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Pettit, Bob (*Dec 12, 1932) | basketball player | US | |
Pettit, Donald (*Apr 20, 1955) | NASA astronaut, chemical engineer, scientist, astrophotographer, explorer | US | |
Pettit, Paul (*Nov 29, 1931) | baseball player | US | |
Pettitte, Andy (*Jun 15, 1972) | baseball player | US | |
Pettoruti, Emilio (*Oct 1, 1892) | artist | AR | |
Petty, Tom (*Oct 20, 1950) | composer, guitarist, singer | US | |
Petty, Adam (*Jul 10, 1980) | racing driver | US | |
Petty, Kyle (*Jun 2, 1960) | racing driver | US | |
Petty, Lee (*Mar 14, 1914) | racing driver | US | |
Petty, Lori (*Oct 14, 1963) | actress, director | US | |
Petty, Rhonda Jo (*Mar 30, 1955) | actress | US | |
Petty, Richard (*Jul 2, 1937) | racing driver | US | |
Pettyfer, Alex (*Apr 10, 1990) | actor | GB | |
Pettyjohn, Angelique (*Mar 10, 1943) | actress | US | |
Pettyjohn, Jade (*Nov 8, 2000) | actress | US | |
Petukhov, Denis (*Oct 6, 1978) | figure skater | RU | |
Petukhovs, Aleksandrs (*Mar 23, 1967) | director | XX | |
Petzl, Sabine (*Aug 9, 1965) | actress | AT | |
Petzold, Christian (*Sep 14, 1960) | director, actor | DE | |
Petzold, Konrad (*Apr 26, 1930) | director, actor | DE | |
Peugeot, Jean Pierre (*Jun 16, 1896) | businessman | FR | |
Peugeot, Rodolphe (*Apr 2, 1902) | businessman | FR | |
Peuhu, Maija-Liisa (*Jan 20, 1942) | actress | FI | |
Peukert, Detlev (*Sep 20, 1950) | DE | ||
Peukert, Leo (*Aug 26, 1885) | actor | DE | |
Pevec, Katija (*Mar 1, 1988) | actress | US | |
Pevney, Joseph (*Sep 15, 1911) | director, actor | US | |
Pevsner, Tom (*Oct 2, 1926) | actor | DE | |
Peynado, Iris (*Jun 10, 1958) | actress | DO | |
Peynet, Raymond (*Nov 16, 1908) | designer | FR | |
Peyo, (*Jun 25, 1928) | artist | BE | |
Peyr, Karel (*Feb 6, 1904) | actor | CZ | |
Peyrac, Nicolas (*Oct 6, 1949) | writer | FR | |
Peyre, Egisto (*Sep 19, 1919) | boxer, actor | IT | |
Peyré, Joseph (*Mar 13, 1892) | writer | FR | |
Peyre, Natacha (*Mar 26, 1985) | singer, actress, model | ES | |
Peyrefitte, Alain (*Aug 26, 1925) | politician | FR | |
Peyrefitte, Roger (*Aug 17, 1907) | writer | FR | |
Peyrelon, Michel (*Oct 10, 1936) | actor | FR | |
Peyretti, Alfredo (*Feb 27, 1965) | director | IT | |
Peyron, Bruno (*Nov 10, 1955) | FR | ||
Peyron, Loïck (*Dec 1, 1959) | FR | ||
Peyron, Stéphane (*Dec 1, 1960) | FR | ||
Peyronel, Jesse (*Dec 7, 1977) | director, scriptwriter | GB | |
Peyroux, Madeleine (*Jan 1, 1973) | composer, musician, singer | US | |
Peyser, John (*Aug 10, 1916) | US | ||
Pezhemsky, Maksim (*Mar 30, 1963) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CP | |
Pezzi, Luciano (*Feb 8, 1921) | athlete | IT | |
Pezzo, Paola (*Jan 8, 1969) | IT | ||
Pezzoni, Andrea (*Jul 2, 1970) | IT | ||
Pezzoni, Margherita (*Apr 2, 1901) | IT | ||
Pfaff, Dieter (*Oct 2, 1947) | actor | DE | |
Pfaff, Johann Wilhelm (*Dec 5, 1774) | astrologer | DE | |
Pfahler, Kembra (*Aug 4, 1967) | US | ||
Pfeifer, Silvia (*Feb 24, 1958) | actress | BR | |
Pfeiffer, Dedee (*Jan 1, 1964) | actress | US | |
Pfeiffer, Pauline (*Jul 22, 1895) | journalist, the second wife of Ernest Hemingway | US | |
Pfeiffer, Didier (*Nov 3, 1938) | FR | ||
Pfeiffer, Karel (*Jul 3, 1908) | actor | UH | |
Pfeiffer, Maris (*Nov 3, 1962) | director, scriptwriter | DE | |
Pfeiffer, Michelle (*Apr 29, 1958) | actress, singer | US | |
Pfeiffer, Paul (*Apr 21, 1875) | chemist | DE | |
Pfeiffer, Robert J. (*Mar 7, 1920) | FJ | ||
Pfeiffer, Vilém (*Aug 5, 1910) | actor | CZ | |
Pfeifhofer, Moris (*Oct 18, 1988) | figure skater | CH | |
Pfetten, Stefanie von (*Nov 25, 1973) | actress | CA | |
Pfister, Wally (*Jul 8, 1961) | actor, director, cameraman | US | |
Pfitzmann, Günter (*Apr 8, 1924) | actor | DE | |
