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Celebrities - Surname "M" (8024)

Morrison, Blake (*Oct 8, 1950) writer, actor United Kingdom GB
Morrison, Grant (*Jan 31, 1960) scriptwriter, writer United Kingdom GB
Morrison, Herbert (*May 14, 1905) actor Unknown XX
Morrison, James (*Apr 21, 1954) actor, director United States US
Morrison, James (*Aug 13, 1984) composer, singer United Kingdom GB
Morrison, Jared (*Jul 26, 1978) actor United States US
Morrison, Jennifer (*Apr 12, 1979) actress, model United States US
Morrison, Jim (*Dec 8, 1943) singer, writer, poet United States US
Morrison, John (*May 22, 1906) writer United Kingdom GB
Morrison, Kenny (*Dec 31, 1974) actor, director United States US
Morrison, Louis (*Feb 8, 1866) actor United States US
Morrison, Matthew (*Oct 30, 1978) actor United States US
Morrison, Melinda Ann (*Dec 3, 1940) United States US
Morrison, Patricia (*Apr 1, 1962) musician United States US
Morrison, Rui (*Jun 27, 1948) Portugal PT
Morrison, Temuera (*Dec 26, 1960) actor New Zealand NZ
Morrison, Tommy (*Jan 2, 1969) actor United States US
Morrison, Toni (*Feb 18, 1931) writer United States US
Morrison, Van (*Aug 31, 1945) guitarist, singer United Kingdom GB
Morrissey, Paul (*Feb 23, 1938) actor United States US
Morrissey, David (*Jun 21, 1964) actor, director United Kingdom GB
Morrissey, Donna M. (*Oct 20, 1968) United States US
Morrissey, John (*Feb 5, 1831) politician Ireland IE
Morrissey, Neil (*Jul 4, 1962) actor United Kingdom GB
Morrissey, Steven Patrick
(*May 22, 1959)
singer United Kingdom GB
Morrone, Laerte (*Jul 16, 1932) actor Unknown XX
Morros, Boris (*Jan 1, 1891) director Russia RU
Morrow, Anna (*Oct 13, 1935) United States US
Morrow, Barry (*Jun 12, 1948) scriptwriter United States US
Morrow, Bobby (*Oct 15, 1935) United States US
Morrow, Douglas (*Sep 13, 1913) actor United States US
Morrow, Jeff (*Jan 13, 1907) actor United States US
Morrow, Joshua (*Feb 8, 1974) actor United States US
Morrow, Karen (*Dec 15, 1936) United States US
Morrow, Kirby (*Aug 28, 1973) actor, director, scriptwriter Canada CA
Morrow, Mari (*Feb 18, 1974) actress United States US
Morrow, Max (*Jan 7, 1991) actor Canada CA
Morrow, Michele (*Mar 19, 1978) United States US
Morrow, Richard M. (*Feb 27, 1926) United States US
Morrow, Rob (*Sep 21, 1962) actor, director United States US
Morrow, Vic (*Feb 14, 1929) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Morse, Allyn (*Apr 19, 1991) United States US
Morse, Samuel F. B. (*Apr 27, 1791) inventor of Morse code and the telegraph, sculptor, painter United States US
Morse, Barry (*Jun 10, 1918) actor, director United Kingdom GB
Morse, David (*Oct 11, 1953) actor United States US
Morse, Neal (*Aug 2, 1960) bassist, singer United States US
Morse, Philip M. (*Aug 6, 1903) physicist United States US
Morse, Robert (*May 18, 1931) actor United States US
Morse, Robert (*Feb 6, 1961) actor Canada CA
Morse, Steve (*Jul 28, 1954) actor United States US
Morse, Terry O. (*Jan 30, 1906) director United States US
Morselli, Arrigo (*Jun 5, 1911) soccer player Italy IT
Morselli, Guido (*Aug 15, 1912) writer Italy IT
Morshower, Glenn (*Apr 24, 1959) actor United States US
Morsi, Mohamed (*Aug 8, 1951) 5th President of Egypt Egypt EG
Mort, Cynthia (*Jun 18, 1956) director, scriptwriter Unknown XX
Mortelette, Dorian (*Nov 24, 1983) France FR
Mortelmans, Ivo (*May 19, 1901) composer Belgium BE
Mortensen, Henry (*Jan 28, 1988) actor United States US
Mortensen, Lars Oxfeldt
(*Jul 18, 1953)
director Denmark DK
Mortensen, Vernon E. (*Jun 30, 1970) actor, director, scriptwriter Thailand TH
Mortensen, Viggo (*Oct 20, 1958) actor United States US
Mortier, Gérard (*Nov 25, 1943) director Belgium BE
Mortier, Willy (*Jan 30, 1947) composer Belgium BE
