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Cook, Sailor (*Jul 2, 1998) | US | ||
Cook, Sue (*Mar 30, 1949) | GB | ||
Cook, T. S. (*Aug 25, 1947) | US | ||
Cooke, Amelia (*May 24, 1979) | actress | US | |
Cooke, Anya (*May 17, 2007) | voice actress | GB | |
Cooke, Christian (*Sep 15, 1987) | actor | GB | |
Cooke, Ethyle (*Aug 4, 1880) | actress | US | |
Cooke, Hope (*Jun 24, 1940) | US | ||
Cooke, Josh (*Nov 22, 1979) | actor | US | |
Cooke, Keith (*Sep 17, 1959) | actor | US | |
Cooke, Kirsten (*Oct 4, 1952) | actress | GB | |
Cooke, Matt (*Sep 7, 1978) | ice hockey player | CA | |
Cooke, Olivia (*Dec 27, 1993) | actress | GB | |
Cooke, Sam (*Jan 22, 1931) | singer | US | |
Cooksey, Curtis (*Dec 9, 1891) | US | ||
Cooksey, Danny (*Nov 2, 1975) | actor | US | |
Cookson, Catherine (*Jun 27, 1906) | actress | GB | |
Cool, Tre (*Dec 9, 1972) | guitarist, singer | DE | |
Cool J, LL (*Jan 14, 1968) | singer, actor | US | |
Coolen, Antoon (*Apr 17, 1897) | writer, journalist | NL | |
Cooley, Adam (*May 28, 1986) | director, actor | US | |
Cooley, Campbell (*Jan 13, 1966) | actor | US | |
Cooley, Denton Arthur (*Aug 22, 1920) | US | ||
Cooley, Eleanor S. (*Jul 23, 1886) | astrologer | GB | |
Coolidge, Calvin (*Jul 4, 1872) | 30th President of the United States | US | |
Coolidge, Clark (*Feb 26, 1939) | poet | US | |
Coolidge, Greg (*Dec 28, 1972) | director, actor | US | |
Coolidge, Jennifer (*Jun 1, 1961) | actress | US | |
Coolidge, John (*Sep 7, 1906) | US | ||
Coolidge, Martha (*Aug 17, 1946) | actress, director | US | |
Coolidge, Philip (*Aug 25, 1908) | actor | US | |
Coolidge, Rita (*May 1, 1945) | actress | US | |
Coolio, (*Aug 1, 1963) | singer, actor | US | |
Coomans, Walter (*Jan 18, 1937) | singer | BE | |
Coombes, Gaz (*Mar 8, 1976) | guitarist, singer | GB | |
Coombes, Rob Joseph (*Apr 27, 1972) | GB | ||
Coombs, Claire (*Jan 18, 1974) | GB | ||
Coombs, Jeffrey (*Sep 18, 1958) | victim of a terrorist attack on the WTC | US | |
Coombs, Simon (*Feb 21, 1947) | politician | GB | |
Coombs, Torrance (*Jun 14, 1983) | actor | CA | |
Coon, Carrie (*Jan 24, 1981) | actress | US | |
Cooney, Joan Ganz (*Nov 30, 1929) | US | ||
Cooney, Kevin (*Oct 2, 1945) | actor | US | |
Cooper, Gary (*May 7, 1901) | actor, singer | US | |
Cooper, Alice (*Feb 4, 1948) | musician, singer, actor | US | |
Cooper, James Fenimore
(*Sep 15, 1789) |
novelist, historian, US Navy sailor | US | |
Cooper, Gordon (*Mar 6, 1927) | American military pilot, astronaut of the first space flights | US | |
Cooper, Cal (*Oct 9, 1973) | singer, member of a boy group Worlds Apart | US | |
Cooper, Anderson (*Jun 3, 1967) | journalist | US | |
Cooper, Ben (*Sep 30, 1933) | actor | US | |
Cooper, Bill (*May 6, 1943) | US | ||
Cooper, Bradley (*Jan 5, 1975) | actor | US | |
Cooper, Calico (*May 19, 1981) | US | ||
Cooper, Cameron (*Apr 14, 1939) | actress | US | |
Cooper, Carter (*Jan 27, 1965) | US | ||
Cooper, Chris (*Jul 9, 1951) | actor | US | |
Cooper, Chuck (*Nov 8, 1954) | actor | US | |
Cooper, Claude (*Sep 4, 1880) | GB | ||
Cooper, Damon Warren (*Apr 27, 1919) | pilot | US | |
Cooper, Darin (*Apr 15, 1966) | actor | US | |
Cooper, David Wesley (*Jan 24, 1971) | actor | US | |
Cooper, Dee (*May 25, 1920) | actor | US | |
Cooper, Dennis (*Jan 10, 1953) | writer | US | |
Cooper, Dominic (*Jun 2, 1978) | actor, singer | GB | |
Cooper, Giles (*Aug 9, 1918) | IE | ||
Cooper, Gladys (*Dec 18, 1888) | actress | GB | |
Cooper, Henry (*May 3, 1934) | boxer | GB | |
Cooper, Jackie (*Sep 15, 1922) | director, actor | US | |
Cooper, Jane Marvel (*Oct 9, 1924) | poet | US | |
