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Celebrities - Surname "S" (8700)

Stephens, Sarah (*Jun 7, 1990) model United Kingdom GB
Stephens, Toby (*Apr 21, 1969) actor United Kingdom GB
Stephenson, Adam (*Jul 21, 1985) actor, director, scriptwriter Canada CA
Stephenson, Annabelle (*Apr 12, 1988) actress United Kingdom GB
Stephenson, Bob (*May 18, 1967) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Stephenson, Christopher J.
(*May 8, 1984)
Unknown XX
Stephenson, H. Howard (*Jul 15, 1929) United States US
Stephenson, Henry (*Apr 16, 1871) actor India IN
Stephenson, James (*Apr 14, 1889) actor United Kingdom GB
Stephenson, John (*Aug 9, 1923) actor United States US
Stephenson, Lance (*Sep 5, 1990) actor United States US
Stephenson, Michael (*Feb 28, 1978) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Stephenson, Nicola (*Jul 5, 1971) actress United Kingdom GB
Stephenson, Pamela (*Dec 4, 1949) actress New Zealand NZ
Stephenson, William (*Jan 23, 1897) soldier Canada CA
Stepowski, Jarema Stępowski (*Jan 25, 1925) actor Poland PL
Stepp, Laura (*Sep 13, 1966) actress United States US
Steppat, Ilse (*Nov 11, 1917) actress Germany DE
Steppling, John (*Jun 18, 1951) scriptwriter United States US
Sterckx, Dirk (*Sep 25, 1946) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Belgium BE
Sterger, Jennifer (*Nov 29, 1983) Unknown XX
Sterling, Alexandre (*Feb 13, 1966) France FR
Sterling, Ford (*Nov 3, 1883) actor, director United States US
Sterling, Jan (*Apr 3, 1921) actress United States US
Sterling, Maury (*Sep 1, 1971) actor United States US
Sterling, Mindy (*Jul 11, 1953) actress United States US
Sterling, Tisha (*Dec 10, 1944) actress United States US
Stern, Alison (*May 26, 1954) actress United States US
Stern, Leonard (*Mar 28, 1938) chairman and CEO of The Hartz Group United States US
Stern, Daniel (*Aug 28, 1957) actor United States US
Stern, Henry (*May 1, 1935) United States US
Stern, Howard (*Jan 12, 1954) writer, actor, scriptwriter United States US
Stern, Howard K. (*Nov 29, 1968) lawyer United States US
Stern, Isaac (*Jul 21, 1920) musician, conductor Russia RU
Stern, Jenna (*Sep 23, 1967) actress United States US
Stern, Loretta (*Sep 16, 1974) singer, actress Germany DE
Stern, Melissa (*Mar 27, 1986) United States US
Stern, Miroslava (*Feb 26, 1925) actress Czech Republic CZ
Stern, Otto (*Dec 14, 1921) actor Switzerland CH
Stern, Robert (*Aug 13, 1944) United States US
Stern, Robert A. M. (*May 23, 1939) architect, teacher United States US
Stern, Roger (*Sep 17, 1950) writer United States US
Stern, Sam (*Aug 29, 1990) cook United Kingdom GB
Stern, Sandor (*Jul 13, 1936) director Canada CA
Stern, Shoshannah (*Jul 3, 1980) actress United States US
Stern, Steven Hilliard
(*Nov 1, 1937)
director, actor Canada CA
Stern, Stewart (*Mar 22, 1922) United States US
Stern, Tom (*Dec 16, 1946) cameraman United States US
Stern, William (*Apr 29, 1871) psychologist Germany DE
Sternberg, Josef von (*May 29, 1894) director, actor Austria AT
Sterne, Laurence (*Nov 24, 1713) writer, priest Ireland IE
Sterner, Jerry (*Sep 15, 1938) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Sternhagen, Frances (*Jan 13, 1930) actress United States US
Sternheim, Carl (*Apr 1, 1878) writer Germany DE
Sternheim, Thea (*Nov 25, 1883) Germany DE
Sternkopf, Michael (*Apr 21, 1970) soccer player Germany DE
Sternwald, Jiří (*May 14, 1910) composer, actor Czech Republic CZ
Sterzenbach, Benno (*Mar 3, 1916) Germany DE
Sterzenbach, Josef (*Feb 15, 1973) Sweden SE
Stetten, Heio von (*Jul 5, 1963) actor Germany DE
Stetter, Florian (*Aug 2, 1977) actor Germany DE
Stettinius Jr., Edward R.
