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Celebrities - Surname "B" (8474)
Broadfoot, Dave (*Dec 5, 1925) | actor, director | CA | |
Broadhead, James L. (*Nov 28, 1935) | US | ||
Broadhurst, George (*Jun 3, 1866) | scriptwriter | GB | |
Broadstreet, Jeff (*Nov 7, 1954) | director, actor | US | |
Broadway, Cliff (*Jan 27, 1969) | scriptwriter | US | |
Broadwell, Paula (*Nov 9, 1972) | journalist | US | |
Broadwood, Lucy (*Aug 9, 1858) | GB | ||
Broberg, Robert (*Jul 2, 1940) | actor, scriptwriter | SE | |
Broca, Paul (*Jun 28, 1824) | physician, anatomist and anthropologist | FR | |
Brocard, Christian (*Jul 15, 1930) | actor | FR | |
Brocato, Lyle (*Jun 30, 1979) | actor | US | |
Brocato, Vince (*Dec 19, 1944) | actor | US | |
Broccini, Pietro (*Jan 2, 1928) | soccer player | IT | |
Brocco, Peter (*Jan 16, 1903) | US | ||
Broccoli, Albert R. (*Apr 5, 1909) | actor | US | |
Broccoli, Barbara (*Jun 18, 1960) | director | US | |
Broch, Ida Elise (*Jun 25, 1987) | actress | NO | |
Broch, Nicolai Cleve (*Nov 14, 1975) | NO | ||
Brochard, Jean (*Mar 12, 1893) | actor | FR | |
Brocheré, Lizzie (*Mar 22, 1985) | actress | FR | |
Brochero, Eduardo Manzanos
(*Nov 10, 1919) |
director, scriptwriter | ES | |
Brochet, Anne (*Nov 22, 1966) | actress, writer | FR | |
Brochtrup, Bill (*Mar 7, 1963) | actor | US | |
Brochu, Chris (*Jun 25, 1989) | actor, singer | US | |
Brochu, Doug (*Sep 29, 1990) | actor | US | |
Brochu, Jim (*Aug 16, 1946) | actor | US | |
Brock, Aspen (*Aug 5, 1972) | actress | US | |
Brock, Bill (*Nov 23, 1930) | politician | US | |
Brock, David (*Jul 23, 1962) | actor | US | |
Brock, Dorothy (*May 14, 1920) | US | ||
Brock, Stanley (*Jul 7, 1931) | US | ||
Brock, Stevie (*Oct 23, 1990) | singer | US | |
Brocka, Lino (*Apr 3, 1939) | director | PH | |
Bröcker, Oliver (*May 11, 1977) | actor | DE | |
Brockett, Don (*Jan 30, 1930) | actor | US | |
Brockette, Gary (*Sep 13, 1947) | actor, director | US | |
Brockie, Dave (*Aug 30, 1963) | bassist, singer | US | |
Brocklebank, Daniel (*Dec 21, 1979) | actor | GB | |
Brocklebank, Sage (*Jan 14, 1978) | actor | CA | |
Brockman, Ungela (*Feb 24, 1970) | actress | US | |
Brockmann, Jochen (*Sep 14, 1919) | actor | DE | |
Brockovich-Ellis, Erin
(*Jun 22, 1960) |
activist | US | |
Brocksmith, Roy (*Sep 15, 1945) | actor | US | |
Brockton, Jeff (*Oct 31, 1967) | actor | US | |
Brockwell, Gladys (*Sep 26, 1894) | actress | US | |
Brockwell, V. M. (*Jul 28, 1916) | GB | ||
Brod, Max (*May 27, 1884) | composer, writer | CZ | |
Brodacki, Janusz (*Jan 30, 1982) | actor | PL | |
Brode, Beth (*Oct 10, 1977) | victim of murder | US | |
Broderick, Beth (*Feb 24, 1959) | actress | US | |
Broderick, Helen (*Aug 11, 1891) | actress | US | |
Broderick, James (*Mar 7, 1927) | actor, director | US | |
Broderick, James Wilkes
(*Oct 29, 2002) |
US | ||
Broderick, Matthew (*Mar 21, 1962) | actor | US | |
Bröderman, Thorild (*Feb 16, 1883) | actor | SE | |
Broderson, Mosze (*Nov 23, 1890) | XX | ||
Brodeur, Martin (*May 6, 1972) | ice hockey player | CA | |
Brodi, (*Aug 10, 1984) | XX | ||
Brodie, Buster (*Oct 11, 1885) | actor | US | |
Brodie, Don (*May 29, 1904) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Brodie, John Riley (*Aug 14, 1935) | golfer | US | |
Brodie, Kevin (*May 31, 1952) | director, actor | US | |
Brodie-Sangster, Thomas
(*May 16, 1990) |
actor | GB | |
Brodine, Norbert (*Dec 16, 1896) | US | ||
Brodney, Oscar (*Feb 18, 1907) | US | ||
Brodniewicz, Franciszek
(*Nov 29, 1892) |
actor | PL | |
Brodská, Tereza (*1968) | actress | CZ | |
Brodsky, Jack (*Jul 3, 1932) | actor | US | |