Cooper, Jeanne (*Oct 25, 1928) | actress | US | |
Cooper, Jilly (*Feb 21, 1937) | writer | GB | |
Cooper, John (*Apr 7, 1975) | bassist, singer | US | |
Cooper, Justin (*Nov 17, 1988) | actor | US | |
Cooper, Kenneth Banks (*Nov 12, 1923) | general | US | |
Cooper, Marc (*Dec 18, 1950) | journalist | US | |
Cooper, Marie (*Sep 15, 1937) | actress | US | |
Cooper, Merian C. (*Oct 24, 1893) | director, actor | US | |
Cooper, Miriam (*Nov 7, 1891) | actress | US | |
Cooper, Noah (*Mar 7, 1983) | director, scriptwriter | US | |
Cooper, Ray (*Aug 19, 1942) | composer, musician, actor | GB | |
Cooper, Reggie (*Jul 11, 1968) | athlete | XX | |
Cooper, Richard (*Nov 1, 1964) | athlete | XX | |
Cooper, Robert C. (*Oct 14, 1968) | director, actor | CA | |
Cooper, Roy (*Jan 22, 1930) | actor | GB | |
Cooper, Terence (*Jul 5, 1933) | actor | GB | |
Cooper, Tommy (*Mar 19, 1921) | actor | GB | |
Cooper Sterry, Charlotte
(*Sep 22, 1870) |
tennis player | GB | |
Coopes, Rachel (*Jul 30, 1978) | actress | AU | |
Coopwood, Jeff (*Jun 29, 1958) | actor | US | |
Coors, Fiona (*Jun 7, 1972) | actress | DE | |
Coors, Pete (*Sep 20, 1946) | US | ||
Coors, William K. (*Aug 11, 1916) | chemist | US | |
Coote, Greg (*Oct 5, 1942) | actor | AU | |
Cop, Karel (*Oct 14, 1930) | actor, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Copas, Jeff (*Dec 29, 1976) | actor | DE | |
Cope, Derrike (*Nov 3, 1958) | racing driver | US | |
Cope, Jamie (*Sep 12, 1985) | GB | ||
Cope, Julian (*Oct 21, 1957) | composer, bassist, singer | GB | |
Cope, Kenneth (*Jun 14, 1931) | actor | GB | |
Cope, Kenneth (*Jul 14, 1934) | actor | GB | |
Copeland, Adam (*Oct 30, 1973) | actor, wrestler | CA | |
Copeland, Joan (*Jun 1, 1922) | actress | US | |
Copeland, Kristina (*Jan 14, 1973) | actress | CA | |
Copeland, Stewart (*Jul 16, 1952) | composer, drummer, singer | US | |
Copeland, Todd (*May 18, 1968) | ice hockey player | US | |
Copi, (*Nov 20, 1939) | writer, scriptwriter | AR | |
Copernicus, Nicolaus (*Feb 28, 1473) | astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, doctor | PL | |
Copland, Aaron (*Nov 14, 1900) | composer | US | |
Copley, Paul (*Nov 25, 1944) | actor | GB | |
Copley, Sharlto (*Nov 27, 1973) | actor, director, scriptwriter | ZA | |
Copon, Michael (*Nov 13, 1982) | actor, singer | US | |
Copp, Oscar (*Jul 23, 1989) | actor | XX | |
Coppé, Albert (*Nov 26, 1911) | politician | BE | |
Coppée, François (*Jan 26, 1842) | writer | FR | |
Copperfield, David (*Sep 16, 1956) | magician, illusionist, showman | US | |
Copperman, Ross (*Oct 1, 1982) | composer, singer | US | |
Coppernolle, Willy (*Aug 9, 1943) | BE | ||
Coppi, Fausto (*Sep 15, 1919) | IT | ||
Copping, Martin (*Nov 1, 1977) | actor | AU | |
Coppola, Alicia (*Apr 12, 1968) | actress | US | |
Coppola, Bruno (*Mar 2, 1914) | fashion designer | IT | |
Coppola, Carmine (*Jun 11, 1910) | composer, actor | US | |
Coppola, Christopher (*Jan 25, 1962) | actor, director | US | |
Coppola, Cosima (*Oct 17, 1983) | actress | IT | |
Coppola, Francis Ford (*Apr 7, 1939) | director | US | |
Coppola, Frank (*Oct 6, 1899) | IT | ||
Coppola, Gia (*Jan 1, 1987) | actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Coppola, Gian-Carlo (*Sep 17, 1963) | producer | US | |
Coppola, Italia Pennino
(*Dec 12, 1912) |
composer | US | |
Coppola, Marc (*Apr 29, 1958) | actor | US | |
Coppola, Roman (*Apr 22, 1965) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Coppola, Sam (*Jul 31, 1935) | actor | US | |
Coppola, Sofia (*May 14, 1971) | actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Copps-Marrero, Danielle
(*Mar 26, 1987) |
