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Celebrities - Surname "M" (8019)

Munk, Andrzej (*Oct 16, 1921) director Poland PL
Munk, Kaj (*Jan 13, 1898) writer, scriptwriter Denmark DK
Munk, Štefan (*Jul 23, 1907) actor RAUH UH
Munkasey, Michael (*Dec 24, 1938) astrologer United States US
Munn, Allison (*Oct 7, 1974) actress United States US
Munn, Olivia (*Jul 3, 1980) actress, model, presenter United States US
Muno, Jean (*Jan 3, 1924) writer Belgium BE
Muñoz, Margarita (*Sep 18, 1987) actress, model Colombia CO
Munoz, Miguel Ángel (*Jul 4, 1983) actor, singer Spain ES
Muñoz, Nicole (*Jun 24, 1994) actress Canada CA
Muñoz, René (*Feb 19, 1938) Cuba CU
Muñoz Molina, Antonio (*Jan 10, 1956) writer Spain ES
Munro, Alice (*Jul 10, 1931) writer, scriptwriter Canada CA
Munro, Burt (*Mar 25, 1899) motorcycle racer New Zealand NZ
Munro, Caroline (*Jan 16, 1949) actress United Kingdom GB
Munro, Donnie (*Aug 2, 1953) singer United Kingdom GB
Munro, Dunc (*Jan 19, 1901) ice hockey player United Kingdom GB
Munro, Janet (*Sep 28, 1934) actress United Kingdom GB
Munro, Lochlyn (*Feb 12, 1966) actor Canada CA
Munroe, Jan (*Jun 24, 1952) actor United States US
Munroe, Kathleen (*Apr 9, 1982) actress Canada CA
Munsel, Patrice (*May 14, 1925) artist United States US
Munshin, Jules (*Feb 22, 1915) actor United States US
Munson, Ona (*Jun 16, 1903) actress United States US
Munson, Thurman (*Jun 7, 1947) United States US
Munt, Silvia (*Mar 24, 1957) actress, director Spain ES
Muntean, Radu (*Jun 8, 1971) director Romania RO
Muntean, Titus (*Dec 18, 1965) director Romania RO
Munteanu, Francisc (*Apr 9, 1924) director Romania RO
Müntefering, Franz (*Jan 16, 1940) politician Germany DE
Munter, Rosie (*Sep 26, 1987) singer, model Sweden SE
Munz, Michel (*Oct 9, 1961) actor, director, scriptwriter France FR
Munzar, Luděk (*Mar 20, 1933) actor Czech Republic CZ
Munzarová, Barbora (*1971) actress Czech Republic CZ
Munzarová, Gabriela (*1983) model CZSK CE
Munzarová, Naděžda (*1932) actress Czech Republic CZ
Münzenberg, Willi (*Aug 14, 1889) politician Germany DE
Munzinger, Ludwig (*Feb 24, 1921) Germany DE
Munzuk, Maxim (*May 2, 1910) actor Russia RU
Muona, Toini (*Nov 19, 1904) Finland FI
Murakami, Ryû (*Feb 19, 1952) writer, director Japan JP
Murakami, Jun (*Jul 23, 1973) Japan JP
Murakami, Shôsuke (*Sep 9, 1963) director Japan JP
Murakami, Genzo (*Mar 14, 1910) Japan JP
Murakami, Haruki (*Jan 12, 1949) writer Japan JP
Murakami, Hitoshi (*Jun 1, 1983) Japan JP
Murakami, Jimmy T. (*Mar 5, 1933) director United States US
Murakawa, Masanori (*Jul 18, 1969) Japan JP
Murakawa, Rie (*Jun 1, 1990) actress Japan JP
Murano, Moribi (*Sep 5, 1941) director China CN
Muramatsu, Ryôtarô (*May 5, 1971) director Japan JP
Muranyi, Joe (*Jan 14, 1928) musician United States US
Murat, Jean (*Jul 13, 1888) actor France FR
Murat, Joachim (*Mar 25, 1767) King of Naples France FR
Murata, Minoru (*Mar 2, 1894) director Japan JP
Murata, Yasuji (*Jan 24, 1896) director Japan JP
Murata, Shuyo (*Dec 30, 1970) Japan JP
Murata, Takehiro (*Mar 18, 1960) actor Japan JP
Muráti, Lili (*Jul 22, 1914) actress RAUH UH
Muratov, Aleksandr (*Feb 15, 1952) director, scriptwriter Russia RU
Muratov 1935, Aleksandr
(*Apr 21, 1935)
director, scriptwriter Ukraine UA
Muratova, Kira (*Nov 5, 1934) actress, director, scriptwriter Moldova MD
Muravyova, Irina (*Feb 8, 1949) actress Russia RU
Murayama, Makio (*Aug 10, 1912) chemist United States US
Murayama, Noé (*Jul 4, 1930) actor Mexico MX
Murcer, Bobby (*May 20, 1946) baseball player United States US
Murch, Walter (*Jul 12, 1943) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Murcia, Andrew IV (*Feb 3, 1992) United States US
