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Pucci, Emilio (*Nov 21, 1914) | fashion designer | IT | |
Puccinelli, Aldo (*Dec 25, 1920) | soccer player | IT | |
Puccini, Alessandro (*Aug 28, 1968) | IT | ||
Puccini, Giacomo (*Dec 22, 1858) | Italian opera composer, important representative of verismo | IT | |
Puccini, Elvira (*Jun 13, 1860) | wife of Giacomo Puccini | IT | |
Puccini, Carla Maria (*Feb 26, 1946) | actress | ET | |
Puccini, Gianni (*Nov 9, 1914) | director, scriptwriter | IT | |
Puccini, Vittoria (*Nov 18, 1981) | actress | IT | |
Puch, Robledo (*Jan 19, 1952) | AR | ||
Puchalski, Edward (*Sep 16, 1874) | director, actor | PL | |
Pucher, Peter (*1974) | ice hockey player | SK | |
Puchert, Robert (*Nov 25, 1985) | director | XX | |
Puchmajer, Antonín Jaroslav
(*Jan 7, 1769) |
writer, priest, translator | CZ | |
Pucholt, Vladimír (*1942) | actor, doctor | CZ | |
Puciato, Greg (*Mar 27, 1980) | singer | US | |
Pucillo, Filippo (*Aug 12, 1989) | actor | IT | |
Pūcītis, Uldis (*Apr 15, 1937) | LV | ||
Puck, Theodore (*Sep 24, 1916) | US | ||
Puck, Wolfgang (*Jul 8, 1949) | actor, businessman, cook | AT | |
Puckett, Gary (*Oct 17, 1942) | musician | US | |
Pudi, Danny (*Mar 10, 1979) | actor | US | |
Pudil, Daniel (*1985) | soccer player | CZ | |
Pudney, John (*Jan 19, 1909) | GB | ||
Pudová, Petra (*1987) | actress, singer | CZ | |
Pudovkin, Vsevolod (*Feb 28, 1893) | actor, director, scriptwriter | RU | |
Puehse, Nic (*Dec 8, 1997) | actor | US | |
Puehse, Tristan (*Dec 8, 1997) | actor | US | |
Puente, Jesús (*Dec 18, 1930) | actor | ES | |
Puenzo, Lucía (*Nov 28, 1973) | director, scriptwriter | AR | |
Puenzo, Luis (*Feb 19, 1946) | director, actor | AR | |
Puerta, Antonio (*Nov 26, 1984) | soccer player | ES | |
Pugacheva, Alla (*Apr 15, 1949) | singer | RU | |
Puget, Claude-André (*Jun 22, 1905) | scriptwriter | FR | |
Pugh, Les (*Sep 18, 1923) | basketball player | US | |
Pugh, Willard E. (*Jun 16, 1959) | actor | US | |
Puglielli, Eros (*May 17, 1973) | director, actor | IT | |
Pugliese, Sergio (*Mar 12, 1908) | scriptwriter | IT | |
Puglisi, Aldo (*Apr 12, 1935) | actor | IT | |
Pugovkin, Mikhail (*Jun 13, 1923) | actor | RU | |
Puha, Tero (*Oct 11, 1971) | FI | ||
Puhajková, Inna (*Mar 2, 1986) | model, presenter | RU | |
Puhakka, Jari (*Jun 16, 1965) | FI | ||
Puhakka, Jouko (*May 5, 1922) | scriptwriter | FI | |
Puharich, Andrija (*Feb 19, 1918) | US | ||
Puhtila, Sauvo (*Apr 27, 1928) | actor, scriptwriter | FI | |
Puig, Arturo (*Nov 17, 1944) | actor | AR | |
Puig, Manuel (*Dec 28, 1932) | writer | AR | |
Puigcorbé, Juanjo (*Aug 27, 1955) | ES | ||
Puio, Raymond (*Jun 20, 1916) | FR | ||
Puipa, Algimantas (*Jun 14, 1951) | director | LT | |
