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Pihkala, Tahko (*Jan 5, 1888) | FI | ||
Pihlaja, Elli (*Feb 19, 1906) | actress | FI | |
Pihlaja, Matti (*Feb 20, 1923) | actor | FI | |
Pihlaja, Pentti (*Apr 7, 1917) | actor | XX | |
Pihlaja, Rafael (*Jul 28, 1893) | actor | FI | |
Pihlajamaa, Lasse (*Aug 1, 1916) | actor, composer | FI | |
Pihlajamaa, Airi (*Aug 8, 1934) | actress | FI | |
Pihlajamaa, Raikko (*Jan 5, 1930) | FI | ||
Pihlajamäki, Hilda (*Nov 12, 1866) | actress | FI | |
Pihlajamäki, Riitta (*Dec 23, 1956) | actress | FI | |
Pihlajamäki, Veikko (*Jun 25, 1921) | actor | FI | |
Pihlava, Agnes (*Mar 19, 1980) | singer | PL | |
Pihlgren, May (*Jan 6, 1904) | actress | FI | |
Pihlström, Bengt (*Mar 3, 1933) | actor | FI | |
Pihlström, Uno (*Nov 1, 1903) | actor, director, cameraman | FI | |
Piipponen, Anja (*Feb 17, 1940) | actress | FI | |
Piipponen, Matti (*Feb 26, 1937) | actor | FI | |
Piirainen, Holly (*Jan 19, 1983) | US | ||
Piironen, Jussi (*Apr 30, 1901) | actor | FI | |
Piironen, Paavo (*Jun 6, 1943) | actor | FI | |
Piironen, Vuokko (*Nov 5, 1945) | actress | XX | |
Piirto, Orvo (*May 7, 1926) | actor | FI | |
Piispa, Ari (*Mar 13, 1951) | actor | FI | |
Pijper, Willem (*Sep 8, 1894) | composer | NL | |
Pik, Petr (*1984) | CZ | ||
Pike, James (*Feb 14, 1913) | US | ||
Pike, Rosamund (*Jan 27, 1979) | actress | GB | |
Pikhart, Bohuslav (*May 28, 1926) | cameraman | CZ | |
Pikic, Marija (*Dec 17, 1989) | actress | XX | |
Pikkarainen, Eero (*Mar 20, 1932) | actor | FI | |
Pikkov, Ülo (*Jun 15, 1976) | director | EE | |
Pikl, Aleš (*1975) | soccer player | CZ | |
Pīks, Rihards (*Dec 31, 1941) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | LV | |
Pikus, Malgorzata (*Nov 21, 1972) | actress | PL | |
Pila, Jorge Luis (*Aug 3, 1972) | actor | CU | |
Pilař, Jan (*Oct 11, 1933) | actor | CZ | |
Pilař, Karel (*1977) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Pilař, Lukáš (*1990) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Pilař, Václav (*1988) | soccer player | CZ | |
Pilarczyk, Daniel E. (*Aug 12, 1934) | US | ||
Pilarová, Eva (*Aug 9, 1939) | singer | CZ | |
Pilarski, Józef (*Feb 28, 1893) | actor, director | PL | |
Pilarski, Wojciech (*Apr 15, 1921) | actor, director | PL | |
Pilát, František (*Feb 8, 1910) | director, cameraman | CZ | |
Pilát, Petr (*1991) | CZ | ||
Pilates, Joseph (*Dec 9, 1883) | physical trainer, inventor of Pilates method of physical fitness | DE | |
Pilato, Joseph (*Mar 16, 1949) | actor | US | |
Pilátová, Marie (*May 14, 1921) | actress | XX | |
Pilatus, Rob (*Jun 8, 1965) | singer, dancer | US | |
Pilawski, Mariusz (*Apr 30, 1957) | actor, director | PL | |
Pilbeam, Nova (*Nov 15, 1919) | actress | GB | |
Pilblad, Lily (*Apr 15, 2000) | actress | XX | |
Pilc, Luděk (*1922) | actor, director | CZ | |
Pilcher, Joe (*Jan 4, 1933) | writer, journalist | US | |
Pilcher, Rosamunde (*Sep 22, 1924) | writer | GB | |
Pildas, Ave Earl (*Sep 16, 1939) | photographer, teacher, artist | US | |
Pileggi, Mitch (*Apr 5, 1952) | actor | US | |
Pileggi, Nicholas (*Feb 22, 1933) | writer, actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Pilet, Gérard (*Sep 15, 1933) | tennis player | FR | |
Pilgaard, Ulf (*Nov 15, 1940) | actor | DK | |
Pilger, John (*Oct 9, 1939) | director, actor | AU | |
Pilhes, René Victor (*Jul 1, 1934) | writer | FR | |
Pilipovic, Sasa (*Mar 16, 1963) | XX | ||
Pilissy, Joska (*Sep 8, 1938) | director | HU | |
Pilkama, Inkeri (*Apr 17, 1945) | actress, director, scriptwriter | FI | |
Pilke, Amanda (*May 2, 1990) | actress | FI | |
