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Celebrities - Surname "C" (5873)

Clavel, Garance (*Apr 11, 1973) actress France FR
Clavel, Maurice (*Nov 10, 1920) writer France FR
Clavel, Michel (*Mar 12, 1931) boxer France FR
Clavell, James (*Oct 10, 1924) writer Australia AU
Claverie, Pierre (*May 8, 1938) Algeria DZ
Clavier, Christian (*May 6, 1952) actor, scriptwriter France FR
Clavier, Stéphane (*Mar 15, 1955) actor, director, scriptwriter Unknown XX
Clavijo, Víctor (*Sep 28, 1973) actor Spain ES
Clawson, Christopher (*Mar 14, 1984) actor United States US
Claxton, Gavin (*Jul 19, 1971) director, actor United Kingdom GB
Claxton, William F. (*Oct 22, 1914) director, actor United States US
Clay, Nicholas (*Sep 18, 1946) actor, who plays the knight Lancelot in Excalibur United Kingdom GB
Clay, Andrew Dice (*Sep 29, 1957) actor United States US
Clay, Bryan (*Jan 3, 1980) United States US
Clay, Dain (*Jul 10, 1919) baseball player United States US
Clay, James (*Sep 8, 1935) musician United States US
Clay, Orson C. (*Jul 26, 1930) United States US
Clay, Philippe (*Mar 7, 1927) actor, singer France FR
Clay, Stanley Bennett (*Mar 18, 1950) director United States US
Claybourne, Doug (*Jan 19, 1947) actor United States US
Clayburgh, Jill (*Apr 30, 1944) actress United States US
Clayderman, Richard (*Dec 28, 1953) France FR
Claydon, Phil (*Jan 9, 1976) director United Kingdom GB
Claypool, Les (*Sep 29, 1963) United States US
Clayton, Adam (*Mar 13, 1960) actor United Kingdom GB
Clayton, Brian (*Nov 3, 1973) United States US
Clayton, Cayce (*Dec 3, 1988) actor, singer United States US
Clayton, Derek (*Nov 17, 1942) United Kingdom GB
Clayton, Garrett (*Mar 19, 1991) singer, actor, dancer United States US
Clayton, Jack (*Mar 1, 1921) director, actor United Kingdom GB
Clayton, Paul Terrell (*Apr 29, 1967) actor Unknown XX
Clayton Mayer, John (*Sep 16, 1977) composer, guitarist, singer United States US
Clayton-Thomas, David (*Sep 13, 1941) singer United Kingdom GB
Claywell, Brett (*Apr 11, 1978) actor United States US
Cleary, Katie (*Sep 21, 1981) actress, model United States US
Cleary, Lee (*Jan 3, 1962) United Kingdom GB
Cleaver, Eldridge (*Aug 31, 1935) activist United States US
Clebanoff, Marc (*May 1, 1980) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Clech, Yvonne (*Jun 3, 1920) actress France FR
Cleese, John (*Oct 27, 1939) actor, comedian, writer, member of Monty Python United Kingdom GB
Clegg, Nick (*Jan 7, 1967) United Kingdom GB
Clegg, Terence A. (*Dec 2, 1937) actor United Kingdom GB
Clegg, Tom (*Oct 16, 1934) director, actor United Kingdom GB
Cleitman, René (*May 22, 1940) actor France FR
Clelland, David (*Jun 27, 1943) politician United Kingdom GB
Clem, Kara (*May 18, 1984) actress United States US
Clemenceau, Georges (*Sep 28, 1841) politician France FR
Clemens, Adelaide (*Nov 30, 1989) actress Australia AU
Clemens, Koby (*Dec 4, 1986) baseball player United States US
Clemens, Paul Day (*Jan 7, 1958) painter United States US
Clemens, Roger (*Aug 4, 1962) baseball player United States US
Clemens, Rolf (*Apr 15, 1937) director, scriptwriter Norway NO
Clemens, William (*Sep 10, 1905) director United States US
Clemens, Wim (*Nov 2, 1902) musician Netherlands NL
Clemenson, Christian (*Mar 17, 1958) actor United States US
Clément, Andrée (*Aug 7, 1918) actress France FR
Clément, Arnaud (*Dec 17, 1977) tennis player France FR
Clément, Aurore (*Oct 12, 1945) actress France FR
Clement, Brian (*Mar 21, 1977) actor, director Canada CA
Clement, Danielle (*Sep 1, 1982) actress United States US
Clement, Dick (*Sep 5, 1937) actor United Kingdom GB
Clement, Hal (*May 30, 1922) writer United States US
Clement, Jack (*Apr 5, 1931) United States US
Clement, Jemaine (*Jan 10, 1974) actor, scriptwriter New Zealand NZ
Clément, Jérôme (*May 18, 1945) writer, actor, scriptwriter France FR
