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Celebrities - Surname "M" (8024)

McGlothen, Steven R. (*Oct 3, 1951) actor United States US
McGlynn, John (*Sep 8, 1953) actor United Kingdom GB
McGlynn, Mary Elizabeth
(*Oct 16, 1966)
actress United States US
McGlynn, Pat (*Mar 31, 1958) musician United Kingdom GB
McGlynn Sr., Frank (*Oct 26, 1866) actor United States US
McGonagle, James (*Mar 20, 1983) United States US
McGonagle, Richard (*Oct 22, 1946) actor United States US
McGoohan, Catherine (*May 31, 1952) actress United Kingdom GB
McGoohan, Patrick (*Mar 19, 1928) actor United States US
McGovern, Elizabeth (*Jul 18, 1961) actress United States US
McGovern, Patrick (*Aug 11, 1937) businessman, founder and CEO of International Data Group United States US
McGovern, George (*Jul 19, 1922) politician United States US
McGovern, Jim (*Feb 5, 1965) golfer United States US
McGovern, Maureen (*Jul 27, 1949) actress United States US
McGovern, Melanie Sue (*Feb 5, 1995) United States US
McGovern, Terence (*May 11, 1942) actor United States US
McGowan, Alistair (*Nov 24, 1964) actor Unknown XX
McGowan, George V. (*Jan 30, 1928) United States US
McGowan, James (*May 30, 1960) actor Canada CA
McGowan, Lord (*Jun 3, 1874) chemist United Kingdom GB
McGowan, Mickie (*Jan 2, 1938) actress United States US
McGowan, Robert A. (*May 22, 1901) actor United States US
McGowan, Robert F. (*Jul 11, 1882) director, actor United States US
McGowan, Rose (*Sep 5, 1973) actress, singer, model Italy IT
McGowan, Tom (*Jul 26, 1959) actor United States US
McGrady, Michael (*May 30, 1960) actor Unknown XX
McGrady, Tracy (*May 24, 1979) basketball player United States US
McGrath, Blake (*Nov 21, 1983) actor, dancer Canada CA
McGrath, Dave (*Apr 2, 1981) United States US
McGrath, Denis (*Sep 21, 1968) Unknown XX
McGrath, Derek (*Jun 4, 1951) actor Canada CA
McGrath, Doug (*Apr 13, 1935) actor Canada CA
McGrath, James (*Jan 20, 2000) Australia AU
McGrath, Katie (*Oct 24, 1983) actress Ireland IE
McGrath, Mark (*Mar 15, 1968) singer United States US
McGrath, Matt (*Jun 11, 1969) United States US
McGrath, Rory (*Mar 17, 1956) actor United Kingdom GB
McGrath, Tim (*Jul 1, 1987) actor United States US
McGrath, Tom (*Aug 7, 1964) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Mcgrattan, Brian (*Sep 2, 1981) ice hockey player Canada CA
McGraw, Audrey (*Dec 6, 2001) United States US
McGraw, Charles (*May 10, 1914) actor United States US
McGraw, Leslie G. (*Nov 3, 1934) United States US
McGraw, Melinda (*Oct 25, 1963) actress Cyprus CY
McGraw, Phil (*Sep 1, 1950) psychologist United States US
McGraw, Tim (*May 1, 1967) actor, singer United States US
McGraw, William (*Sep 30, 1920) actor United States US
McGreevey, James E. (*Aug 6, 1957) guvernor United States US
McGregor, Angela Punch
(*Jan 21, 1953)
actress Australia AU
McGregor, Conor (*Jul 14, 1988) professional mixed martial artist and boxer Ireland IE
McGregor, Bryan (*Jun 27, 1984) ice hockey player Canada CA
McGregor, Ewan (*Mar 31, 1971) actor, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
McGregor, Jane (*Jan 1, 1983) actress Canada CA
McGregor, Malcolm (*Oct 13, 1892) actor United States US
McGregor-Stewart, Kate
(*Oct 4, 1944)
actress United States US
McGriff, Fred (*Oct 31, 1963) baseball player United States US
McGrory, Mary (*Aug 22, 1918) United States US
McGrory, Matthew (*May 17, 1973) actor United States US
McGruder, Aaron (*May 29, 1974) actor, scriptwriter United States US
McGuckian, Liam (*Dec 1, 1997) actor Canada CA
McGuckian, Mary (*May 27, 1965) actress, director, scriptwriter Ireland IE
McGuigan, Barry (*Feb 28, 1961) boxer Ireland IE
McGuigan, Paul (*Sep 19, 1963) director United Kingdom GB
McGuiness, Jay (*Jul 24, 1990) composer, drummer, singer, dancer United Kingdom GB
McGuinn, Joe (*Jan 21, 1904) actor United States US
McGuinn, Patrick (*Oct 19, 1966) director, scriptwriter United States US