(*Oct 22, 1900)
actor United States US
Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm von
(*Sep 17, 1730)
general Germany DE
Steuer, Ingo (*Nov 1, 1966) Germany DE
Steurer, Florence (*Nov 1, 1949) France FR
Steussie, Todd (*Dec 1, 1970) United States US
Stevanin, Gianfranco (*Oct 2, 1960) serial killer Italy IT
Steve-O, (*Jun 13, 1974) actor United Kingdom GB
Steven, Joseph (*Sep 5, 1956) actor United States US
Steven Sadwith, James (*Oct 20, 1952) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Stévenin, Jean-François
(*Apr 23, 1944)
actor France FR
Stévenin, Robinson (*Mar 1, 1981) actor France FR
Stévenin, Sagamore (*May 9, 1974) actor France FR
Stévenin, Salomé (*Jan 29, 1985) actress France FR
Stevens, Amber (*Oct 7, 1986) actress, model United States US
Stevens, Shakin’ (*Mar 4, 1948) singer United Kingdom GB
Stevens, Andrew (*Jun 10, 1955) director, actor United States US
Stevens, Austin (*May 19, 1950) photographer South Africa ZA
Stevens, Bert (*Feb 26, 1905) actor United States US
Stevens, Brinke (*Sep 20, 1954) actress, model, scriptwriter United States US
Stevens, Carrie (*May 1, 1969) writer, actress, model United States US
Stevens, Cat (*Jul 21, 1948) composer, guitarist, singer United Kingdom GB
Stevens, Connie (*Aug 8, 1938) actress, director United States US
Stevens, Craig (*Jul 8, 1918) actor United States US
Stevens, Dan (*Oct 10, 1982) actor United Kingdom GB
Stevens, Eric Scheffer
(*Jun 19, 1972)
actor United States US
Stevens, Fisher (*Nov 27, 1963) actor United States US
Stevens, George (*Dec 18, 1904) director, actor United States US
Stevens, Huub (*Nov 29, 1953) soccer player Netherlands NL
Stevens, Inger (*Oct 18, 1934) actress Sweden SE
Stevens, Jada (*Dec 31, 1988) United States US
Stevens, John (*Jul 28, 1987) singer United States US
Stevens, John Paul (*Apr 20, 1920) United States US
Stevens, Jon (*Oct 17, 1950) Israel IL
Stevens, Josephine (*Feb 20, 1909) United States US
Stevens, Julie (*Dec 20, 1936) actress United Kingdom GB
Stevens, K. T. (*Jul 20, 1919) actress United States US
Stevens, Kaye (*Jul 21, 1932) United States US
Stevens, Kevin (*Apr 15, 1965) ice hockey player United States US
Stevens, Kiri (*Sep 23, 1983) actor United States US
Stevens, Leith (*Sep 13, 1909) director United States US
Stevens, Mark (*Dec 13, 1922) actor, director United States US
Stevens, Mathew Don (*Oct 5, 1969) United States US
Stevens, Matias (*Jul 23, 1978) actor Australia AU
Stevens, Michael (*Nov 21, 1966) director, scriptwriter United States US
Stevens, Michael (*Jan 23, 1986) actor, director, cameraman United States US
Stevens, Michael (*Feb 18, 1963) actor Canada CA
Stevens, Napua (*Aug 31, 1918) singer, presenter, dancer, cook United States US
Stevens, Norman (*Dec 20, 1892) United States US
Stevens, Patrick (*Jan 31, 1968) athlete Belgium BE
Stevens, Rachel (*Apr 9, 1978) actress, singer, model United Kingdom GB
Stevens, Ray (*Jan 24, 1939) actor United States US
Stevens, Rise (*Jun 11, 1913) United States US
Stevens, Robert (*Dec 2, 1920) director United States US
Stevens, Shadoe (*Nov 3, 1946) actor United States US
Stevens, Stella (*Oct 1, 1936) actress United States US
Stevens, Sufjan (*Jul 1, 1975) composer, singer United States US
Stevens, Tabitha (*Feb 16, 1970) porn actress United States US
Stevens Jr., George (*Apr 3, 1932) United States US
Stevenson, Ray (*May 25, 1964) actor United Kingdom GB
Stevenson, Adlai (*Feb 5, 1900) politician United States US
Stevenson, Adlai E. III
(*Oct 10, 1930)
politician United States US
Stevenson, Bill (*Feb 18, 1969) actor United States US
Stevenson, Cynthia (*Aug 2, 1962) actress United States US
Stevenson, Ginny (*Mar 22, 1945) United States US
Stevenson, Juliet (*Oct 30, 1956) actress United Kingdom GB
Stevenson, Lea (*Jul 18, 1979) actress United States US
Stevenson, Lindsay (*Jan 22, 1982) United States US
Stevenson, McLean (*Nov 14, 1927) actor United States US
Stevenson, Parker (*Jun 4, 1952) director, actor United States US
Stevenson, Philip (*Dec 31, 1896) United States US
Stevenson, Robert (*Mar 31, 1905) actor, director, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Stevenson, Robert Louis
(*Nov 13, 1850)
writer, poet United Kingdom GB
Stevenson, Struan (*Apr 4, 1948) Member of the European Parliament, MEP United Kingdom GB
Stever, Travis (*Nov 25, 1978) guitarist Unknown XX