Mortimer, John (*Apr 21, 1923) scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Mortimer, Angela (*Apr 21, 1932) tennis player United Kingdom GB
Mortimer, Bob (*May 23, 1959) actor, director, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Mortimer, Edmund (*Aug 21, 1874) actor United States US
Mortimer, Emily (*Dec 1, 1971) actress United Kingdom GB
Mortimer, Joan (*Dec 1, 1923) Unknown XX
Mortimer, Kareem (*Oct 17, 1980) Bahamas BS
Mortimer, Peter (*Jan 28, 1974) director United States US
Mortiz, Frasco (*Dec 31, 1978) director Philippines PH
Morton, Samantha (*May 13, 1977) actress United Kingdom GB
Morton, Alexander (*Mar 24, 1945) actor United Kingdom GB
Morton, Arabella (*Nov 18, 2000) actress Unknown XX
Morton, Desmond (*Nov 13, 1891) United Kingdom GB
Morton, Emily (*Jun 21, 1990) United Kingdom GB
Morton, Frederic (*Oct 5, 1924) writer, journalist Austria AT
Morton, Gerry (*Oct 13, 1978) Unknown XX
Morton, Joe (*Oct 18, 1947) actor, director United States US
Morton, Józef (*Jul 19, 1911) writer Poland PL
Morton, Kathryn (*Nov 20, 1955) physicist United Kingdom GB
Morton, Mark (*Nov 25, 1972) guitarist United States US
Morton, Rogers (*Sep 19, 1914) politician United States US
Morton, Tallulah (*Nov 27, 1991) model Australia AU
Morton, Thomas G. (*Mar 16, 1947) Brazil BR
Mortrell, Tirion (*Jan 29, 1962) actor United States US
Morţun, Alexandru-Ioan
(*Jul 16, 1951)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Romania RO
Morvai-Javorský, Marek
actor Slovakia SK
Morvant, Didier (*Jan 1, 1958) France FR
Morzé, Petra (*Oct 10, 1964) actress Austria AT
Mosaffa, Ali (*Dec 1, 1966) Unknown XX
Mosaku, Wunmi (*Jul 31, 1986) actress Nigeria NG
Mosbacher, Peter (*Feb 17, 1912) actor Germany DE
Mosblech, Manfred (*Oct 3, 1934) director Germany DE
Mosby, Ted (*Apr 25, 1978) architect United States US
Mosca, Arsène (*Aug 4, 1967) actor France FR
Mosca, Maurizio (*Jun 24, 1940) writer Italy IT
Mosca, Paolo (*Oct 20, 1943) journalist Italy IT
Mosca, Vincenzo (*Sep 26, 1958) scriptwriter Italy IT
Moscato, Vincent (*Jul 28, 1965) actor France FR
Moschin, Gastone (*Jun 8, 1929) actor Italy IT
Moschino, Franco (*Feb 27, 1950) fashion designer Italy IT
Moschitto, Denis (*Jun 22, 1977) actor Germany DE
Moschner, Ruth (*Apr 11, 1976) actress, presenter Germany DE
Mościcki, Ignazy (*Dec 1, 1867) scientist Poland PL
Moscone, George (*Nov 24, 1929) United States US
Moscovici, Pierre (*Sep 16, 1957) Member of the European Parliament, MEP France FR
Moscovitz, Guillaume (*May 3, 1969) director Unknown XX
Moscow, David (*Nov 14, 1974) actor United States US
Moscowitz, Stacy (*Jun 6, 1957) United States US
Mosel, Tad (*May 1, 1922) playwright United States US
Moseley, Amanda (*Dec 20, 1994) singer, actress, dancer Unknown XX
Moseley, Jonny (*Aug 27, 1975) skier Puerto Rico PR
Moseley, Bill (*Nov 11, 1951) actor United States US
Moseley, William (*Apr 27, 1987) actor United Kingdom GB
Moser, Hans (*Aug 6, 1880) actor Austria AT
Moser, Hans Albrecht (*Sep 7, 1882) writer Italy IT
Moser, Koloman (*Mar 30, 1868) painter, designer Austria AT
Moser, Margot (*Aug 15, 1930) actress United States US
Moserová, Jaroslava (*Jan 17, 1930) actress, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Moses, Edwin (*Aug 31, 1955) athlete United States US
Moses, Forrest (*May 14, 1934) painter United States US
Moses, Gilbert III (*Aug 20, 1942) composer United States US
Moses, Grandma (*Sep 7, 1860) artist United States US
Moses, Jamie (*Aug 30, 1955) actor United Kingdom GB
Moses, Mark (*Feb 24, 1958) actor United States US
Moses, William R. (*Nov 17, 1959) actor United States US
Mosh, Mish (*Apr 24, 1990) model United States US
Mosheim, Grete (*Jan 8, 1905) actress Germany DE
Moshesh, Nthati (*Aug 28, 1969) actress South Africa ZA
Moshonov, Michael (*Mar 3, 1986) actor Israel IL