McGuinn, Roger (*Jul 13, 1942) guitarist, singer United States US
McGuinness, Mairead (*Jun 13, 1959) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Ireland IE
McGuinness, Martin (*May 23, 1950) United Kingdom GB
McGuinness, Tom (*Sep 8, 1959) United States US
McGuinty, Dalton (*Jul 19, 1955) politician Canada CA
McGuire, Al (*Sep 7, 1928) basketball player United States US
McGuire, Biff (*Oct 25, 1926) United States US
McGuire, Brian (*Mar 4, 1975) actor, director United States US
McGuire, Dick (*Jan 25, 1926) basketball player United States US
McGuire, Don (*Feb 28, 1919) director, actor United States US
McGuire, Dorothy (*Jun 14, 1916) actress United States US
McGuire, Dotty (*Feb 13, 1928) United States US
McGuire, Jason (*Sep 17, 1978) actor United States US
McGuire, Kathryn (*Dec 6, 1903) actress United States US
McGuire, Mickey (*Jan 18, 1941) baseball player United States US
McGuire, Norman Gregory
(*Jan 6, 1970)
United States US
McGuire, Paul (*Aug 25, 1971) actor United Kingdom GB
McGuire, Phyllis (*Feb 14, 1931) United States US
McGuire, William Anthony
(*Jul 9, 1881)
United States US
McGurran, Frank (*Apr 26, 1974) Unknown XX
McGwire, Mark (*Oct 1, 1963) baseball player United States US
McHale, Joel (*Nov 20, 1971) actor Italy IT
McHale, Kevin (*Jun 14, 1988) actor, singer United States US
McHattie, Stephen (*Feb 3, 1947) actor, director Canada CA
Mchedlidze, Nana (*Mar 20, 1926) actress, director Georgia GE
McHenry, Donald (*Oct 13, 1936) United States US
McHenry, Edward (*Aug 25, 1983) director United Kingdom GB
McHugh, Frank (*May 23, 1898) actor United States US
McHugh, James T. (*Jan 3, 1932) United States US
McHugh, Kizzy (*Mar 14, 1979) actress, singer Netherlands NL
McHugh, Shon (*Sep 24, 1976) murderer United States US
McHugh, Steven (*Mar 7, 1955) United States US
McIlrath, Tim (*Nov 3, 1979) singer, guitarist United States US
McIlroy, Sammy (*Aug 2, 1954) actor Ireland IE
McIlvaine, Jim (*Jul 30, 1972) basketball player United States US
McInerney, Bernie (*Dec 4, 1936) actor United States US
McInerney, John (*Sep 7, 1957) British-German singer, songwriter, leadsinger of the Bad Boys Blue United Kingdom GB
McIninch, Katie Emme (*Dec 24, 1978) Canada CA
McInnerny, Tim (*Sep 18, 1956) actor United Kingdom GB
McInnes, Gavin (*Jul 17, 1970) actor, director, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
McInnes, Harold A. (*Sep 17, 1927) United States US
McInnes, William (*Sep 10, 1961) actor Australia AU
McInnis, Jeff (*Oct 22, 1974) basketball player United States US
McInnis, Matt (*Oct 5, 1983) actor, director Canada CA
McInsane, Theon (*Jul 26, 1982) singer Finland FI
McIntire, Christian (*Feb 26, 1964) director, actor United States US
McIntire, John (*Jun 27, 1907) actor United States US
McIntosh, Bradley Mcintosh (*Aug 8, 1981) actor, singer United Kingdom GB
McIntosh, J. M. (*Feb 14, 1925) writer, journalist United Kingdom GB
McIntosh, Lorraine (*May 13, 1964) United Kingdom GB
McIntosh, Neve (*Jan 1, 1972) actress United Kingdom GB
McIntosh, Pollyanna (*Mar 15, 1979) actress United Kingdom GB
McIntosh, Robbie (*Oct 25, 1957) actor, composer United Kingdom GB
McIntyre, Christine (*Apr 16, 1911) actress United States US
McIntyre, Dianne (*Jul 18, 1946) United States US
McIntyre, Griffin (*Nov 20, 2007) musician United States US
McIntyre, Joey (*Dec 31, 1972) actor, singer United States US
McIntyre, Liam (*Feb 8, 1982) actor Australia AU
McIntyre, O. O. (*Feb 18, 1884) writer United States US
McIntyre, Onnie (*Sep 25, 1945) musician United Kingdom GB
McIntyre, Peter (*Jul 4, 1910) artist New Zealand NZ
McIntyre, Stokes (*Nov 8, 1972) director United States US
McIntyre Jr., John (*Jul 3, 1952) United States US
McIver, Rose (*Oct 20, 1987) actress New Zealand NZ
McKagan, Duff (*Feb 5, 1964) composer, bassist, singer United States US
McKay, Adam (*Apr 17, 1968) director, actor United States US