Steves, Rick (*May 10, 1955) writer United States US
Stewart, Patrick (*Jul 13, 1940) theater and film director, actor who plays Captain Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Danica (*Aug 2, 1983) actress United States US
Stewart, Dennis (*Jul 29, 1947) United States US
Stewart, Jackie (*Jun 11, 1939) F1 racing driver United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Al (*Sep 5, 1945) guitarist, singer United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Ian (*Jul 18, 1938) Scottish keyboardist, founder of The Rolling Stones United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Alana (*May 18, 1945) actress United States US
Stewart, Alastair (*Nov 27, 2005) United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Alexandra (*Jun 10, 1939) actress Canada CA
Stewart, Alison (*Jul 4, 1966) actress, presenter United States US
Stewart, Amii (*Jan 29, 1956) singer United States US
Stewart, Amy (*Oct 19, 1997) actress Unknown XX
Stewart, Andrew (*May 27, 1938) politician United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Anita (*Feb 7, 1895) actress United States US
Stewart, Anna Grace (*Sep 2, 1993) actress United States US
Stewart, April (*Feb 8, 1968) actress, voice actress United States US
Stewart, Arthur L. (*May 26, 1888) astrologer United States US
Stewart, Bill (*Dec 7, 1942) actor United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Booboo (*Jan 21, 1994) singer, actor, dancer United States US
Stewart, Catherine Mary
(*Apr 22, 1959)
actress Canada CA
Stewart, Catrin (*Jan 29, 1988) actress United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Charlotte (*Feb 27, 1941) actress United States US
Stewart, Chuck (*Jan 21, 1944) United States US
Stewart, Corey (*Jun 26, 1980) United States US
Stewart, David A. (*Sep 9, 1952) composer, actor, director United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Donald (*Jan 24, 1930) scriptwriter United States US
Stewart, Donald Ogden (*Nov 30, 1894) United States US
Stewart, Elaine (*May 31, 1929) actress United States US
Stewart, Ewan (*Oct 8, 1957) actor United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Fivel (*Nov 4, 1996) singer, actress, dancer United States US
Stewart, French (*Feb 20, 1964) actor United States US
Stewart, George (*Jun 27, 1888) actor United States US
Stewart, James (*May 20, 1908) actor United States US
Stewart, James Stuart (*Jul 21, 1896) writer United Kingdom GB
Stewart, James T. (*Apr 2, 1921) United States US
Stewart, Jean-Pierre (*May 4, 1946) actor United States US
Stewart, Jeff (*Oct 28, 1955) actor United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Jermaine (*Sep 7, 1957) singer United States US
Stewart, Joey (*Jan 18, 1967) actress, director Unknown XX
Stewart, John (*Sep 5, 1939) composer, musician, singer United States US
Stewart, John Allan (*Jun 1, 1942) politician United Kingdom GB
Stewart, John Innes MacKintosh
(*Sep 30, 1906)
writer United Kingdom GB
Stewart, John Philip (*Feb 1, 1900) physicist United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Jon (*Nov 28, 1962) writer, actor, presenter United States US
Stewart, Josh (*Feb 6, 1977) actor United States US
Stewart, Karl James (*Jul 24, 1954) United States US
Stewart, Kebu (*Dec 19, 1973) basketball player United States US
Stewart, Kerron (*Apr 16, 1984) athlete Jamaica JM
Stewart, Kimberly (*Aug 20, 1979) actress, model, fashion designer United States US
Stewart, Kristen (*Apr 9, 1990) actress United States US
Stewart, Larry (*Apr 1, 1930) actor, director United States US
Stewart, Liam (*Sep 5, 1994) United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Lynne Marie (*Dec 14, 1946) actress United States US
Stewart, Malcolm (*May 15, 1948) actor Canada CA
Stewart, Martha (*Aug 3, 1941) United States US
Stewart, Neb (*May 21, 1918) baseball player United States US
Stewart, Nicola (*Aug 12, 1976) actress United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Paul (*Mar 13, 1908) actor United States US
Stewart, Payne (*Jan 30, 1957) golfer United States US
Stewart, Rob (*Jul 23, 1961) actor, director, scriptwriter Canada CA
Stewart, Rod (*Jan 10, 1945) singer United Kingdom GB
Stewart, Roy (*Oct 17, 1883) actor United States US
Stewart, Sandy (*Jul 10, 1937) actress United States US
Stewart, Sara (*Jun 28, 1966) actress United Kingdom GB