CA | ||
Copus, Nick (*Sep 4, 1966) | director | GB | |
Copus, Rory (*Mar 27, 1991) | actor | XX | |
Coquard, Bryan (*Apr 25, 1992) | FR | ||
Coquatrix, Bruno (*Aug 5, 1910) | musician | FR | |
Coquerel, Flora (*Apr 14, 1994) | FR | ||
Coquillon, John (*Jul 29, 1930) | cameraman | NL | |
Cor, Jon (*Nov 17, 1984) | actor | CA | |
Cora, Cat (*Apr 3, 1967) | presenter, cook | US | |
Corabi, John (*Apr 26, 1959) | singer, guitarist | US | |
Coraci, Frank (*Feb 3, 1966) | director, actor | US | |
Coralie, (*Nov 4, 1976) | actress, director, porn actress, scriptwriter | FR | |
Corazza, Vince (*Dec 6, 1972) | actor | CA | |
Corazzini, Sergio (*Feb 6, 1886) | poet | IT | |
Corb, Morty (*Apr 10, 1917) | musician | US | |
Corbacho, José (*Dec 12, 1965) | actor, director, scriptwriter | ES | |
Corbeil, Normand (*Apr 6, 1956) | composer, actor | CA | |
Corbelli, Giorgio (*Jul 17, 1955) | IT | ||
Corbelli, Guido (*Mar 16, 1913) | soccer player | IT | |
Corbellini, Vanni (*Feb 6, 1955) | actor | IT | |
Corbet, Brady (*Aug 17, 1988) | actor | US | |
Corbett, Ben (*Feb 6, 1892) | actor | US | |
Corbett, Denis (*Dec 9, 1948) | actor | CA | |
Corbett, Gentleman Jim
(*Sep 1, 1866) |
actor | US | |
Corbett, John (*May 9, 1961) | actor | US | |
Corbett, Michael (*Jun 20, 1956) | actor | US | |
Corbett, Richard (*Jan 6, 1955) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | GB | |
Corbett, Robin (*Dec 22, 1943) | politician | AU | |
Corbett, Ronnie (*Dec 4, 1930) | actor | GB | |
Corbett, Yolanda (*Oct 19, 1942) | actress | US | |
Corbey, Dorette (*Jul 19, 1957) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | NL | |
Corbiau, Gérard (*Sep 19, 1941) | director, scriptwriter | BE | |
Corbière, Tristan (*Jul 18, 1845) | writer, poet | FR | |
Corbijn, Anton (*May 20, 1955) | actor, director, scriptwriter | NL | |
Corbin, Barry (*Oct 16, 1940) | actor | US | |
Corbin, Thomas G. (*Jan 14, 1917) | general | US | |
Corbin, Tyrone (*Dec 31, 1962) | basketball player | US | |
Corbin, Virginia Lee (*Dec 5, 1911) | actress | US | |
Corbucci, Bruno (*Oct 23, 1931) | director, scriptwriter | IT | |
Corbucci, Sergio (*Dec 6, 1926) | director, actor | IT | |
Corby, Ellen (*Jun 3, 1911) | actress | US | |
Corcoran, Donna (*Sep 29, 1942) | actress | US | |
Corcoran, John J. (*Oct 2, 1957) | US | ||
Corcoran, Noreen (*Oct 20, 1943) | actress, dancer | US | |
Cord, Alex (*May 3, 1933) | actor | US | |
Corda, Giovanna (*Nov 2, 1952) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | IT | |
Corda, María (*May 4, 1902) | actress | HU | |
Corday, Irène (*Mar 8, 1919) | actress | FR | |
Corday, Mara (*Jan 3, 1930) | actress | US | |
Corday, Rita (*Oct 20, 1920) | actress | XX | |
Corddry, Nate (*Sep 8, 1977) | actor | US | |
Corddry, Rob (*Feb 4, 1971) | actor | US | |
Cordell, Cathleen (*May 21, 1915) | actress | US | |
Cordell, Frank (*Jul 1, 1918) | composer | GB | |
Corden, James (*Jun 17, 1978) | actor | GB | |
Corder, Brian (*Jul 6, 1979) | director | US | |
Cordero, Luca (*Aug 31, 1947) | IT | ||
Cordero, Sebastián (*May 23, 1972) | director, scriptwriter | EC | |
Cordero Lanza, Andrea (*Aug 27, 1925) | priest | IT | |
Cordiglia, Giancarlo Judica
(*Sep 30, 1971) |
IT | ||
Cording, Harry (*Apr 26, 1891) | actor | GB | |
Cordonnier, Gerard (*Apr 19, 1907) | FR | ||
Cordonnier, Marie (*Oct 9, 1948) | writer | DE | |
Cordoue, Michèle (*Dec 31, 1920) | actress | FR | |
Cordova, Arturo de (*May 19, 1908) | actor | MX | |
Cordova, Nichole (*Aug 17, 1989) | singer, dancer | US | |
Cords, Werner (*Nov 19, 1886) | architect | DE | |
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