||
Bahna, Vladimír (*Jul 25, 1914) | director, scriptwriter | SK | |
Bahne, Thure (*May 8, 1909) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FI | |
Bahner, Blake (*Feb 14, 1959) | actor | XX | |
Bahns, Maxine (*Feb 28, 1969) | actress, model | US | |
Bahr, Hermann (*Jul 19, 1863) | writer | AT | |
Bähr, Luise (*Jun 23, 1979) | actress | DE | |
Bahr, Rüdiger (*Jan 19, 1939) | actor | DE | |
Bahrami, Mansour (*Apr 26, 1956) | tennis player | IR | |
Bahrani, Ramin (*Mar 20, 1975) | director, scriptwriter | US | |
Bahúl, Milan (*1960) | actor | SK | |
Bahun, Drago (*Jul 1, 1933) | HR | ||
Bai, Bianca (*Oct 23, 1982) | actress | TW | |
Bai, Bing (*May 2, 1986) | actress | XX | |
Bai, Ling (*Oct 10, 1970) | actress | CN | |
Bai, Yang (*Apr 22, 1920) | CN | ||
Baía, Eunice (*Jun 2, 1990) | BR | ||
Baía, Vítor (*Oct 15, 1969) | soccer player | PT | |
Baïdar-Poliakoff, Olga
(*May 5, 1928) |
actress, director | XX | |
Baier, Ernst (*Sep 27, 1905) | figure skater | DE | |
Baier, Jo (*Sep 13, 1949) | director | DE | |
Baier, Lionel (*Dec 13, 1976) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CH | |
Baier, Robert (*Sep 7, 1956) | actor | US | |
Baierlová, Linda (*Feb 18, 1992) | writer | XX | |
Baigent, Michael (*Feb 27, 1948) | astrologer, author | NZ | |
Baigre, James (*Sep 24, 1951) | murderer | GB | |
Baikshtite, Grazhina (*Jul 20, 1951) | actress | CP | |
Bailar, Benjamin Franklin
(*Apr 21, 1934) |
general | US | |
Bailess, Katherine (*Apr 24, 1980) | actress | US | |
Bailey, Alice A. (*Jun 16, 1880) | astrologer | GB | |
Bailey, Ben (*Aug 8, 1975) | actor | US | |
Bailey, Ben (*Oct 30, 1970) | actor | US | |
Bailey, Benny (*Aug 13, 1925) | actor | US | |
Bailey, Bill (*Jan 13, 1965) | composer, actor, scriptwriter | GB | |
Bailey, Brooke (*Apr 12, 1987) | actress | US | |
Bailey, Carl (*Apr 23, 1958) | athlete | US | |
Bailey, Chris (*Mar 26, 1962) | director | US | |
Bailey, Claude (*Nov 19, 1895) | actor | GB | |
Bailey, David (*Jan 2, 1938) | actor, director, photographer | GB | |
Bailey, David (*Oct 27, 1933) | actor | US | |
Bailey, Donovan (*Dec 16, 1967) | sprinter | CA | |
Bailey, E. H. (*Nov 29, 1876) | astrologer, writer | GB | |
Bailey, Eion (*Jun 8, 1976) | actor | US | |
Bailey, F. Lee (*Jun 10, 1933) | lawyer | US | |
Bailey, G. W. (*Aug 27, 1944) | actor | US | |
Bailey, George H. (*Dec 22, 1896) | astrologer | GB | |
Bailey, Imogen (*Jul 7, 1977) | actress, singer, model | AU | |
Bailey, J (*Mar 17, 1967) | athlete | XX | |
Bailey, Jim (*Jan 10, 1938) | US | ||
Bailey, John (*Aug 10, 1942) | actor, director, cameraman | US | |
Bailey, John (*Jun 26, 1914) | actor | GB | |
Bailey, Jonathan (*Apr 25, 1988) | actor | GB | |
Bailey, Mike (*Apr 6, 1988) | actor | GB | |
Bailey, Mildred Caroon
(*Apr 18, 1919) |
US | ||
Bailey, Pearl (*Mar 29, 1918) | actress | US | |
Bailey, Philip (*May 8, 1951) | singer | US | |
Bailey, Preston (*Jul 25, 2000) | actor | XX | |
Bailey, Raymond Andrew
(*Jan 7, 1979) |
actor | US | |
Bailey, Robert (*Jun 13, 1913) | actor | US | |
Bailey, Scott (*Dec 16, 1978) | actor | US | |
Bailey, Simon (*Jun 16, 1955) | writer, priest | GB | |
Bailey, Stephen (*Aug 17, 1987) | actor | US | |
Bailey II, Irving W. (*Jun 8, 1941) | US | ||
Bailey Rae, Corinne (*Feb 26, 1979) | singer | GB | |
Bailhache, Alain (*Nov 27, 1937) | painter | FR | |
Baillaud, Benjamin (*Feb 14, 1848) | FR | ||
Baillet-Latour, Henri de
(*Mar 1, 1876) |
BE | ||
Baillie, Isobel (*Mar 9, 1895) | GB | ||
Baillie Scott, Mackay Hugh
(*Oct 23, 1865) |
architect | GB | |
Baillon, Andre (*Apr 27, 1875) | writer | BE | |
Baillot, Pierre (*Oct 1, 1771) | composer | FR | |
Bailly, Paul (*Sep 2, 1903) | pilot | FR | |
Bailly de Messein, Charles François
(*Nov 3, 1740) |
CA | ||
Bailo, Malu (*Sep 11, 1968) | actress | BR | |
Bailon, Adrienne (*Oct 24, 1983) | actress, singer | US | |
Baily, Kirk (*Sep 9, 1952) | US | ||
Bain, Aly (*May 15, 1946) | GB | ||
Bain, Barbara (*Sep 13, 1931) | actress | US | |
Bain, Conrad (*Feb 4, 1923) | actor | CA | |
Bain, John (*Jun 6, 1985) | actor | US | |
Bain, Robin (*Feb 12, 1980) | writer, actress, director | US | |
Bainbridge, Beryl (*Nov 21, 1934) | GB | ||
Bains, Sat (*Feb 28, 1971) | presenter, businessman, cook | GB | |
Bainter, Fay (*Dec 7, 1891) | actress | US | |
Bainville, Jaques (*Feb 9, 1879) | journalist | FR | |
Baio, Scott (*Sep 22, 1960) | actor, director | US | |
Bair, Doug (*Aug 22, 1949) | baseball player | US | |
Bairashevskaya, Lidiya
(*Aug 2, 1962) |
actress | CP | |
Baird, Diora (*Apr 6, 1983) | actress, model | US | |
Baird, John Logie (*Aug 13, 1888) | engineer, inventor of the first television | GB | |
Baird, Dugald (*Nov 16, 1899) | physicist | GB | |
Baird, Harry (*May 12, 1931) | actor | GY | |
Baird, Joseph Edward (*Mar 18, 1934) | US | ||
Baird, Stuart (*Jan 14, 1947) | director, actor | GB | |
Bairnson, Ian (*Aug 3, 1953) | singer | GB | |
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