Pilkington, Dianne (*Jun 7, 1975) | actress | GB | |
Pilkington, Karl (*Sep 23, 1972) | actor, scriptwriter | GB | |
Pilkington, Lorraine (*Jan 1, 1975) | actress | IE | |
Pill, Alison (*Nov 27, 1985) | actress | CA | |
Pillar, Michele (*Jul 26, 1955) | US | ||
Piller, Michael (*May 30, 1948) | actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Pillet, Dinorah (*Feb 24, 1930) | FR | ||
Pilliczar, Chris (*Jun 10, 1958) | XX | ||
Pilliod, Charles J. (*Oct 20, 1918) | diplomat | US | |
Pillon, Jacqueline (*Dec 27, 1977) | actress | CA | |
Pillot, Cooper (*Oct 27, 1994) | actor | US | |
Pillow, Mark (*Apr 14, 1959) | actor | GB | |
Pilmark, Søren (*Oct 16, 1955) | actor, director | DK | |
Pilon, Benoît (*Jul 27, 1962) | director | XX | |
Pilon, Daniel (*Nov 13, 1940) | actor | CA | |
Pilon, Donald (*Apr 12, 1941) | actor | CA | |
Pilotto, Camillo (*Feb 6, 1890) | IT | ||
Piloty, Karl Theodor von
(*Oct 1, 1826) |
DE | ||
Pilsudski, Josef (*Dec 5, 1867) | LT | ||
Piltz, Raimo (*May 27, 1938) | director | FI | |
Pilyavskaya, Sofiya (*May 17, 1911) | actress | RU | |
Pilz, Kurt (*Mar 8, 1955) | astrologer, painter, artist | DE | |
Pimenta, Alberto (*Dec 26, 1937) | poet | PT | |
Pimental, Nancy (*May 31, 1965) | actress | US | |
Pimentel, Esmeralda (*Sep 8, 1989) | actress | MX | |
Pimentel, George Claude
(*May 2, 1922) |
chemist | US | |
Pimentel, Hugo (*Jan 25, 1919) | actor | AR | |
Pimm, Stuart (*Feb 27, 1949) | actor | GB | |
Pina, Ronald (*Aug 11, 1944) | lawyer | US | |
Pina, Ronald Anthony (*Jul 30, 1947) | lawyer | US | |
Pinal, Silvia (*Sep 12, 1931) | actress | MX | |
Pinar, Selahattin (*Jan 22, 1902) | TR | ||
Pinarello, Cesare (*Oct 5, 1932) | IT | ||
Pinatel, Jean (*Jun 9, 1913) | writer | FR | |
Pinay, Antoine (*Dec 30, 1891) | politician | FR | |
Pinc, Marek (*1979) | hockey player | CZ | |
Pinchot, Bronson (*May 20, 1959) | actor | US | |
Pinchuk, Victor (*Dec 14, 1960) | businessman | UA | |
Pincic, Doris (*Sep 4, 1988) | actress | HR | |
Pinciroli, Renato (*Jan 22, 1905) | actor | IT | |
Pinckney, Ed (*Mar 27, 1963) | basketball player | US | |
Pindal, Kaj (*Dec 1, 1927) | director | DK | |
Pindejová, Kateřina (*Dec 6, 1967) | actress | XX | |
Pinder, Lucy (*Dec 20, 1983) | model | GB | |
Pinder, Mike (*Dec 27, 1941) | musician | GB | |
Pindroch, Csaba (*Mar 19, 1972) | director, scriptwriter | HU | |
Pine, Chris (*Aug 26, 1980) | actor | US | |
Pine, Larry (*Mar 3, 1945) | actor | US | |
Pine, Phillip (*Jul 16, 1925) | actor | US | |
Pine, Robert (*Jul 10, 1941) | actor | US | |
Pine, William H. (*Feb 15, 1896) | director | US | |
Pineau, Christian (*Oct 14, 1904) | politician | FR | |
Pineau-Valencienne, Didier
(*Mar 21, 1931) |
FR | ||
Pineault, Adam (*May 23, 1986) | ice hockey player | US | |
Pineda, Daniella (*Feb 20, 1987) | writer, actress | US | |
Pineda, Salvador (*Jun 16, 1952) | actor | MX | |
Pinedo, Óscar Ortiz de
(*Nov 2, 1910) |
CU | ||
Pinelli, Germán (*Dec 15, 1907) | CU | ||
Pinelli, Tullio (*Jun 24, 1908) | actor | IT | |
Pinera, Sebastian (*Dec 1, 1949) | politician, teacher | CL | |
Pines, Larry (*May 15, 1942) | astrologer | US | |
Pinet, Lise (*Sep 8, 1938) | FR | ||
Pinette, John (*Mar 23, 1962) | actor | US | |
Pingeon, Roger (*Aug 28, 1940) | FR | ||
Pingeot, Mazarine (*Dec 18, 1974) | journalist | FR | |
Pinget, Robert (*Jun 19, 1919) | writer | CH | |
Pinheiro, João de Deus
(*Jul 11, 1945) |
Member of the European Parliament, MEP | PT | |
Piniella, Lou (*Aug 28, 1943) | baseball player | US | |
Pininfarina, Battista (*Nov 2, 1893) | artist | IT | |
Pininfarina, Sergio (*Sep 8, 1926) | artist | IT | |
