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Collor de Mello, Pedro
(*Dec 14, 1952) |
BR | ||
Collora, Sandy (*Aug 8, 1968) | director | US | |
Collyer, June (*Aug 19, 1904) | actress | US | |
Collymore, Stan (*Jan 22, 1971) | actor | GB | |
Colman, Edward (*Jan 25, 1905) | actor, cameraman | US | |
Colman, Olivia (*Jan 30, 1974) | actress | GB | |
Colman, Paul (*Aug 22, 1967) | composer, guitarist, singer | GB | |
Colman, Ronald (*Feb 9, 1891) | actor | GB | |
Colman, Trevor (*Aug 27, 1941) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | GB | |
Colmenares, Fabiola (*Aug 28, 1974) | actress | VE | |
Colmenares, Grecia (*Dec 7, 1962) | actress | VE | |
Colmes, Alan (*Sep 24, 1950) | journalist | US | |
Colmes, Walter (*May 19, 1917) | director | US | |
Cologna, Dario (*Mar 11, 1986) | cross-country skier | CH | |
Coloma, Marcus (*Oct 18, 1978) | actor | US | |
Colombari, Martina (*Jul 10, 1975) | IT | ||
Colombie, Max (*Feb 22, 1991) | singer | BE | |
Colombier, Michel (*May 23, 1939) | composer, actor | FR | |
Colombier, Pierre (*Mar 18, 1896) | director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Colombo, Alberto (*Nov 27, 1888) | US | ||
Colombo, Emilio (*Apr 11, 1920) | politician | IT | |
Colombo, Gabriele (*May 11, 1972) | IT | ||
Colombo, Joe (*Jul 30, 1930) | designer | IT | |
Colombo, Luca (*Dec 26, 1969) | IT | ||
Colombo, Lukas (*Dec 15, 1987) | director, cameraman, scriptwriter | US | |
Colombo, Marie-Pierre (*Jul 26, 1963) | FR | ||
Colombo, Vera (*Aug 10, 1931) | IT | ||
Colombo, Vittorino (*Apr 3, 1925) | politician | IT | |
Colomby, Bobby (*Dec 20, 1944) | drummer | US | |
Colomer, Francesc (*Jun 8, 1997) | actor | ES | |
Colomo, Fernando (*Feb 2, 1946) | actor, director, scriptwriter | ES | |
Colon, Alex (*Jan 26, 1941) | actor | PR | |
Colon, Dave (*Apr 5, 1955) | actor | US | |
Colon, Miriam (*Aug 20, 1936) | actress | PR | |
Colón, Willie (*May 28, 1950) | actor | US | |
Colonna, Dominique (*Sep 4, 1928) | soccer player | FR | |
Colosimo, Vince (*Nov 11, 1966) | actor | AU | |
Colosio, Luis Donaldo (*Feb 10, 1950) | politician | MX | |
Colpeyn, Louisa (*Feb 24, 1918) | actress | BE | |
Colpi, Henri (*Jul 15, 1921) | scriptwriter, director | CH | |
Colpin, Charles (*Dec 29, 1924) | boxer | BE | |
Colt, Johnny (*May 1, 1966) | bassist | US | |
Colt, Samuel (*Jul 19, 1814) | US | ||
Colt, Zebedy (*Dec 20, 1929) | US | ||
Colt 1909, Samuel (*Nov 28, 1909) | US | ||
Colter, Mike (*Aug 26, 1976) | actor | US | |
Coltrane, John (*Sep 23, 1926) | musician | US | |
Coltrane, Robbie (*Mar 31, 1950) | actor | GB | |
Colucci, George G. (*Aug 24, 1960) | actor | US | |
Colucci, Marius (*Oct 16, 1976) | actor | FR | |
Coluche, (*Oct 28, 1944) | actor | FR | |
Columbeanu, Mihnea (*Jan 4, 1960) | RO | ||
Columbo, Patricia Ann (*Jun 21, 1956) | murderess | US | |
Columbo, Russ (*Jan 14, 1908) | musician, singer, actor | US | |
Columbro, Marco (*Jun 28, 1950) | actor | IT | |
Columbu, Franco (*Aug 17, 1941) | actor, director | IT | |
Columbus, Chris (*Sep 10, 1958) | director, actor | US | |
Columbus, Eleanor (*Oct 12, 1989) | actress | XX | |
Colunga, Fernando (*Mar 3, 1966) | actor | MX | |
Colussi, Alberto (*Jul 14, 1938) | general | IT | |
Colussi, Giacomo (*Nov 26, 1914) | IT | ||
Coluzzi, Francesca Romana
(*May 20, 1943) |
actress | AL | |
Coluzzi, Luigi (*Feb 9, 1930) | boxer | IT | |
Colvig, Pinto (*Sep 11, 1892) | US | ||
Colville-Andersen, Mikael
(*Jan 29, 1968) |
XX | ||
Colvin, Eric (*Apr 1, 1966) | actor | GB | |
Colvin, Marie (*Jan 12, 1956) | journalist | US | |
Colvin, Michael (*Sep 27, 1932) | politician | GB | |