Brodsky, Joseph (*May 24, 1940) | writer, poet | RU | |
Brodský, Marek (*1959) | musician, actor, journalist, artist | CZ | |
Brodský, Vlastimil (*Dec 15, 1920) | actor | CZ | |
Brody, Adam (*Dec 15, 1979) | actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Brody, Adrien (*Apr 14, 1973) | actor | US | |
Brody, Jane (*May 19, 1941) | writer | US | |
Bródy, János (*Apr 5, 1946) | actor, scriptwriter | HU | |
Brody, Jonathan (*Jun 16, 1963) | US | ||
Brody, Joshua (*Apr 20, 1985) | actor | US | |
Bródy, Leopold (*May 30, 1926) | director, cameraman | XX | |
Brody, Lewis (*Feb 15, 1892) | actor | DE | |
Brodziak, Kyle (*May 25, 1984) | ice hockey player | CA | |
Brodzik, Joanna (*Jan 11, 1973) | actress | PL | |
Brodzińska, Irena (*Jan 24, 1933) | actress | PL | |
Brodzisz, Adam (*Feb 18, 1906) | actor | UH | |
Brodzki, Marek (*Dec 25, 1960) | director, actor | PL | |
Broecker, Josh (*Dec 1, 1963) | director, actor | XX | |
Broermann, Bernard (*Nov 20, 1943) | entrepreneur, founder of Asklepios | DE | |
Brogger, Ivar (*Jan 10, 1947) | actor | US | |
Brogi, Giulio (*May 13, 1931) | actor | IT | |
Brogren, Stefan (*Apr 21, 1972) | actor | CA | |
Brohan, Augustine (*Dec 2, 1824) | actress | FR | |
Broich, Margarita (*May 3, 1960) | actress | DE | |
Broich-Wuttke, Hans (*Dec 27, 1991) | actor | DE | |
Broidy, William F. (*Apr 12, 1915) | US | ||
Brok, Bronislaw (*Sep 14, 1906) | director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Brok, Elmar (*May 14, 1946) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | DE | |
Brokaw, Cary (*Jun 21, 1951) | actor | US | |
Brokaw, Tom (*Feb 6, 1940) | journalist | US | |
Brokken, Corry (*Dec 3, 1932) | XX | ||
Brokmann, Arda (*Aug 20, 1950) | NL | ||
Broks, Suze (*Aug 10, 1942) | NL | ||
Brolin, James (*Jul 18, 1940) | actor, director | US | |
Brolin, Josh (*Feb 12, 1968) | actor, director | US | |
Brolin, Molly Elizabeth
(*Nov 28, 1987) |
US | ||
Brolly, Shane (*Mar 6, 1970) | actor | GB | |
Brom, Gustav (*May 22, 1921) | composer, musician, singer, presenter | SK | |
Brom, Ladislav (*Apr 16, 1908) | singer, writer, actor, director, scriptwriter, photographer, opera singer, dancer | CZ | |
Broman, Sten (*Mar 25, 1902) | actor | SE | |
Bromberg, Konstantin (*Oct 17, 1939) | director | UA | |
Bromberg, Serge (*Apr 26, 1961) | director, actor | FR | |
Bromberger, Dominique (*Mar 24, 1944) | FR | ||
Bromberger, Hervé (*Nov 10, 1918) | director | FR | |
Bromberger, Merry (*Jul 10, 1906) | journalist | DE | |
Bromfield, Dionne (*Feb 1, 1996) | singer | GB | |
Bromfield, John (*Jun 11, 1922) | actor | US | |
Bromfield, Louis (*Dec 27, 1896) | writer, journalist | US | |
Bromfman, Pedro (*Jan 20, 1976) | composer | BR | |
Bromilow, Peter (*Apr 21, 1933) | GB | ||
Bromka, Elaine (*Jan 6, 1950) | actor | US | |
Bromley, David (*Sep 21, 1966) | actor | US | |
Bromley, Sheila (*Oct 31, 1911) | actress | US | |
Bromley, Sydney (*Jul 24, 1909) | GB | ||
Bromski, Jacek (*Dec 19, 1946) | actor, director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Bromstrom, Ascel (*May 17, 1915) | SE | ||
Bron, Eleanor (*Mar 14, 1938) | actress | GB | |
Brondeel, Gina (*Aug 4, 1970) | singer, actress | BE | |
Brondo, Cristina (*Jan 16, 1977) | actress | ES | |
Brondukov, Borislav (*Mar 1, 1938) | actor | UA | |
Bronfman, Charles (*Jun 27, 1931) | businessman | CA | |
Bronfman jr., Edgar (*May 16, 1955) | US | ||
Brongniart, Adolphr Thedore
(*Jan 14, 1801) |
FR | ||
Bronhill, June (*Jun 26, 1929) | AU | ||
Broniewska, Maria (*Oct 8, 1931) | actress | PL | |
Bronislavská, Zdena (*Mar 4, 1928) | actress | CZ | |