Puiseux, Pierre Henri (*Jul 20, 1855) | FR | ||
Puiseux, Victor (*Apr 16, 1820) | mathematician | FR | |
Puiu, Cristi (*Apr 3, 1967) | director, actor | RO | |
Pujmanová, Marie (*Jun 8, 1893) | writer, poet | CZ | |
Pujol, Anne-Marie (*Dec 5, 1961) | FR | ||
Pujol, Jordi (*Jun 9, 1930) | politician | ES | |
Pujol, René (*May 15, 1878) | director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Pujszo, Mariusz (*Sep 16, 1957) | actor, director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Pukema, Anneli (*Aug 22, 1929) | scriptwriter | FI | |
Pulcini, Robert (*Aug 24, 1964) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Pulec, Kamil (*1963) | actor | SK | |
Pulec, Zdeněk (*Sep 8, 1936) | actor | CZ | |
Pulie, Giuseppe (*Dec 26, 1964) | skier | IT | |
Pulitzer, Joseph (*Apr 10, 1847) | journalist, publisher, initiator of the creation of Pulitzer Prize appreciation | HU | |
Pulkka, Irina (*Aug 2, 1965) | actress | FI | |
Pulkkila, Lauri (*Aug 14, 1902) | scriptwriter | FI | |
Pulkkinen, Jorma (*Dec 2, 1939) | actor | FI | |
Pulkkinen, Teuvo (*May 19, 1920) | actor | FI | |
Pulkowski, Krzysztof (*Apr 17, 1956) | actor, director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Pulla, Armas J. (*Mar 29, 1904) | writer, actor, scriptwriter | FI | |
Pullen, Walter (*Nov 19, 1971) | astrologer, programmer, author of astro-software Astrolog | US | |
Puller, Lewis B. (*Jun 26, 1898) | general | US | |
Pulliam, Keshia Knight
(*Apr 9, 1979) |
actress | US | |
Pullis, Kimberly (*Jul 29, 1973) | actress | US | |
Pullman, Bill (*Dec 17, 1953) | actor | US | |
Pullman, Philip (*Oct 19, 1946) | writer | GB | |
Pulpán, Lukáš (*1985) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Půlpánová, Božena (*Mar 31, 1900) | actress | CZ | |
Pulsford, Nigel (*Apr 11, 1963) | actor | GB | |
Pulsipher, Lindsay (*May 6, 1982) | actress | US | |
Puluj, Peter (*1930) | cameraman | CZ | |
Pulver, Liselotte (*Oct 11, 1929) | actress | CH | |
Pumper, Brian (*Apr 25, 1981) | porn actor | US | |
Pumprla, Pavel (*1986) | basketball player | CE | |
Pumprlová, Kristýna (*1994) | model | CZ | |
Pumpyansky, Dmitry (*Mar 22, 1964) | businessman | RU | |
Pun, Big (*Nov 9, 1971) | singer | US | |
Punch, Lucy (*Dec 30, 1977) | actress | GB | |
Puncheva, Boryana (*Sep 27, 1956) | actress, director | PL | |
Punčochář, Emanuel (*Dec 25, 1902) | composer | CZ | |
Pundik, Jordan (*Oct 12, 1979) | singer | US | |
Pung, Jackie (*Dec 13, 1921) | US | ||
Punk, CM (*Oct 26, 1978) | wrestler | US | |
Pünkösdy, Auguste (*Aug 28, 1890) | AT | ||
Punsalen, Elizabeth (*Jan 9, 1971) | US | ||
Punt, Mark (*Jun 21, 1962) | director, scriptwriter | BE | |
Puntila, L. A. (*Aug 24, 1907) | politician | FI | |