Colvocoresses, Alden Partridge
(*Sep 23, 1918) |
US | ||
Coly, Ferdinand (*Sep 10, 1973) | soccer player | SN | |
Colzin, Gilbert (*Feb 14, 1946) | FR | ||
Coma, Agim (*Feb 17, 1958) | actor | XX | |
Coman, Cornel (*Jun 14, 1936) | actor | XX | |
Comandini, Adele (*Apr 29, 1898) | writer, scriptwriter | US | |
Comaneci, Nadia (*Nov 12, 1961) | actress, gymnast | RO | |
Comaneci, Alexandrina Stefania
(*Jul 5, 1941) |
RO | ||
Comas, Marina (*Sep 1, 1996) | actress | ES | |
Comaschi, Luciano (*Jul 3, 1931) | soccer player | IT | |
Combes, Carole (*Nov 1, 1992) | FR | ||
Combes, Gaston (*Feb 29, 1920) | FR | ||
Combescot, Pierre (*Jan 9, 1940) | writer, journalist | FR | |
Combi, Giampiero (*Dec 20, 1902) | soccer player | IT | |
Combret, Georges (*Nov 11, 1906) | director | FR | |
Combs, Christopher (*Dec 6, 1988) | US | ||
Combs, D'Lila Star (*Dec 21, 2006) | child of celebrity, twin | US | |
Combs, Glen (*Oct 30, 1946) | basketball player | US | |
Combs, Holly Marie (*Dec 3, 1973) | actress | US | |
Combs, Jeffrey (*Sep 9, 1954) | actor | US | |
Combs, Jessie James (*Dec 21, 2006) | child of celebrity, twin | US | |
Combs, Lauralei (*Jan 5, 1958) | actress, singer | US | |
Combs, Ryan (*Sep 18, 1974) | director | US | |
Comden, Betty (*May 3, 1915) | actress, scriptwriter | US | |
Comden, Danny (*Apr 10, 1969) | actor | US | |
Comeau, Andy (*Oct 19, 1970) | actor | US | |
Comegys, Kathleen (*Jul 25, 1893) | actress | US | |
Comelin, Jean-Paul (*Sep 10, 1936) | dancer | FR | |
Comello, Lodovica (*Apr 13, 1990) | singer, actress, dancer | IT | |
Comencini, Cristina (*May 8, 1956) | actress, director | IT | |
Comencini, Francesca (*Aug 19, 1961) | actress, director, scriptwriter | IT | |
Comencini, Luigi (*Jun 8, 1916) | actor, director, scriptwriter | IT | |
Comer, Anjanette (*Aug 7, 1939) | actress | US | |
Comer, Jodie (*Mar 11, 1993) | actress | GB | |
Comer, John (*Dec 8, 1960) | actor | IE | |
Comfort, Alex (*Feb 10, 1920) | actor | GB | |
Cometan, Cometan (*Jul 1, 1998) | autodidactic philosopher, astronomer, founder of Astronism religion | GB | |
Comfort, Ray (*Dec 5, 1949) | actor, director, scriptwriter | NZ | |
Comi, Paul (*Feb 11, 1932) | actor | US | |
Comingore, Dorothy (*Aug 24, 1913) | actress | US | |
Commandeur, Jérôme (*Apr 12, 1976) | actor | FR | |
Commerford, Tim (*Feb 26, 1968) | actor | US | |
Common, (*Mar 13, 1972) | singer, actor | US | |
Commondt, Bjarne (*Dec 9, 1911) | actor, director | FI | |
Commons, Kim (*Jul 23, 1951) | US | ||
Commoy, Pierre (*Aug 15, 1949) | photographer | FR | |
Comnea, Dana (*1933) | actress | SK | |
Como, Rossella (*Jan 12, 1937) | actress | IT | |
Compagnoni, Achille (*Sep 26, 1914) | skier | IT | |
Compagnoni, Deborah (*Jun 4, 1970) | skier | IT | |
Companeez, Nina (*Aug 26, 1937) | actress, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Comploi, Georg (*Nov 9, 1968) | ice hockey player | IT | |
Complojer, Vera (*Aug 16, 1896) | actress | UH | |
Compson, Betty (*Mar 19, 1897) | actress | US | |
Compston, Martin (*May 8, 1984) | actor | GB | |
Compton, Arthur Holly (*Sep 10, 1892) | physicist | US | |
Compton, Christopher (*Oct 26, 1961) | director | US | |
Compton, Joyce (*Jan 27, 1907) | actress | US | |
Compton, Lynn (*Dec 31, 1921) | soldier | US | |
Compton, O'Neal (*Feb 5, 1951) | actor | US | |
Compton, Richard (*Mar 2, 1938) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Comrie, Mike (*Sep 11, 1980) | ice hockey player | CA | |
Comshaw, Lisa (*Feb 18, 1964) | actress | US | |
Comte, Auguste (*Jan 19, 1798) | mathematician | FR | |