Clement, Kerron (*Oct 31, 1985) athlete Trinidad and Tobago TT
Clement, Rene (*Mar 18, 1913) actor, director, scriptwriter France FR
Clement, Stephanie (*Nov 17, 1944) astrologer United States US
Clément, Xavier (*Nov 24, 1950) actor Unknown XX
Clemente, Anthony (*Sep 14, 1949) mass killer United States US
Clement XIV, Pope (*Oct 31, 1705) 249th Pope Italy IT
Clemente, Damian (*Jan 22, 1975) United States US
Clémenti, Pierre (*Sep 28, 1942) actor, director, scriptwriter France FR
Clements, Sarah (*Mar 11, 1983) actress United States US
Clements, Anne (*Nov 8, 1976) actress United States US
Clements, Charlie (*Jun 5, 1987) actor United Kingdom GB
Clements, Dudley (*Mar 31, 1889) actor United States US
Clements, Ron (*Apr 25, 1953) director, actor United States US
Clements, Terry (*Jul 22, 1947) musician United States US
Clemons, Kiersey (*Dec 17, 1993) actress, singer United States US
Clemons, Lorenzo (*Nov 13, 1946) actor United States US
Clendenin, Bob (*Apr 14, 1964) actor United States US
Clendenin, John L. (*May 8, 1934) director of The Home Depot United States US
Clennon, David (*May 10, 1943) actor United States US
Cleo, Miss (*Aug 12, 1962) United States US
Clerc, Julien (*Oct 4, 1947) writer France FR
Clerc-Renaud, Charles (*Jan 21, 1955) France FR
Clercq, Willy de (*Jul 8, 1927) politician Belgium BE
Clerget, Paul (*Jul 31, 1868) actor France FR
Clermont, René (*Nov 14, 1921) actor Senegal SN
Clerq, Tanaquil Le (*Oct 2, 1929) dancer France FR
Clervanne, Madeleine (*Jan 17, 1897) actress Vietnam VN
Clervoy, Jean-Francois
(*Nov 19, 1958)
astronaut France FR
Clery, Corinne (*Mar 23, 1950) actress, model France FR
Clery, Raoul (*Dec 27, 1907) actor France FR
Clésigner, Auguste (*Oct 22, 1814) painter France FR
Clessy, Michèle (*Dec 28, 1951) Belgium BE
Cleveland, Carol (*Jan 13, 1942) actress United Kingdom GB
Cleveland, Grover (*Mar 18, 1837) 22th and 24th President of the United States United States US
Cleveland, Davis (*Feb 5, 2002) actor United States US
Cleveland, Esther (*Sep 9, 1893) United States US
Cleveland, Michael (*Aug 19, 1971) victim of murder United States US
Cleveland, Odessa (*Mar 3, 1944) actress United States US
Cleven, Andrea (*Mar 15, 1978) actress Germany DE
Cleven, Harry (*Aug 19, 1956) actor, director, scriptwriter Belgium BE
Clevers, Lyne (*Oct 22, 1909) actress France FR
Cleymans, Jelle (*Aug 8, 1985) Belgium BE
Cliburn, Van (*Jul 12, 1934) musician United States US
Cliche, Karen (*Jul 22, 1976) actress, model Canada CA
Clichy, Gaël (*Jul 26, 1985) soccer player France FR
Click, Shannan (*Nov 17, 1983) actress, model United States US
Cliff, Jimmy (*Apr 1, 1948) composer, singer, actor Jamaica JM
Clifford, Daniel (*Aug 6, 1973) businessman, cook United Kingdom GB
Clifford, Doug (*Apr 24, 1945) singer United States US
Clifford, John Charles
(*Jun 12, 1947)
dancer United States US
Clifford, Michael (*Nov 20, 1995) singer, guitarist Unknown XX
Clift, Denison (*May 3, 1885) director United States US
Clift, Montgomery (*Oct 17, 1920) actor United States US
Clifton, Elmer (*Mar 14, 1890) actor, director United States US
Clifton, Jane (*Apr 10, 1949) actress Gibraltar GI
Clifton, Matt (*Nov 22, 1986) actor Australia AU
Clifton, Scott (*Oct 31, 1984) actor United States US
Clignet, Marion (*Feb 21, 1964) United States US
Clijsters, Kim (*Jun 8, 1983) tennis player Belgium BE
Climer, Megan (*Oct 29, 1990) actress United States US
Cline, Edward F. (*Nov 7, 1892) director, actor United States US
Cline, Patsy (*Sep 8, 1932) singer United States US
Cline, Robert (*May 6, 1933) politician United States US
Cline, Robert S. (*Jul 17, 1937) United States US
Cline, Wilfred M. (*Sep 3, 1903) United States US
Clinton, Bill (*Aug 19, 1946) 42nd President of the United States United States US
Clinton, Hillary (*Oct 26, 1947) senator of USA, candidate for the presidential post in the US United States US