Puntti, Rauha (*Dec 1, 1926) | actress | FI | |
Puolanto, Jouko (*Mar 25, 1964) | actor | FI | |
Puorro, Stephanie (*Jul 18, 1947) | US | ||
Pupillo, Giovanni (*Aug 18, 1976) | IT | ||
Pupillo, Massimo (*Jan 7, 1929) | director | IT | |
Pupp, Johann Georg (*Apr 17, 1743) | entrepreneur, hotelier, founder of the Pupp Hotel | CZ | |
Puppo, Romano (*Mar 25, 1933) | actor | IT | |
Purcell, Dick (*Aug 6, 1908) | actor | US | |
Purcell, Dominic (*Feb 17, 1970) | actor | GB | |
Purcell, Dylan (*May 10, 1983) | US | ||
Purcell, Irene (*Aug 7, 1896) | actress | US | |
Purcell, Lee (*Jun 15, 1947) | actress | US | |
Purcell, Roy (*Jul 11, 2000) | actor | XX | |
Purcell, Sarah (*Oct 8, 1946) | actress | US | |
Purdell, Reginald (*Nov 4, 1896) | actor, director, scriptwriter | GB | |
Purdham, David (*Jun 3, 1951) | US | ||
Purdin, John (*Jul 16, 1942) | baseball player | US | |
Purdom, Edmund (*Dec 19, 1924) | actor, director | GB | |
Purdom, Edmond (*Dec 19, 1926) | actor | GB | |
Purdum, Robert L. (*Jun 15, 1935) | US | ||
Purdy, Amy (*Nov 7, 1979) | actress | US | |
Purdy, Ashley (*Jan 28, 1984) | singer | US | |
Purefoy, James (*Jun 3, 1964) | actor | GB | |
Purhonen, Pertti (*Jun 14, 1942) | actor | FI | |
Puri, Amrish (*Jun 22, 1932) | actor | IN | |
Puri, Amrita (*Aug 20, 1983) | actress | IN | |
Puri, Om (*Oct 18, 1950) | actor | IN | |
Purie, Koel (*Nov 25, 1978) | actress | IN | |
Purkrábek, Jan (*Feb 25, 1878) | actor | CZ | |
Purl, Linda (*Sep 2, 1955) | actress | US | |
Purnell, Ella (*Sep 17, 1996) | actress | GB | |
Puro, Alec (*Apr 25, 1975) | actor, composer | US | |
Puro, Teuvo (*Nov 9, 1884) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FI | |
Purrmann, Hans (*Apr 10, 1880) | painter | DE | |
Purrott, Alycia (*Oct 24, 1983) | actress, singer, model | CA | |
Pursiainen, Terho (*Oct 6, 1945) | actor | FI | |
Purviance, Edna (*Oct 21, 1895) | actress | US | |
Purvis, John (*Jul 6, 1938) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | GB | |
Purvis, Neal (*Sep 9, 1961) | XX | ||
Purvis, Ryan (*Dec 30, 1982) | US | ||
Purzer, Manfred (*Apr 13, 1931) | director | XX | |
Puşcaş, Vasile (*Jul 8, 1952) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | RO | |
Pusha T, (*May 13, 1977) | singer, actor, rapper | GB | |
Puskailer, Thomas (*Feb 4, 1981) | composer, singer, dancer | GB | |
Pushkin, Alexander (*Jun 6, 1799) | writer | RU | |
Puskepalis, Sergey (*Apr 15, 1966) | actor | CP | |
Puskullu, Esen (*Jul 16, 1946) | actress | TR | |
Pustina, Jakub (*1982) | singer, opera singer | CZ | |
Pusztaszeri, Kornél (*Apr 20, 1960) | XX | ||
Půta, Martin (*1971) | politician | CZ | |
Putaansuu, Tomi (*Feb 15, 1974) | singer | FI | |
Putch, John (*Jul 27, 1961) | director, actor | US | |
