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Celebrities - Surname "B" (8476)

Busch, Kyle (*May 2, 1985) actor United States US
Busch, Mae (*Jun 18, 1891) actress Australia AU
Busch, Wilhelm (*Apr 14, 1832) painter Germany DE
Buschel, Noah (*May 31, 1978) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Buschhorn, Ursula (*May 16, 1969) actress United States US
Busetti, Paul (*Aug 19, 1982) actor, director United States US
Busey, Gary (*Jun 29, 1944) actor, director United States US
Busey, Jake (*Jun 15, 1971) actor United States US
Busfield, Timothy (*Jun 12, 1953) actor, director United States US
Bush, George (*Jun 12, 1924) 41st President of the United States United States US
Bush, George W. (*Jul 6, 1946) 43rd President of the United States United States US
Bush, Ashley Walker (*Feb 7, 1989) United States US
Bush, Barbara (*Jun 8, 1925) First Lady of the United States from 1989 to 1993 United States US
Bush, Billy (*Oct 13, 1971) actor United States US
Bush, Columba (*Aug 17, 1953) Mexico MX
Bush, Grand L. (*Dec 24, 1955) actor United States US
Bush, Jeb (*Feb 11, 1953) actor United States US
Bush, John (*Aug 24, 1963) singer United States US
Bush, Johnny (*Feb 17, 1935) musician United States US
Bush, Kate (*Jul 30, 1958) composer, singer United Kingdom GB
Bush, Kristian (*Mar 14, 1970) actor United States US
Bush, Laura (*Nov 4, 1946) United States US
Bush, Marvin P. (*Oct 22, 1956) United States US
Bush, Matt (*Mar 22, 1986) actor Unknown XX
Bush, Neil (*Jan 22, 1955) United States US
Bush, Owen (*Nov 10, 1921) actor United States US
Bush, Reggie (*Mar 2, 1985) soccer player United States US
Bush, Robert Eugene (*Oct 4, 1926) United States US
Bush, Robin (*Dec 20, 1949) United States US
Bush, Shoshana (*Sep 18, 1988) actress United States US
Bush, Sophia (*Jul 8, 1982) actress, director United States US
Bush Hager, Jenna (*Nov 25, 1981) United States US
Bush Jr., Sammie Lee (*Mar 1, 1987) singer United States US
Bushell, Matt (*Jan 8, 1974) actor United States US
Bushido, (*Sep 28, 1978) singer, musician Germany DE
Bushill-Matthews, Philip
(*Jan 15, 1943)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP United Kingdom GB
Bushman, Francis X. (*Jan 10, 1883) actor, director United States US
Bushnell, Candace (*Dec 1, 1958) writer, actress United States US
Bushnell, Scott (*Jul 18, 1937) actor United States US
Busi, Aldo (*Feb 25, 1948) writer Italy IT
Busick, Nick (*Feb 5, 1962) United States US
Busk, Niels (*Aug 2, 1942) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Denmark DK
Buske, Terry (*Nov 16, 1952) astrologer United States US
Buskohl, Max (*Nov 18, 1988) singer Germany DE
Bušková, Jana (*Jun 5, 1985) director Unknown XX
Buslov, Pyotr (*Jun 1, 1976) director SSSR CP
Busnel, Amador de (*Dec 19, 1904) France FR
Buşoi, Cristian Silviu
(*Mar 1, 1978)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Romania RO
Buson, Laurent (*Nov 10, 1978) actor France FR
Busoni, Ferruccio (*Apr 1, 1866) composer Italy IT
Bušová, Helena (*Oct 21, 1911) actress Czech Republic CZ
Busquets, Narciso (*Sep 8, 1931) actor Mexico MX
Busquets, Sergi (*Jul 16, 1988) soccer player Spain ES
Busquin, Philippe (*Jan 6, 1941) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Belgium BE
Busschots, Ludo (*Apr 2, 1956) actor Belgium BE
Busser, Henri (*Jan 16, 1872) composer France FR
Bussey, Donia (*Jun 15, 1899) actress United States US
Bussières, Pascale (*Jun 27, 1968) actress Canada CA
Bussières, Raymond (*Nov 3, 1907) actor France FR
Busson, Cy Andreais (*Feb 4, 2003) United Kingdom GB
Busson, Flynn (*Feb 14, 1998) United States US
Bussotti, Silvano (*Oct 1, 1931) composer Italy IT
Bušta, Pavel (*1991) writer Czech Republic CZ
Bustamante, Cruz (*Jan 4, 1953) politician United States US
Bustamante, David (*Mar 25, 1982) singer Spain ES
Bustamante, Hector Luis