Comte, Michel (*Feb 19, 1954) | director, scriptwriter | CH | |
Comtesse de Loynes, (*Jan 18, 1837) | FR | ||
Comtois, Bruce (*Jul 17, 1962) | actor | US | |
Cón, Karel (*1951) | composer | SK | |
Conan, Agnès (*Aug 29, 1982) | actress | FR | |
Conan Doyle, Arthur (*May 22, 1859) | writer | GB | |
Conant, Scott (*Feb 19, 1971) | businessman, cook | US | |
Conant, Sean (*Jun 18, 1982) | actor | US | |
Conaty, James (*Dec 13, 1895) | actor | US | |
Conaway, Jarrett Lee (*Mar 18, 1982) | director | US | |
Conaway, Jeff (*Oct 5, 1950) | actor | US | |
Conboy, Peter (*Feb 22, 1962) | actor | US | |
Concha, Billy (*Feb 25, 1963) | actor | US | |
Conchon, Georges (*May 9, 1925) | writer | FR | |
Concini, Ennio De (*Dec 9, 1923) | actor | IT | |
Conde, José Antonio Nieves
(*Dec 22, 1915) |
director | ES | |
Conde, Mario (*Sep 14, 1948) | politician, lawyer, businessman | ES | |
Conde, Ninel (*Sep 29, 1970) | singer, actress, model, presenter | MX | |
Condeescu, Ada (*Jul 2, 1988) | actress | RO | |
Condit, Gary (*Apr 21, 1948) | politician | US | |
Condon, Bill (*Oct 22, 1955) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Condon, Bree (*Mar 3, 1986) | actress | US | |
Condon, Charles R. (*Jul 10, 1894) | XX | ||
Condon, Elizabeth (*Dec 10, 1942) | politician | US | |
Condon, Kerry (*Jan 4, 1983) | actress | IE | |
Condon, Richard (*Mar 18, 1915) | writer, scriptwriter | US | |
Condos, Katia (*May 15, 1968) | XX | ||
Condra, Julie (*Dec 1, 1970) | actress | US | |
Condurache, Dan (*Jul 26, 1952) | actor | RO | |
Cone, David (*Jan 2, 1963) | baseball player | US | |
Cone, Stephen (*Aug 10, 1980) | director, actor | US | |
Confalone, Marina (*Jun 2, 1951) | actress | IT | |
Confalonieri, Marco (*Aug 16, 1953) | IT | ||
Confurius, Henriette (*Feb 5, 1991) | DE | ||
Congdon, Jessica (*Apr 25, 1972) | director | US | |
Conger, Harry M. (*Jul 22, 1930) | US | ||
Conigliaro, Tony (*Jan 7, 1945) | baseball player | US | |
Conigrave, Timothy (*Nov 19, 1959) | writer, actor, activist | AU | |
Conine, Jeff (*Jun 27, 1966) | baseball player | US | |
Coninx, Stijn (*Feb 21, 1957) | director | BE | |
Conklin, Chester (*Jan 11, 1886) | actor | US | |
Conklin, Heinie (*Jul 16, 1886) | actor | US | |
Conklin, Ty (*Mar 30, 1976) | US | ||
Conlee, Chris (*Mar 5, 1967) | director | US | |
Conlee, John Wayne (*Aug 11, 1946) | singer | US | |
Conley, Darlene (*Jul 18, 1934) | actress | IE | |
Conley, Earl Thomas (*Oct 17, 1941) | singer | US | |
Conley, Lige (*Dec 5, 1897) | actor | US | |
Conlin, Michaela (*Jun 9, 1978) | actress | US | |
Conlon, Marty (*Jan 19, 1968) | basketball player | US | |
Conlon, Sean (*May 20, 1981) | singer | GB | |
Conn, Amiée (*Aug 29, 1985) | actress | US | |
Conn, David (*Oct 5, 1950) | US | ||
Conn, Didi (*Jun 13, 1951) | actress | US | |
Conn, Nicole (*Oct 29, 1959) | actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Conn, Stewart (*Nov 5, 1936) | poet | GB | |
Conn, Terri (*Jan 28, 1975) | actress | US | |
Connally, John (*Feb 27, 1917) | politician | US | |
Conneau-Symours, Edouard
(*Apr 25, 1903) |
DZ | ||
Conneff, Kevin (*Feb 8, 1945) | musician, actor | IE | |
Connell, David (*Oct 6, 1931) | US | ||
Connell, Evan Shelby (*Aug 17, 1924) | writer | US | |
Connell, Gaelan (*May 19, 1989) | musician, actor | US | |
Connell, Jane (*Oct 27, 1925) | actress | US | |
Connell, Kelly (*Jun 9, 1956) | actor | US | |
Connell, Richard (*Oct 17, 1893) | composer | US | |
Connelly, Christopher (*Sep 8, 1941) | actor | US | |
Connelly, Jennifer (*Dec 12, 1970) | actress | US | |
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