Puter, Alice Mildred (*Jan 19, 1924) | actress | US | |
Putilin, Ivan (*Mar 18, 1909) | actor | RU | |
Putin, Vladimir (*Oct 7, 1952) | 2nd and 4th President of Russia, KGB agent, politician | RU | |
Putman, Andrée (*Dec 23, 1925) | FR | ||
Putman, Cory Brandan (*Nov 9, 1976) | singer, guitarist | XX | |
Putnam, Ashley (*Aug 10, 1952) | singer | US | |
Putnam, Tom (*Mar 25, 1972) | director | US | |
Putney, Mark W. (*Jan 25, 1929) | US | ||
Putnová, Anna (*1960) | politician, teacher, businesswoman | CZ | |
Putski, Ivan (*Jan 21, 1941) | PL | ||
Putte, M. H. van der (*Jul 6, 1913) | astrologer, writer | NL | |
Püttjer, Gustav (*May 15, 1886) | actor | DE | |
Puttnam, David (*Feb 25, 1941) | actor | GB | |
Putzulu, Bruno (*Jun 16, 1967) | actor | FR | |
Puupponen, Tuovi (*May 23, 1920) | FI | ||
Puurtinen, Raimo (*Aug 12, 1944) | actor | FI | |
Puurunen, Sakari (*Jul 25, 1921) | actor | FI | |
Puusa, Timo (*Feb 12, 1939) | actor | XX | |
Puusaari, Olavi (*Sep 28, 1928) | actor, director, cameraman, scriptwriter | FI | |
Puuska, Kaisu (*Jul 17, 1907) | actress | FI | |
Puustusmaa, Andres (*Jul 19, 1971) | EE | ||
Puyol, Carles (*Apr 13, 1978) | soccer player | ES | |
Puzic, Milan (*Apr 2, 1926) | actor | RS | |
Puzo, Mario (*Oct 15, 1920) | writer | US | |
Pyat, Aime Felix (*Oct 4, 1810) | writer, politician, journalist | FR | |
Pybus, Dave (*Jun 4, 1970) | bassist | GB | |
Pýcha, Norbert (*1969) | actor | CZ | |
Pyfrom, Shawn (*Aug 16, 1986) | actor | US | |
Pygram, Wayne (*Oct 13, 1959) | actor | AU | |
Pyke, Hy (*Dec 2, 1935) | US | ||
Pyle, Artimus (*Jul 15, 1948) | drummer | US | |
Pyle, Denver (*May 11, 1920) | actor | US | |
Pyle, Ernie (*Aug 3, 1900) | writer | US | |
Pyle, Missi (*Nov 16, 1972) | actress | US | |
Pyles, Jacque Rae (*Apr 6, 1994) | singer, actress, dancer | XX | |
Pylkkänen, Tauno (*Mar 22, 1918) | composer | FI | |
Pynchon, Thomas (*May 8, 1937) | writer | US | |
Pyne, Jim (*Nov 23, 1971) | soccer player | US | |
Pyper-Ferguson, John (*Feb 27, 1964) | actor | AU | |
Pyrkosz, Witold (*Jan 1, 1927) | actor | PL | |
Pyško, Alexej (*1956) | actor | CZ | |
Pyryev, Ivan (*Nov 4, 1901) | director, actor | XX | |
Pyryeva, Lionella (*Mar 15, 1938) | actress | CP | |
Pyšová, Petra (*1967) | actress, journalist, presenter | CE | |
Pytka, Joe (*Nov 4, 1938) | director, actor | US | |
Pytloun, František (*1986) | actor, singer | CZ | |
Pyun, Albert (*May 19, 1954) | director, scriptwriter | US | |
Pyykkö, Marja (*Mar 26, 1975) | actress, director, scriptwriter | XX | |
Pyykkö, Mirja (*Jul 24, 1946) | actress | FI | |
Pyykkö, Nadja (*Dec 10, 1946) | actress | FI | |
Pyysalo, Päiviö (*Jun 1, 1946) | director | FI | |
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