Pfitzner, Hans (*May 5, 1869) | composer | RU | |
Pfleger Moravský, Gustav
(*Jul 27, 1833) |
writer, translator, poet | CZ | |
Pfleghar, Michael (*Mar 20, 1933) | director | DE | |
Pflimlin, Pierre (*Feb 5, 1907) | politician | FR | |
Pflug, Eva (*Jun 12, 1929) | actress | DE | |
Pflug, Jo Ann (*May 2, 1940) | actress | US | |
Pflüger, Tobias (*Feb 1, 1965) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | DE | |
Pfördner, Helmut (*Apr 22, 1913) | DE | ||
Phair, Liz (*Apr 17, 1967) | musician, singer | US | |
Phalen, Robert (*May 10, 1937) | actor | US | |
Pham, Ladislav (*1988) | singer, actor, presenter | CZ | |
Phan-Thi, Minh-Khai (*Feb 19, 1974) | DE | ||
Phaneuf, Dion (*Apr 10, 1985) | ice hockey player | CA | |
Phannavadi, Ubolratana Rajakanya Sirivadhana
(*Apr 5, 1951) |
CH | ||
Pheifer, Anniek (*Oct 16, 1977) | actress | NL | |
Phelps, James (*Feb 25, 1986) | actor | GB | |
Phelps, Jeffrey (*Apr 21, 1977) | actor, director | US | |
Phelps, Lee (*May 15, 1893) | US | ||
Phelps, Michael (*Jun 30, 1985) | swimmer | US | |
Phelps, Oliver (*Feb 25, 1986) | actor | GB | |
Phelps, Peter (*Sep 20, 1960) | actor, director | AU | |
Phelps, Phoebe (*Jan 30, 1937) | astrologer | US | |
Phifer, Mekhi (*Dec 29, 1974) | actor, director | US | |
Phifer, Roman (*Mar 5, 1968) | US | ||
Philbin, Mary (*Jul 16, 1903) | actress | US | |
Philbin, Regis (*Aug 25, 1931) | actor | US | |
Philbrook, James (*Oct 22, 1924) | actor | US | |
Philby, Kim (*Jan 1, 1912) | IN | ||
Philibert, Nicolas (*Jan 10, 1951) | director, actor | FR | |
Philipe, Gerard (*Dec 4, 1922) | actor | FR | |
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince
(*Jun 10, 1921) |
Duke of Edinburgh | GR | |
Philipp, Harald (*Mar 24, 1921) | actor, director, scriptwriter | DE | |
Philipp, Radek (*Feb 12, 1977) | ice hockey player | XX | |
Philipp, Stephanie (*Dec 8, 1968) | actress | DE | |
Philippaerts, Ludo (*Jun 22, 1963) | BE | ||
Philippe, Charles-Louis
(*Aug 4, 1874) |
writer | FR | |
Philippe, Claude-Jean (*Apr 20, 1933) | FR | ||
Philippe, Michèle (*Jan 17, 1926) | actress | FR | |
Philippe Knapp, Kailani
(*Jul 1, 2011) |
actress | US | |
Philippe-Gérard, Didier
(*Jun 4, 1949) |
director | FR | |
Philippi, Siegfried (*Jul 31, 1877) | DE | ||
Philippon, Franck (*Aug 29, 1969) | actor, scriptwriter | XX | |
Philippoussis, Mark (*Nov 7, 1976) | tennis player | AU | |
Philipps, Busy (*Jun 25, 1979) | actress | US | |
Philipps, Sarah (*Aug 15, 1968) | US | ||
Philips, Benny (*Nov 6, 1961) | BE | ||
Philips, Clara (*Jun 23, 1898) | US | ||
Philips, Gina (*May 10, 1970) | actress | US | |
Philips, Lee (*Jan 10, 1927) | director | US | |
Philips, Mary (*Jan 23, 1901) | actress | US | |
Philipson, Harriett (*Mar 29, 1925) | actress | SE | |
Phillippe, Ryan (*Sep 10, 1974) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Anthony (*Dec 23, 1951) | singer, guitarist | GB | |
Phillips, Scott (*Feb 22, 1973) | drummer, co-founder of Creed | US | |
Phillips, Anton (*Oct 31, 1943) | actor | JM | |
Phillips, Avelawance (*Mar 28, 1984) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Bijou (*Apr 1, 1980) | actress, singer, model | US | |
Phillips, Bruce (*Sep 13, 1951) | actor | NZ | |
Phillips, Cath (*Mar 7, 1955) | writer, journalist | NZ | |
Phillips, Chynna (*Feb 12, 1968) | actress, singer | US | |
Phillips, Damaris (*Dec 8, 1980) | presenter, cook | US | |
Phillips, Derek (*Apr 18, 1976) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Esther (*Dec 23, 1935) | singer | US | |
Phillips, Ethan (*Feb 8, 1955) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Frank V. (*Apr 7, 1912) | US | ||
Phillips, Graham (*Apr 14, 1993) | actor | XX | |
Phillips, James (*Feb 5, 1936) | American football player | US | |