Moshonov, Moni (*Aug 18, 1951) actor Israel IL
Mosier, Scott (*Mar 5, 1971) actor, director, scriptwriter Unknown XX
Mosimann, Quentin (*Feb 14, 1988) singer Switzerland CH
Moskalyk, Antonín (*Nov 11, 1930) actor, director, scriptwriter Ukraine UA
Moskalyk, Pavel (*1942) actor Czech Republic CZ
Moskov, George (*Oct 13, 1893) director Ukraine UA
Moskov, Tedi (*Jan 7, 1960) Bulgaria BG
Moskovitz, Dustin (*May 22, 1984) businessman United States US
Moskwa, Joanna (*Sep 26, 1985) actress Poland PL
Moskwa, Robert (*Nov 13, 1965) actor Poland PL
Mosley, Max (*Apr 13, 1940) former president of the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) United Kingdom GB
Mosley, Bob (*Dec 4, 1942) composer, singer United States US
Mosley, Diana (*Jun 17, 1910) writer United Kingdom GB
Mosley, Michael (*Sep 19, 1978) actor, director United States US
Mosley, Oswald (*Nov 16, 1896) politician United Kingdom GB
Mosley, Qwanell (*Sep 22, 1988) singer United States US
Mosley, Roger E. (*Dec 18, 1938) actor, director United States US
Mošnička, Zdeněk (*1919) actor Czech Republic CZ
Mošnová, Barbora (*1985) actress Czech Republic CZ
Mosquera R., Gustavo (*Sep 5, 1959) director Argentina AR
Moss, Carrie-Anne (*Aug 21, 1967) actress, model Canada CA
Moss, Stirling (*Sep 17, 1929) F1 racing driver United Kingdom GB
Moss, Barbara (*Dec 16, 1954) artist United States US
Moss, Ben (*Sep 5, 1990) actor United States US
Moss, Brent (*Jan 30, 1972) American football player United States US
Moss, Chris (*Feb 7, 1980) basketball player United States US
Moss, Claude (*May 17, 1924) writer United States US
Moss, Edward (*Jul 11, 1977) actor United States US
Moss, Elisabeth (*Jul 24, 1982) actress United States US
Moss, Hayden (*May 27, 1986) United States US
Moss, Isabel Eli (*Dec 14, 1993) child of celebrity, twin United States US
Moss, Jesse (*May 4, 1983) actor Canada CA
Moss, Jon (*Sep 11, 1957) drummer United Kingdom GB
Moss, Kate (*Jan 16, 1974) singer, model United Kingdom GB
Moss, Larry (*Sep 25, 1970) actor United States US
Moss, Laura (*Nov 1, 1973) actress United States US
Moss, Mick (*Aug 8, 1975) singer, guitarist United Kingdom GB
Moss, Paige (*Jan 30, 1973) actress United States US
Moss, Randy (*Feb 13, 1977) United States US
Moss, Ronn (*Mar 4, 1952) actor United States US
Moss, Tegan (*Feb 7, 1985) actress Canada CA
Moss-Bachrach, Ebon (*Aug 17, 1978) actor United States US
Mosse, Gerald (*Jan 3, 1967) France FR
Mosse, Kate (*Oct 20, 1961) actress United Kingdom GB
Mosselmann, Rebecca (*Apr 18, 1981) actress Germany DE
Mosseri, Ido (*Apr 17, 1978) Israel IL
Mosshart, Alison (*Nov 23, 1978) musician, singer United States US
Mossley, Robin (*Apr 3, 1955) actor Canada CA
Mossman, Robert (*Nov 7, 1870) United Kingdom GB
Mossoux, Nicole (*Jan 3, 1956) Belgium BE
Most, Don (*Aug 8, 1953) actor, director United States US
Most, Otto (*Sep 13, 1881) politician Germany DE
Most, Sam (*Dec 16, 1930) composer United States US
Mostafa, Ali F. (*Sep 25, 1981) director United Kingdom GB
Mostecký, Jaroslav (*1963) writer Czech Republic CZ
Moštěk, Jan (*1923) writer, painter Czech Republic CZ
Mostel, Josh (*Dec 21, 1946) actor United States US
Mostel, Zero (*Feb 28, 1915) actor United States US
Mostow, Jonathan (*Nov 28, 1961) director, scriptwriter United States US
Moszkowicz, Imo (*Jul 27, 1925) actor, director Germany DE
Mota, Carlos de la (*Oct 19, 1975) actor Dominican Republic DO
Mota, José (*Jun 30, 1965) actor, director Spain ES
Mota, Paul (*Mar 23, 1966) actor Canada CA
Motai, Masako (*Oct 17, 1952) Japan JP
Mote, Ashley (*Jan 25, 1936) Member of the European Parliament, MEP United Kingdom GB
Motejl, Josef (*Apr 24, 1928) cameraman Czech Republic CZ
Moten, Lawrence (*Mar 25, 1972) basketball player United States US