(*Mar 12, 1972)
actor, director Colombia CO
Bustamante, Maritza (*Sep 26, 1981) actress Venezuela VE
Buster, Dolly (*1969) actress, director, porn actress Czech Republic CZ
Buštíková, Hana (*1950) singer Czech Republic CZ
Busto, Humberto (*Jun 23, 1978) actor Mexico MX
Bustos, Hermene (*Apr 14, 1832) artist Mexico MX
Busujima, Kunio (*Apr 1, 1925) businessman Unknown XX
Busuttil, Simon (*Mar 20, 1969) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Malta MT
Buťa, Roman (*1987) actor, director Czech Republic CZ
Butane, Inguna (*Feb 2, 1986) model Latvia LV
Butcher, Adam (*Oct 20, 1988) actor Canada CA
Butcher, Jim (*Oct 26, 1971) writer United States US
Butcher, Mandy (*Nov 28, 1986) actress Canada CA
Butcher, Paul (*Feb 14, 1994) actor United States US
Butcher, Susan (*Dec 26, 1954) United States US
Butcher, Tom (*Jun 29, 1963) actor United Kingdom GB
Bute, Mary Ellen (*Nov 21, 1906) director United States US
Butenandt, Adolf (*Mar 24, 1903) chemist Germany DE
Buteyn, Jerry (*Aug 23, 1964) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Buthelezi, Mangosuthu (*Aug 27, 1928) politician South Africa ZA
Butijer, Niksa (*Oct 6, 1978) Croatia HR
Bütikofer, Reinhard (*Jan 26, 1953) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Germany DE
Butin, Jean (*Sep 20, 1925) ice hockey player France FR
Butkevich, Paul (*Aug 8, 1940) Latvia LV
Butko, Peter (*1970) actor, director, scriptwriter Slovakia SK
Butkovic, Milutin (*Dec 1, 1930) Serbia RS
Butkus, Dick (*Dec 9, 1942) soccer player United States US
Butler, Austin (*Aug 17, 1991) singer, actor United States US
Butler, Octavia (*Jun 22, 1947) science fiction writer United States US
Butler, Benjamin (*Nov 5, 1818) politician United States US
Butler, Bernard (*May 1, 1970) guitarist United Kingdom GB
Butler, Bill (*Apr 7, 1921) actor, cameraman United States US
Butler, Brett (*Jan 30, 1958) actress United States US
Butler, Chad (*Dec 29, 1973) singer United States US
Butler, Dan (*Dec 2, 1954) actor United States US
Butler, David (*Dec 17, 1894) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Butler, Daws (*Nov 16, 1916) United States US
Butler, Dollie Lee (*Feb 14, 1893) United States US
Butler, Frank (*Dec 28, 1890) scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Butler, Gerard (*Nov 13, 1969) actor, singer United Kingdom GB
Butler, Jaymes (*Nov 1, 1959) actor United States US
Butler, Jennifer (*May 11, 1966) actress United States US
Butler, Jerry (*May 13, 1959) actor United States US
Butler, John (*Apr 1, 1975) musician, singer United States US
Butler, John Clarence (*Feb 2, 1921) pilot United States US
Butler, Judith (*Feb 24, 1956) United States US
Butler, Kathleen (*Oct 15, 1890) actress United States US
Butler, Kevin (*Jul 24, 1962) American football player Unknown XX
Butler, Matthew (*Jun 3, 1980) actor, director, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Butler, Michael (*Nov 26, 1926) United States US
Butler, Mitchell (*Dec 15, 1970) basketball player United States US
Butler, Nicholas (*Apr 2, 1862) philosopher United States US
Butler, Rémy (*Jan 20, 1948) architect France FR
Butler, Robert (*Nov 17, 1927) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Butler, Sarah (*Feb 11, 1985) actress United States US
Butler, Win (*Apr 14, 1980) United States US
Butler, Yancy (*Jul 2, 1970) actress United States US
Butor, Michel (*Sep 14, 1926) writer France FR
Butrick, Merritt (*Sep 3, 1959) actor United States US
Butrym, Seweryn (*Dec 23, 1910) actor, director Lithuania LT
Butrymowicz, Jacek (*Oct 4, 1935) actor Poland PL
Butsko, Yuri (*May 21, 1938) SSSR CP
Butt, Charles (*Feb 3, 1938) businessman Unknown XX
Butterfield, Asa (*Apr 1, 1997) actor United Kingdom GB
Butterfield, Billy (*Jan 14, 1917) musician United States US
Butterfield, Paul (*Dec 17, 1942) singer United States US