Phillips, Jeff (*Jul 3, 1968) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Joe (*Jul 15, 1963) | artist | US | |
Phillips, Jonathan (*Sep 5, 1963) | actor | GB | |
Phillips, Julianne (*May 6, 1960) | actress | US | |
Phillips, Leslie (*Apr 20, 1924) | actor | GB | |
Phillips, Lou Diamond (*Feb 17, 1962) | actor, director | PH | |
Phillips, MacKenzie (*Nov 10, 1959) | actress | US | |
Phillips, Mark (*Sep 22, 1948) | GB | ||
Phillips, Michael (*Jun 29, 1943) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Michelle (*Jun 4, 1944) | actress, singer | US | |
Phillips, Neville (*Jul 15, 1927) | actor | ZA | |
Phillips, Nick (*Apr 8, 1973) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Peter (*Nov 15, 1977) | GB | ||
Phillips, Phillip (*Sep 20, 1990) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Robert (*Apr 10, 1925) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Ryan (*Nov 15, 1982) | actor | US | |
Phillips, Sally (*May 10, 1970) | actress | HK | |
Phillips, Sam (*Jan 28, 1962) | composer, singer | US | |
Phillips, Samantha (*Feb 25, 1966) | actress | US | |
Phillips, Samuel C. (*Feb 19, 1921) | general | US | |
Phillips, Sean MacLeod
(*Jul 22, 1955) |
director, cameraman | US | |
Phillips, Shawn C. (*Sep 23, 1985) | composer, actress, director | US | |
Phillips, Siân (*May 14, 1933) | actress | GB | |
Phillips, Thomas L. (*Dec 30, 1974) | director, scriptwriter | US | |
Phillips, Todd (*Dec 20, 1970) | director, actor | US | |
Phillips, Tracy (*Mar 27, 1982) | actress, model, dancer | US | |
Phillips, Warren H. (*Jun 28, 1926) | US | ||
Phillips, Wendell (*Sep 25, 1921) | lawyer | US | |
Phillips, Wendell K. (*Nov 27, 1907) | XX | ||
Phillips, Wendy (*Jan 2, 1952) | actress | US | |
Phillips, Zara (*May 15, 1981) | GB | ||
Phillips Jr., O. A. (*Sep 29, 1923) | US | ||
Phillipson, Garry (*Dec 11, 1954) | astrologer, writer | GB | |
Phills, Bobby (*Dec 20, 1969) | basketball player | US | |
Phipps, Grace (*May 4, 1992) | actress | US | |
Phipps, Jill (*Jan 15, 1964) | actress | GB | |
Phipps, Martin (*Aug 1, 1968) | composer | XX | |
Phipps, Max (*Nov 18, 1939) | actor | AU | |
Phipps, Ogden (*Nov 26, 1908) | US | ||
Phipps, William (*Feb 4, 1922) | actor | US | |
Phoenix, Tanit (*Sep 24, 1980) | actress, model | ZA | |
Phoenix, Beth (*Nov 24, 1980) | actress, wrestler | US | |
Phoenix, Joaquin (*Oct 28, 1974) | actor | US | |
Phoenix, Liberty (*Jul 5, 1976) | VE | ||
Phoenix, Rain (*Nov 21, 1972) | US | ||
Phoenix, River (*Aug 23, 1970) | guitarist, singer, actor | US | |
Phoenix, Summer (*Dec 10, 1978) | actress | US | |
Phongam, Yayaying Rhatha
(*May 19, 1983) |
TH | ||
Phranc, (*Aug 28, 1957) | musician | US | |
Phrommany, Steffinnie (*Oct 2, 1978) | actress | XX | |
Pia, Isabelle (*Jul 13, 1935) | actress | FR | |
Pia Casilio, Maria (*May 5, 1935) | actress | IT | |
Piacentini, Marcello (*Dec 8, 1881) | architect, journalist, teacher | IT | |
Piacentini, Sergio (*Jul 21, 1920) | soccer player | IT | |
Piaf, Édith (*Dec 19, 1915) | composer, singer, actress | FR | |
Piaget, Jean (*Aug 9, 1896) | psychologist, scientist, philosopher | CH | |
Pialat, Maurice (*Aug 31, 1925) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Piane, Carlo Delle (*Feb 2, 1936) | actor | IT | |
Pianforini, Massimo (*Feb 2, 1890) | actor | IT | |
Pianka, Eric (*Jan 23, 1939) | actor | US | |
Piano, Renzo (*Sep 14, 1937) | architect, winner of Pritzker Prize | IT | |
Piantoni, Roger (*Dec 26, 1931) | soccer player | FR | |
Piasecka Johnson, Barbara
(*Feb 25, 1937) |
businesswoman | PL | |
Piat, Jean (*Sep 23, 1924) | actor | FR | |
Piatas, Dimitris (*Mar 10, 1951) | XX | ||
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