McKay, Allen (*Feb 5, 1927) politician United Kingdom GB
McKay, Christian (*Jan 1, 1973) actor United Kingdom GB
McKay, Gardner (*Jun 10, 1932) actor United States US
McKay, Helen M. M. (*May 23, 1891) physicist United Kingdom GB
McKay, Hilary (*Jun 12, 1959) writer United Kingdom GB
McKay, Jim (*Sep 24, 1921) journalist United States US
McKay, John Francis (*Jun 27, 1983) victim of murder United States US
McKay, Myles (*Jul 19, 1986) basketball player United States US
McKay, Nellie (*Apr 13, 1982) singer, actress United Kingdom GB
McKay, Nicole (*Sep 16, 1979) actress Canada CA
McKay, Wanda (*Jun 22, 1915) actress United States US
McKay-Clements, John (*Oct 12, 1961) astrologer Canada CA
McKayla, (*Sep 4, 1979) United States US
McKean, Dave (*Dec 29, 1963) actor, director, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
McKean, Michael (*Oct 17, 1947) actor United States US
McKee, Bonnie (*Jan 20, 1984) singer, actress United States US
McKee, Danielle (*Apr 21, 1977) actress United States US
McKee, George H. (*Apr 28, 1923) general United States US
McKee, Gina (*Apr 14, 1964) actress United Kingdom GB
McKee, Jim (*Feb 1, 1947) baseball player United States US
McKee, John (*Dec 30, 1916) actor United States US
McKee, Lafe (*Jan 23, 1872) actor United States US
McKee, Lonette (*Jul 22, 1954) actress United States US
McKee, Lucky (*Nov 1, 1975) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
McKee, Maria (*Aug 17, 1964) singer United States US
McKee, Roxanne (*Aug 10, 1980) actress Canada CA
McKeehan, Michael (*Apr 22, 1986) United States US
McKeen, Chester M. (*Mar 18, 1923) general United States US
McKeen, Roger (*Aug 29, 1954) actor Canada CA
McKellar, Danica (*Jan 3, 1975) actress, mathematician United States US
McKellar, Don (*Aug 17, 1963) actor Canada CA
McKellen, Ian (*May 25, 1939) actor United Kingdom GB
McKellen, Joan (*Mar 8, 1921) actress United States US
McKelvey, William (*Jul 8, 1934) politician United Kingdom GB
McKelvie, Demetrius (*Oct 17, 1990) baseball player United States US
McKenna, Alex (*Oct 15, 1984) actress United States US
McKenna, Aline Brosh (*Feb 8, 1967) United States US
McKenna, Barney (*Dec 16, 1939) musician Ireland IE
McKenna, Chris (*Oct 18, 1977) United States US
McKenna, David (*Aug 14, 1968) actor, scriptwriter United States US
McKenna, Lori Ann (*Oct 3, 1972) singer United States US
McKenna, Patrick (*May 8, 1960) actor Canada CA
McKenna, Quentin C. (*Sep 2, 1926) United States US
McKenna, T. P. (*Sep 7, 1929) actor, scriptwriter Ireland IE
McKenna, Terence (*Nov 16, 1946) United States US
McKenna, Travis (*Jul 18, 1960) actor, stuntman United States US
McKenna, Virginia (*Jun 7, 1931) actress United Kingdom GB
McKenna Posey, Parker (*Aug 18, 1995) actress United States US
McKenney, James Felix (*May 27, 1968) director, actor United States US
McKenney, Ruth (*Nov 18, 1911) writer United States US
McKennitt, Loreena (*Feb 17, 1957) composer, singer Canada CA
McKennon, Dal (*Jul 19, 1919) actor United States US
McKenzie, Ben (*Sep 12, 1978) actor United States US
McKenzie, Bret (*Jun 29, 1976) actor New Zealand NZ
McKenzie, Carey (*Sep 17, 1969) South Africa ZA
McKenzie, Jacqueline (*Oct 24, 1967) actress Australia AU
McKenzie, James B. (*May 1, 1926) actor United States US
McKenzie, Julia (*Feb 17, 1941) actress United Kingdom GB
McKenzie, Richard (*Jun 2, 1930) United States US
McKenzie, Robert (*Sep 11, 1917) Unknown XX
McKenzie, Scott (*Jan 10, 1939) actor United States US
McKenzie-Brown, Jemma (*Jun 2, 1994) singer, actress, model, dancer United Kingdom GB
McKeon, Doug (*Jun 10, 1966) actor United States US
McKeon, Lindsey (*Mar 11, 1982) actress United States US
McKeon, Marissa (*Dec 31, 1987) Australia AU
McKeon, Nancy (*Apr 4, 1966) actress United States US
McKeown, Allan (*May 21, 1946) actor United Kingdom GB
McKeown, Douglas (*Jan 14, 1947) director United States US