Murciano, Enrique (*Jul 9, 1973) actor United States US
Murck, Tim (*Jun 2, 1982) actor Netherlands NL
Murcutt, Glenn (*Jul 25, 1936) architect United Kingdom GB
Murda, Uncle (*Jul 25, 1980) singer United States US
Murdoch, Anna (*Jun 30, 1944) journalist United Kingdom GB
Murdoch, Dick (*Aug 16, 1946) professional wrestler United States US
Murdoch, Iris (*Jul 15, 1919) writer, philosopher Ireland IE
Murdoch, Kalan Alexander
(*Nov 9, 2004)
Australia AU
Murdoch, Laurie (*Apr 15, 1958) actor Canada CA
Murdoch, Rupert (*Mar 11, 1931) Australia AU
Murdoch, Stuart (*Aug 25, 1968) actor, director, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Murdock, Colin (*Sep 9, 1958) actor, director Canada CA
Murdock, David H. (*Apr 10, 1923) businessman United States US
Murdock, Eric (*Jun 14, 1968) basketball player United States US
Murdock, George (*Jun 25, 1930) actor United States US
Murdock, Jack (*Oct 28, 1922) actor United States US
Murdock, Jerry (*Feb 21, 1968) actor United States US
Murer, Fredi M. (*Oct 1, 1940) director Switzerland CH
Muresan, Gheorghe (*Feb 14, 1971) actor Romania RO
Muresan, Mircea (*Nov 11, 1928) director, actor Romania RO
Murfin, Jane (*Oct 27, 1892) actress United States US
Murga, Celina (*Apr 6, 1973) director, scriptwriter Argentina AR
Murga, Mighty Mike (*1979) Czech Republic CZ
Murger, Henri (*Mar 27, 1822) writer, poet France FR
Murgia, Pier Giuseppe (*Dec 6, 1940) director Italy IT
Murgia, Tiberio (*Feb 5, 1929) actor Italy IT
Murgu, Horea (*Dec 8, 1949) Romania RO
Murguía, Ana Ofelia (*Dec 8, 1933) actress Mexico MX
Murguía, Gerardo (*Dec 9, 1958) actor Mexico MX
Murguia, Patrick (*Jan 5, 1971) cameraman Mexico MX
Murillo, Jared (*Aug 6, 1988) guitarist, singer, dancer United States US
Murín, Igor (*1973) CZSK CE
Murino, Caterina (*Sep 15, 1977) actress Italy IT
Murjahn, Annika (*Apr 19, 1978) actress Germany DE
Murko, Mojca Drčak (*Jul 2, 1942) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Slovenia SI
Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm
(*Dec 28, 1888)
director Germany DE
Murnberger, Wolfgang (*Nov 13, 1960) director, scriptwriter Austria AT
Muroga, Atsushi (*May 18, 1964) director Japan JP
Muroň, Eduard (*Sep 16, 1941) actor Czech Republic CZ
Murphy, Brittany (*Nov 10, 1977) actress, singer United States US
Murphy, Aaron (*Jan 1, 1992) actor New Zealand NZ
Murphy, Anna (*Aug 10, 1989) musician, singer Switzerland CH
Murphy, Audie (*Jun 20, 1924) actor United States US
Murphy, Ben (*Mar 6, 1942) actor United States US
Murphy, Brett (*Oct 4, 1991) actor United States US
Murphy, Bridey (*Apr 27, 1923) United States US
Murphy, Caitlin (*Aug 2, 1986) actress Australia AU
Murphy, Calvin (*May 9, 1948) athlete United States US
Murphy, Campion (*Nov 12, 1962) director, actor United States US
Murphy, Carolyn (*Aug 11, 1975) model United States US
Murphy, Charles Q. (*Jul 12, 1959) actor United States US
Murphy, Christian (*Nov 9, 1990) United States US
Murphy, Christina (*Oct 1, 1981) actress United States US
Murphy, Cillian (*May 25, 1976) actor Ireland IE
Murphy, Dan (*Jul 12, 1962) guitarist United States US
Murphy, Dean (*Nov 6, 1970) director Australia AU
Murphy, Dick (*Oct 25, 1931) baseball player United States US
Murphy, Donald (*Jan 29, 1918) actor United States US
Murphy, Donna (*Mar 7, 1959) actress United States US
Murphy, Dudley (*Jul 10, 1897) director United States US
Murphy, Eddie (*Apr 3, 1961) singer, actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Murphy, Frank (*Apr 13, 1893) politician United States US
Murphy, Geoff (*Jun 13, 1946) director, actor New Zealand NZ
Murphy, George (*Jul 4, 1902) actor United States US
Murphy, Jack Roland (*May 26, 1937) United States US