Clinton, Chelsea (*Feb 27, 1980) United States US
Clinton, George (*Jul 22, 1941) composer, singer United States US
Clinton, George S. (*Jun 17, 1947) composer, actor United States US
Clive, Colin (*Jan 20, 1900) actor France FR
Cloche, Maurice (*Jun 17, 1907) actor, director, scriptwriter France FR
Clohessy, Robert (*Jun 10, 1957) actor United States US
Cloke, Kristen (*Sep 2, 1968) actress United States US
Clone, Eve (*Dec 26, 2002) United Kingdom GB
Clooney, George (*May 6, 1961) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Clooney, Rosemary (*May 23, 1928) actress, singer United States US
Clooney, Amal (*Feb 3, 1978) lawyer, activist Lebanon LB
Clooney, Nick (*Jan 13, 1934) actor, journalist United States US
Cloots, Anacharsis (*Jun 24, 1755) Germany DE
Cloquet, Ghislain (*Apr 18, 1924) cameraman Belgium BE
Closas, Alberto (*Oct 3, 1921) actor Spain ES
Close, Annie Maud (*Apr 26, 1988) actress United States US
Close, Chuck (*Jul 5, 1940) actor, director United States US
Close, Eric (*May 24, 1967) actor United States US
Close, Glenn (*Mar 19, 1947) actress United States US
Close, Ivy (*Jun 15, 1890) actress United Kingdom GB
Close, Joshua (*Aug 31, 1981) actor Canada CA
Closets, François de (*Dec 25, 1933) journalist France FR
Closshey, Charleene (*Jan 15, 1981) actress United States US
Clotet, Aina (*Sep 23, 1982) actress Spain ES
Clothier, William (*Sep 27, 1881) tennis player United States US
Clothier, William H. (*Feb 21, 1903) cameraman United States US
Clouse, Robert (*Mar 6, 1928) director United States US
Clouser, Charlie (*Jun 28, 1963) composer United States US
Clouser, John William (*Mar 29, 1932) United States US
Cloutier, Suzanne (*Jul 10, 1923) actress Canada CA
Clouzot, Henri-Georges
(*Nov 20, 1907)
actor, director, scriptwriter France FR
Clouzot, Véra (*Dec 30, 1913) actress Brazil BR
Clover, Amy (*Nov 2, 1983) actress Unknown XX
Clow, Barbara Hand (*Feb 14, 1943) astrologer, author United States US
Clowe, Ryane (*Sep 30, 1982) ice hockey player Canada CA
Clunes, Martin (*Nov 28, 1961) actor, director United Kingdom GB
Clunie, Michelle (*Nov 7, 1969) actress United States US
Cluny, Geneviève (*Apr 18, 1928) actress France FR
Cluytens, André (*Mar 26, 1905) conductor Belgium BE
Cluzet, François (*Sep 21, 1955) actor France FR
Clyde, Jeremy (*Mar 22, 1941) actor United Kingdom GB
Clyde, K. C. (*May 2, 1980) actor United States US
Clyde, Lord James (*Oct 30, 1898) general United Kingdom GB
Clydesdale, Victoria Elizabeth
(*May 16, 1990)
United Kingdom GB
Clyne, Nicki (*Feb 11, 1983) actress Canada CA
Cmiral, Elia (*1950) composer, actress CZSK CE
Cmíral, Jaroslav (*Mar 1, 1923) actor Czech Republic CZ
Cmíral, Josef (*Mar 18, 1928) actor Czech Republic CZ
Cmíral Sr., Jan (*Jul 13, 1924) actor Czech Republic CZ
Cmorik, Peter Cmorík (*1980) composer, singer Slovakia SK
Cnota, Jerzy (*Oct 17, 1942) actor Poland PL
Coakley, H. M. (*Jan 1, 1971) director U.S. Virgin Islands VI
Coakley, Martha (*Jul 14, 1953) lawyer United States US
Coallier, Marc-Andre (*Dec 6, 1963) Canada CA
Coase, Ronald (*Dec 29, 1910) United Kingdom GB
Coates, Eric (*Aug 27, 1886) composer United Kingdom GB
Coates, Kim (*Jan 2, 1959) actor Canada CA
Coates, Phyllis (*Jan 15, 1927) actress United States US
Coats, James (*Sep 5, 1843) writer United Kingdom GB
Coats, Wendell John (*Jul 28, 1915) general United States US
Cobain, Frances Bean (*Aug 18, 1992) singer, child of celebrity United States US
Cobain, Kurt (*Feb 20, 1967) guitarist, singer United States US
Cobb, Edmund (*Jun 23, 1892) actor United States US
Cobb, Keith Hamilton (*Jan 28, 1962) actor United States US
Cobb, Lee J. (*Dec 8, 1911) actor United States US
Cobb, Mel (*May 21, 1947) actor United States US
Cobb, Randall 'Tex' (*May 7, 1950) actor United States US
Cobb, Ty (*Dec 18, 1886) baseball player United States US