Pinior, Józef (*Mar 9, 1955) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | PL | |
Pink, (*Sep 8, 1979) | singer, actress | US | |
Pink, Sidney W. (*Mar 16, 1916) | director | US | |
Pink, Steve (*Feb 3, 1966) | director, actor | US | |
Pinkaew, Prachya (*Sep 2, 1962) | director, actor | TH | |
Pinkava, Jan (*1963) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Pinkava, Josef (*Nov 25, 1919) | director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Pinkavová, Hana (*1950) | director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Pinkerton, Clayton (*Mar 6, 1931) | artist | US | |
Pinkham, Lydia (*Feb 9, 1819) | US | ||
Pinkis, Varis (*Nov 16, 1976) | XX | ||
Pinkston, Rob (*Jan 30, 1988) | actor | US | |
Pinkston, Ryan (*Feb 8, 1988) | US | ||
Pinkwasser, Françoise (*Oct 18, 1957) | actor | FR | |
Pinn, Devanny (*Aug 1, 1989) | actress | US | |
Pinna, Christophe (*Mar 18, 1968) | athlete | FR | |
Pinna, Sandrine (*Apr 10, 1987) | actress | TW | |
Pinnock, Arnold (*Mar 26, 1961) | actor | JP | |
Pinnock, Leigh-Anne (*Oct 4, 1991) | singer | GB | |
Pinnock, Nicholas (*Sep 2, 1973) | actor | GB | |
Pino, Danny (*Apr 15, 1974) | actor | US | |
Piño, José Ortiz (*May 3, 1932) | US | ||
Pino, Luca (*Feb 15, 2006) | actor | US | |
Pinochet, Augusto (*Nov 25, 1915) | 31st President of Chile | CL | |
Piñol, Jacqueline (*Apr 8, 1979) | actress | US | |
Pinon, Dominique (*Mar 4, 1955) | actor | FR | |
Piñon, Nélida (*May 3, 1937) | writer | BR | |
Pinoteau, Claude (*May 25, 1925) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Pinoteau, Jacques (*Sep 20, 1923) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Pinotti, José Antonio (*Nov 10, 1969) | psychologist, astrologer | BR | |
Pinoy, Pierre Ernest (*Feb 3, 1873) | physicist, scientist | FR | |
Pinsent, Gordon (*Jul 12, 1930) | actor | CA | |
Pinsent, Leah (*Sep 20, 1968) | actress | CA | |
Pinsky, Drew (*Sep 4, 1958) | actor | US | |
Pinsky, Robert (*Oct 20, 1940) | US | ||
Pintauro, Danny (*Jan 6, 1976) | actor | US | |
Pintea, Adrian (*Oct 9, 1954) | actor | RO | |
Pinter, Harold (*Oct 10, 1930) | writer | GB | |
Pinter, Mark (*Mar 7, 1950) | actor | US | |
Pintilie, Lucian (*Nov 9, 1933) | director, actor | RO | |
Pinto, Cosimo (*Mar 14, 1943) | boxer | IT | |
Pinto, Eduardo (*Jun 11, 1968) | director | AR | |
Pinto, Freida (*Oct 18, 1984) | actress, model | IN | |
Pinto, José Manuel Manuel (*Nov 8, 1975) | soccer player | ES | |
Pinto, Marlies (*Aug 16, 1982) | actress | US | |
Pinto, Vivian de Sola (*Dec 9, 1895) | writer | GB | |
Pintoff, Ernest (*Dec 15, 1931) | director | US | |
Pinturault, Alexis (*Mar 20, 1991) | skier | FR | |
Pinzauti, Mario (*May 1, 1930) | director | IT | |
Pio, Padre (*May 25, 1887) | priest | IT | |
Piola, Silvio (*Sep 29, 1913) | soccer player | IT | |
Piolim, (*Mar 27, 1897) | actor | XX | |
Pioline, Cedric (*Jun 15, 1969) | tennis player | FR | |
Pion, Guy (*Apr 15, 1949) | actor, scriptwriter | BE | |
Piontek, Ferdinand (*Nov 5, 1878) | priest | PL | |
Piotrowski, Mirosław Mariusz
(*Jan 9, 1966) |
Member of the European Parliament, MEP | PL | |
Piovan, Alessia (*May 20, 1985) | actress, model | IT | |
Piovanelli, Silvano (*Feb 21, 1924) | IT | ||
Piovani, Luana (*Aug 29, 1976) | actress | BR | |
Piovani, Nicola (*May 26, 1946) | composer, actor | IT | |
Piovani, Pina (*Mar 20, 1897) | actress | IT | |
Piovarči, Teodor (*1934) | actor | SK | |
Piovene, Guido (*Jul 27, 1907) | journalist | IT | |
Pípal, Pavel (*Apr 11, 1938) | actor, voice actor | CZ | |
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