Butterfill, John (*Feb 14, 1941) politician United Kingdom GB
Butterfly Hill, Julia (*Feb 18, 1974) actress United States US
Butters, Tom (*Apr 8, 1938) baseball player United States US
Butterworth, Daniel (*Oct 22, 1985) director Germany DE
Butterworth, Dean (*Sep 26, 1976) drummer, actor United Kingdom GB
Buttery, Reece (*Nov 17, 2001) United Kingdom GB
Buttgereit, Jörg (*Dec 20, 1963) actor, director, scriptwriter Germany DE
Buttle, Jeffrey (*Sep 1, 1982) figure skater Canada CA
Buttolph, David (*Aug 3, 1902) actor United States US
Button, Dick (*Jul 18, 1929) United States US
Button, Fiona (*Nov 28, 1986) actress United Kingdom GB
Button, Jenson (*Jan 19, 1980) F1 racing driver United Kingdom GB
Buttons, Red (*Feb 5, 1919) actor United States US
Butts, R. Dale (*Mar 12, 1910) United States US
Butuc, Zoltan (*Jul 6, 1969) actor Unknown XX
Butyrin, Yuriy (*Mar 21, 1930) director SSSR CP
Butyrskaya, Maria (*Jun 28, 1972) figure skater Russia RU
Butz, Norbert Leo (*Jan 30, 1967) actor United States US
Buvat, Roger (*Aug 9, 1914) France FR
Buxbaum, Jerry L. (*Oct 30, 1956) United States US
Buxton, Adam (*Jun 7, 1969) actor, director United Kingdom GB
Buxton, Frank (*Feb 13, 1930) actor United States US
Buxton, Glen (*Nov 10, 1947) musician United States US
Buxton, Sarah (*Mar 23, 1965) actress United States US
Buy, Margherita (*Jan 15, 1962) actress Italy IT
Buyco, Albert (*Feb 25, 1966) Unknown XX
Buyens, Frans (*Feb 2, 1924) director, actor Belgium BE
Buydens Douglas, Anne (*Apr 23, 1919) actress, philanthropist, producer Germany DE
Buyl, Anne Christine de
(*Dec 2, 1947)
Belgium BE
Buyle, Evelyne (*Jun 3, 1948) actress France FR
Buys Ballot, Christophorus
(*Oct 10, 1817)
physicist Netherlands NL
Buytendijk, Frederik Jacobus Johannes
(*Apr 29, 1887)
physicist Netherlands NL
Büyüküstün, Tuba (*Jul 5, 1982) actress Turkey TR
Buzek, Agata (*Sep 20, 1976) actress Poland PL
Buzek, Jerzy (*Jul 3, 1940) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Buzinova, Mayya (*Jul 23, 1929) director Unknown XX
Buzko, Natalja (*Nov 27, 1963) actress SSSR CP
Buzolic, Nathaniel (*Aug 4, 1983) actor Australia AU
Buzolin, Mariah (*Feb 3, 1991) actress Brazil BR
Buzzanca, Lando (*Aug 25, 1935) actor Italy IT
Buzzati, Dino (*Oct 16, 1906) journalist Italy IT
Buzzati-Traverso, Adriano
(*Apr 6, 1913)
writer Italy IT
Buzzell, Edward (*Nov 13, 1895) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Buzzi, Ruth (*Jul 24, 1936) actress United States US
Byatt, Paul (*Dec 22, 1971) actor United Kingdom GB
Bychkov, Vladimir (*Jan 5, 1929) actor, director, scriptwriter Russia RU
Bychkov, Viktor (*Sep 4, 1954) actor Russia RU
Bydžovská, Zuzana (*1961) actress Czech Republic CZ
Bye, Willy de la (*Jun 1, 1934) Netherlands NL
Byer, Troy (*Nov 7, 1964) actress, director United States US
Byers, Christian (*Jul 31, 1993) actor Australia AU
Byeon, Hie-bong (*Jun 8, 1942) South Korea KR
Byers, Steve (*Dec 31, 1976) actor Canada CA
Bygraves, Max (*Oct 16, 1922) actor United Kingdom GB
Byington, Spring (*Oct 17, 1886) actress United States US
Bykov, Leonid (*Dec 12, 1928) actor, director Ukraine UA
Bykov, Yuriy (*Aug 15, 1981) actor, director SSSR CP
Bykov, Vasil (*Jun 19, 1924) writer Belarus BY
Bykov, Rolan (*Nov 12, 1929) actor, director Ukraine UA
Bykov, Vasilij Vladimírovič
(*Jun 19, 1924)
writer, translator Belarus BY
Bykov, Vyacheslav (*Jul 24, 1960) Russia RU
Byl, Simon (*Jun 30, 1940) Belgium BE
Býma, Pavel (*1970) singer Czech Republic CZ
Bynes, Amanda (*Apr 3, 1986) singer, actress, fashion designer United States US
Byram, Amanda (*Jun 16, 1973) actress Ireland IE
Byrcyn-Gasienica, Stanislaw
(*Feb 2, 1887)
actor Poland PL
Byrd, Caruth C. (*Mar 25, 1941) United States US
Byrd, Dan (*Nov 20, 1985) actor United States US
Byrd, David (*Sep 3, 1932) actor United States US