Murphy, Jason (*Jul 7, 1975) director United States US
Murphy, Jennifer (*Apr 25, 1958) United States US
Murphy, John (*Mar 4, 1965) actor, composer United Kingdom GB
Murphy, John J. (*Nov 24, 1931) United States US
Murphy, Jonathan (*Aug 3, 1981) actor United States US
Murphy, Kevin (*Nov 3, 1956) actor, director United States US
Murphy, Kim (*Feb 8, 1974) actress United States US
Murphy, Mary (*Jan 26, 1931) actress United States US
Murphy, Matthew (*Jul 23, 1984) singer, guitarist United Kingdom GB
Murphy, Maura (*Sep 7, 1928) writer Ireland IE
Murphy, Michael (*May 5, 1938) actor United States US
Murphy, Michelle (*Dec 19, 1958) United States US
Murphy, Paul (*Apr 13, 1983) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Ireland IE
Murphy, Peter (*Jul 11, 1957) singer United Kingdom GB
Murphy, Ralph (*May 1, 1895) director, actor United States US
Murphy, Raymond Gerald
(*Jan 14, 1930)
United States US
Murphy, Richard (*May 8, 1912) director, scriptwriter United States US
Murphy, Róisín (*Jul 5, 1973) singer Ireland IE
Murphy, Rose (*Jan 8, 1913) United States US
Murphy, Rosemary (*Jan 13, 1927) actress Germany DE
Murphy, Ryan (*Nov 30, 1965) United States US
Murphy, Sara (*Nov 7, 1883) United States US
Murphy, Shane (*Jun 12, 1975) United States US
Murphy, Shaun (*Aug 10, 1982) United Kingdom GB
Murphy, Sheree (*Aug 22, 1975) actress United Kingdom GB
Murphy, Timothy Patrick
(*Nov 3, 1959)
actor United States US
Murphy, Tom (*Jan 15, 1968) actor Unknown XX
Murphy, William Beverly
(*Jun 17, 1907)
United States US
Murphy Jr., Eddie (*Jul 10, 1989) child of celebrity United States US
Murray, Mae (*May 10, 1885) actress, dancer, film producer, screenwriter United States US
Murray, Al (*May 10, 1968) United Kingdom GB
Murray, Alena (*Aug 18, 1926) actress United States US
Murray, Amanda (*Sep 15, 1942) actress United Kingdom GB
Murray, Andy (*May 15, 1987) tennis player United Kingdom GB
Murray, Anne (*Jun 20, 1945) singer Canada CA
Murray, Arthur (*Apr 4, 1895) United States US
Murray, Bill (*Sep 21, 1950) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Murray, Billy (*Oct 1, 1941) actor United Kingdom GB
Murray, Chad Michael (*Aug 24, 1981) actor United States US
Murray, Charles (*Jun 22, 1872) actor United States US
Murray, Christopher (*Mar 19, 1957) United States US
Murray, David (*Feb 7, 1970) actor Ireland IE
Murray, Devon (*Oct 28, 1988) actor Ireland IE
Murray, Don (*Jul 31, 1929) actor United States US
Murray, Forbes (*Nov 4, 1884) actor Canada CA
Murray, Hannah (*Jul 1, 1989) actress United Kingdom GB
Murray, Henry (*May 13, 1893) psychologist United States US
Murray, Ian (*Apr 24, 1968) actor United States US
Murray, Inés (*Mar 12, 1900) Unknown XX
Murray, Jaime (*Jul 21, 1976) actress United Kingdom GB
Murray, James (*Jan 22, 1975) actor United Kingdom GB
Murray, James (*Feb 9, 1901) actor United States US
Murray, James (*Dec 7, 1969) boxer United Kingdom GB
Murray, Jamie (*Feb 13, 1986) tennis player United Kingdom GB
Murray, Jillian (*Jun 4, 1984) actress United States US
Murray, Joel (*Apr 17, 1963) director, actor United States US
Murray, John (*Jun 22, 1958) actor United States US
Murray, Kase Townes (*Jul 11, 2011) singer United States US
Murray, Kathryn (*Sep 15, 1906) teacher United States US
Murray, Keith (*May 10, 1977) singer, guitarist Unknown XX
Murray, Ken (*Jul 14, 1903) actor United States US
Murray, Lamond (*Apr 20, 1973) basketball player United States US
Murray, Laoise (*Aug 24, 1996) actress Ireland IE
Murray, Margaret (*Jun 13, 1863) India IN
Murray, Maura (*May 4, 1982) United States US
Murray, Patricia (*Jul 20, 1932) United Kingdom GB
Murray, Pete (*Sep 19, 1925) actor, presenter United Kingdom GB