Bronson, Betty (*Nov 17, 1906) | actress | US | |
Bronowski, Jacob (*Jan 18, 1908) | mathematician, historian, scientist | PL | |
Bronson, Charles (*Nov 3, 1921) | actor | US | |
Bronson, Katrina Holden
(*Apr 8, 1968) |
XX | ||
Bronstein, Ana (*Apr 7, 2000) | BR | ||
Brontë, Anne (*Dec 17, 1820) | writer | GB | |
Brontë, Branwell (*Jun 26, 1817) | writer, painter, poet | GB | |
Brontë, Charlotte (*Apr 21, 1816) | writer | GB | |
Brontë, Emily (*Jul 30, 1818) | writer | GB | |
Bronzit, Konstantin (*Apr 12, 1965) | actor, director, scriptwriter | RU | |
Brood, Herman (*Nov 5, 1946) | painter | NL | |
Broodthaers, Marcel (*Jan 28, 1924) | director | BE | |
Brook, Claudio (*Aug 28, 1927) | actor | MX | |
Brook, Clive (*Jun 1, 1887) | actor, director | GB | |
Brook, Faith (*Feb 16, 1922) | actress | GB | |
Brook, Jayne (*Sep 16, 1960) | actress | US | |
Brook, Kelli (*Mar 28, 1967) | actress | XX | |
Brook, Kelly (*Nov 23, 1979) | actress, model | GB | |
Brook, Peter (*Mar 21, 1925) | actor, director, scriptwriter | GB | |
Brooke, Alan Francis (*Jul 23, 1883) | FR | ||
Brooke, Amy (*Jun 25, 1986) | actress | US | |
Brooke, Ashlynn (*Aug 14, 1985) | actress, porn actress, model, dancer | US | |
Brooke, Edward William
(*Oct 26, 1919) |
politician | US | |
Brooke, Hillary (*Sep 8, 1914) | actress | US | |
Brooke, Paul (*Nov 22, 1944) | actor | GB | |
Brooke, Rupert (*Aug 3, 1887) | poet | GB | |
Brooke, Walter (*Oct 13, 1914) | actor | US | |
Brooke-Taylor, Tim (*Jul 17, 1940) | GB | ||
Brooker, Charlie (*Mar 3, 1971) | GB | ||
Brooker, Ian (*Sep 22, 1959) | actor | XX | |
Brookes, F. T. (*Apr 5, 1873) | writer | FR | |
Brookes, Jacqueline (*Jul 24, 1930) | actress | US | |
Brooks, Adam (*Sep 3, 1956) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CA | |
Brooks, Aimee (*Nov 19, 1974) | actress | US | |
Brooks, Albert (*Jul 22, 1947) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Brooks, Amanda (*Jun 22, 1981) | actress | US | |
Brooks, Andrea (*Mar 3, 1989) | actress | CA | |
Brooks, Augustine (*May 3, 1994) | US | ||
Brooks, Avery (*Oct 2, 1948) | actor, director | US | |
Brooks, Barry (*Jan 5, 1910) | XX | ||
Brooks, Bill (*Apr 6, 1964) | athlete | US | |
Brooks, Bree (*May 4, 1967) | actress | US | |
Brooks, Cleanth (*Oct 16, 1906) | scientist | US | |
Brooks, Conrad (*Jan 3, 1931) | actor, director | US | |
Brooks, Dalton (*Jun 14, 1993) | actor | US | |
Brooks, Darin (*May 27, 1984) | US | ||
Brooks, David Allen (*Jan 9, 1947) | actor | US | |
Brooks, Deanna (*Apr 30, 1974) | actress | US | |
Brooks, Elkie (*Feb 25, 1945) | singer | GB | |
Brooks, Female (*Oct 18, 1967) | US | ||
Brooks, Garth (*Feb 7, 1962) | singer | US | |
Brooks, Geraldine (*Oct 29, 1925) | actress | US | |
Brooks, Golden (*Dec 1, 1970) | actress, director | US | |
Brooks, Gwendolyn (*Jun 17, 1917) | writer | US | |
Brooks, Harvey (*Aug 5, 1915) | physicist | US | |
Brooks, Hazel (*Sep 8, 1924) | actress | ZA | |
Brooks, J. Cynthia (*Nov 5, 1951) | US | ||
Brooks, James L. (*May 9, 1940) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Brooks, Jamie (*Jun 4, 1982) | porn actress | GB | |
Brooks, Jason (*May 10, 1966) | actor | US | |
Brooks, Jessica (*Jun 1, 1981) | actress | GB | |
Brooks, Joe (*Dec 14, 1923) | actor | US | |
Brooks, Joel (*Dec 17, 1949) | actor | US | |
Brooks, Joseph (*Mar 11, 1938) | director, actor | US | |
Brooks, Justin (*Jan 3, 1990) | actor | US | |
Brooks, Katherine (*Mar 15, 1976) | actress, director | US | |
Brooks, Kelly (*Dec 31, 1980) | actress | US | |
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